Election 2020, What I Feared

What the hell happened yesterday, Nov 3rd? When you look at the enthusiasm for Trump and the size of Trump's rally's we all expected a Trump landslide!


After reading this article you need to jump to the follow up to this article where I discuss how the left pulled off the greatest voter fraud strategy ever in the history of America. You can read it here: A Stolen Election. There's also a link for it at the end of this article. It picks up where this article ends.

You should know, I'm not a Republican or a Democrat. I'm "Pro" America. I support the party that puts America and American's first. And I don't mean in words only, I mean in actions. Actions is all I care about.

I'm emphasizing this point of actions versus words because one thing that's been consistent about politicians and their campaigns is they notoriously say what we want to hear, but then once they're elected they have every excuse in the book on why they can't follow through with their campaign promises. I know I'm not the only one absolutely fed up with this!

If you're also Pro-America then you should love what I'm going to share here in this article because my focus is and always has been about putting America first and taking care of and serving my fellow American's.

Now, having said this, let's move on with this article.

The Deep State is huge with many tentacles and very deep! This was never an election of Right versus Left. It's been about the Deep State and Multi-National Corporations versus American Citizens.

Of course, it goes without saying, this is also a power grab from Democrats. If there's one thing we all know about Democrats, they are power hungry!

After Trump won in 2016 it sent shockwaves throughout the Deep State. He wasn't suppose to win. Hillary was suppose to win.

Needless to say, after the shock wore off, the deep state went into damage control. As part of their damage control they've spent the last 4 years preparing for election 2020. There was no way they would let Trump win a 2nd term and continue his "America First" policy of putting American's first which has created a huge obstacle for the Deep State's Globalization agenda. 

Globalizations is very good and profitable for multi-national corporations. It's very obvious why multi-national corporations would want globalization. Globalization represents a massive increase in revenue and profits to these multi-national corporations and it represents a massive increase in the power and control for the Deep State globally.

The problem is, globalization is very bad for individual American's. Instead of America serving American's, under Globalization America serves the world taking our valuable resources and taxes and serving other countries and their citizens. For example, for the first time ever America is net producer of oil and does not need to depend on any other country for oil. This has dropped the cost of oil and gas like a rock in America.

But in the Biden administration they want to end all fossil fuel in America. Not only would this cost America millions of jobs, it will once again make America dependent on other countries for it to start taking away our power on the global stage and giving it to other countries. This is just one step in leveling the playing field which is what globalist want. Globalist do not want America to be the great country that it is, and the freedom's we offer our citizens which no other country offers also needs to end if we're going to be focused on globalization.

One of my biggest frustrations over the past 20 years is how both Democrats and Republicans have been pushing globalizations and putting American citizens and small businesses at the bottom of the priority list.

We're just pawns in their game and the Deep State is playing us like a fiddle!

For 20 years I have yelled, "WHEN do we [we being America] put AMERICAN'S FIRST? When do we start taking care of our Vets? Taking care of our homeless? Taking care of the people in poverty who have no path out of it? Helping our inner cities? When do we start putting American's and American businesses FIRST? WHEN?"

Instead both Democrats and Republicans served major corporations who were funding their election or re-election campaigns. Major corporations and their deep pockets controlled our government (President, Senate & House) by paying them off.

Look at how much money Biden got from Wall Street, Billionaires and Major Corporations. It's because they knew Biden would once again put us back on the pathway to globalization. America be damned!

A key player in the Deep State is multi-national corporations. Keep in mind, 90% of the news mediums are owned by 6 multi-national corporations.

At the point of this writing I don't see Trump winning. This will end the "America First" policy he put in place.

Love him or hate him, Trump has done more for America and American's than the last 20 Presidents. With a focus on serving Americans and not major corporations and their push for globalization, we've watched:

  • our take home pay increase,
  • unemployment drop like a rock to include a record low for a number of demographics like Blacks,
  • Trump stood up to drug companies (a first for a President) and now we're watching drug costs like insulin drop big time,
  • we had a huge increase in high paying manufacturing jobs come back which goes against what globalist want, and much more.

