We Support An America First Agenda! We're Also Disclosing & Sharing Information About Our Real Enemy... The Globalist!
You Need to Know, The Globalist Have Made Their Move Globally To Create Their "One World Government" Which In Its Purest Form is a WORLD DOMINATION Strategy!
When We Started TPA, Virtually Nobody Was Discussing This. Now It's A Key Topic Of Discussion Across The Alternative Media's & Conservative Stations.
This is one of the most important article we've written. Read it now (click on the image to open the article)...
We Are Patriots Focused On What's In The Best Interest To America and Americans. The Left Is Attacking America And Anyone Who Doesn't Support What They Want or Believe.
This is a battle to protect our rights, freedom's and the America we love, or we'll lose it to Socialism first and then Communism which is Government control of everything! It's all by design and are key steps to take-over America to bring in the One World Government.
Be clear, saving America won't happen without YOU.
Our silence has already severely hurt us, it's now time to take a stand to protect the America we love!

Democrats who are OWNED & CONTROLLED by the Globalist controlled all 3 branches of Government Biden's first 2 years and look at how much damage they've done to America! Without Trump we're back to having a Spineless Republican party. Our mission here at 'Team Pro-America' is more important than ever!
See our content...
Pages You Absolutely Want To Make Sure To Read:
Featured Articles

An Analytical Analysis Of The Unconstitutional Gun Laws In Democrat Ran States

We All Have The Right To Defend Ourselves But Democrats Continue To Make That Much Harder

Why The Left REALLY Hates Trump

The War Against America First And MAGA

Red Tsunami Blocked By Blue Wall Of Voter Fraud

Midterm Election 2022 – What You Need To Know
Most Recent Articles...

An Analytical Analysis Of The Unconstitutional Gun Laws In Democrat Ran States

We All Have The Right To Defend Ourselves But Democrats Continue To Make That Much Harder

Why The Left REALLY Hates Trump

Holding People, Businesses & Organizations Accountable For Their Crimes Against Humanity

We’ll Fail Without Facing The Root Of The Problem

The 2 Biggest Complaints People Have With Christians Explained

American’s Are Afraid To Stand Up And Protest

The 60 Year Planned Take-Over Of America
We're American's and pay taxes to our government. We elect an American President. Shouldn't he (and Congress) be serving us first and foremost ahead of everything and anything else? Absolutely yes!
This is why we need to say "NO" to Globalization policies and "YES" to America First policies.
You need to understand, those supporting the Globalization agenda are supporting the One World Government which in its purest form is a "World Domination" strategy. This will bring in Agenda 21/2030 which will enslave the citizens of the world and take away all of our rights and freedoms.
Currently we're experiencing the implementation of the Globalist 16-year plan. They're making their move to take-over numerous countries like America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and others! To accomplish their objective, with the help of bought out world leaders, they're converting all of the countries to Communism or a Dictatorship. This is why you're seeing so much tyranny!
We are in a WAR... Citizens Of The World Vs. The Globalist, the Deep State and Their Bought Out Politicians & World Leaders!
Once we take back our countries, those politicians, world leaders and others involved need to be arrested and prosecuted for TREASON!
Until There's A Full Forensic Audit In All 50 States And It's PROVEN That Biden Won, We Refuse To Acknowledge Biden as President!
The Globalist have been stealing our elections for years so they controlled the direction America would go and the agenda. After the voter fraud we experienced in the 2020 election and watching the Deep State go overboard to HIDE the FRAUD by aggressively using legal maneuvers with bought out judges to stop or greatly limit audits, it just needs to be said...

