Last Updated: 0/0/22 (Jump down to New/Additional Information)

The War Against The America First Movement And MAGA

Since the day Trump began his campaign back in 2015 the Left openly started attacking the America First movement and MAGA. (Key word is "openly".)

>>> This is a very important article, read the whole thing! <<<


The truth is the Left has been attacking and trying to destroy our love of America and putting America first for over 60 years

The Left's attack on our love of America (patriotism) began over 60 years ago, something I've written about numerous times. When the Globalist strategized their take-over of America they knew they had to destroy anything that united us. Patriotism (love of America) unites people.

But it's not just that. The America First agenda is an opposing agenda to the Left's globalization agenda and roadblocks, stops or severely handicaps their globalization agenda.

They cannot allow this under any circumstances! This is why you're watching the Left attacking "MAGA" which is the same as attaching patriots since patriots & MAGA are at their core the same... It's about putting America and the interest of American's first, and protecting our Constitutional rights.

The Globalist with the Uni-Party (Democrats & most Republicans, those who support the Globalization agenda) need to end America as we know it. They need to end our Constitution and end our sovereignty, and then they want to bring in Communism or Totalitarian into America. 

Up until Trump these attacks were subtle, being quietly done via misleading narratives so the citizens didn't realize the real objective was to destroy patriotism to make people hate America.

This is in part one of the objectives in the Left's racism narrative. Per the Left's manufactured narrative America is a terrible country founded on slavery and racism, which they started teaching children in classes! Playing the long game, they were on a mission to create a generation of Americans who hated America! America being a racist country was expanded with their 1619 project which they now teach in many schools.

Along with this, the Globalists helped guide the politicians loyal to them on laws to pass under our noses to prepare the way for the One World Government and Agenda 2021 which got updated to Agenda 2030 after Trump won the election in 2016. 

As you can see, the Left has been attacking patriotism for many, many years which is what America First is in its purest form... about patriotism!

Why Is The Left Attacking Patriotism And America First/MAGA?

Like I've already mentioned, they started tearing apart our love of country because it united people. In order to convince people to give up their rights and freedoms and walk away from our Constitution which protects us citizens they had to convince people America is a racist, terrible country and we need to start over again with a new form of government!

Of course, assuming the citizens agreed to this (which I don't see them doing), the citizens will NOT have any say in this new government! The Globalist and current politicians would bring in what they want in all countries globally... Communism.

This strategy has been in play for 60+ years. It's been subtle and has been pushed right under our noses with absolutely no discussions on it and no reporting on it from the Liberal media who's job it is to protect the Left's narrative and strategies.

Then Trump comes along and puts America and puts American's FIRST on the ballot. He won the election and became President on the America First agenda which he coined as MAGA (Make America Great Again). 

I've written about what I'm about to share many times. Here I am writing about it again because it's key to what's going on in America...

Two Opposing Agenda's, Globalization Vs America First

Having written about this numerous times (read our other articles) I'm just going to summarize this here.

The Globalization Agenda and the America First agenda are very opposing agenda's! One puts the emphasis and priority on the Elites having total power and control and the other protects and puts the emphasis on us citizens so we can live our best lives.

But the globalization supporters won't compare the two this way. They don't want you to know the real objective is actually a power grab for world domination by the Globalist.

To pull all of this off the Globalist with extremely deep pockets worth trillions collectively bought out all of the mainstream media outlets in order to control the narrative and messaging. They knew, "He who controls the narrative controls the people." Hitler proved how effective this is when he was able to get 6 million people to get on those trains of death with very little resistance using the media to push a carefully constructed narrative. (I've discussed this point many times in other articles also.)

So here you have the globalists who want total control and power using their media outlets they own to gaslight people and control the narrative to convince people that the Democrats agenda is best for them, when in reality the Democrats agenda is the Globalization agenda designed to remove all power and control from the people and give it to the elites/Globalist. The Globalist are very effectively playing people.

Just look at how effective the media has been with the support of the governments around the world who are ran by Globalist trained people via the World Economic Forum (WEF) who fully support the Globalization agenda to convince so many people to get a shot for an illness with a 99.997% survival rate. The whole COVID agenda was a PLANdemic to push a Globalization agenda to move people closer to giving up their rights and freedoms, along with supporting a number of Agenda 2030 objectives starting with their "depopulation" agenda.

