Why Millions Love Trump

The Left Wing Media and Democrats just cannot understand why so many people support Trump, love Trump and will vote for Trump again.


Before I have this discussion, be clear that I'm fully aware of the techniques and strategies the Left Wing Media uses to discredit people. In fact, I wrote a couple of articles about this which also pertain to Trump:

I've written other articles about the media but these two are the most fitting for this specific article. 

The other point is I'm immune to their misinformation campaigns and discrediting pieces.

What I'm sharing with everyone here is the core to why we love Trump. Don't spin it, don't shake your head at it because of discrediting pieces you've read from the lying left wing media and don't discard these things. This is why we love Trump and why the Left will not be able to break that loyalty and bond.

Let me make it crystal clear to you...

He's NOT Another Corrupt, Self-Serving Politician

There's a reason politicians are not liked or respected.

  • They lie like there's no tomorrow,
  • They do things to better themselves, their career or to enrich themselves and/or their family OVER what is best for America and Americans
  • The high majority don't fight for us... they're spineless.

Politicians for the most part are corrupt, and the longer they are in office the more corrupt they get. It doesn't take long before special interest groups and the allure of big businesses and their deep pockets attract them with campaign donations and the likes. Of course the old dogs in Congress help show the newbie's the ways of corruption in Congress. They're all part of the "good ol' boys club".

This isn't Trump. He didn't care about the special interest groups because he couldn't be bought and wouldn't allow them to sway him from his commitment to us Americans. It's the same with big businesses.

Even the elusive pharmaceutical companies with very deep pockets were no match for a President committed to the people. For the first time, they couldn't buy someone off!

While many people who campaigned for President made promises about bringing drug prices down going back many, many years, Trump is the first President to actually follow through with his promises.

For this they sabotaged him by holding back the COVID vaccines until after the election so it wouldn't help him get re-elected. They also spent millions on attack ads against him.

Day in and day out Trump worked for us, the American people. 

He never got bought out like so many others. He never gave in. He stayed loyal to us.

He Absolutely LOVES America and Us American's, And He Proved It Over And Over Again Like With His America First Agenda

None of us question Trump's love for America and us American's. NONE!

Like discussed above, he shows his love of country and fellow American in his actions and words.

Yet, no matter what he did he was being attacked by other Republican RINO's, with a vengeance from Democrats and the Left Wing Media was out to destroy him.

We watched all of this and saw how unfair, biased and cruel these people were to Trump. Even with so many people against him he still accomplished a lot including numerous things that previous administrations said could not be done

You see, we also love America.

We love our traditions like the 4th of July, honoring our flag and the many other traditions we have. 

We love our culture. America is such a fascinating country with so many unique and awesome people in it each bringing some of their heritage with them.

We love what America stands for... equality for all and being united. Yet, these are the two things the Left is constantly attacking with their Marxist strategies. We see what they're doing.

But be clear, we want equality for all and unity. Like China says, "the Left has many useful idiots who buy into their narrative", and there lies the problem.

The very high majority of American's are not racist at all. But the Left needs us to believe we are to continue dividing us, thus, why the never ending campaigns pushing racism and systematic racism.

But Conservative citizens are weak at standing up for what we believe in. Remember the article I wrote, "How Relatively Small Groups Of People Are Able To Create So Much Change." 2% of the people control 98% of the people 100% of the time because they're the ones making the most noise.

If Conservatives would just unite better and have counter-protests America, the media and our government would see we are not and do not support racism, that we believe in equality for all and that we strive for unity. America is an amazing country which offers a lot to people. We're a loving, fair country.

We love our country.

We love our flag.

We love our National Anthem and believe we should all stand up with our hands over our hearts when it's played.

We love our men and women in blue who protect us (defund the police is another Marxist strategy and is also a strategy Hitler used to control the German people).

We love our military who keep us free.

And we love our freedom's and we recognize and know we're the last free country in the world. We'll fight to keep it.

Trump stood with us to protect those things that make America great, and worked on the areas that needed help.

Yet, throughout the 4 years of his Presidency... 