See the video "Absolute Proof" released on 2/5/21 showing 100% proof that the 2020 election was stolen, "Scientific Proof" released 3/31/21 and "Absolute Interference released on . This video is located at our article How To Steal A Presidential Election under the New/Additional Information section. Watch it now! Trump won at 79 million votes to Biden's 68 million.
We Have Walked Away From Facebook, Twitter & YouTube. We Cannot Support Companies Who Are Stabbing American's & Our Values In The Back With Communism Type Censoring & Information Controls, Which Is The First and A Key Step To Converting A Country To Communism!
It's very obvious these platforms hate Conservatives simply because we love America, and they want to help the Left bring Socialism and then Communism to America. As is, these platforms and the Left are using Communism type strategies to control conversations, the narrative and information. We cannot and will not be part of this unAmerican practice!
We stand with America; God will always be first; we stand behind our Constitution to include FREE speech, religious rights & our right to own guns; we support our military and men & women in blue; we will always respect our flag; we will always stand for our one and only national anthem; and we will do just about anything to keep us free!
Not the NFL, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or any other company is more important than America and our freedom!
For the life of me, I’ll never understand why anyone would have such a problem with people who LOVE America... our traditions, our culture, our inclusiveness, our love of neighbors, our desire to unite & pursue equality for all (American’s want unity & equality, but the Left Wing Media and the Left is continuously working over-time to divide us) and our willingness to fight for our freedom!
We encourage ALL America loving people to leave any platform that supports and puts in place Communism type information controls.
Platforms who hate America that much where they'd support & help bring Communism to the last free country in the world does not deserve our support or involvement.
What's sad is Facebook, Twitter & YouTube wouldn't even be as successful as they are if it wasn't for America, and now they've stabbed us all in the back!
We’re putting America First!
What will you do?!
See us at (is in order of preference)...
GETTR: https://gettr.com/user/teamproamerica (Main one)
Gab: https://gab.com/TeamProAmerica
CloutHub: @TeamProAmerica
Parler: https://parler.com/profile/TeamProAmerica/
Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/TeamProAmerica
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/teamproamerica3
Learn more: Social Media & Big Tech
Learn more at these Foundational Pages...
Pro-America: What We Mean By This
On this page we discuss what our mission is and why.
America & American's FIRST
We are supporting and pushing an America FIRST & American's FIRST agenda. Our Government should be putting us as the FIRST priority!
Globalization is what the Left and the Establishment are pushing. Here's what you need to know about it and why we do NOT support it.
Taking A Stand Against The Radical Left
Here we'll list the many different things we collectively want to stand collectively against or behind.
How To Fight Back Against The Left & Their Radical Plan To Destroy America
Learn how a properly created organization would fight back.
Voter Fraud & Election Interference
We want a honest and fair election. We've all got to have confidence in our election process, but we don't!
Our main objective here is to keep a list of people in Congress and show you whether they support an America first policy or globalization.
The Media
This is a must read! On this page we explain how the left uses the media to push their agenda.
Social Media & Big Tech
We've also got to discuss Social Media and Big Tech because they are now censoring and controlling the flow of information across their platforms!
The Constitution is under attack by the Left. The Left wants total government control Communism style.
Climate Change
Climate change is nothing more than a "global" income equality strategy created by globalist. This is the center piece of the globalist agenda!
Our Objective
Disclose The Left's Agenda
The Left is trying to destroy America. They don't like the Constitution and our freedom's like freedom of speech, religion and guns.
We will disclose the Left's attacks on America and their mission to destroy the country we love!
Call Out The Liberal Media
The liberal media (LM) really is the enemy of the people. They are agenda driven and are propogandist of the Globalist who have a devious plan for America. The Left couldn't pull off what they're after without the LM. We're calling them out!
Discuss How Policies & Other Things Affect Americans
Our focus is on traditional America and how things affect us American's. Because of this we will discuss how policies and other things that happen affect America and American's, i.e., why are we all still locked down?
Supporting An America First Agenda
Most importantly we support an America first agenda. We believe our government should be putting American's and America FIRST, not foreign countries or helping to push the Globalists Globalization Agenda!
Educate, Educate, Educate!
What is Globalization and why should you care? What's the difference between a Globalization agenda & an America First Agenda? What is Marxism and how is the left using Marxism techniques to divide us & remold America? And on and on....
Educate & Wake People Up About The Globalist & Their World Domination Plan!
The Globalist have made their move. They've bought out world leaders who are selling out their citizens and pledging their loyalty to the Globalist.
We want to be very clear... We do not support violence or hurting our fellow American's. Our objective is to unite people, not divide or hurt people... that's what the Left and their Left Wing Media does, not us!
Important Notices...
"If we ever have a Fascist Government it will be under the guise of Anti-Fascist!" We're watching this happen right now under an Obama 2.0 agenda!
A Few Informative Videos...
Love Of Country & Support of America's Values Brings People Together & Creates Unity!
We offer no apology for being proud American's and supporting our country, our flag, our veterans, our history, our love of neighbor, God and everything else that makes America a great nation!
We believe in equality for ALL, in helping our neighbors and for making sure everyone has the same opportunity at success and happiness regardless to race, gender or anything else! We believe we're all equal under an All Mighty God.
We do not support racism, but instead support equality for all.
We believe our government is to serve us as their first priority.
We will fight with everything we have to keep our rights and freedom's and to protect our fellow American neighbors regardless to race, gender or anything else because we American's are loving, resilient and fair people.
You may not agree with everything we believe in and that's okay. What's not okay is members not agreeing to our core foundational belief's of America and American's first, and equality for all!
This is OUR Country and I'll be damned if I'm going to allow it to be destroyed by greedy Globalist or corrupt politicians, or other American's who refuse to see the beauty in America and what this ol' lady stands for! Who's with me?

To effectively stop the radical policies and actions of the left it will take millions of American Patriots coming together and collectively taking a stand against their policies and actions with one loud voice.
We'd like to know how interested people are about being one of those voices.
This has been the missing link!
Have an interest? Let us know...
We will not spam you or sell your information to anyone else. Your information will solely be used for us to keep you informed of this movement of us American's taking back our country and holding government accountable to serving our needs first!
God Bless America, and God Bless YOU!
Facts are an inconvenience to the Left. This is why the Left will skew/manipulate the facts/numbers to support their agenda.
The good news is it's easy to present the real facts/numbers and show you how they skewed theirs to try and sell people on their far-left policies!
Plus, pretty consistently, the science is only followed when it supports their agenda and disputed when it doesn't.
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