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The 60 Year Planned Take-Over Of America: We're In The Final Years!

But This Isn't Just About America, It's About World Domination!


Throughout history there have been those who have tried to rule the world. History discusses this... Genghis Khan, Napoleon and Hitler. Now we have the Globalist (very rich elitist) who are working a plan 60 years in the making to have total control and dominate the world which they call their "One World Government". What we're facing is another war to rule the world, but it's not with guns.

The foundation to today's war is based upon information and control of the narrative, but this hasn't always been the foundation to this war. First they had to put a lot of pieces into place.

Their plan is 60+ years in the making. After WW II they realized they could not beat America in a war so they took a completely different approach to "capture" America. By playing the long game they've been able to put a lot of pieces in place from indoctrinating generations and millions of people to have laws passed to support the agenda and to prepare for the "kill shot" (slang) to take over America and the other countries.

To control key people they've used blackmail, threats, bribes and buying people out. For example, there are 7,000 elected people in America and if they were all bribed with $1,000,000 it would cost $7 billion dollars. This is just one week of profits from Facebook. It's pocket change to the Globalist.

The Globalist collectively are worth many trillions of dollars! This allows them to buy businesses, hire the smartest brightest people to help them strategize and do many other things. Money is no object to them, and they have the money to do whatever they want and hire key people with brilliant minds, bribe or buy out whoever they want.

This is just the beginning of what they're capable of. We've watched many deaths of those who may reveal their plans to those in key positions who wouldn't play ball with them. There's nothing they won't do to achieve their objective. 

With the FBI and CIA in America under their control they have tremendous law enforcement power. There are many stories of "planted" evidence to arrest people to get them out of the way. We're even now learning how John F Kennedy's assassination was a CIA operation making it more of COUP to stop President Kennedy from doing numerous things the Globalist absolutely did not want him to do. 

Knowing they had to control the narrative, they've bought out 90% of the media outlets (TV, Radio, Print). They have hundreds if not thousands of media outlets all working together pushing out their agenda driven narrative. It's all about the agenda in their reporting.

Soros recently purchased 17 Latino radio stations because of Florida's huge victory of Latino's voting Republican so he can control the narrative Latino's are hearing on these radio stations. It's all strategy. In fact almost everything you see happening today is by design to serve a specific objective or agenda.

To support their narrative and their media outlets they created "review sites" they tell us are neutral who are "fact-checking" media outlets.

In reality these "review sites" attack the conservative message and supports the Lefts narrative, and then the Left wing media will point out how the "review site" agree with their reporting. Still today these review sites are supporting the narrative that the COVID shots are safe and effective even though the facts show they're never safe or effective! 

America Is The KEY To The Globalists World Domination Strategy

Everyone knows America is the key to their world domination, and they know that our Constitution provides a level of legal protection for the citizens no other country has. They have to remove the Constitution which is why the Left believes the Constitution is a "living" document which changes over time, that nothing is absolute in it. This is purely strategy to end our being protected by the Constitution.

Along with this is they have Judges who are not ruling based upon our Constitution or our laws.

This is also why the Left is so pissed off about the Right leaning Supreme Court and why they want to stuff the Supreme Court so it's Left leaning. If this doesn't happen it would not surprise me if one or two Conservative Justices end up dead so Biden could appoint Left leaning Justices like their last appointment (Ketanji Brown Jackson) who can't even define what a woman is. Let that soak in.

On top of all of this they've been passing laws the past 60 years to gradually remove our rights and freedoms and to enslave us a little bit at a time with each new Bill so people didn't notice what was happening. They'll add these laws into other Bills to try and get them passed right under our noses.

Attacking Those Things That "United" Us, And Pushing Things That "Divided" Us!

When they strategized the take-over of America, in their brain-storming session they wanted to know what "united" people. They concluded there were two key things...

  • Patronage and our love for America. Look at how American's came together during WW I and WW II.
  • Christianity. Throughout history it was the Christians who united to take down tyranny. Christian are very united.

