Blaming Trump for COVID And 200,000 Deaths

I really shouldn't need to write this article, but there are just way too many people shockingly blaming Trump for the 200,000+ deaths. 


NOBODY can argue these facts:

  • CHINA is why we have the China Virus. China did this, not Trump!
  • 40% of the deaths came from nursing homes, 5 Democrat Governors were sending virus patients to Nursing Homes. Where's the outrage for this?
  • Pelosi, Biden and most Democrats didn't even take the virus serious until the end of March. YET, Trump shut off travel from China and many other things to protect America and Americans starting the end of January. He made decisions BASED UPON THE INFORMATION HE WAS RECEIVING AT THE TIME, not based upon what we know today! Hello????
  • Democrats didn't take it serious until the end of March. They wouldn't have done ANYTHING to protect American's for 2 more months after Trump was already taking action.

Learn more by doing your research. You can start here: Stop blaming Trump for spread of the coronavirus

What if it had been the Biden Administration when COVID hit?

Based upon WHAT HE ACTUALLY WAS SAYING from Jan to Mar (not what he's saying now because he's now changed his story), he wouldn't have done anything. From Jan to Mar he said there was NOTHING to worry about, he minimized it and told people to go out and continue doing what they do, and he called Trump names for his aggressive actions to protect Americans from COVID.

Under a Biden Administration we would've had 3-5 TIMES MORE DEATHS because Biden didn't even start taking it seriously until the end of March, where Trump took aggressive actions the end of January. BIG DIFFERENCE.

Yet, Biden is out there saying, "If Trump had just taken action 1 week earlier he would've saved 35,000 lives." It's easy to make statements like that with hind-sight and taking NO CONSIDERATION of what information had been received by the Administration at that point. That's just Joe PLAYING POLITICS.

What Joe should be considering is, how many more deaths would there have been in a Biden Admin when they didn't even take COVID serious until after March. This is very much like what happened with H1N1 he and Obama dealt with.

In addition, we watched the Left Media scrambling to change their narrative from also minimizing COVID and criticizing Trump to support the Democrats new talking points of how serious COVID is. Democrats and their media mouth pieces are always in sync when it comes to messaging and what is being told to their viewers, regardless to whether it's true or right. The left media just continues to show their bias and that they are opinion/narrative based media's and 100% biased.

There Are Two Curves To Be Aware Of

There are 2 curves: 

1) COVID Virus Curve - Haven't rounded this curve yet. It'll take longer to run its course. However, this isn't as big of a deal considering this next point...

2) Treatment Curve - Yes, rounded this curve. This is based upon Death Rate. Understanding we'll always have COVID now like we have SARS and other illnesses, the key here is having the treatment to handle people who get COVID which is what Trump has been focusing on.

The death rate has CONSISTENTLY been DROPPING since April.

We also know who the highest risk people are so we protect them.

Based upon point #2, we need to open up the country and get back to work.

Most believe the lockdowns have been more POLITICAL than anything. Especially when you take point #2 into consideration.

However, if you notice, the left only talks about "cases" and not "death rate". The left want you to be scared so they don't give you all of the facts and hide information from you because they've weaponized COVID as a key factor in this election to attack Trump.

Biden Vs. Trump on COVID

There are many factors that MUST be considered when looking at COVID. If you ONLY focus on COVID deaths, which is predominately 70+ year olds, you overlook and don't factor in all of the other problems created because of the lockdowns like...

  • suicides,
  • child/spousal abuse,
  • alcohol/drug abuse,
  • depressions,
  • bankruptcies,
  • being kicked out of your home because can't pay rent/mortgage,
  • etc, etc, etc. 

Everyone on the left is ONLY considering COVID cases (aren't even talking about COVID death rate which has consistently dropped since April) and are completely overlooking everything else.

Unlike Biden, Trump who's a businessman is looking at THE WHOLE PICTURE in order to make decisions. When you only look at one part of the problem you make bad decisions which don't solve the other problems or will makes the other problems worse.

Trump is going at this the right way. Biden would only be focusing on COVID cases and putting everyone else is an even worse situation! With Biden we'd be in a permanent lockdown.