The CoronaVirus Lockdown Narrative Is About To Change

Since March we've watched state Governors lock down their states. Businesses closed (but not all) and people told to stay home.


But we all know these lockdowns have been political because we're watching big businesses like Walmart stay opened but small businesses told they can't open up. Even worse, we're watching tyrant Governors tell Churches they can't open at all. There has been no rhyme or reason for which businesses can be opened and which must stay closed. 

We American's have been complaining about these tyrant lockdowns for a long time.

From the very beginning Trump has been saying, rightfully so, that the solution (lockdowns) can't be worse than the pandemic. Yet we're watching:

  • A huge increase in suicides
  • A huge increase in child abuse
  • A huge increase in drug use & alcoholism
  • People not able to pay their bills

And the list goes on and on.

This week the WHO (World Health Organization) came out and said "lockdowns are not a good solution for handling COVID", stating it's putting a lot more people in poverty. WHO is recommending against lockdowns! Here's just one of many articles this week about the WHO's position about lockdowns: Lockdowns Should Be ‘Very, Very Last Resort,’ WHO Says

At the Florida rally this week Trump addressed this and commented that the WHO finally agrees with him, that lockdowns are bad and that the currently locked down states which are predominately Democrat ran states need to open up! Trump has been trying to get these states to open up for a while now.

Now, here's what I'm going to project will happen.

The left wing news media is going to go on a smear hit job to blame Trump for the lockdowns and say it's Trump's fault we locked down America, that it's Trump's fault the Democrat states stayed locked down, that it's Trump's fault for all of the tyrant lockdowns. We will watch the left wing media and Democrat's blame Trump for the lockdowns, lockdowns Democrats did to slow down the economy to hurt Trump's reelection campaign.

Stay tuned and let's watch things unfold....