For 60 plus years the Left (to represent the Globalist, Democrats, their deep state operatives and companies who are helping them) have been strategizing and implementing things to tear these two things apart.

In their objective of world domination they're using four well established strategies to move a country to Socialism (or Communism). Socialism is just a stepping stone to Communism which is what they really want which will remove the citizens from having all of the power via our elections and give it to a handful of people.

The four strategies in play are:

  1. Marxism. 
  2. Saul Alinsky's steps to Communism
  3. The 16-Year Plan which started in 2008 under Obama.
  4. Narrative based reporting

Here's a quick overview of each...


The Democrats "identity politics" is pure Marxism. It's about dividing people by pitting one group against another, something both the Democrats and mainstream media are masters at doing.

If we're divided we're not united which is what they want because a "divided nation is easier to conquer". Blacks against Whites, Blacks against the police, LGBTQ against Christians, etc, etc, etc.

Remember, they want us divided, that's the objective. Anything that unites us they're attacking. I could give hundreds of more examples, but this isn't the place for it.

Saul Alinsky's steps to Communism.

This is best explained with the following image...

Look at the 8 things:

  • Healthcare (Done). Look no further than ObamaCare. But it was a disaster because those who couldn't get it free were paying 6-10 times more than what they were paying prior to ObamaCare and this was after increasing the deductible to $5,000 or $10,000 making the coverage just about worthless except for a major medical incident or illness. Meanwhile, illegal aliens and the poor who didn't pay a dime for it and got cadillac coverage with no deductibles at all. This is a huge attack on the middle class!
  • Poverty (In Progress). In just 4 years Trump increased the middle classes income by $6,000, 6 times more than Obama accomplish in 8 years. Biden is now greatly reducing the spending power of our money by: 1) stopping America from being fossil fuel independent and buy fuel from other countries which has increased the cost of gas in America which then increases the prices of all products shipped by semi-trucks. 2) Printing trillions of dollars which is increasing inflation which is reducing the buying power of our money. Lumber, for example, has increased by 260% in just 4 months! Many every day products we purchase has increased in price. We haven't seen anything yet, it's going to get a whole lot worse. 3) Destroy small businesses putting more people out of work. Small businesses employ 1/2 of the people. 
  • Debt (In Progress). Already 5 million illegal aliens have come into America and Biden says it's our responsibility to support them... housing, utilities, food. Already 80% of the national budget is entitlement programs. We're close to having a larger annual debt in America than what the government brings in with taxes. Add the increasing interest rates which is increasing the interest payment for our debt and we're in a lot of trouble!
  • But to bankrupt us we just watched Congress pass a ridiculous $1.7 trillion omnibus bill! America doesn't have this kind of money!
  • This is the purpose of 87,000 fully armed IRS agents and requiring payment processors to report anything over $600 to the IRS... to squeeze American's for every dime possible! He's also promised an increase in taxes but says it will affect people who make $200k/yr and businesses. Don't worry, everyone will see an increase in taxes like an increase in gas taxes, a carbon tax, etc. Taxes will be going up for everyone! So will inflation!
  • As the final blow the Biden Admin wants to bring in Central Bank Digital Banking where the Government will have 100% control over your money... they'll know every penny deposited, they'll be able to stop people from purchasing certain items like guns and ammo, they'll be able to turn off your ability to spend money more than 15 miles away from your home or any time they want, they can force people to spend all of their money over a certain period of time to help offset inflation (or any other reason) or they'll take what you haven't spent, etc, etc, etc.
  • Gun Control (Trying To Figure Out How). Biden is determined to get our guns. First it's to create a national registry of everyone with a gun so they know who to go after to take their guns, forcibly if necessary. They know they've got to get our guns in order to control us and take America to where they want to take it knowing American's will never allow or accept what Democrats want to do to America and Americans.
  • They are looking for a loophole to work around our Constitution. Maybe the "treaty" they're creating with the WHO will be that loophole by calling gun murders a "health pandemic". Anything is possible with corrupt people who want something.
  • Welfare (Continuous Process). The more people they can make dependent upon the Government the easier it is to control these people. Obama had the most people in America's history on Food Stamps. Biden is also trying to get as many people dependent upon the government as possible. With high ongoing inflation making everything cost more and with layoffs it'll put more people dependent upon the government.
  • Education (Done). The Left has had control of the education system for many years and they use the public schools to indoctrinate our children to hate America and more. They are also using schools to push their social issues and Marxism... CRT, Transgenderism, etc.
  • Religion (Continuous Process). Obama-Biden was the most anti-religion admin ever in the history of America. Biden is working to exceed what Obama did. The attack on Christians and religion is on full display and will continue to get worse. I've written numerous times about the attack against Christians.
  • Class Warfare (Continuous Process). Just listen to any Democrat because they all talk about the Wealthy versus the people in poverty, but what they don't tell you is 1/2 of America pays nothing in taxes and the top 10% pay 70% of the taxes. If you want to talk "fair" then everyone should be paying taxes, but instead they are constantly attacking the rich who are already paying a huge % of the taxes. This is just one way they divide people by class.