You should know, a lot of what they wanted to accomplish with COVID fell apart because of the free speech platforms spreading the facts about COVID and the shots. They still want to put in place a digital ID, vaccine passports and numerous other things which would give them far more control over us citizens! They hope they can accomplish these things with the next PLANdemic they are planning to release on us.

Yes, more PLANdemics are coming.

I'm sharing this with you solely to point out how effective their media arm is in controlling the narrative and thus controlling the citizens.

Along with pushing their agenda forward by controlling the narrative the Globalist with their media arm also attacked anything which disputed their narrative or tried to change our course with a different agenda and narrative.

America First puts the emphasis on Americans and America. Allowing American's to see how much better their life is and how much more profitable they can be when the emphasis is on them was an absolute no-no. The Globalists could not allow this because it completely opposed their agenda. The globalists need American's in poverty and desperate and believing the only solution is the Democrats solution which they'll reveal to America once enough people are hurting and desperate and begging for a solution!

This is why in 2 years under Biden we're watching so many bad things happen to us Americans. All of these things are manufactured problems which could easily be resolved. Plus, one issue has created numerous other problems. Check this out...

  • The war on fossil fuel even though America has the largest reserves globally.
    • Gasoline prices skyrocketing... going from under $2/gl under Trump to over $4/gl under Biden. It's expected the prices will skyrocket even more by the end of year. This has also forced the increase the cost of heating a home.
    • Pushing the Green New Deal to force people to go 100% green...
      • Our infrastructure won't support this. Not for 100% green in our cities, not for every person owning an EV and charging them every night. It's totally unrealistic!
      • We'll see blackouts because wind & solar can't keep up with the demand during cold winter days or hot summer days which will cause many deaths. (Look at Germany who's the most Green of any country.)
      • We'll lose more rights and freedoms in the name of Climate Change. They'll use it to further control us.
  • Food shortages coming... over 130 food processing plants burned, millions of chickens destroyed, tens of thousands of cattle destroyed, the fertilizer shortage which will greatly reduce the size of crops in 2022 and 2023 so less food is harvested, the buying of farmland globally or stealing of farmland from governments, etc. Watch this video from today (I have hundreds of videos & articles saved about the food shortage going back a year)...
  • Diesel shortage... farms use diesel for their machinery to run their farms, trains use diesel to transport goods, semi-trucks use diesel to move goods around the country. This will drastically hurt the supply chain, even stopping it so goods can't be transported to cities and states.
  • Thousands of businesses were forced to close forever after the disastrous lockdowns. It's been reported this has caused the lose of 23 million jobs!
  • Inflation continues to grow as the Biden admin fuels inflation to even higher levels with their trillion dollar bills and the printing of more money.
  • The destruction of the petro dollar as the worlds reserve currency. The consequences of this will be massive and disastrous to us American's when it's all said and done.
  • A stock market crash is coming. The stock market was held up by the feds until the midterms. It can crash any time now.
  • We're closer to World War 3 and a nuclear war with Russia than we've ever been. The Globalist want a war! There's a lot I could share about this, but will keep my comments focused on this article.
    • Like I've written in the past, the Globalist are determined to take-over America even if that means America going to war and losing. They will do whatever they have to do to end our Constitution and bring Communism to America. 

I could go on and on about the damage Biden has done in just 2 years. I saw this coming and even wrote about it after he was first elected because I knew the Globalist wanted to speed up things to achieve their objective on schedule and they had to make up for the 4 years of Trump.

I created a spreadsheet showing the differences between the Globalization Agenda and the America First Agenda in how they affect us American's. Here's the image of this spreadsheet so you can see those differences...

As you can see, there are very specific differences between the Globalization Agenda and the America First agenda. You can read my other articles which digs into this even further. But the Left doesn't want you to know these differences, and will even dispute them to try and continue pushing their agenda forward.

The fact is, if American's really understood how we're all being lied to, gas-lit, manipulated and played we'd all put our foots down and end it! But, unfortunately, there are way too many people who are so easily controlled (brainwashed) that they've built up an army of useful idiots helping the Left push their agenda forward!

The point is, the America First agenda is an opposing agenda to the Globalization Agenda. An America First agenda breaks apart and in some cases even destroys key parts of the Globalization agenda.

For example, imagine for just a moment that the election of 2020 was reversed and starting tomorrow Trump was back in as President. As President he'd immediately turn back on the fossil fuel and start drilling for our own fuel. This would have a positive rippling affect across America from reducing fuel costs, which reduces the cost of goods we buy, which reduces how much money we spend each month and the list goes on and on. This would also destroy the Green Energy market because you just can't beat fossil fuel and its far lower cost to green energy.

Trump would put the focus on America and American's and start fixing all of the damage Biden has done to all of us. He'd tackle the food shortage issue of which Biden is doing absolutely nothing to solve because this is a planned strategy to create hardships and fear amongst the citizens. (Mao used starvation to control people.)

It's the difference between pushing the Globalization agenda which wants to bring Communism into America which requires us citizens being in so much pain (poverty, hungry, cold, etc.) that we'd give up our Constitution Versus an administration which puts in place the right policies which would turn all of this around without having to give up our rights and freedoms.

Remember, when Trump came into office Obama had already told American's, "This is the best it will ever be," to remove our expectations of a better life and having more money each month after paying the bills. Then Trump came along and proved Obama completely wrong!

Obama was pushing the Globalization agenda and trying to set false expectations to support the Globalization agenda. (I explain more about this in the ebook I wrote.) Trump came in and pushed an America First agenda and turned many things completely around allowing us American's to pocket more money each month and have lower expenses.

Trump accomplished so many things which benefited us American's which really pissed off the Globalists! The Globalists knew they had their work cut out to turn things around, and that's where their media outlets became the key to gaslighting people, manipulating people and lying to people to get them back onto the Globalization agenda and against Trump and MAGA which represents the America First agenda.

So I ask you, which makes more sense...

  1. The Globalization Agenda which in its purest form is a World Domination strategy, and puts the priority and emphasis on the Elites gaining total control and power (which is the core initial objective of the Globalization agenda) OR
  2. The America First agenda which serves us citizens and allows us to be far more prosperous, be free and to have the control over our lives to do and be whoever and whatever we want to be?

The Attack On Trump: Trump Has Proven His Commitment To The America First Movement, And Has Shown He Couldn't Be Bought, Blackmailed or Stopped And This Scares The Crap Out Of The Globalists!

When Trump campaigned with an America First agenda the attacks became obvious. But why were the attacks so brutal against Trump? I mean previous to Trump there were other Republican candidates who campaigned on an America First agenda and they didn't get the attacks like Trump did. Why not?

Because they were Establishment Republicans who supported the Globalization Agenda but used the America First narrative as their campaign strategy. The Left knew what they were doing and knew they were loyal to the Globalization agenda so they didn't attack the Republican anything like they did Trump. 

What makes Trump so different is he genuinely loves America and wants the best for us American's. Then, because he's already a billionaire, he can't be bought out or blackmailed. His loyalty is squarely on America and Americans, and he proved this over and over again as President.

Trump and his America First agenda (which he's very serious about) is the greatest enemy to the Globalists. In his 4 years as President he did tremendous damage to their agenda and objectives. Like I shared in the previous article...

Blaming Trump and MAGA (America First) For The Terrible Midterm Results for GOP

The Globalists and everyone supporting the Globalization agenda (Uni-party, RINO's, Establishment, etc.) all absolutely do not want Trump to run in 2024! So they are using the midterms and the Left's Blue Wall of Voter Fraud to change the narrative from voter fraud (don't look here, look over there) to blaming Trump to try and hurt his movement and base.

Trump and the America First agenda is the most damaging thing that could be done to the Globalization agenda. They are opposite agenda's so it's no wonder those who support the Globalization agenda would do literally anything to stop Trump from running, stop any America First candidates from being elected (notice how McConnel & McCarthy didn't help America First candidates, McConnell even pulled $8 million from Blake Master's campaign) and try hard to destroy the America First movement!

This was the whole purpose of January 6th which was manufactured by the Left... to attack MAGA, Patriots and Trump. They would do anything to stop the America First movement. They want to take America over and that won't be as easy if people love America and are prospering in America like things were under Trump, or if people are loving life and aren't willing to give up their rights and freedoms.

If you want to know who does NOT support America and us American's just watch who attacks the America First movement of which Trump is the leader of. Run from these people!!!!

Keep in mind, the Left to include many of the Establishment Republicans aggressively tried to remove Trump from being President, and now they're trying to figure out how to stop Trump from having so much political power and from running again. They:  

  • Tried to get him out of office by fabricating a story about Russia Collusion, 
  • Tried to impeach him twice on bogus things and both times they failed, 
  • Tried to criminally prosecute him and failed,
  • Are trying to break apart the solid base he has starting with January 6 trying to blame Trump for that and now trying to blame Trump for the dismal results from the midterms.
    • Regarding the midterms, that blame in part goes to McConnell (sabotaged a number of America First candidates to include pulling money from their campaigns, did nothing to help them and only supported Establishment republicans)
      • It goes to the RNC and establishment Republicans who did NOTHING about the stolen 2020 election and allowed it to happen with no resistance from them which set in motion the stealing of the 2022 election, which will set in motion the stealing of the 2024 election.
      • It goes to the Globalist and their operatives who are stealing elections from countries around the world so their loyalist are in office to continue pushing the Globalization agenda.

Everything they've done to try and remove Trump from office and now trying to stop him from running for office again has failed. Believe me, they're not done.

The Left and the Establishment Republicans are desperate to stop Trump from running again because of how much they fear what he will do to destroy their deep state operation, completely end their globalization agenda, go after the corrupt people who attacked him for corrupt reasons, and go after those who were treasonous to America. It should not surprise you that Establishment Republicans  would attack Trump. Their loyalty is to the One World Government and the Globalists, not to you and I or the other 350 million citizens of America.

They know Trump will rebuild America and show people how much better life is when you put America and American's first, and will put a stop to wasting all of that money on the Globalization agenda which is mostly going into the Globalists bank accounts and China.

No more New Green Deal which will cost us citizens many thousands of dollars a year and the government billions but has been a big piece in the globalization agenda. It will be like this with so many globalization policies pushed in America to reduce our take home pay, increase our expenses so we have less money to save at the end of the month and that takes away our freedoms.

One of the best things Trump did is he opened up a can of worms that can never be closed again. He opened up American's eyes to the Globalization agenda and what they're trying to do to America! Most Americans had no idea what was happening because the Uni-Party was sneaking the globalization agenda upon us under our noses via fake narratives to explain what they were doing so we didn't realize what was really happening. Many of our eyes are now opened to:

  • The Globalist and their agenda
  • That it's no longer Republican Vs Democrat, but is now Globalization Vs America First
  • That there's a uni-party where many Republicans along with all Democrats support the Globalization agenda and not America & Americans. 
    • This is the Establishment side of the Republican Party under McConnell and McCarthy who work with the Democrats to push the Globalization agenda, but the Republicans are very sneaky about it to try and deny their involvement. 
  • That they want to bring in Communism into America and take away all of our rights and freedoms.

... and much more.

In the end what the Left and the Establishment Republicans ultimately wants is the end of MAGA, America First and Populist/Nationalism (they're all America and American's focused & driven). They do NOT want the focus to be on America and us American's because it's an opposing agenda to their Globalization agenda. And be very clear, they'll do whatever it takes to end this movement. Here's Laura Ingraham even pointing out the attack on Populist and the America First movement...

I hope this article helps you understand more about this war against the America First/MAGA agenda which at this point has become a movement

The problem we citizens who support the America First movement have is if for some reason they're able to remove Trump from running again, then who would take his place as the lead person to run as President to continue the America First movement?

There's not one single politician I trust to do that including DeSantis. I really like DeSantis as a Governor and I think DeSantis would do a lot of things, but I also believe he'd purposely hold back. I believe DeSantis like the majority of politicians could be bought out or blackmailed. Who hasn't watched how politicians are able to make millions on a servants salary... how are they making all of these millions? 

Greed is one of the strongest emotions and is hard to not get sucked into.

This is why we need Trump. There just isn't anyone else who could take his place to keep us free and protect us at this pivotal spot in American's history.

The Globalist know this too which is why they're trying so hard to take him out one way or another!

To save America and make sure us citizens are doing our part, there is still a lot of work to do starting with people understanding who our enemy really is and understanding just how powerful and effective they are. Only a handful of people were right about what would happen at the midterms. Most touted and expected a massive Red Tsunami.

We cannot ever get it this wrong again if we're going to save America! This starts by having a very clear understand of who our enemies are to include just how powerful and effective they are who are destroying America from within with the help of our politicians and numerous agencies who are suppose to be serving and protecting America but instead are handing America over to the Globalist on a silver platter!

