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How Relatively Small Groups Of People Are Able To Create So Much Change

If you're watching the news and following politics you are watching laws being passes which support a very small percentage of Americans and with some of those laws detrimental to the high majority of us. A good example of this is the attack against our religious liberties.


You've always had the power to stop this but instead we've all just sat back and did nothing. 

I've had many ask me,

  • "How are relatively small groups of people able to create so much change?
  • How did the LGBTQ get so many laws pass, and girls in boys locker rooms and bathrooms and boys in girls locker rooms and bathrooms, and boys competing in girls sports and so on?
  • How is BLM able to drop cities to their knees, riot and loot and not get in trouble for it, get someone fired for simply stating a fact which contradicts what they are telling us or who says 'all lives matter', and so on?
  • How has BLM been able to stop people from saying the inclusive All Lives Matter to forcing everyone to say the divisive Black Lives Matter?"

It's actually pretty easy, especially during an election year when politicians are all trying to win votes. 

Here's what's going on...

2% Of People Will Control 98% Of The People 100% Of The Time!

Let what I just said sink in.

2% of the people will control 98% of the people 100% of the time. It's true. We're watching it happen over and over again.

Have you ever heard the saying, "The squeaky wheel gets the grease?"

This is a cliche used to convey the idea that the most noticeable (or loudest) people are the ones most likely to get attention and to create change.

Look at all of the protests and riots the LGBT community and BLM and their sympathizers have put on. Look at all of the attention both have gotten because of the loud and in your face movements to include the riots and looting by the BLM.

They're the squeaky wheel. The problem is there's no counter-protest! Nobody is protesting against these movements, or protesting for contradictive wants.

When I say "nobody" what I mean is the number of counter-protesters is so small they get drowned out by the BLM protesters or LGBT protesters.

What do you think would've happened if when the LGBT community was protesting, Christians would've protested also? (I have no negative feels about the LGBT community. I'm simply using their movement as an example.)

Keep in mind, the LGBT community is a very small fraction in size compared to the Christians in America so it could've easily have been at least 50 Christians for every 1 LGBT protester. Who then would've had the loudest voice? Who then would've gotten the attention of law makers?

The Christians because their coalition/movement would've been significantly larger.

Do you know how many actual LGBT there are?

According to a 2017 Gallup pole, 4.5% of adults identify as LGBT. That's not very many. So how did they create such a large following of so many supporters?

Because they had a consistent message a lot of Americans could identify with, and they were marching constantly, they had a coalition that was everywhere spreading their message and nobody created a counter-protest in an organized national way.

Plus, the messaging put out by those who opposed the LGBT movement was the wrong message and not something most American's could get behind.

Messaging is very important!

Sure, there were small groups here and there which tried to go up against them but they were too small and localized versus being national. Plus, these smaller groups had bad messaging with most just throwing scriptures at them which isn't how you get national attention and support.

Again, there was no national, organized coalition. 

What happened?

Nothing. Very few Christians protested and because of that their voice was not heard. Christians did not put on a counter-protest against LGBT so in the end the LGBT community got their wishes.

Consistently, it's those who yell the loudest, who have the biggest protests and who have the largest social media attacks who are heard and wins the battle.

This is the 2%.

How To Take Back Control Of Our Country

The beautiful thing today is it's not a battle won with swords and guns. It's a battle won in sheer numbers of protesters and advocates for the cause, and using what we have available to be heard.

If you want to turn things around, start a coalition and take a stand:

  • Take to the streets and protest in unison with the same basic message wearing t-shirts with your message and carrying signs, and be sure to show up with many thousands of people (make sure you have more protesters than the opposing side);
  • Take to social media and attack those who are against your message (I don't mean be an ass like the left is, but instead to call them out and confront them and tell them they're wrong and tell them, if it's a business, all of you will be boycotting them), be heard loud and clear what your position is and by having 3 posts or more for every 1 from the opposing side it's you who will be heard;
  • Bombard the House Representatives and Senators in your state with social media posts, phone calls and letters in the many thousands all around a common theme or objective.
  • When BLM comes to a Democrat ran city to protest and likely riot and loot also, line the streets in front of the businesses with citizens of that community to protect the businesses and the citizens. Why? Because very likely the Democrat Mayor has told the police to stand down and to let the rioters riot and the looters loot. This is YOUR city.  Do not let BLM, which is mainly people from out of town, destroy your city. It's not BLM who will suffer, it's the citizens of that community. Show the city and the nation that you do NOT support their angry, divisive movement.

This is just a few examples. The key is to do it in great numbers, far more than the opposing side.

YOUR movement/coalition needs to be the squeaky wheel and heard.

Who will put this together? Who will organize it? Who will let the members know what the next action will be?

There needs to be a group leader. Organized actions is far more effective because then you have everyone doing the same thing. You want one voice all saying the same thing. (Pay attention to your messaging because your messaging can make you or break you.)

For example, could you imagine where we'd be at today if instead of the divisive Black Lives Matter slogan being the dominate movement, if the majority of people were pushing the All Lives Matter slogan which is inclusive. The BLM movement has created a lot of damage in this country! Why hasn't millions of people got behind the ALM movement?

