The War Between The Globalist And Citizens Of The World, Pushing The COVID Bio-Weapon On Everyone

Last Updated: 1/22/22 (Jump down to New/Additional Information)

The War Between The Globalist And The Citizens Of The World, The Pushing Of The COVID "Bio-Weapon" On Everyone Globally!

It's very obvious and clear, most governments around the world are literally forcing their citizens to get vaccinated with an experimental drug or pay the price! WHY, when for one, this virus has a 99.997% survival rate? It makes absolutely no sense!

We're going to dig into the details of COVID and the vaccines to clear up all of the misinformation and show you why we're all so divided on this virus. By the time you're done with this article you will clearly understand why millions are saying "no" to these shots, and are standing against those forcing the vaccines and mandates upon us. You'll see just how much information the Left is purposely and intentionally hiding from us and is having censored when posted on their social media platforms.

If you want to know the truth, this is the article you need to read...

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