  • We watched the Left doing everything they could with their Marxist strategies to divide us and tear us apart.
  • We watched the Left influence the NFL to kneel at our National Anthem and support this divisive, unAmerican action.
  • We watched the Left try to shove racism and systematic racism down our throats, yet we know America is not a racist nation. We watched them do this in order to divide us, a Marxist strategy, and they did it by pitting one race against another.
  • We've watched the Left Wing Media blatantly lie over and over again with their misinformation pieces whether to protect their precious narrative, protect a Democrat, to divide us or for numerous other reasons. We saw the proof so we knew the truth making what the Left Wing Media was doing that much more damaging to them.
  • We've watched the Left create problems and chaos all so they can push their far left policies and/or to push an agenda and/or to create more government offices to grow the government all while chipping away at our rights and freedoms (it's all part of their strategy, eventually they'll have all of our rights and freedom's). 
  • We know BLM and ANTIFA are fascist organizations trained in Marxism and are the Lefts militia, along with BLM playing an important role in pushing racism down our throats. We know you use them to create chaos to push your agenda be it more government, far-left policies and numerous other things.
  • We watched Democrats push a fake Russia collusion narrative and do a 3 year investigation to find out he was innocent and did nothing of the such. Instead we learned the whole Russia collusion narrative was instigated by Hillary Clinton to take the focus off of her 33,000 illegally deleted emails, and she had the help from people in the FBI, CIA and intelligence department to include numerous Democrats who all know it was all instigated and put together by Hillary Clinton. We watched them get away with this, not a single person held accountable to their actions.
    • Yet, we also watched the Left setup General Flynn and drag him through court for 4 years.
  • We watched the Left with the help of some Republicans steal the election from Trump. Click on the link to see how we know it was stolen.
  • We watched the Democrats do two sham impeachments. As far as we're concerned, these were political COUPS! You wanted Trump out and were willing to do anything to get him out including impeach him when he was 100% innocent.
  • Now we're watching the Left go after Conservatives and anyone who supports or voted for Trump in a true Communism fashion, right out of the Communist playbook. It won't work. You won't shut us up. All it's doing is uniting us to fight back. (I don't mean fight back in a physical way, that's not who we are.)

This is just a small list of what we watched the Left do to Trump and his administration over the past 4 years. I could write a book on what the Left did to Trump. You should be ashamed. I can tell you, we're ashamed of you and you will have no loyalty from us for what you did, including the RINO Republicans.

Trump knew all of this too. But there was only so much he could do when he had so many people who supported a Globalization agenda against him including RINO Republicans.

Yet, Trump stayed strong and stayed true to us and continued pushing his America First Agenda. We can't help but wonder how much more he could've accomplished if there had been more people in Congress who also loved America and us American's like Trump loves us and would've stood behind him to serve us, We The People.

This is why our mission over the next 4 years is to primary the RINO's in the Senate and in the House and replace them with others who LOVE America like Trump loves America and us Americans. We're also going to focus on Governors like that RINO Governor in Georgia.

Yes, this is our mission. We're cleaning house because we really liked and appreciate what Trump accomplished, much of which people on the Left will never know because the Left Wing Media refused to report it. They did NOT want their viewers to know all of the amazing things Trump did for America.

Well, in the event you need a list of Trump's accomplishments we have one for you: "Trump Administration Accomplishments".

It's mind-blowing what Trump accomplished in just 4 years, especially with how many people were fighting him every step of the way all because they did not want or believe we should be putting America and American's first!

I mean, seriously. Can you believe it that people were actually fighting against and sabotaging an American President for putting America and American's first? 

The Left Wing Media, who are owned by the globalist and take orders from the globalist, should be thrown out of America as traitors and enemies of America! Seriously! 

It just blows my mind that so many people had a problem with a President putting America and American's first. And for that, he was relentlessly attacked!

They wanted instead to put other countries and illegal aliens first. Don't believe me? Just look at the EO's Biden has done in just his first 4 days...

  • Opening up the borders for millions of illegal aliens to come into America making us less safe, to take away our jobs and to reduced our wages. This is important to the globalist and their multi-national companies so they make more profits.
  • Re-joined the Paris Climate Agreement which is a huge hit to America and Americans. Read the article. This is an agreement against America and anyone in America who signs it should be charged with treason!
  • He's attacking fossil fuels which will cost us millions of high paying jobs and increase our individual energy costs like gas for our cars and the utility costs for our home. It'll make us dependent upon Russia, the middle east and other oil producing countries.

These are just a few things Biden has done. Almost all of them are globalist policies to serve the desires of the Globalist, American's be damned!

Want to know what else Biden has done that's not good for America, go to this page: "Tracking Biden Policies BAD For America".

Trump was 100% focused on us. He built one of the best economies we've ever had, he took far more people out of poverty, he dropped the unemployment rate to the lowest we've ever had in numerous demographics. Just go look at the page of his accomplishments, "Trump Administration Accomplishments".