They're working each of the 8 steps, some far more aggressively than others. Just look around you at what's happening, how many of those things fit into one of the eight steps?

Another key part to this strategy is what they call the "useful idiots". These are people who are brainwashed to the Lefts messaging and believe it all, hook, line and sinker! These useful idiots help push their messaging, and they help defend the narratives.

There are also useful idiots who do their dirty work like creating chaos (the Left loves chaos) by rioting, tearing down our historical statues and much more.

About 30% of the population are useful idiots of the Left. There's nothing we can do to wake them up or convince them they're being played. Like the old saying goes, "It's easy to fool people, but almost impossible to convince someone they've been fooled."

BLM and ANTIFA are part of their useful idiots squad.

The 16-Year Plan which started in 2008 under Obama.

Once they have...
... key laws in place,
... the nation divided,
... a good percentage of people are hating America and
... there's been a huge decline in Christians,

... in comes the 16-Year Plan to put in place the final devastating policies to create pain and/or fear to move the nation in the direction they want us to go, and to make sure the citizens can't fight back.

COVID had been planned for many years. They implemented this plandemic the end of 2019 to help take down Trump because they absolutely could not allow another 4 years of Trump putting America and American's first because this is an opposing agenda to their globalization agenda to move us to a One World Government (which is World Domination).

They used COVID to convince states (illegally bypassing the legislatures) they needed to change their election laws to mass mailing ballots out to everyone in the state to maintain social distancing and not spread COVID between people. This is one key method they used to control the elections and set in place what they needed to steal the election.

Check this image out showing the steps for each President to do to complete the 16-year plan (Hillary was not suppose to lose, so now Biden is doing her part and has accelerated everything which is why you're seeing so much devastation in America so quickly)...

Obama was not able to complete everything so everything Obama didn't do is now up to Biden to complete along with everything else he needs to do which is under Hillary in the image above. 

Take a look at the list of items under Hillary and look at what's happening in America and globally. After you read the following you should clearly realize we're on the back end of the 16 year plan to take-over America. Check this out...