It was a very slanted and biased playing field with powerful forces against Trump. Trump was up against the whole left wing media and Big Tech who were controlled by globalist, and then somewhere toward the bottom of the list was Biden. The left wing media and Big Tech did all of the campaigning and ground work for Biden while Biden just sat in his basement.

Of course, you need to realize, the left wing media started the process way back in 2016 after he won the election. The globalist could not allow an outsider to mess up what they were doing and the direction they were moving America!

The Left Wing Media Is Nothing More Than Democrats And Deep States Propagandist

The left wing media has spent the past 4 years setting the stage for election 2020 by:

  • Writing hit piece after hit piece to package Trump as a very bad man. "Orange man bad". They wanted to make sure people literally hated Trump. This was the foundation to their attack of Trump. (I wrote about this here: First Objective, Create Hate). They needed to make sure you hated Trump because if you did they could feed you a lot of lies you'll just believe as truth, and equally important you'd become one of their puppets and spread these lies far and wide.
  • They used one of the lefts key strategies by pushing Trump as being racist, even though nobody would've ever called Trump a racist prior to him becoming President. Plus, a racist would never have done everything Trump did the past 4 years for the Black community and other minorities. But it wasn't just calling him a racist, it was calling him many other names, and they repeated them over and over and over again for 4 years. I've never seen such disrespect for a President of the United States before.
  • They absolutely refused to report on Trump's accomplishments. They didn't want anyone to know all of the amazing things Trump did for America and for American's to keep us safe, to build one of the best economy's America has ever had, to drop the unemployment to record lows in key demographics, to protect our religious freedoms and so on. Trump accomplished an astounding amount in just 4 years!
  • It was lie after lie after lie. They would add or remove a word to what Trump said to completely change the meaning of what he said; they would only show the 2nd sentence and not the 1st sentence which put the 2nd sentence into context and then build a hit piece around the 2nd sentence only; they would provide cover and protect Democrats in numerous ways with one way by not telling people the truth about what was happening (I wrote about how the media controls you and the games they play here: Seeking The Truth So You’re Not Controlled Or Manipulated By Others). There are hundreds of articles written about the unbelievable depth and amount of lies by the left wing media!
  • They chastised him with COVID, yet he actually did a really good job. Way better than Obama-Biden did with H1N1! The left wing media was brutal in their attacks of Trump all because this was an election year and they wanted you to believe it was Trump's fault that over 200,000 people died from COVID. They wanted you to believe he was doing a terrible job. It was a very well orchestrated "smear campaign". What's hypocritical is 40% of the deaths were from nursing homes and we had 5 Democrat Governors who sent COVID patients back to nursing homes... where's the outrage for this? There wasn't any because the media didn't discuss this key fact! I wrote an article about the great job Trump did with COVID, "Blaming Trump for COVID And 200,000 Deaths". 
  • They wouldn't report on topics that would hurt Biden. Whether it's the Hunter Biden laptop and everything we're learning about the corruption of the Biden family, or about what we've all learned about the Russia hoax they pushed for 3 years and are now refusing to do any further reporting on after learning what we have after declassifying documents (it really was a hoax instigated by Hillary Clinton), the left wing media is not sharing any of this information with their viewers!  This is just 2 big topics they wouldn't report on, but there were far more than this.
  • If they had to report on something that hurt Biden, they'd minimize it as no big deal and use a "nothing to see here" strategy. With all of the reporting from the Right about Hunter's laptop and the Biden corruption we learned about, the Left media did a "discredit" campaign and minimized the whole discussion. It started by calling it Russia Misinformation, but that was quickly debunked by the FBI and DNI. So instead they just referred to it as "misinformation" and stated they wouldn't be wasting their time talking about something that's just a right wing smear job as a "Nothing To See Here" strategy. Topics that would hurt Biden were stopped dead in their tracks by the Left Wing Media... nothing to see here!
  • They provided cover/protection for themselves. Someone would write a hit piece that was obviously a lie and full of crap but was based upon a narrative they wanted to push so the other left wing media's would report or write supporting articles to back up that narrative that's based upon a lie. They know that no matter how big and crazy the lie, with enough reporters and journalist backing it up the average person will tend to then believe it. This is a mind control strategy.

