About Team Pro-America

Every great organization and movement starts with one person. It takes one person to have the guts and willingness to take a stand. We have many examples of how one person created a movement and changed America to be an even better America.

There have also been those who have tried to change America for the worse, but history has always shown us that good will always win over evil.

Why I Created The Team Pro-America Website

Why I created the Team Pro-America website boils down to one thing... I absolutely love America! 

I love this country, I love our values, I love our traditions, I love the people, I love our freedom's and our rights.

I just simply love this country!

Like millions of American's I'm just sick and tired of people trying to tear it down! There are groups on the left trying to take away our traditions and culture because they "offend" them. They are literally trying to tear apart America for self-serving devious reasons, none of which serves us Americans.

This is a huge topic which can't be explained on just one page because there are so many things the left is doing it's going to take a lot of pages to explain it and to explain why it's bad for America and American's.

My focus at this website is about what's in the best interest of America and American's. It's to call out those who would try to hurt us, take away our freedom's, divide us and all around try to take away America's exceptionalism. 

I just cannot stay quiet any longer!

You should also know, something I've told all of my kids is what I define as a true friend. To me a true friend is someone who is honest with you, the person who will have the tough conversations with you because you need to hear it. We all have friends who just appease you, who tell you "it's all going to be fine, you didn't do anything wrong". 

People might like being appeased, but it's not going to help you through the problem or to face the realities of life head on. 

A good friend wants to help you so they tell you their truth, how they see things and they help you see what your part in the problem is, or what the truth is.

This approach to lie is also why all of the kids come to me first for advice... they know I'm going to give it to them straight even if it's hard to hear.

A Little About Myself

My Upbringing

I was raised like a lot of Americans... with a love of country

At school, every morning, first thing every morning before school started we'd say the Pledge Of Allegiance as a class all facing the American Flag which sat in every corner of every classroom and with our hands on our hearts.

We were raised to respect and appreciate this great country, our flag, our traditions, our military and veterans, our police, our first responders and all of the other great men and women who have or still do play a role in serving, helping and protecting fellow Americans.

4th of July was and still is one of my favorite holidays where we celebrate our independence and freedom's. You'd be blown-away at some of the 4th of July celebrations my family has been part of. As a family, including extended families, we went all out for the 4th of July celebrations. 

Most importantly, 4th of July was about family. We look at America as one big family broke down to small families throughout the country. You see, we believe everyone is a friend we just haven't met yet. This is America, you see, and that's how so many American's feel.

I was raised color blind, that we're all equal and children of God. I mention this because of the hateful BLM movement designed to divide us. I had numerous blacks in my life growing up I looked up to and admired. They were part of the family!

I was raised going to church. I have a deep love for my Heavenly Father. This relationship didn't really take hold until High School when a very special person in my life showed me and explained to me what a relationship with God was really all about. This was foundational to my spiritual walk for the rest of my life.

I'm not religious, meaning I don't support rituals many Churches follow. I believe in God and Jesus and the importance of having a personal relationship with my Heavenly Father. I'm an avid prayer. I pray all the time, or maybe better stated, I daily have numerous conversations with my Heavenly Father.


These experiences, skillsets and the knowledge needed to do what I do in my professional life is very helpful when observing what's happening on the political side of life.

Watching how the left is trying to remold America into being a dark place filled with racism just blows me away! They're getting away with it because their left wing media is using strategies we use in marketing to change what people believe to push their narrative.

One of my biggest missions at this website is to break apart the Left Wing Medias strangle hold on my fellow American's to stop their divisive, hurtful, un-American objective. 

Bluntly, the Left could NEVER accomplish what they are if they didn't have the Left Wing Media supporting them and pushing the narratives needed to change what people believe.

For many, many years love of country has held us together and united us. Knowing what the Left is trying to do it's no surprise the Left is also trying to push a narrative to get people to stop loving America, to divide us.

One thing is extremely consistent with the Left... they're mission is to divide people and destroy the things that unite people. They cannot allow us to be united if they're going to accomplish what they're after with their objective to remold America.

I for one am going to do everything in my ability to stop it!

And this is why Team Pro-America got started. Now you know.

Is this something you could stand behind and believe in also?

To explain what our objective is and how we'll go about it I created "Foundational Pages". They're under the menu option of "Foundational". Go through them and you'll know more about what the problem is and what we see as the solution.

God Bless You and God Bless America!