  • World War III. We should not be involved in the Ukraine-Russia conflict. What we should've done is agreed that Ukraine will not be part of NATO since they border Russia and then Russia would never have attacked Ukraine! Instead the Biden Admin and warmongers are doing everything they can to get us into WW III with Russia who has more nuclear bombs than any other country and has created an alliance with China. 
  • Revise Constitution. For one, they are constantly going against our Constitution and then making sure Federal Judges don't stop it. They want to "stuff" the Supreme Court so it goes from being Right leaning to Left leaning. They also treat the Constitution as a "living" document which changes over time so nothing in the Constitution is absolute which basically means they can change at their will, but need the Supreme Court Left leaning to do this.
  • Population Control / Pocket Billions. Look no further than the COVID shots and hospital protocol for COVID patients! Pharma Co's paid billions to people and organizations to push their bioweapon shots.
  • They're not done with plandemics. There's discussions of there being another one in 2023/24.
  • They are also using the deadly spike protein gene altering mRNA technology in the flu shot, many other vaccines including the childhood vaccines.
  • Ban Sale Of Firearms (Repeal 2nd Amendment). I addressed this under Saul Alinsky's 8-Steps to Communism since Gun Control is part of his 8-steps also. I can't emphasize enough how committed they are to disarming us!
  • Destroy/Censor Opposing News Outlets. If they could end "free speech" they would because they know, "He who controls the narrative controls the citizens". Until they can end it the Government and numerous Government agencies are working with Big Tech companies to censor views which oppose the Left's narrative. We're learning a lot about how the Government has circumvented our 1st Amendment Free Speech rights by working with private companies with everything Elon Musk, the new owner of Twitter, is revealing.
  • The big thing to notice here is censoring information has been strategized for many years and is a key piece to their 16-year plan to take-over America!
  • Eliminate Final Good Guys In Government. They only want Democrats loyal to the mission. This includes the higher ranks in the military where we've watched them purge out Patriots, Christians and Conservatives.
  • Install Corrupt Supreme Court Justices. Consider their last appointment who can't define "woman" and is a far left Liberal. This should give you a good idea of who they'll select. They are also wanting to pack the Supreme Court so it's Left leaning.
  • Open Borders. Fully in play with already 5 million illegals invading America! If Title 42 ends that number will more than double! We are totally being invaded and our corrupt government is doing nothing about it and refuse to enforce our immigration laws!
  • Flooding America with illegal aliens will serve multiple purposes to help push their agenda forward... 1) a massive hit on entitlement programs because Biden says we need to house them and feed them to increase America's debt, 2) 
  • Kill Economy/Starve/Enslave Public. We've watched them put in place the pieces for this to happen (destroy chickens & cows, take away fertilizer, pay off farmers to destroy their crops, let food containers sit so the food spoils, destroy food manufacturing companies [over 50 already], etc.) We've been warned by Conservative outlets of a food shortage in 2023 for the past year. Once people are starving when there's no more food to buy the people who created the problem will introduce the solution which of course will require giving up more of our rights and freedoms. This might be the point where they try to force us to give up our Constitution so we can eat.
  • Remove Electoral College / Install Popular Vote. The ultimate goal is to never lose the Presidency ever again. Because this was a hard thing to do they instead stole state elections. AZ is a very obvious steal! They know that without AZ there's no path to a Republican winning Presidency so we'll now watch AZ put in 100% mail-out ballots to everyone in the state like WA, OR and CA all of which are full blue now because of mail-out ballots which makes it much easier to steal an election.
  • Limit / Remove Military Funding. This is the only thing on this list I haven't seen them do at all. My assumption is this isn't as important now that they've purged the military like mentioned above.

This 16-year plan has been out for years. Looking at the list I just went over, and then at the pieces they're putting in place and what they've been doing in America since Obama and now Biden. Are you seeing what's going on here? How can so many things under the Hillary side be happening right now and you not realize what's going on here?

This should scare you and open up your eyes that we're in the back side of the take-over of America.

This also means things are going to get a whole lot worse so you better buckle up! 

Personally, my assumption is the next 2 years will be really tough, they'll steal the 2024 election so they remain in power and then after 2024 they'll force Communism down our throats! This will give them 2 more years to put more pieces in place.

If you're questioning me on their stealing the 2024 election consider that only one lawsuit specifically on voter fraud has actually been heard by a judge (Kari Lakes) for 2020 and 2024. Just one between the two election years!

Judges are refusing to hear them, and as long as they won't hear them we won't be able to fix the elections or put the person who actually won in place. The Globalist and their unlimited resources have incredible pull to get what they want.

