Democrats CREATE Problems To Push Through Policies and/or Make Big Changes!

It's all about strategy. There are numerous policies Democrats want passed but can't get them passed because they make no sense, take away more of our rights or freedoms, or are just bad for Americans.

In order to get these policies passed Democrats will create problems and push these far-left policies as the solution to the problems they themselves created.

With as ignorant as American's for the most part are and with the backing of the media to push the narrative needed to make the problems Democrats created to appear far worse than what they really are they are able to convince American's that these far-left radical policies or changes must be accepted. What I just explained here is how they do it. Let me break it out for you...

  1. Democrats create the problem or will take something that happened and build a hyperbolic narrative to it based upon a narrative, not facts.
  2. The Media and Democrats with a microphone get hyperbolic and make the problem appear way worse than what it is, or will straight out lie about what happened to push a very hyperbolic narrative.
  3. The solution is the radical far-left policies they want passed or the massive changes they want to make because of the narrative they're pushing.

That's it in a nutshell. By the way, hyperbolic means extremely "exaggerated".

Along with this Democrats...

  • LOVE chaos;
  • Love having one race fighting with another race; 
  • Love anything that creates division of people which is why they'll pit one race against another, LGBTQ against Christians, Trans against women, and any other group against another group

... because anything that divides people makes it easier to control the people and push their agenda!

This is also why the Left/Democrats HATE Christianity because it unites people, it brings people together and God is much bigger than the Government. 

Doug Billings did a podcast discussing the Democrats strategies to remold America to push it towards Communism. He discusses immigration and why Democrats like open borders, how Democrats create environments ripe for mass shootings so they can use these mass shootings to scream for stricter gun laws, and much more. You NEED to watch this video...

We're going to break-down what the Democrats are doing to push through new policies or create massive changes in how we do things. Following is an index...

Table Of Contents (Click to Open/Close)

Their Constant Push For More Gun Control... They Want Our Guns!

Let me start this topic with this...

Democrats want our guns, period! They MUST get our guns in order to put in place the real tyrant policies they want to put in place.

Remember The Obama Years And The HUGE Increase In Mass Murders?

Do you remember the Obama years and the number of mass shootings we had?

The mass shootings during the Obama years where just unbelievable!

During the Obama Admin there were 3 times MORE mass shootings than the previous 4 presidents combined together, and this is what we're heading back to under the Biden Admin.

That was by design and happened because of the policies Obama put in place which are once again being put in place by Biden. It was all orchestrated to create a lot of deaths, and then the Left goes hyperbolic about "gun deaths" to push more gun regulations and laws. The easy solution would've just been...

  • to end "gun free zones",
  • enforce existing gun laws,
  • along with no longer protecting illegal aliens who break our laws, 
  • stop open boarders and vest everyone who comes into America,
  • no more "defund the police" bullsh*t,
  • no more allowing judges to just slap criminals on the hand and not following the laws or letting them out of jail with no bonds so they can go back out and commit more crimes and the numerous other things judges and our judicial system is doing to let criminals off easy so there's no consequences to their actions,

...but these weren't the solution the Left was looking for... they want our guns!

What infuriates me the most is how many American's who are dying needlessly just so the Left can try to build a case to go after our guns. But this is how they get radical policies passed and try to do a run around of the Constitution and our right to bear arms.

Use some common-sense... why are there so many mass murders under Obama and now starting back up again under Biden, but there wasn't anything close to these shootings other other Presidents? 

Let me put things into perspective:

  • The states with the strictest gun laws have the most murders and crime. Let this soak in!
  • States and cities with lax conceal and carry laws have the least amount of murders and crime.
  • Over 90% of mass shootings are in "gun free zones". Terrorist want the most deaths and don't want people shooting back at them.

What does this tell you?

What it tells the majority of us is we don't need more gun laws, especially when the shootings are happening because of what Democrats are putting in place in order to push more gun laws. I'm just done with this strategy of the Left's!