Are you starting to see why we love Trump and stand behind him?

I'm not done...

He Stood Up To Corrupt Politicians And The Fake News

We loved it when Trump called out the corrupt politicians. After all, you can't count on the media to be honest with us and report the news. They're too busy creating narratives to push agendas to move their globalization agenda forward.

There are just bluntly a lot of corrupt politicians in Washington, and they all need to be rooted out.

The problem with getting the corrupt Democrat politicians out is the Left Wing Media is complacent to a lot of the corruption these Democrat politicians are involved in. They know exactly what these corrupt politicians are doing, but instead of reporting on it the media is protecting them.

Let that sink in.

So Liberals who primarily only watch and read Left Wing media never hear about all of this corruption. Instead they just keep hearing how awesome these corrupt politicians are because these politicians support the Globalization agenda which is what the Left Wing Media is after too. 

So as long as you support the Globalization agenda which will bring Communism to America the Left Wing Media protects you and helps you get re-elected.

But once you start putting America First they attack you with a vengeance just like they attacked Trump.

Why do you think the Left Wing Media does very little to attack Republicans like McConnell, Graham and Romney (to name just a few)? (I didn't say they didn't attack them at all, I said they don't attack them very much.)

Because they are part part of the Establishment which pushes a Globalization agenda.

Remember, the Globalist own and control the media (90% are owned by 6 multi-national companies) and the media gets their instructions from the Globalist. The Left Wing Media creates the narratives and it's then up to their loyal servants in Congress to push the policies to move that narrative forward.

I don't know how this doesn't scare the crap out of you and every single person reading this. If it's not, it should!

America is the last free country in the world and the globalist want to take that away from us and make us a Communist country transferring the power from We The People to the Government.

To this end, they've implemented Marxism strategies for years into America to move us to this end goal. Do you have an idea what living in a communist country will mean to you? How you'll have no rights except what the government allows you.

Do some research of how people live in China and other countries under Communism, and what happens when they don't follow their rules and laws. That should scare the crap out of you.

One good thing, I suppose, is there will be no more BLM protests and no more ANTIFA protests. But right along with this, there will be no protests at all and there will be no free speech either.

They also will take away our religious rights because in a communist government nothing is above the government and they cannot allow people to believe in a God above the government.

Do some research. It's all out there.

When you do the research (I hope you do) you'll also learn that censoring speech and controlling what information we're allowed to have access to is the beginning and most important step to move a country to Communism.

Know this, now look at how committed the Left is to censoring us and controlling the flow of information.


This is what the Left is pushing us toward and what Trump was trying to protect us from. This is why they had to put in place all of the voter fraud and pay people off to cover it up... they absolutely could not allow another 4 years of America First because of the damage it could do with their globalization strategy and agenda. 

And for trying to protect us, he was chastised at ever turn.

No, we're not turning away from Trump. We're with him every step of the way!

He Made Campaign Promises And KEPT HIS PROMISES!

I left this last on purpose.

Because this is just unheard of and absolutely mind-blowing awesome!

We've never experienced this before. Seriously. Never!

If there's one thing that we would all agree with about politicians is they lie to get elected. They say what they think we want to hear but then once they're elected they do their own thing, push their own agenda while making excuse after excuse of why they can't push through the things they said they'd do on the campaign trail.

Excuse after excuse. They think we're dumb and buy it. We don't.

Look at Biden. He said he had a plan and solution for COVID. Now he says there's nothing that can be done to change the projectory of it. He has no plan. Or how about him saying he would not end fracking to the people of PA. We're going to watch him go back on many of the things he said to try and convince people he was a Centralist. People are going to find out he's a Socialist. It's going to get really ugly.

Trump on the other hand took his list of campaign promises and started checking them off one by one. He actually did exactly what he said he'd do while campaigning. 

Trump accomplished a lot, and he stayed true to his campaign promises. He couldn't complete everything, but then again, I've never seen a President with so much resistance including from his own party!

There's more. There are a lot more reasons why we love Trump and stand behind him. This article, however, should give you a good idea of why he has our loyalty. He always had our back, and now we've got his!

We love you Mr. Donald J Trump. We're with you!


74+ Million America Loving Patriots

A Tribute To President Trump!

Plus, A BIG Thank You To OAN For Playing This During Biden's Inauguration.

We hope you enjoy it...

Tribute to President Trump by Harrison Hill Smith