The plan of attack over the past 4 years was to get people to hate Trump, and to do everything they could to discredit him and everything he did.

There was absolutely nothing fair about their reporting where Trump was concerned. They had one mission and that was to destroy him.

Throughout the last 4 years we've clearly learned that the Left Wing Media has nothing to do with "news" and everything to do with pushing an agenda. The Left Wing Media is part of the Deep State, and this should scare the hell out of everyone!

I can't help but question why we have a laws protecting the press when we don't have a press anymore. All we have is commentators who discuss current events with us and spends most of their time telling us what that should mean to us. They're like reality TV shows based upon current events. 

But they are NOT the Press, they are NOT the news! They should be rebranded as Reality TV shows.

Laws need to change for them too. Until and unless they can just report the facts, the complete facts and leave out the opinions we don't have a Press. To be considered the News or the Press, it should NEVER be biased to one side or the other. Like I said, laws need to change here.

However, today the media has incredible power in being able to control what people think and believe. I addressed this in two articles, First Objective, Create Hate and Seeking The Truth So You’re Not Controlled Or Manipulated By Others.

What's sad is, using this election cycle as the example, Democrats/Liberals have no problem with any of this because it's all to their advantage, so they believe since that's what they've been programmed to believe, while Republicans/Conservatives are flipping out with how the left wing media has manipulated and controlled American's.

Today Democrats/Liberals are good with it, but tomorrow it may be a completely different story when the Media uses their ability to manipulate people and, for example, turn America into Socialism with Government controlling businesses and everything else and our losing our freedom's by selling them on the advantages of "Democrat Socialism" (there's no such thing as "Democrat" socialism) and not sharing the problems with it so everyone believes socialism is good. 

Or maybe you don't care about losing your freedom's.

Or maybe you're so deeply brain-washed by the left wing media you won't do any research for the truth. I've been shocked with how many brain-washed puppets there are out there who will just simply believe everything the left wing media says, period. I've also already experienced people being brain-washed to believe socialism is good and has no negatives. Blows me away!

Whether it's pushing socialism or something else to help the Deep State move America in the direction they want it to go, you need to understand that the Left Wing Media is the propaganda arm to the Deep State to push whatever it is they want Americans to accept as the truth, no matter how ridiculous it may initially sound. Hear it enough times by numerous different organizations and you'll believe it.

It's like seeing the exact same article on your Facebook feed over and over again. It's to create believability.

The media just could not allow Trump's "America First" policy and focus to continue which puts the emphasis on American's over Government, as one thing. It was way to damaging to their Globalization agenda.

Not only did Trump's America First create a huge obstacle to their plans of globalization, it spoiled American's and showed us how American's should be treated and served which could set back their strategy for globalization 20 years. Another 4 years of Trump which is also influencing other country leaders to put their country first, would create a real damper on the direction the Deep State and Globalist want America and the world to go. It had to be stopped at all cost!

The advantage the deep state has is their media arm and their incredible ability to convince people of just about anything! They know how to control people. They know how to manipulate people. They know how to brain-wash people to their way of thinking.

Don't believe me?

Just do a google search on "How the media controls people" or any number of variations of this. There are many books and articles on this subject. Tyrant governments have been using these strategies for years to control their people. Hitler also masterfully used these techniques. China even has government controlled speech of which the Big Tech companies have built business logic in their software applications to support because China wants to control 100% of what their citizens have access to including from the Internet. 

All of this can be researched. This is the direction the Globalist want America to go also.

You have understand, America is the last country with the freedom's it offers and those freedom's interfere with the direction globalist want America to go in. As long as we have freedom of speech there will always be an opposing view to what the Globalist want us to believe and know, and as long as we have guns they can't just come in and tell us what to do.

Our fore-fathers wrote the Constitution to protect us from what the globalist are trying to do to America. 

Big Tech Jumped In To Manipulate The Election

Then there is Big Tech. Now, when I say Big Tech what I'm talking about is Facebook, Twitter, Google and YouTube as the main big tech companies.

It's said that 65% of Americans get their news on Facebook and Twitter. Do you realize how powerful this makes Facebook and Twitter?

The problem is there are numerous ways these tech companies can control what you see. They're already doing this in China.

