Maintaining Communication – Planning For Worse Case Scenario

Planning For Worse Case Scenario's To Maintain Communication And The Flow Of Information Amongst Conservatives. 

It's begun! The Left is now in the process of instilling China like information control upon America so they can control the narrative for the Left. The Left does not want to be held accountable or to be confronted on what they do and on the policies they push out. They want no opposing views or discussions about them. 

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Socialism Is Just A Stepping Stone To Communism

Socialism Is Just A Stepping Stone To Communism

There's a reason why the left has put in place the things they have to convince their loyal followers that we need to have socialism. Shockingly, there are now millions of Americans who support socialism... this isn't going away, and is going to require our coming together to stop it before it's too lateYou can call this article a warning shot across the bow, but will you take heed to it?

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