Taking A Stand Against The Radical Left, Here's Why This Needs To Happen...

The Left Wants To Destroy Conservatives And Our America First Agenda. They're Doing It One By One, Institution to Institution. The ONLY Way We're Going To Be Able To Effectively Fight Back Is With A HUGE Collective United Group Of Conservatives Standing Together And Strategically Fighting Back!

The whole purpose of this page is to show you how cruel, unAmerican, nasty and sneaky the Left is and how they are attacking Conservatives and the America First movement.

The Left NEVER wants to see another America First agenda. They want Globalization and they will go to great lengths to make sure it happens. The fact is, being blunt (I'll back up what I'm saying throughout this website), the Left wants to destroy the Constitution so they can move America into Communism so the power switches from We The People to the Government.

The Constitution was written to protect American's from what we're witnessing right now. The Left has to destroy it so they can take control over America.

Here we'll list the many different reasons why we must get united and organized. Because this page will continue to grow we're offering an index to jump to the topic you want to review...

Introduction: Why We Need To Take A Stand And Fight Back...

I'm going to first summarize why we need to unite, and then I'll explain it:

  • To protect the Constitution, the one thing that protects us Americans, gives us our rights and freedoms, and to protect us from a tyrant government like what you see in China which is exactly what the Left wants in America! Don't kid yourself, the Left wants to end our freedom's and bring in Communism into America because they can't do what they're ultimately after until the Government has total control over everything and everybody in America! You've been warned!
  • At the top of their list is getting our guns out of our hands! They MUST disarm us to have total and complete control over us (2nd Amendment). I'm just going to tell you, the day we lose our right to bear arms (own guns) is the day you will see a dramatic change in America and will watch America become a military state where military forces will enforce the new rules that will be forced upon us.
  • They must end free speech, or at minimum "control" the information and censor information they don't want people to see! They need to control the narrative and are censoring the facts so the only thing citizens hear is the narrative they want us to believe. By controlling the narrative and censoring opposing views and facts that will dispute their narrative they control the people.
  • Cancel Culture. They are picking us off one by one. We need to united and be a united shield to other Conservatives, each having the others back. We need to send a message, "businesses or institutes that cancel Conservatives will be cancelled by millions of Conservatives".
  • Stopping radical far-left anti-American policies. Over the next 4 years we're going to watch the Democrats pushing radical policies and policies that aren't in our best interest. There are numerous ways we can slow them down or even stop them. For now let me just say, 'millions protesting against the policies via actual protests and using social media 
  • To build a culture outside of the Liberals who don't even want to do business with us! Liberal businesses are canceling their business relationships with Conservatives. We need to unite to put a roadblock up to this behavior. 
  • Just one approach: All it will take is millions of people ending their relationship with a selected Liberal company which could put them out of business or severely hurt them. With that many people dumping them at once it will make the other Liberal businesses think twice about canceling Conservatives. We need to let the Liberal businesses know 'we're united and we're not going to tolerate your selective canceling of conservatives'.
  • Plus, we need Conservative tech companies we can trust to not censor us or cancel us. I discuss this in more detail at the article, "Taking Information And Discussions To Free Speech Supporting Platforms!." At the top of the list we need a hosting company that won't shut down our websites and SaaS applications.
  • To protect politicians who will support and push an America First agenda! Currently the America First Republicans in office are being beat up by Democrats and their media arm. We have got to have their backs if we're ever going to be able to get other Republicans to campaign and support an America First agenda. We've got to have their backs like they've got ours. The Left is trying to send a strong message to us, "try to push another America First agenda and we'll destroy you." We need to send a message back to them, "Try it, we're ready for you and we will not stand down from our America First agenda objective!" 

Now Is The Time To Unite & Fight Back

On multiple pages and articles we've already discussed what the left is doing and how they want to punish American's simply for loving America and wanting an America First agenda. What the Left is doing and how they're going about pushing their agenda to reshape and change America into a socialist country along with all of the other things they're doing to destroy America just cannot be tolerated any longer. We America loving people need to take a stand and we need to do it now!

But how? How do we stop the craziness on the left? How do we stop their cancel culture which is getting people fired from their jobs simply because they supported Trump, support an America First agenda, support All Lives Matter over BLM, etc, etc, etc.?

We cover these questions at other pages like "How To Fight Back".

The left's position is if we don't conform to what they want then they'll destroy usYes, destroy us which is exactly the conversation a panel of people on the left had this week.

Even the left wing media is supporting this. It's politicians like AOC, the left wing media and many more on the left who literally want to hurt American's for supporting an America First agenda. Wow!

Here's a video of Dan Bongino talking about fighting back, and how now is the time...

What he's talking about is based upon the article from The American Conservative titled, "How The Right Can Organize Like The Left" which is exactly what Team Pro-America outlined as the best strategy to stand up to the left! It's like this article was written for us.

Like Dan points out...

  • Pressure IS power! This is why the left is doxing people... to damage people and ruin their lives. They know it will create pressure to have those people fired.
  • The power of pressure! By putting pressure on people it forces them to act or re-evaluate why they're doing what they're doing.
  • How do we create pressure?
    • It's a product of numbers, of having lots of people on the same page with focus effort at the task at hand. From the article...

If you want to actually produce change, you can’t do it with debates. You can’t do it with pundits. And you can’t do it by sitting at home and assuming somebody else will do something. You have to learn to build a team and work as part of it. And your team has to learn to be part of a larger team.

You must, in short, build a community.

We need to create a membership of millions of patriots who are just done with the left and their craziness and their radical policies. But we need to do it smartly. We need to be organized, structured and focused.

We hope someone comes along to create this organization. If not, we'll take it on because this just simply needs to happen.

Would you be interested in being part of an organization like this and allow your voice to join millions of other voices to let our government and others know where we stand?

We're doing a survey to find out how many people would be interested and what they'd be interested in. Please us out and fill out the following form...

If you own a business and would like to list it.

Let's move on.

Punishing American's For Supporting An America First Policy With The Trump Accountability Project... Democrats Started This And They Are Pushing This!

Do You Realize What's Going On Here? People Elected To Congress Are Intentionally Trying To DESTROY Fellow American... WHAT THAT HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!

Here's an article we wrote which addresses this unbelievable thing the Left is doing which was started by Democrat politicians, if you can believe it: ATTACKING Americans Simply For Loving America-Trump Accountability Project! We strongly recommend you read this article to get up to speed on what the left is doing.

This whole thing just blows me away! It's hard to believe this is actually happening here in America. Even worse, it was started and pushed by Democrat politicians.

It was the Cancel Culture created by the Left of singling out fellow American's to punish them for their beliefs that originally had me all up in arms. But this is taking that to a whole new level, and it's just not acceptable! Nobody in America should be supporting this, or even allowing this to happen in America.

Democrats are supporting the attacking of American citizens simply because they don't support their ideology. People, this should not only scare you, it should out right piss you off! Democrats are doing this! 

Not only do we need to stand up to this asinine "Trump Accountability Project", we'll also need to stand up to the Cancel Culture. NOBODY in America should be fired from a job, have a business boycotted or burned down or anything else that would hurt our fellow American brothers and sisters all because they have a different belief and love America.

The only way we'll be able to fight back against this and put a stop to it is by millions of us coming together collectively. This is why we need an organization to organize millions of patriots to strategically fight back with our voices in a very focused way!

The Attacks On Trump Have Grown and Evolved To Include ALL Trump Supporters and Conservatives! DEMOCRATS ARE SERIOUSLY SICK PEOPLE!

What country are we in?

In one breath Biden speaks of unity, of coming together, and then in the next breath we're told the Democrats are coming after us, that they're going to punish us for supporting Trump, for supporting an America First agenda, for just simply being Conservatives who don't support their globalization agenda!

Seriously? They're going to come after us and punish us?


Think I'm over exaggerating? Watch this video...

As you can see, the Democrats have it out for us!

But hold on for a second, remember that Democrats create problems to push policies or an agenda. 

Here's a hint. When the Democrats go completely overboard, total whacko and their media arm is right behind them backing up their completely fabricated and crazy narrative it's because they are trying to push something. I mean, come on, it's ludicrous to say 74 million Trump voters are terrorist and need de-programmed.

Yes, it's an attack on us but here's what they're really after...

  • The absolutely must destroy the America First movement. The focus cannot be on America and American's, that's just racist. Just ask them, they'll tell you.
  • They think this will create a divide in the Republican party which would really make Democrats happy.
  • They want Republicans in Congress to be afraid and not stand up to them or fight them on their agenda.
  • They are demanding no resistance to the radical policies they know they'll be pushing through. Don't protest, don't write opposing views, don't get in our way. If you do they'll hurt you.

As we build this page we'll add more information. For now the most important thing to point out is...

**CRITICAL** (Leaving This Here For Now To See How Many Of The Following Things Democrats Do)
 Georgia Senate Runover Race In January

Bluntly, Republicans cannot lose these two races and must retain these two GOP Senate seats because if we lose this will give Democrats the House, the Senate AND Presidency (if Trump isn't able to turn over the election). This will allow Democrats to dramatically change America, but not in a way Republicans and Patriots would ever accept!

If Democrats have all 3 branches of government here's what you can expect to happen:

  • Making absolutely sure Republicans will never win the Presidency ever again. How? Like this...
  • Turning DC into a state which would give Democrats 2 more Senators
  • Turn Puerto Rico into a state which would give Democrats 2 more Senators. This will be a total of 4 more Democrat Senators making it almost impossible for Republicans to ever have the majority in the Senate ever again.
  • Give citizenship to over 20 million illegal aliens already in America which they anticipate would predominately vote Democrat (the left says there's only 11 million but they are intentionally down playing how many illegal aliens are actually in America).
  • They will change the election laws so they can continue cheating... No ID required, ballot harvesting in all 50 states, illegal aliens can vote, etc.
  • Open borders allowing millions to come into America. This will include MS 13 gang members, ISIS terrorist or anyone else who wants to come in!
  • Increasing Muslim refugees to 700%. Just look at all of the problems Europe and France are experiencing because of their overflow of Muslims who refuse to assimilate to the culture and laws of the country they're in.
  • Free healthcare for illegal aliens. Who's going to pay for this?
  • They must get our guns away from us in order to create the Tyrant Government they're after where they control ever facet of our lives. This has to happen before they can push their socialism agenda because American's just won't allow that to happen. They will take whatever actions and pass whatever laws they can to either completely remove the 2nd Amendment and our ability to protect ourselves, or make it really hard for American's to own a gun. We will be far less safe.
  • They will push a socialism agenda to turn America into a socialist country.
  • In addition to taking our guns away, they want to Defund the Police! How will we protect ourselves against the increase in crimes and attacks which always happens when there's a decrease in police presence?
  • They will push the $93 trillion Green New Deal which will dramatically transform America to include ending fossil fuel which will take away millions of good paying jobs, make us dependent on other countries again for oil and hurt America in many different ways. (This is an article all in itself with all of the damage it would to do America and all of the ways it will hurt Americans.)
  • They will push an aggressive globalization agenda which will greatly hurt and even end the America First policies of Trump. They don't believe America should have such power in the world or offer American citizens with opportunities not found anywhere else. Globalist want to equalize America so it's no better than any other country. Plus, they want to end laws which protect American's and America's small businesses.

This isn't even everything! Democrats plan to dramatically change America in many different ways which will change America for all of us. Good-bye suburbia. Good-bye our religious freedom's (unless you're Muslim). We'll be saying good-bye to a lot of things.

We cannot allow the Anti-American Democrats to do all of this. Democrats aren't trying to serve America and make America a better place for us, they're serving their Globalist overlords who are pulling their strings

Almost everything you see coming from the Left from BLM and ANTIFA to the Cancel Culture and many other things are designed to tear down America, divide us which makes it easier to destroy us, destroy our Constitution and to ultimately push a globalization agenda. Most everything is to tear apart the things that make America great to destroy our exceptionalism so we're no better than any other country.

If the Democrats win the two Georgia Senate seats, bluntly, we're screwed!

Update: WE'RE SCREWED! Democrats won both seats.