Until about a year ago Big Tech wasn't obvious in how they were supporting Biden which is who the Globalist want as the next President. What they were doing wasn't obvious but instead it was more behind the scene's and sneaky like, for just one example, Google gradually changing their algorithm to put conservative based articles way down below liberal based articles on their Search Results pages. 

Why this is effective is most people will only look at the results from a google search from the first 2 pages and won't go past the 2nd page. Google knows this so they make sure the first 2 pages is filled with left leaning results and push conservative articles way down below the 2nd page.

Because of how effective Breitbart was at pushing the conservative views, Google completely hid anything to do with Breitbart from their search results, even if you did an exact name search. It is about controlling what information you will see and have available. What other conservative media's did Google completely censor out from search results?

Personally, when I use Google and not DuckDuckGo.com I jump to the 3rd page and start there because I'm aware of what Google is doing.

Over the past year Big Tech has become more emboldened and obvious in how they are protecting and helping Biden and trying to hurt Trump's re-election campaign. They are very biased to one side, the left. I've addressed this in the article First Objective, Create Hate, but the core things are worth addressing again here: 

  • Stopping web pages from being posted on the platform so they can't be shared. Consistently these are pages from conservative driven websites and websites that offer an opposing view to what the left wants you to believe as true.
  • Shutting down Twitter accounts when they post articles Twitter deems against their rules like when the NY Post tweeted the link to the first article addressing Hunter Biden's laptop and the Biden corruption they learned about.
  • Deleting posts and tweets that are against or harmful to Biden. This was a one-sided action since posts and tweets that were against or harmful to Trump weren't affected at all. Twitter is also aggressively censoring tweets by conservatives!
  • Putting warnings on conservative posts and tweets, many of which were solely to show the Democrat side of the discussion, but this wasn't done on Democrat posts and tweets to show the Republican side of the discussion.
  • Fact checking conservative posts, many of which were incorrectly fact checked but not fact checking obviously incorrect Democrat posts.

This is just a very small list of how Big Tech interfered in the election in a very devious and biased way. What is obvious from watching Big Tech is they censored, blocked or put a warning almost exclusively on conservative posts and tweets to control what people would see and have access to.

Freedom of speech be damned! 

Fairness be damned!

Things that American's should be aware of about Biden was hidden. Things that would make you question Biden's ability to be President and uphold America's values were being hidden or censored. Anything that would hurt Biden's election chances was hidden or censored.

The very powerful and well connected globalist and Deep State got to the Big Tech companies and straightened them out on helping Biden in this election. They were not allowed to help Trump at all. Fairness was not a factor. Biden winning was what was expected!

The globalist and Deep State will not allow Trump to win this election and interfere with their plans for America. American's be damned!

Stealing The Election

Do I believe the Deep State, Democrats and the Left stole the election?

Absolutely, 100% yes!

They had 4 years to put in place the strategies to steal this election. They knew what the battleground states would be and since these states were ran by Democrats they knew they could pull off the greatest voter fraud scheme ever in America.

Come on people, THERE WAS VERY LITTLE ENTHUSIASM FOR BIDEN! Hillary had far more enthusiasm! So how the hell did Biden get so many votes? 

Only one way... VOTER FRAUD!

Biden hardly campaigned at all and spent most of his time in the basement.

When he did get out of his basement he refused to answer questions from reporters. Plus, reporters refused to ask Biden the important questions, they only asked him softball questions.

When he did rally's did you see how many people showed up? Maybe 100 at the most, but usually around 10-20. They were very, very small crowds for someone who got the most votes in the history of our elections.

Obama had huge crowds and Biden ended with more votes than Obama.

I'm calling bullshit on this and am openly stating that the Left was masterful in how they put together their voter fraud strategy and ballot harvesting to steal this election. Nobody in America should have any confidence in our elections anymore

There was also all of the gaff's like not knowing what city or state he was in, or getting mixed up on who people were. Biden's mental acuity is clearly dropping, but not that most people would know any of this because the left wing media protected Biden and didn't report on any of this.

