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Huge Decrease In Christianity And Patriotism - It's All By Design (4/05/24)

Jesse Watters presents the huge decrease in Christianity and Patriotism. Following Jesse Watters 1 minute report, we share with you why this is happening and who's behind it.

Be very clear, it's all by design. It's all part of a 60+ year long well orchestrated plan which affects all of us. We reveal all of this in this short video.

Democrats And The Left HATE The Constitution. Here's What You MUST Know! (2/15/24)

Do you understand that the Constitution is a LEGAL BINDING CONTRACT and is the LAW OF THE LAND? It is. I'm going to share with you how the Democrats look at this legal binding contract so they can get around it, and I'm going to share with you WHY they want to get around it. This is an important video!

Democrats Don't Serve Us And Have Big Plans For Us Citizens (2/10/24)

Citizens must wake up and realize what's happening here and what the Democrats have planned for all of us. This is what the Globalist have been writing about and talking about, it all comes straight from them.
Watch and share.

Tucker's 4/19/23 Monologue - The Media Is Blatantly LYING To You (3/03/23)

Many are saying this is what got Tucker FIRED from Fox News, for addressing the LIES of the media regarding C19. Tucker certainly shows numerous lies from the media and how we American's are NOT INFORMED or have been given a completely DIFFERENT NARRATIVE on a topic than what's true. Check it out!

What Happens Once It's PROVEN The 2020 Election Was STOLEN? (5/28/21)

The Left refuses to accept Mike Lindell's "Absolute" video series which have proven indisputably this election was stolen. This is making the AZ and other state audits that much more important, but the Left is still going to discredit them because they cannot allow any proof or evidence of voter fraud to be revealed!

In this video I'm going to discuss my views & opinions about what will happen once the fraud is proven. Keep in mind, the first battle is finishing the audit in AZ and making the results available to all American's, and then doing the audits in the other states. This is going to be a challenge because the Deep State is going to do everything in their power to stop them, or limit them, or sabotage them and they will certainly discredit them.

These are my views.

Politicians Don't Start Parades, They JOIN Parades (5/22/21)

An Important Lesson About Politicians... Politicians Don't Start Parades, They JOIN Parades! (How profound!)

Once you understand this important point you understand the important role us American citizens play. Watch the video for details and what we American's need to do.

This Is A War - America Vs The Globalist & Their Deep State Operatives To Enslave Us All (5/18/21)

In this video I discuss the war we're facing and how the Deep State steals elections which allows them to move THEIR agenda forward, not the people's agenda. This is a large part of what I discuss in this video.

Along with this I discuss how the Globalist have been planning and working toward where we are today, which frankly, is a scary spot in America's timeline. I believe you're going to find this an informative video.

I also share an ACTION PLAN of what Patriots need to do RIGHT NOW!

I share a story about God and how he works through people starting at 36:15. I hope this helps put things into perspective.

Collectively We All Must CHOOSE America (4/17/21)

We're at a pivotal spot in America's history. In this video I discuss:

* Why We MUST Choose America
* What I mean by "choosing" America
* Big Business and small/medium businesses and why Democrats are HELPING big businesses and locking down small/medium businesses
* What Democrats are doing is to push their agenda... multiple points about this.
* Other VERY IMPORTANT points

Democrats Re-Molding America Are Now After Control Of Supreme Court (4/15/21)

This video is a warning! Democrats are on a fast passed action plan to do as much massive change to the very fabric of America as they possibly can. They want Communism, which I discuss in this video. Democrats, or should I say, Communist-Socialist Party wants power and to forever be in control. But in order for them to get the power they crave they've got to re-write or destroy the Constitution.

In this video I discuss:
* WHY getting control of the Supreme Court is so important to them;
* How Liberal Judges VIEW the Constitution which allows them to justify changing it to their will;
* WHY Biden is moving so fast, signing so many EO's, and why the Democrats are pushing through so many bills;
* What the Globalist are after and how the Establishment has been pushing the Globalization agenda in America;
* How we're VERY CLOSE to losing everything because the Globalist are VERY CLOSE to getting what they want with America;
* The players like the Globalist, Deep State and Establishment;
* And I discuss WHAT it will mean to you and I if the Globalist get what they want... this should scare the crap out of you, it's not pretty!

Here's a vide from someone else who is experiencing the repercussions of a totalitarian government: https://rumble.com/vfqcg1-exclusive-pregnant-single-mother-facing-36-years-in-prison-i-know-the-truth.html

Democrats CREATE Problems To Push Their Far Left Policies Or Agenda (3/3/21)

In this video I'm discussing one of the Democrats sneaky little tricks. This is one of the ways, most effective ways, of pushing their radical and/or unconstitutional policies, or to push an agenda.

In this video I show you 4 ways they are doing this. I go into detail on one of the key things the Democrats are after... TAKING OUR GUNS AWAY. Pay close attention to my views to what they do to create problems which support what they're after, and then how the media supports and gets hyperbolic on the problem they created.

Understanding Misinformation, How It's Established & The Rules Of The Left Regarding Misinformation (2/11/21)

The Left is playing us all as fools. In this video I share with you what misinformation is how it's the Left that's using it to create and control the narrative. This is an educational video to help STOP the Left's games of controlling misinformation.

Share this with everyone including your liberal friends so we can stop the Left's Narrative driven reporting and get back to fact based reporting.

Our Thoughts To "Q" And What We MUST DO NOW! (2/10/21)

I actually spend very little time talking about "Q". There are enough people out there having that discussion. Instead, what I discuss is our views to "Q" and what we absolutely must do if what "Q" is saying will happen doesn't happen.

You can also watch this at Rumble: https://rumble.com/vdqzop-our-thoughts-to-q-and-what-we-must-do-now.html

Video's From Others We Highly Recommend...

Your best option is to follow us on Telegram, CloutHub or Gab. Videos from others we'd recommend we share at our social media sites.

Link to Rumble: What Determined Patriotism Looks Like

Part 2: Globalist Controlled Marxists, The Real Insurrection Exists Within Congress w/ Terry Turchie
Terry retired from the FBI in April, 2001, having served as the first Deputy Assistant Director of the newly created Counter-terrorism and Counter-intelligence Dept in the San Francisco Bay Area