As for Kari Lakes lawsuit the Judge completely blew off Lake's teams evidence and ignored the many inconsistencies of Hobbs team. It should've been an easy case to rule on in favor of Lake, but here again we have a bought out Judge 

Narrative Based Reporting.

This is what Hitler used to convince 6 million Jews to get on those trains of death without their realizing what was happening or that they would be taken to their death. Hitler controlled the radio stations and newspapers much like the Globalist own 90% of the media outlets.

Hitler had the radio stations and newspapers push a narrative of how bad the war was and how they were trying to keep people safe and would be sending citizens to a much safer place with food and shelter for everyone. They made it sound like they were going to a resort all paid for by the Government to protect the citizens. (Sound familiar with how they have been trying to convince people to get those bioweapon shots?)

Instead they ended up at Concentration Camps where they were put to death. Six million were murdered by the government because of narrative based reporting. And the government had virtually no protests or resistance because of how effective their narrative based reporting was. All of the media's were on the same page pushing the same narrative which created believability.

Learning from how Hitler did it plus another 80 years of studying mind control and how to control a nation to include the CIA testing these techniques in other countries, they have been using this same technique against American citizens since around 2016.

With the Globalist having control over the media they have the media doing narrative based reporting to push their agenda forward. This includes us Marxism to get one different groups hating another groups to divide us.

I've said for years, "The Democrats could never achieve what they do if it wasn't for their having the media providing them with cover and protection, and to attack opposing views."

Anymore today you just can't trust the media because it's not the facts they're reporting. Instead what they'll do is take a single fact and then build a narrative around it. In the end, what they're reporting is 10% true and 90% a lie to push their agenda forward.

For example, I was just talking to someone the other day who was telling me how Republicans stopped people from simply passing out water to people standing in line for hours to vote. This in itself sounds terrible, how dare the Republicans do this! Right?

Here's the rest of the story they didn't tell you... The water containers had political messages on them to sway their vote which is very illegal! You cannot pass out water containers or anything else with a political message to people in line to vote. Take off the message and just pass out water in message FREE containers and it's not a problem at all.

This is the typical game they play.

It's hard to believe we're all being played like we are.

Unfortunately there's a good 30% of the population which believes everything the media tells them. They are totally controlled by the media

If you ever take a course on copywriting which learning how to create compelling marketing pieces you'll start learning how you use words to move people to an action. You'll notice it's similar to what you're watching the media and government do.

One of the things you'll learn if learning copywriting is nothing moves someone to an action faster than fear. Every copywriting course will tell you this.

Every single good copywriting course is going to teach you about the most effective emotions to build into your copy. Fear and greed are the top two.

Now look at the media and what they use more than anything in their reporting... Fear! Yet when you dig into the facts, which they aren't going to tell you because they're pushing an agenda with their narrative based reporting, you find there's nothing to fear.

In marketing there are laws that says you can't do false advertising, meaning, you can't lie or over exaggerate. The media isn't under these same laws so they can lie all they want, and they do. As far as this goes, did you know people in Congress are allowed to lie and they cannot be sued for lying?

Lying in politics is so rampant that Congress passed a law saying they can't be sued for lying. Of course they don't call it "lying" but it's the same thing. It's really hard to trust people where they've passed a law where they can't be sued for lying to you, lying in session or any other time.


The stage has been set to push the elites world domination strategy forward, and they're right in the middle of doing just that. They're still continuing to put pieces in place like new laws included in the $1.7 Omnibus bill just passed. 

Over the past 40 years they've been following 4 key strategies. 

  1. Marxism
  2. Saul Alinsky's steps to Communism
  3. The 16-Year Plan which started in 2008 under Obama
  4. Narrative based reporting

I explained each of these above.

There's only one way to save America. Just one. I explain one approach to this one solution here: The Action Plan To Save America.

Ultimately it's many millions of American's uniting together and protesting to end the corruption of the Biden Admin. There are multiple specific issues that people can protest.

New/Additional Information:

