America & American's FIRST! This Is Why We All Loved Trump... He Put America First And Fought For Us!

But, For Now, It's Over. Under Biden We'll Go Back To Pushing & Supporting Globalization.

I'm an American and God knows how much I love America! I was never more excited about the direction America was going than I was during the 4 years of the Trump Presidency. His America First policy has done amazing things for the American people, and it opened my eyes to how important an America First agenda is.

The first 9 minutes of the following video is why I'm posting this video here. He really says what America First American's are feeling...

What's wrong with putting America and fellow American's first?

Unfortunately, even sadly, the liberals who stayed glued to their left wing media outlets have no idea of everything Trump has done for American's. All the liberals ever saw was how bad Trump was through the lens of an enemy. Yes, an enemy! The media really is the enemy of the people (I discuss why multiple times at this website).

Two Approaches To Running America

There are two different approaches to running America...

  1. Globalization which is what most Presidents follow, and
  2. America First also called Nationalism or Populism which is how Trump Presided.

Both of these are very distinctively different.

Globalization is making decisions based upon the global needs. This will put more focus on other countries and their citizens than on America and American citizens. The idea is the needs of the globe out-weigh the needs of America.

Globalist are the drivers of what policies need to be put in place and the direction they want globalization policies to go. I discussed globalization on it's own page. 

America First puts the emphasis on America. It focuses primarily on:

  • Keeping America and Americans safe at all costs.
    • Law and Order is a common objective.
    • Strong military support
  • Building the America economy
    • New businesses
    • Helping businesses to grow
    • Increased wages for employees
    • Better benefits for employees
  • Serving the needs of Americans
    • Education
    • Wages
    • Benefits
    • Health
    • Helping under privileged, people in poverty, etc.

There's more for each. Here I'm just giving you a summary outline.

The worse thing a President could do to hurt a globalist agenda is push an America First policy. The globalist, like I've already discussed, don't want America to be a world power and have so much wealth. They instead want to spread the wealth amongst other countries at the expense of American's which is why you see in a globalist agenda...

  • the lose of good paying manufacturing jobs to other countries,
  • importing into America cheap labor in the way of mass immigrants (globalist love open borders) which brings down the wages of Americans,
  • an increase in VISA's to bring in foreign workers who will work at a lower wage than American's (take away a lot of good paying jobs) and
  • numerous other things that ultimately affect our ability to create a great life for ourselves.

It's because of Trump pushing and following through with an America First policy that the globalist absolutely had to get rid of him. I am seriously not surprised of the level of voter fraud experienced in the 2020 election!

The Media Is OWNED By Globalist

First and foremost, you absolutely need to understand that the media is owned and controlled by Globalist. The media is here to serve their owners, those who give them a paycheck, not you and I. To think otherwise is just ignorance and foolishness!

90% of all media's are owned by just 6 multi-national corporations. Their agenda first and foremost is to serve their owners and push the globalization agenda.

The globalist work with the leaders in Congress who we call the Establishment like Schumer and McConnell in the Senate and Pelosi in the House. Between these Establishment Congressmen and the Globalist they map out what the agenda is and how they'll get the policies passed the Globalist are wanting.

Then they turn to their media arm to push the narrative to sell the policies to their viewers. I give some examples of this on the page, "The America First Movement Isn’t Going Anywhere".

The media is extremely effective in controlling the minds of their viewers and leading them to where they want them to go. Even though there's so much more I could share, I'll end this topic like this...

The media is so effective in their persuasion strategies that if they were a husband they could easily and effectively explain having an affair with other women to the point where the wife would be suggesting he have even more affairs! They're that good.

They Had To Stop Trump's America First Agenda

When Trump came into office he campaigned on an America First agenda. This was not pleasing to the Globalist at all. They already knew what an agenda like this would to their master plan and how it would set them back years!

They had to get him out of office as fast as possible which started the never ending relentless attacks on Trump. The first hit piece was released just 19 minutes after he was sworn in discussing that it's time to start the impeachment process.

Keep in mind, it wasn't specifically Trump, it was that he was a Nationalist pushing an America First agenda and the Globalist just simply couldn't allow that.

Now I'm not going to go into a ton of details here on the attacks on Trump and how they [the Left, being the Globalist and Democrats working together] made half the nation hate him. Prior to ever announcing his running for President he had an over 90% approval rating and was loved by many. If you want to learn more on how the media turned half of a country against Trump here are some articles you can read...