So they chip away at our 2nd Amendment a little bit at a time with each victory taking them a step closer to removing our guns from us all together. It's so obvious what the Left is doing people even create meme's about it...

You can be guaranteed the Left will use the DC riots on 1/6/21 as another reason to disarm us. It's coming.

We Must Protect The 2nd Amendment At All Costs!

You need to protect the 2nd Amendment no matter what! Absolutely do NOT allow corrupt, Anti-American politicians who hate the constitution to take our guns away. You WILL regret it, but once it's done there will be no going back!

Consider this...

When all of the guns have been banned,
When all of the words have been censored,
When all the history has been erased,
When all of the freedom has been taken,

Only THEN will you discover why our right to bear arms was so high on the list!

Protect the 2nd Amendment at all costs!


It's Not The Guns Causing The Problems. Its The Policies Being Put In Place By Democrats, and Liberal Judges Being Very Lax In Their Judgements, Bonds and Jail Time. Do Not Let Them Blame It On Guns! Evidence Proves Otherwise!

Article 1/28/21: Defunding The Police Will Mean More More Pain For The Poor

Also see our page on the 2nd Amendment Of Our Constitution.

>>>New/Additional Information...

6/21/21. There you go, Democrats blaming the crime on guns and ignoring their far left liberal policies like Defunding The Police and numerous others which are the real reason for increased crime and murders! Psaki: Biden Blames Gun Violence For Rise In Crime

3/26/21. We'll See A Lot More Mass Shootings Because Of Biden's Open Boarder Policies... We've Got to Call Evil By Name

3/24/21. FBI Stats Show Murder Rates Back Up to 1990s Levels

Article: FBI Stats Show Murder Rates Back Up to 1990s Levels.

This is all on the Democrats and THEIR policies. I have said it a hundred times and I'll say it again, "Democrats do NOT care how many American's die from mass shootings because their end game is to get our guns and they absolutely must get our guns if they're going to have any chance in moving America into the direction they want it to go. Without getting our guns there is absolutely no way American's will allow the Democrats to give up our sovereignty to the United Nations under a one world government, allow socialism or allow communism."

This is why we have the 2nd Amendment...

3/23/21. Facebook post to sum up what's happening now...

Democrats are setting the stage for mass murders to push gun laws without a care in the world of how many people DIE because their sole focus is to get our guns! Democrats are doing this, they are the ones creating an atmosphere ripe for mass murders and gun deaths, and they are doing it on purpose!

On top of this, the Democrats have created an INVASION at our southern border! MS-13 who Trump removed from America are WELCOMED BACK by Biden. Biden Admin will NOT remove illegal aliens who are criminals, raped our women, murdered people, are part of terrorist groups, etc. He's letting them stay in America and letting them come into America. WHY?????????

To create a lot of deaths to push the gun control narrative. This is what Democrats do... CREATE problems to push their agenda. DEM'S DO NOT CARE HOW MANY AMERICAN'S DIE! THE MORE THE BETTER TO DEM'S SO THEY CAN PUSH GUN LAWS. It's the same thing Obama did which is why there was 3 times as many mass murders during Obama than the previous 5 Presidents COMBINED! Obama's and now Biden's policies are WHY so many mass murders and gun deaths, and it's all by design... TO GET OUR GUNS!

Want to experience life in America under strict gun controls, then move to Chicago! This is what Biden & Dem's want for all cities in America!  

One of the core purposes of the 2nd Amendment was to stand up to a TYRANT Gov't, which is what we're now facing. The #1 job of President is to keep American's safe, and Biden is doing the COMPLETE OPPOSITE, AND THEN WANTS TO TAKE OUR GUNS SO WE CAN'T EVEN PROTECT OURSELVES.

3/23/21. BREAKING! Boulder Suspect Was Islamic Extremist Terrorist, Law Enforcement Source Confirms

Notice how in the following video they're discussing how Democrat policies are what's creating the murders and mass shootings in America, how we're going back to the Obama years of mass murders because of these policies but Democrats are spinning it all to suggest they need stricter gun laws. No they don't, they just need to stop with their policies that are creating these mass murders. 