That's problem, Conservatives sit back and bitch but don't get involved!

When you consider 78% of American's say All Lives Matter better aligns with their belief, this means the 22% are controlling the narrative, laws, etc around this topic.

The 22% are in control. They are setting the tone. They are the ones pushing the laws and policies, all while the rest of us sit back and do nothing, except to complain about it.

Complaining won't change anything. The majority MUST have a louder voice, a bigger movement, a larger crowd of protesters, more people using social media pushing what the majority want and pushing back on the 22%.

Most People Are Like Sheep

Most people are like sheep... they just follow the crowd. Plus, most people want to be on the winning side.

If you want to create a winning movement you start by creating the movement. We can't just sit back and do nothing! We MUST get into the game and make sure our voices are heard!

If you have the largest movement with the most support you'll win. It's as simple as that!

Conservatives Are Losing Free Speech With Big Tech Stopping Opposing Views To The Lefts Ideology and Narrative

Conservatives are complacent. Most don't like to stir things up. Most believe, "Others will protest and handle this", or believe "They won't do this ["this" being whatever the left is pushing] in America".


We're about to lose a lot from free speech, the 2nd Amendment and so much more.

Here's the problem we're faced with... the GOP is doing NOTHING to protect us. We must tell them what to do! And we must have their backs as they do it!

Here is Tucker Carlson telling you bluntly what's going on and what we must do...

Because of Tucker's powerful message Dan Bongino followed up on his Podcast the very important warning Tucker is giving us... (it's the beginning of his program)

What are you going to do? 

Nothing is the wrong answer!

Conservative values, religious liberties, the 2nd Amendment, a secure border, low taxes, stopping socialism, and so much more is on the line right now. It's time to act, it's time to take a stand and it's time our voices were heard!

The problem is...

Big Tech Is Shutting Down Any and All Opposing Views To The Lefts Narrative and Ideology

The "America First" movement, the Conservative voice and anything else that doesn't support the far left progressive movement of the left for globalization and a one-world order is being shut down.

Even "private" Facebook groups which opposes the left's views will be shut down. Patriotism and conservative views are being pushed underground. You can't use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc to have discussions which oppose the progressive left's ideology. 

Facebook has stated they will be removing all hate groups and posts, but ANTIFA and BLM remain. These violent hate groups are immune because they support the far left ideology.  Do you see how this is going to play out?

Conservatives will have to move to other platforms like Gap, Parler & Telegram to share ideas and create a movement because as soon as you try to create a movement or have discussions that goes against the lefts ideology you'll be shut down if you try to do this on Facebook, Twitter and numerous other platforms.

Since we know this, why even try to use Facebook or other big tech platforms?

Bypass them so they have no control over the boards and discussions.

Parler is a starting point. We're on Parler, but Parler wasn't designed to have discussions and bounce ideas off each other or to create a movement on. It's instead a lot like Twitter where you can create a Parler message that everyone who's following you can read.

Facebook was where most discussions took place and where people would share ideas and bounce ideas off each other, but we can't trust Facebook to let these discussions take place. Conservatives are the enemy and they want to shut the conservative movement and ideology down!

So what will replace Facebook where conservatives can have discussions?

At this point I'd look seriously at either Gab or Telegram (use Channel).

Now is when Conservatives need to stand up and make sure their voice is heard. Democrats want to create a dictatorship and speech control like in China. They like how there's a ruling class in China and how China controls speech so you only hear what they want you to hear so they can control the narrative and so you don't hear the opposing side and why the China driven narrative is bad for you. 

Democrats idolize China and want America to be just like them. Why do you think they refuse to blame China for the ChineseVirus, or hold China responsible for anything they do, or condemn China for shutting down all religious institutes and churches who would teach Bible principles that contradict what China wants their people to believe, or condemn China for killing groups of people who would dare have a belief different than theirs.

China has a strong fist on their people and have no problem executing thousands who would go against them. You either conform to what China stands for or take the chance of be put in jail or executed.

This is what will come to America if you allow Democrats to have control. Democrats have always strived for power, to be a ruling class above all others. It's not really about climate control or black lives matter to name a few things, it's about using a narrative to force us to give up control so they have control. 

The problem is, once you give up your rights you will never get them back! They will be gone forever!

This is one of the reasons for this website. To unite us all and create equality for all, along with doing everything in my ability to convince people of how important it is for Conservatives to unite, get organized and take a stand against the radical left.

Anything that does this, that create unity and equality, will hurt what the Democrats are after so they absolutely cannot allow it. They MUST keep us divided to push their narrative which is in part why Facebook considers this site offensive and against their rules.

Somebody please start a discussion outside of Facebook under your well established website or on a Conservative friendly social media platform where conservatives and patriots can collectively come together and create a movement. Do it NOW while you can still promote it on Facebook and Twitter to drive people to them.

Unlike Parler, we need to police these discussion boards and forums by closing accounts of liberals and denying them entry to them because these resources are NOT to brainstorm solutions between the ideologies, but instead to... 

create a movement in America UNLIKE this country has ever seen! It's time our voices were heard as one HUGE united voice where we say NO MORE!

Who is going to put these pieces in place? 

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