The Globalist just simply could not allow an America First President to continue.

The problem is, this is what any President who would run for office on an America First agenda can expect to happen. This is also why we needed a brash, broad shouldered bad ass like Trump... very few have the strength to handle what Trump put up with in his 4 years! Until another fighter comes along, we hang our hopes on Trump for a 2024 re-election run.

To support the America First movement and to protect Conservatives from the Left's cancel culture attacks (to name two reasons) is why we have consistently been pushing for Conservatives to join together in this fight against the Left. Individually we can't do much, but an organized 20 million+ strong we can accomplish a lot.

The Establishment In Congress

There is also the establishment in Congress. They are people who did NOT support an America first agenda, but instead support a Globalization agenda of building up other countries over America.

My question to you is, "Why would you or anyone support (vote for) anyone in Congress who puts other countries and citizens of other countries along with putting multi-national corporations above you and me, above America and American's?"

I would anticipate very few of us would. But most of us are! This is why we created the Congress Page where you can see exactly which people in Congress are Globalist so we can vote them out!

You have to understand, if we're going to have and push an America First agenda we need people in Congress who support an America First agenda and not a Globalization agenda!

"WHEN do American's and America become the first priority? When?"

One of my biggest complaints about Congress and the Presidency is their priorities. Throughout the years what I was continuously saying is, "WHEN do American's and America become the first priority? When?"

We elect a President for the United States of America, not as President of the world. Our President and our Congress should be serving us first and foremost!

If you don't agree with this last statement, this website and what we're about here does not apply to you and you can leave now. There's no reason for you to spend even one more second in this website because this website's foundation is all about supporting and pushing for an America First agenda!

Every President until Trump has frustrated the hell out of me. This is both Republican and Democrat Presidents! It's the same with Congress.

What I absolutely cannot understand is how a President and Congress can have their priorities so out of whack! They're elected to serve us, to serve you and I, but instead they're creating policies and doing things that have hurt us or helped other non-American's over us American's who are the one's paying the taxes in this country.

This is the difference between those who are part of the Establishment who support Globalization and those who put America and American's first.

The Bush's were all about supporting big businesses who wanted globalization while Obama was all about building other countries economy over America's and putting illegal aliens and refugees above the needs of us American's. Both were just wrong!

Neither Bush or Obama was an America First president. Both pushed globalization but from different perspectives. 

I'm a very simple person. You take care of your family. My job as the man of the house is to serve and help my family. I would never put another family above my family. That doesn't mean I wouldn't help another family because I would, but not at the expense of my own family because my first priority must be to my family.

This is how our President and Congress should be acting too... putting America and American's first! After all, we are who vote them in and provide the money for their salaries and for their agenda.

Unfortunately you couldn't tax American's enough to support both an America First agenda and Globalization agenda. Something has to give, and when you have an Establishment President like Bush, Obama and now Biden at the helm they will be putting the Globalization agenda first!

I watched these past Presidents and people in Congress:

  • Ignore the needs of our vets
  • Ignore the needs of our homeless
  • Ignore the needs of seniors
  • Do very little to help those in poverty (I do not support hand outs to those who are capable of working)
  • Blow off blacks and other minorities

... all while spending billions on other countries, on refugees and on illegal aliens. This is just wrong!

Then Trump Came Along And Presented An America First Approach To Running America

Trump's America First agenda changed all of that. Finally, we were being put first and most of us were in complete amazement of what we can each individually gain from an America First policy. It's no surprise why over 73,000,000+ American's voted for him.

Let me show you a quick comparison between an America First agenda Vs a Globalization agenda...

When Obama who supported the Globalization agenda took office in 2008 we were all told this is the new normal for our economy, it won't get any better. After Obama's 8 years the middle class only saw a $1,000/yr increase in their income.

Then Trump and his America First agenda came onto the scenes. He told us the economy could be a lot better, that we could and should be making more money. In just 4 years the middle class saw a $6,000/yr increase in their income.

This is just one of many differences between Globalization and America First.

Then there's everything Trump did for the Blacks which was, bluntly, very impressive!