This is a good video...

3/16/21. Impending crime TSUNAMI | Grant Stinchfield

Here's a report of an unstoppable crime tsunami coming to America because of Biden's policies, and we all know that right along with it will be a huge increase in murders. Why does this matter? Because Democrats will then use these murders THEY CREATED to push the gun laws THEY WANT!

It's all be design of the Democrats! And don't think for a second that they care about our lives because they don't. They are sacrificing all of us in the name of a bigger cause of theirs called "disarming" us. This is what they need to happen if they're going to move America into the direction they want it to go because if they don't disarm us American's will never allow the Democrats to take America where they want to take it.

2/4/21. Democrats are on an aggressive path to put new stricter gun controls in place (HR 127 by Sheila Jackson Lee)

Rep Jackson D-TX has written a bill that will give Democrats what they need to take away our guns... a registry of all gun owners and what guns they own. This is just a small part of what this bill does. Watch this video for the whole explanation behind this 2nd Amendment killing bill...

What we expect to see is Democrats pass policies that will open the door to a lot more crime and murders to justify the passing of this bill because that's what they do... create problems to pass hard to pass policies!

It's doubtful this bill will pass in its current form, but it wouldn't surprise me if they cherry pick pieces out of this bill to get passed.

Keep Blacks In Poverty To Now Exploit (I'm currently working on this topic, I'm not done)

The Back Story

After the blacks won their freedom from slavery which infuriated the Democrats the Democrats put a new plan in place... make them dependent upon the Government to hold them back. Like the old saying goes, "You don't cut off the hand that feeds you."


  • Put them in poor schools so they can't get a quality education. This is one big reason Democrats do not support school choice or charter schools.
    • Along with this, roadblock their ability to go to college. This of course eventually ended but it took quite a few years before blacks were allowed to go to college, then it was a challenge to let them go to high quality colleges.
  • Break up the nuclear family so there's more single mom's with them being dependent upon the government. Remember, the objective is to make blacks dependent upon the government so they'd always vote Democrat by making government services greater for single mom's than families with both a dad and mom we watched the decline and breakup of the black nuclear family.
    • But it wasn't just blacks, it was all races including whites because a single parent could get a lot more services and benefits than a married family so they intentionally wouldn't marry so they'd get more benefits from the government.
    • People dependent upon the government pretty consistently vote Democrat believing this will allow them to continue to be taken care of by the government.
  • Black children without a father role model has also been the top factor for children getting in trouble with the law & dropping out of school. This is another win for Democrats.

Now having held blacks back and making many dependent upon the Government they've been able to build multiple narratives from their work and policies to push other left wing policies...

The Narratives

  • To pit Blacks against Whites saying Blacks don't have the same opportunities Whites have, that they're depressed.
    • This is because of the policies by Democrats to hold them back, which Trump was reversing so they'd have the same schooling opportunities. Then Biden reversed them.
  • Blacks don't make as much money as Whites.
    • Fact is blacks were at one time having greater increases in their overall income until Democrats put in place policies to break up the nuclear family and hold them back.
  • Blacks aren't able to buy homes in good neighborhoods to get into good school systems.
  • Use their "oppression" they created to now push

The Rebuttal Of Their Narrative & What Democrats Are Really After:

You'll notice that under the 1st level bullets above, the 2nd level bullets under them provides a rebuttal.

Democrats play both sides of the topic. They say they care about blacks and pander to them all the time, but then they put out policies which keep them tied to the Democrat party by keeping them dependent upon the government. 

Blacks are simply pawns in their game. When we look at history we see Democrats have always believed blacks were inferior to them and have consistently done things to hold them back.

Democrats LOVE Chaos! The More Chaos The More They Can Create New Government Offices To Grow The Government & The More Of Our Rights and Freedom's They Take Away From Us! (I'm currently working on this topic, I'm not done)

Democrats love chaos. Why?

Because when things become chaotic they're able to create more government departments to research and/or fix what's creating the chaos.

What's just hilarious about this is the high majority of the time we have chaos because of policies and positions Democrats made. We don't need more departments. We just need to reverse the policies and/or positions Democrats pushed.

Stopping ICE From Deporting or Charging Illegal Aliens Who Break Our Laws!

This is just one of hundreds of problems we'll face by not deporting and/or charging illegal aliens who are criminals, murderers, rapist, etc. People are going to start taking the law in their own hands if rule of law isn't going to be followed and upheld, which will create a whole new set of problems which the Democrats will love to help push gun laws.

Watch this video of some the repercussions of ICE not being able to do their job and the price American's are going to pay. This is scary stuff...

Remember, Democrats love chaos and they love seeing lots of American's murdered so they can push their radical gun control laws.

They don't care about us Americans. They only care about their having power and being able to push the laws and policies that will give them the power they so desperate crave. They know that our having guns will stop bringing in Communism. They must get our guns and we MUST do whatever we have to do to make sure they don't. Have you seen HR-127 by Jackson-Lee? 

It's will literally take away almost all of our guns. They absolutely MUST get our guns away from us to move us forward to Communism.

Without getting our guns they can't control us.

Get our guns and we have no way of protecting ourselves and they'll be able to put us into camps, do executions and the many other things you see that happen when countries bring in Communism because we'll have no way to protect ourselves. Don't take my word for it, research it and you'll find this is 100% consistent.

The Communist government needs to remove all dissidents who would fight against the Communist government in order to maintain control of the citizens while making these dissidents examples of what will happen to those who oppose them. Governance by fear. It's a normal tactic of Communist.

BLM & ANTIFA Create Chaos

BLM and ANTIFA are to the Democrats what the Brown Shirts were to Hitler. 

Mass Immigration Will Create A Lot Of Chaos

The DC Riots The Left Created and Were Planned Since 1/1/21... Domestic Terrorist and More!

The Narratives:

  1. Trump told his supporters to over take the government (insurrection, which they stated numerous times)
  2. Any discussions about Voter Fraud is an insurrection. They are saying Trump used the non-existent voter fraud (per Democrats) to stoke anger with his base.
  3. Trump supporters are white nationalist and are out to over-through the government

Definition of Insurrection: an act or instance of rising in revolt, rebellion, or resistance against civil authority or an established government.

Here's Schumer talking about these very points:

The Rebuttal Of Their Narrative & What Democrats Are Really After:

The first thing we must understand which disputes all of this is that the riots in DC on 1/6/21 was a planned attack put in place by the Left for the sole purpose of weaponizing these events to push a radical Left wing attack against America, Conservatives and Trump Supporters. This is what the Left does and they do it very effectively.

But remember what I shared on The Media Page... "The Left MUST protect the narrative".

Narratives are not facts. Narratives are to "sell" their viewers on the perception they want their viewers to accept as the truth to what happened. The Left needs people to believe Trump put the riots in motion and that voter fraud doesn't exist. Along with this they need people to believe there's a real domestic insurgent going on, that America is under attack from Conservatives. (I know, I know, hard not to laugh your ass off when it's always been the Left with BLM & ANTIFA creating all of the violence, and now the Democrats are trying to say it's Conservatives who we all need to worry about.)

To protect these narratives the Left turned over the censoring of information they don't want people to see to Big Tech. Now they are censoring any discussions of ANTIFA being at DC and they are censoring anything to do with voter fraud in the 2020 election to suggest it never happened. I'm sure these two things won't be the only things they'll censor in order to protect their narrative! That's because the Left needs to hide all discussions around these topics as if they never happened.

Let me ask you a blunt question... when have you ever seen the censoring of information like you're seeing today? 

NEVER! The Left is censoring facts they don't want disclosed or readily available.

When you watch the videos of the people walking through the Whitehouse you don't see everyone trying to take down the police in there and destroying things. You see people just walking through and even doing selfie's with the police. Yes, there were a few people breaking things and being destructive, but those people where the riot instigators, not the Trump supporters.

The Trump supporters just walked through and took pictures.

#1 - Trump Instigated An Insurrection

Trump never once told anyone to over-take the government and storm the Whitehouse. Click here to learn what really happened in DC. But the Left needs you to believe Trump did to push their narrative and push the changes they want to make and push the policies they want passed.

Based upon the definition of insurrection and how the Left is using it, who's really guilt of insurrection is many Democrats from Kamala Harris and Pelosi down. Just go to the article we wrote about what happened in DC to see what real insurrection looks like which was by Democrats.

Or how about Black Lives Matter? They are trained Marxist and they are actively trying to take down the government and bring in Marxism...

So if the Democrats are all fired up about "insurrections" they don't need to go any further than their own party to find people who were trying to over throw the Trump presidency, or they can just start arresting BLM members since they openly admit they're Marxist and that they are trying to over throw the government and bring in Marxism.

#2 - Discussing Voter Fraud Is An Insurrection

The whole purpose of this is to end any discussions about the very obvious voter fraud we experienced in 2020. The Left needs to shut this conversation down. They can try to shut it down and hide information about it, but they can't change the fact that 2020 was plagued with voter fraud. We outlined what they did so we never forget.

As you heard in Schumer's video above, the narrative is Trump lied to everyone about voter fraud to stoke the anger of his supporters. The reality is us Trump supporters where getting information about the voter fraud from many different sources. Any comments from Trump about voter fraud was greatly diluted by all of the other information that was flowing regarding voter fraud from numerous other people.

Just go look at the articles we've written about voter fraud... we've never include videos of Trump discussing voter fraud because we put a lot more weight in the other sources about voter fraud. We were after information with factual proof and that explained how it was done. I think if you read our last article about voter fraud you'll agree it builds a good case for it.

Now Big Tech is scrubbing their sites of anything related to the voter fraud in the 2020 election as if it never existed. It did exist and we're not removing our pages about it, even though everyone on the Left is going to take the position that it never happened!

Here's a few articles showing YouTube and others scrubbing their platforms of any discussions about voter fraud to "protect the narrative" (this is also about getting rid of the evidence so the Left can deny the voter fraud and then continue doing the same thing election after election)...

The more they want us to forget the more we need to make sure we don't!

We've already addressed the voter fraud in numerous articles.

#3 - Trump Supporters Are White Nationalist & We're Terrorist Wanting To Take Down The Government

Can you believe the Left and Democrats bunched us all together like this? We're all white nationalist for supporting Trump or supporting an America First agenda.

Saying Trump supporters, all 74+ million, are white nationalist is just ludicrous. Democrats have gone totally loony, and extremely hyperbolic about the events of the DC riots. But this is the barrel they want to put us all in. Why?

For starters, so they can use "terrorist" laws to stop any protests by Conservatives. They do not want us to protest. They want to use this as the basis to stop us from Uniting. To stop us from protesting. To stop us from doing anything that would interfere with the Left's planned attack to destroy America and our Constitution. We are not to rise up, or they'll call us terrorist and turn the military against us!

For 4 years we watch ANTIFA and BLM riot and terrorize people starting in DC on 1/20-21/17 and have since watched them rioting, looting and burning down cities year after year and not a peep from Democrats about it. Instead, we've listened to Democrats encourage the behavior and continue to riot (click here for examples). The hypocrisy of Democrats is just unbelievable. But they've got their media arm to provide them with protection and play a key role in "protecting the narrative." 

Because of their narrative suggesting it was Trump supporters who stormed the Whitehouse they are now saying all Conservatives are White Nationalist out to take down the government. Remember, Democrats always blame Republicans for what they themselves are doing. It's the Democrats who are trying to take down the government by destroying our Constitution and it's going into full swing with the strategically created narratives they're pushing.

Here's what Dinesh has to say about this...

#4 - Trump Voters Are Terrorist! Democrats Want To Literally Hurt Us.

To explain this, let's start by watching this video...

As you can see, the Democrats have it out for us!

But hold on for a second, remember that Democrats create problems to push policies or an agenda.

Here's a hint. When the Democrats go completely overboard, total whacko and their media arm is right behind them backing up their completely fabricated and crazy narrative it's because they are trying to push something. I mean, come on, it's ludicrous to say 74 million Trump voters are terrorist and need de-programmed.

A few thousand people stormed Congress (click here to get the real story of what happened) and Democrats are grouping us all together, all 74+ million of us, as terrorist.

Yes, this is an attack on us but here's what they're really after...

  • The absolutely must destroy the America First movement. The focus cannot be on America and American's, that's just racist. Just ask them, they'll tell you.
  • They think this will create a divide in the Republican party which would really make Democrats happy.
  • They want Republicans in Congress to be afraid and not stand up to them or fight them on their agenda.
  • They are demanding no resistance to the radical policies they know they'll be pushing through. Don't protest, don't write opposing views, don't get in our way. If you do they'll hurt you.

Democrats want to shut us up, shut us down and then for those who don't be able to throw the book at them as "terrorist".

But do you know what's even sadder about this...

  1. The Left instigated the riots by bringing people in, and
  2. A TRUE Trump supporter would NEVER have done that because we believe in law and order! But this doesn't matter, we're still going to be considered "terrorist".

What about BLM? Or Antifa? What about their riots that caused over $2 billion dollars worth of damage?

Nothing. They are part of the Democrats militia and are never held accountable.

But a Trump voter, you're terrorist!

As you can see it's all about Democrats having Communist like power and control over people who don't agree with their ideology. This is scary stuff.

Democrats have drawn the line in sand. We are past the point of just sitting in our lazy boy chairs and just bitching about this. It's time for action. It's time for us to unite and put the Democrats and Left in their place.

Uniting with 10+ million people strong, we'll have a loud voice and strategies to put a stop to this crap the Left is pulling!

What's The Democrats End Game With These Numerous Narratives They're Creating?

It boils down to this...

  • They need to peg us as domestic terrorist.
  • This will then lead to...
    • stopping all protests from anyone on the Right
    • controlling conservatives speech saying it incites violence
    • marshal law
  • Which will then lead to disarming all American's
  • Along with the Democrats will turn America into a police state taking away many of our rights and freedoms

Remember, what the Left is after and wants is a Communism type government and now we're all getting a taste, albeit a small taste, of what it will be like living under Communism. But what this does is set in motion Communism type rule in America.

Do you not see what's going on here?

Here's an article from the Federalist on this point: Democrats Are Framing Americans As Terrorists To Erase Our Rights. Here's a few points made in this article...

Joe Biden himself called the Capitol protesters “domestic terrorists” and “insurrectionists” and said his administration will prioritize legislation to increase federal crackdowns on what Democrats consider to be “domestic terrorists.”

The main problem with that is that Democrats openly link Republican Party affiliation and mainstream conservative ideas to “domestic terrorism,” “extremism,” “white supremacy,” and other evils. ... These redefined “racists” and “white supremacists” now face increased FBI surveillance, discrimination in military and other careers, suspension of their right to own guns lawfully based only on another person complaining they are a “threat,” public harassment and smears, government and business pressure campaigns and investigations, and more.

During the quite legitimate red scare of the 1950s and continuing to this day, the U.S. left has openly provided aid and support to Communists and Communist sympathizers. The Democrat Party is right now appointing actual Communist sympathizers and enablers to key federal positions while imposing pro-leftist ideological tests on members of the U.S. military!

That’s not all. Leftists are now openly calling for the FBI to place spies within conservative groups, and surveil Americans not only through the National Security Agency’s ongoing, uncurtailed, and warrant-less mass phone and internet surveillance of all American citizens at all times, but also through human informants.

(This article says a lot and offers a lot of additional information. Read the whole thing.)

Do you see why we must all unite together so we're 10 million, 20 million 50 million STRONG?! 

There's no question about the Democrats getting a lot of mileage from the DC riots because of their going way over board exaggeration on what happened to build this narrative. To give you an idea of the narrative this will create moving forward we look at this next video...