Then you add in the far left policies of Biden to push America into socialism, to end fossil fuel in America, to put an emphasis on Climate Control which would create thousands of new regulations which would hurt the economy, Biden said he would be raising all of our taxes so we'll have less take home pay, and his policies would massively increase our daily costs like gas for our cars and electricity for our homes. This is not a winning campaign!

But, you had the left wing media setting the stage for voter fraud by skewing the polls to suggest Biden is doing far better than he really was, and by writing articles pushing you to believe there would be a massive blue wall and landslide election. They all knew this wasn't true, but if they told you the truth you would also be questioning a Biden win.

They knew the Deep State had a plan in place for stealing the election and they were just simply doing their part of setting the stage so American's wouldn't question a Biden win.

In fact, as Trump warned people about voter fraud put in place by the massive mailing of ballots out to everyone on the states voter registration list the left wing media wrote many articles disputing voter fraud even saying there was none.

Yet, hardly a day has gone by where I haven't read another article showing voter fraud in cities around the country. Ballots being thrown away, ballot boxes in Republican areas being burned, interviews with people who are professional ballot harvesters and how they do it and so on and so on.

But, according to the left wing media, voter fraud wasn't real. Ya, bullshit! Yes it is.

Even the NY Times (I may be wrong on the paper here) wrote an article some years ago about how doing mail out of ballots to everyone on the voter registration is riddled with voter fraud.

But this year they disputed that article saying there is no voter fraud from doing a broadcast mailing of ballots. They disputed it because they need to control people to make them think there's nothing wrong with it. They cannot allow people to think a broadcast mailing would open the door to voter fraud, yet up until this year everyone from Democrats to Republicans to news mediums all said this is the #1 way of having voter fraud in an election.

Just not this year, as you've been told.

But in 4 years if Republicans push for mailing out ballots in Republican ran states like the Democrats did this year I can promise you they'll have an absolute conniption fit! They know this was the key to their stealing the election this year!

Everyone on the left from the many different mediums to Big Tech to Democrat Governors and so on had their roll to pulling this whole thing off.

Last night before I went to bed Trump had a very clear path to 270. In fact, I expected him to end the election at over 340. He was handily winning Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina and Pennsylvania. Come today and Biden has now be awarded Wisconsin and Michigan... how the hell did that happen over night? 

Meanwhile North Carolina and Pennsylvania were clearly Trump victories, then come today and they're now too close to call. Again, what the hell happened last night?

Here's a video of Dr. Steve Turley discussing how the Democrats are trying to steal the election... (YouTube is removing ALL videos associated to Voter Fraud... YouTube Will Ban All Videos Highlighting Voter Fraud.)

Here's an article which discusses the Democrats stealing the election in Democrat ran states: Yes, Democrats Are Trying To Steal The Election In Michigan, Wisconsin, And Pennsylvania. From this article... (I added the bold and italic font styles to emphasis key points.)

As of this writing, it appears that Democratic Party machines in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania are trying to steal the election.

As reporters and commentators went to bed early Tuesday morning, all three states were too close to call, but President Trump led former Vice President Joe Biden by comfortable margins—far beyond what had been predicted in the polls. None of the networks called these states because enough mail-in ballots remained uncounted that it could swing either way, but Trump’s position looked good.

Then, something strange happened in the dead of the night. In both Michigan and Wisconsin, vote dumps early Wednesday morning showed 100 percent of the votes going for Biden and zero percent—that’s zero, so not even one vote—for Trump.

In Michigan, Biden somehow got 138,339 votes and Trump got none, zero, in an overnight vote-dump.

When my Federalist colleague Sean Davis noted this, Twitter was quick to censor his tweet, even though all he had done was compare two sets of vote totals on the New York Times website. And he wasn’t the only one who noticed—although on Wednesday it appeared that anyone who noted the Biden vote dump in Michigan was getting censored by Twitter.

Then another mysterious all-Biden vote dump happened in Wisconsin. Biden miraculously overcame a 4.1-point Trump lead in the middle of the night thanks to vote dumps in which he got—you guessed it—100 percent of the votes and Trump got zero.

In Pennsylvania, the Democratic scheme to steal the election is a bit different. Rather than vote dumps that impossibly go 100 percent to Biden, Pennsylvania is relying on the Democratic Secretary of State’s plan to count indisputably late mail-in ballots as though they were received on Election Dayeven if they have no postmark.