They are the greatest enemy America has ever been up against because:

  • They are ruthless! Many of the Globalists aren't even citizens of America and have no loyalty to America.
  • They are worth trillions and have the money to do whatever they want, buy whatever they need/want to push their agenda forward, and hire the brightest, smartest people to help them strategize their plan of attack for world domination which includes the take-over of America. Along with this they have the money to bribe and buy out key politicians and others to help push their agenda forward.
  • They're strategizing their plan of attack with military precision to include planning for all counter-attacks. They strategize 20 years in advance to include preparing and planning for uprisings against them, then every year they re-evaluate their plans and make sure they're on course.
  • They have the deep state helping them. This includes the FBI, CIA and many other agencies.
  • They have bought out so many of our politicians who have sold America out for an increase in their bank accounts.
  • They use blackmail very effectively. What do you think Epstein Island was all about? To get videos on politicians and powerful people having sex with under aged children to be used as blackmail material against them. Epstein Island was just one way they got blackmail information on people. They've even been known to place child porn on people's computers and then bust them for having child porn, and then tell them they'll keep it secret IF they did what they were told.
  • They have operatives around the world in addition to in America helping them... they're in every government, they're in high ranking military positions, they're in key political roles who have the power to make key changes, they're judges of all kinds, etc, etc, etc.
  • They've been planning this take-over of America for over 60 years to include planning for people resisting them or fighting back. Look at how effective their election fraud cover up strategy is! They're ready for whatever we do to try to do to stop them except one thing. There's only one thing that will save us. More about this in the next topic.

And the list goes on and on. I've discussed this point in other articles too and I've laid out who exactly the Globalists (our greatest enemies) are and why they're so dangerous to us.

There's Only One Thing That Can Save America...

Like stated, many of our politicians and other key people have been blackmailed, bribed, threatened or bought out so they will help the Globalists achieve their goals. This is why I keep telling everyone who will listen, THIS IS OUR WAR AND IT'S UP TO US CITIZENS TO TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY. 

The one thing they know they can't defeat is the uprising of MANY MILLIONS of American's, united together and in a solitary voice making it very clear...

"You cannot have our country, you cannot take away our freedoms, you cannot divide us any longer because we American's are taking back our country."

I tell you how and give you the details here: "The Action Plan To Save America". READ THIS ARTICLE SO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT WE MUST DO AND WHY!

The Left is great at uniting. Look at BLM and ANTIFA. We've got to get our act together and unite also, but in a much more strategic and effective way like what I discussed at the article, "The Action Plan To Save America".

If we don't stop Communism from coming into America...

  • after we've lost all of our freedoms,
  • many have been executed from being against the government,
  • we're starving and forced to eat bugs,
  • crime & murders is rampant,
  • we're all forced to take their bio-weapon shots which murders millions, and
  • American's have lost hope and purpose in living  

...a point will come years down the road when our children and grand-children of this great land will have had enough and will be done being slaves to the Communist tyrants and will take a stand to free the country. Millions will die and there will be no guarantee of success. But like in all Communist countries a point comes when the citizens rise and say they've had enough.

While the citizens are no more than "peasants" to serve the elites, the elites/Globalists and the politicians assigned to run the country by the Globalist will live like KINGS, have feasts, travel the world to enjoy its many splendors, have many slaves to wait on them and serve them.

Do you not understand that those politicians and elites who are attacking America First and are pushing the Globalization agenda are doing so for self-serving reasons? They expect to be treated and live like gods in the end while you're the peasant serving them. Yet, they can't achieve this without you so they're gaslighting you with agenda driven narratives, using many psychological strategies to control you and your thoughts/beliefs, and numerous other things so you'll blindly help make all of this possible, at our detriment!

You have a choice... we either stop Communism from coming into America, or you let your kids and grand-kids deal with this problem years down the road while living the life as a slave with no rights or freedoms which will end with millions dead.

We stop this now with very little casualties, or we let our child and grand-children deal with this which will end with many millions murdered!

What are you going to do?


New/Additional Information:

11/20/22 - WAYNE ROOT: Why Does Everyone in DC Swamp, Deep State, DNC and Even RNC Hate Trump? Because They’re All Power Hungry, Control-Freaks, Evil, Slime Balls Who Hate YOU.

Mimic's my points: Read Article