How about how Trump took care of our vets? In one example, the VA went from a very low rating with very long wait times and our vets dying waiting to see a doctor to an all time high of a 91% approval. Wow!

As a vet myself I can tell you how massive of a change Trump has made with the VA.

I can also tell you that us vets have been begging for changes like this for many, many years which continuously went on deaf ears. They say they heard us, but then did absolutely nothing! Typical politicians.

How is it that Trump did what nobody else could accomplish, and he's not even a politician? Maybe that's the point, 'he's not a politician!'

Because of this approach to serving American citizens American's of all demographics have experienced many advantages. Things the previous administration of Obama-Biden said could not happen actually happened!

For example, Obama clearly said that there was no way we could bring back our Manufacturing jobs. Yet, President Trump brought back hundreds of thousands of high paying manufacturing jobs.

What President Trump did for the economy and unemployment was said to be impossible by those on the left and the previous administration of Obama-Biden. Still, Trump created one of the best economies in our history and the lowest unemployment for multiple demographics ever report and very low unemployment for the rest.

Secretary of State Kerry under Obama-Biden said there absolutely could not be peace in the middle east, yet under President Trump 3 peace agreements were signed from countries in the middle east. This keeps us safer and ends the constant policing in these regions which sent many of our young men over to the middle east putting their lives in danger.

This isn't a sales pitch on Trump. This is to show you what can and will be accomplished when the focus is on America and American's over trying to be President of the world and serving other countries, illegal aliens and refugees and put them above America and Americans!

Sadly, many liberals aren't aware of everything Trump accomplished for them because the left wing media refused to report on it because they didn't want their viewers to be aware of what an America First agenda would do for them. They instead wanted their viewers to believe Trump was a bad man and so they spent 4 years trying to convince their viewers of just that. 

Now under a Biden Administration Biden plans to move us back to the Elitist, Establishment way of running America based upon a Globalization agenda. This puts American's once again at the bottom of the priority list, even though it's our tax dollars that provide the government with the money they're using to serve others over us American's.

This just isn't acceptable!

Trump's America First Policy Will Not Be Forgotten! He Unleashed A Sleeping Giant...

True! Trump has shown us American's just what is possible when you have a President who puts America and American's first.

Bluntly, it's been very impressive. And just to think, Trump accomplished all of what he did while:

  • Establishment Republicans fought against him and wouldn't support him
  • Democrats wouldn't work with him
  • The left wing news media attacking him and everything he did along with not reporting anything he did good
  • Being investigated for over 3 years because of hoax's instigated by the left to destroy him

Through all of this, Trump did more in 4 years than any President has accomplished in 8 years.

But the biggest most important thing he did was to awaken a sleeping giant! Because of the lying liberal left news media, many American's had no idea what was possible when a President puts all of their focus on America and us American's.

Now we know, and there's no way... 

  • We're no longer going to accept the globalist agenda any more!
  • We're no longer going to allow the globalist news media to control us!
  • We're not going to continue to vote for people in Congress who support a globalist agenda.

Trump really made a huge impact. Here's what we're hoping for and what we're looking for of people representing us in Congress...

We The People Are Going To Take Back Our Country!

But it's going to take the collective voice of millions of us to make this happen, and someone has to take the lead on this. The question is WHO?

Individually our voices have no power and they're not heard. This is why we need an organization who can pull together millions of voices and who knows how to amplify those voices in very strategic and focused ways so our voice is clearly heard. 

I don't care who puts it together, we'll join immediately because this is what needs to happen for us to get our country back. If nobody raises their hand to take on this massive job, we'll be happy to organize it if people want us to.

We'd like to start the process of building up members. 

"I really like the idea of Conservatives coming together to put our voices together so our collective voice is heard. I agree, this is long over due!

Following is my information. I'm looking forward to an organization like what you're describing being created, I'm in."

Other Pages Of Interest Regarding This Topic

- Globalization (Foundational Page)
- The America First Movement Isn’t Going Anywhere (Article) - Recommended

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New/Additional Information

12/30/20 Article: Ric Grenell Has a Message for Biden & the Dems: 'Let's Be Honest; the America First Policy Is Never Going Back in the Bottle'

Great article published on Dec 30, 2020 by RedState. Read... Ric Grenell Has a Message for Biden & the Dems: 'Let's Be Honest; the America First Policy Is Never Going Back in the Bottle'