Unless election officials in Michigan and Wisconsin can explain the overnight vote-dumps and, in Michigan, the “typo” that appeared to benefit Biden, and Pennsylvania officials can explain their rationale for counting ballots with no postmark, the only possible conclusion one can come to right now is that Democrats are trying to steal the election in the Midwest.

To add to this, PA and WI will not let Republican pole watchers review the ballots like they're suppose to allow by law, even after a judge ordered them to! If they were being honest and there was no funny business going on there wouldn't be a reason to stop pole watchers from reviewing the ballots. 

Instead they are shockingly not allowing Republican pole watchers to review the ballots as they're counted. This should tell you everything you need to know. It's rigged!

Nobody should question how suspicious all of this is. For one, there's no way Biden would get 100% of the votes found in a late night ballot box find. It's not possible

Then shockingly, Twitter censored any Tweets that addressed any of this funny business showing how biased and committed Big Tech is to also provide protection for Biden and manipulate Americans.

You know what, if a party is going to cheat then what's the point in American's voting?

This obvious cheating by the Democrats clearly says, "We do not trust you to elect the right person so we're going to fix that and make sure who WE want is elected." That's just bullshit, and it completely destroys our fair election process!

I for one DEMAND that every state overhauls their election process to absolutely insure that there can not ever be any cheating again.

I really hope they get caught and publicly chastised. 

But they won't. If there's one thing I've learned over the last 40 years it's that Democrats have no accountability and are able to get away with just about anything. They never get in trouble, and they have a lot of people in high places including judges who don't hold them accountable or hide the evidence. It disgusts me how Democrats are so easily able to get away with things!

What This Election Is Really About...

This election was never the Right Vs. the Left. This election was about Americans Vs. the Deep State, Big Corporations and Globalization. It was about the Deep State keeping their power and stopping Trump from exposing them any further than he already has. It was about getting back on track to moving forward with globalization.

Yes, over the past 4 years Trump exposed a lot about the Deep State and corruption in Washington, and had Trump had another 4 years he would've put a lot of heads on the chopping block sending many to jail. This also had to be stopped!

It's only been in the last 4 months that we finally learned who started the Russia hoax and why... Hillary Clinton to take the focus off of her deleting 33,000 emails! The players involved are now being revealed and it's only now that we are starting to really uncover the depth of the lefts corruption. It had to be stopped, and since Trump couldn't be controlled they had to get him out of office.

Let me share a little about Globalization...

Globalization, What American's Need To Know

Here's what I want my fellow American's to remember... Globalization is GREAT for multi-nation businesses and absolutely disastrous to American's.

Also keep in mind, 6 multi-national corporations own 90% of the media so you can quickly see why the media would want and push for Globalization.

BUT, they don't want you and I to know what they're doing and why they're doing it. Instead, they create narratives to put your focus somewhere else and not on the real agenda of the Deep Swamp. It's about distracting us so they can push their agenda. Distraction strategies have been very effective for them.

Or, since they have the left wing media in their back pocket they just don't report on key topics so we're not even aware of what they're doing.

If, however, someone calls them on it or points out what they're doing they bring in their media machine to discredit them, or push a "conspiracy theory" narrative to create doubt in what you're being told. Everything they do is about pushing their agenda and shutting down people who would try to stop them or reveal what they're doing to you.

In the end this is how the rich keep getting richer and the number of people in poverty continues to grow, and how the Deep States keeps getting stronger.

They say they care about us but this is just "talking points". What they really care about is being even richer and having more power.

Now, Globalization isn't all bad. If you do some research on it you'll see there are advantages to American's also. But I don't have time in this article to cover both the good and the bad, or even to cover all of the things bad with it. Instead I'm going to share just one thing which will explain one of the reasons why we've lost so many manufacturing jobs over the years.

One of the biggest problems for developed countries is that jobs are lost and transferred to lower cost countries. According to conservative estimates by Robert Scott of the Economic Policy Institute, granting China most favored nation status drained away 3.2 million jobs, including 2.4 million manufacturing jobs. He pegs the net losses due to our trade deficit with Japan ($78.3 billion in 2013) at 896,000 jobs, as well as an additional 682,900 jobs from the Mexico –U.S. trade-deficit run-up from 1994 through 2010.

Keep in mind, Joe Biden loves China and has had a cozy relationship with them for many years.

As a business the largest expense it generally has is payroll to its employees. When a business with 100 people can offshore the work at $5/hr versus paying $30/hr here in the United States, that's a $25/hr per employee savings which adds up to a lot of money. With 100 employees working 40 hours per week that's $100,000 saved per week. Who can argue with this temptation?

When there's a possibility to have the work exported to low wage countries US workers face pay-cut demands from employers who threaten to export jobs. This has created a culture of fear for many middle class workers who have little leverage in this global game.

There are many different types of jobs that can be exported to low wage countries, especially with today's technology and VOIP phone systems.

Keep in mind, this is just one facet, one part, to globalization. Here's another... Remember when Biden said he'll get back into the Paris Climate Treaty on day one?

The Paris Climate Treaty  has very little to do with Climate Change and instead requires America to fund other countries and give up America's sovereignty. I wrote about this already: Some Paris Treaty Truths. You NEED to read this article now to see how the globalist will dramatically transform America via this treaty! 

This is how they push things through and behind your back... packaging it into something else like what they're doing with the Paris climate treaty. They emphasize "Climate Control", but that has very little to do with the policy.

As a country, we're in for a world of hurt. Government will do just enough to appease you, they'll say what you want to hear but won't create any policies in those areas and behind the scenes quietly in the dark of the night they'll be strategizing how to remove America's freedom's and exceptionalism to balance out the world.

For this, politicians are greatly rewarded. This has been another of my pet-peeves... Congress selling their votes when they should be voting based upon what's best for us Americans. It's no wonder there's a push for term limits for Congress, and there should be.

Update 11/6/2020. Here's an image of a tweet (click to open up in Twitter) showing Lindsey Graham (R) going full globalist with the anticipation that Trump will be losing and we'll be going back to business as usual of supporting and moving America back to Globalization... (this should scare everyone!)

I found the video which is really about globalization and going back to governments "status quo" of serving other countries over serving America, and how this will hurt the middle class the most. It's still missing about 1 1/2 min's at the end but you'll get the idea...

What We All Should Learn From All Of This

There are a number of take aways from the past 4 years and this election...

  • The left wing media are habitual liars! You cannot trust anything they say because...
  • The media have an ultimate agenda and are narrative driven to control people, not report the news. The news isn't important. The narrative is what's important to control what you believe to be true and to control how you think and act.
  • The left wing media isn't going to tell you everything. They'll hid information from you to support their agenda or protect someone much like what they did for Biden. Most Biden voters have no idea what his policies are and only voted for Biden because the media set the stage early on to hate Trump.
  • The left wing media is not news driven, they're narrative driven so don't expect to get factual news from them. They push narratives and too often the facts are an inconvenience to the narrative they want to push.
  • The left wing media is used as a tool to provide protection and cover for all kinds of things for the Left and Democrats. If Democrats want a specific narrative pushed they turned to the left wing media, if there's a story they want buried they turn to the left wing media, if there's a person they want discredited they turn to the left wing media, and so on. 
  • For the first time in America's history free speech is being controlled and stopped by Big Tech. They want to be the arbitrators of what you read and learn, and they are only left wing driven. It's the lefts ideology they want to promote and the conservative voice and ideology they want to squash! You are not to hear opposing views. Using China like speech control they're controlling Americans.
  • Voter fraud is real! You're watching it unfold right before your eyes. But the left wing media will write multiple articles disputing this and their TV commentators will tell you it's not true, that the Right is just trying to push a conspiracy theory, and like a good puppets many will believe them.
  • There's a lot of corruption in this country, but you'll never know where it is and who's involved when the Deep State is in control of our media and Big Tech, both of who can control what information we have access to.
  • There are "elitist", also called "the swamp", from both parties. This is not a one party issue. The swamp wants globalization.

The ultimate bottom line is, either you're after the truth and want to make decisions based upon facts, or you're a puppet of the left. It's one or the other. Notice I did not say you're either a Democrat or a Republican so please re-read the first sentence to this paragraph.

The Left's ATTACK On America As A Whole

Attack On Our Constitution & Bill Of Rights.

For the left, the Constitution and Bill Of Rights are an obstacle to their power grab. These two founding documents are the laws of the land, but they aren't the laws the Democrats want in place!

Already the left has supported and funded BLM and ANTIFA. Both are admitted trained Marxist and both are on a mission to destroy America and rebuild it with a new constitution in the left's image.

The Democrats can say they support the Constitution, but when they take the action of supporting and funding Marxist organizations who's mission is to destroy the constitution, that tells you everything. It's like I've always said, "Your actions are so loud I can't hear your words." One's actions tell you what's important to the person or organization.

Re-Writing Our History.

To support the Left's attack on our constitution and America, history is being re-written in the left's image to present America as a racist evil country. Seriously. There's a group who's literally re-writing our history books. Already their re-write of our history is shockingly being taught in public schools. This just pisses me off!

Attacking Christians And Our Religious Rights and Freedoms.

Then on top of all of this, there's been a continuous attack on our religious freedoms and rights which is being done for numerous reasons. Just take a look at the incredible damage Obama & Biden did during their 8 years (I share this in an article I wrote: Christians & Your Vote – Why Trump.) Obama-Biden were shutting down anything to do with Christianity all while at the same time pushing Islam. Open your eyes people!

Also notice how Churches is the one place Democrat Governors don't want people to go to as part of their COVID lockdowns. The Church and what they teach is a huge threat to the direction the Deep State wants people to go. Why do you think China is literally plowing down Churches and is even re-writing the Bible to support China's ideology? God cannot be greater than the government! (Learn more at this article: China to Christians: We're Rewriting The Bible, And You'll Use It Or Else.)

God is a real problem to those who want total power! There can only be one master and the Government wants it to be them, not God. Why do you think our fore-fathers addressed religion in the very first amendment?

But again, the left will not come straight out and tell you what they're doing. It's subtle with small changes here and there to move people to where they want us to be.

Or if it's a more obvious change you'll see the media doing a "distraction" strategy to take your focus from what's happening there to something else. Or the media will "minimize" what you heard or report misinformation to control what you believe is happening.

Attacking The 2nd Amendment (Our Guns).

To take control of us American's they must get our guns. It's one policy at a time to do it, but it's slowly happening. Once we're disarmed and can't fight back against a tyrant government you'll see a tyrant government unlike you've ever seen before because there will be nothing that can stop them from taking total control over your total life and what you can do. The government will control every aspect of our lives.

Attacking The 1st Amendment (Freedom Of Speech).

They need to control speech. They only want one view and no opposing views, and the view they want is the left's view. The left hates the conservative view to anything! The problem is the left has the lying left wing media and the biased Big Tech in their pocket to control speech.

These things listed aren't the only things the Left is attacking here in America, but they're the most obvious and the things that should scare us American's the most.

Here's Who Really Wins The 2020 Election If Trump Loses.

It's not Biden who won the 2020 election, it's the left wing media and Big Tech who won it (for the Deep State) by controlling what information you'd see and have access to, and even putting "warnings" on posts to show the Democrats rebuttal to posts to control the information you saw. They have manipulated and masterfully controlled the majority of people in America.

Don't think for a second this won't embolden them, because it will. The lies will get bigger and more frequent, but that's fine because they already know how to control people which they are masterfully doing already.

I, Like A Lot Of American's, Am FURIOUS!

I am! There's no question about the corruption going on with the Democrats to steal this election, and then we watch the left wing media and Big Tech providing them with protection. This is not the America I know. The Democrats are functioning like a Mob and the the Media and Big Tech as their hinch pins. This whole thing is bullshit!

If Biden were to win fair and square I could deal with that. I wouldn't be happy, but I could deal with it. But it's obvious that the Democrats and the Democrat Governors in the battle states are intentionally and purposely cheating to steal this election! Then they have their media mouth pieces and Big Tech to provide cover and protection for them.

This isn't over!

The follow up to this article is where I discuss how the left pulled off the greatest voter fraud strategy ever in the history of America. You can read it here: A Stolen Election.