Globalization & What You NEED To Know About It
First things first...
The Media Plays An Important Role In The Globalist Strategy Of Pushing Their Globalization Agenda Through Our Congress While Also Controlling How American's View All Of The Things The Left Is Doing
Before I get into the topic of Globalization there's something I first need to share with you... the media plays an important role of the globalization agenda. 90% of the media is owned by multi-national corporations who fully support globalization and want globalization.
What you clearly need to understand is 90% of the media works for and takes orders from the Globalist who are controlling and dictating what narratives to push and how to spin the facts to fit their agenda. The media isn't our friend and are instead pushing an agenda. The media, especially the left wing media, are loyal to the globalist, not us! Their job is to control "how" we view what's going on in their very carefully constructed reporting to control how we view things. To control our beliefs they control our actions.
The media not only plays an important role in getting the globalization agenda pushed through America, but a "key" role! The globalist need the media to control the narrative and control how people feel about what's going on in America.
Globalist could not achieve what they're after if they didn't have the media controlling the people telling the citizens what to believe and how to feel about what's happening.
My point in sharing this with you is the media will use every trick in the book to try and convince people that what the Biden Administration is doing regarding globalization policies (they will not be called globalization policies though) is the right thing and best thing to do.
They will hide information from you, they will lie about what's happening and how it will affect us and they will say whatever they have to say to protect Biden and what he's doing because it's what they want to see happen also. (You can learn more about the media and how they are controlling people on the page we did on the media.)
They will hide information from you, they will lie about what's happening and how it will affect us and they will say whatever they have to say to protect Biden and what he's doing because it's what they want to see happen also.
We will reveal their lies and explain to you what the policies the Establishment (politicians who support Globalization) are pushing through Congress really mean to America.
I'm just going to tell you, the best thing we all could do is just stop watching the main stream media all together, and that means all of it!
Instead, find a few honest people who report the facts and help you decipher what's really going on in this country and with our government and follow them. I will reveal who my sources are to our members only.
Now, let's get to this topic.
Who Are The Globalist?
The first question we need to address is, Who are the Globalist?
These are the very rich families of the world and include but is not limited to the following families:
- Rothschild's (Numerous)
- Rockefellers
- Bill Gates
- George Soros
- Nathan Warburg
- Henry Kissinger
- Paul Volcker
- Larry Summers
- Lloyd Blankfein
- Ben Shalom
They will add others to their fold like Jack Dorsey (Twitter) and Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) and other very rich people who have multi-national businesses.
In addition to individual people and families, they've created many organizations to support and move forward their numerous agenda's.
Here's the break-down of the players so you know who we're talking about when we use these terms...
- Globalist (Top Of The Hierarchy, these are the Puppet Masters)
- Deep State (Globalist Puppets in the Gov'ts around the world. Is those who work with and support the Globalist and their agenda. Includes powerful people like multi-national business owners; people in the FBI, CIA and intelligence departments; high ranking military people, etc.)
- Establishment (Part of the Deep State, specifically is Elected Officials like those in Congress.)
How Much Control Do They Have In The World?
A lot!
The Rothschild's, estimated net worth of $500 Trillion dollars, is one family who owns the Central Bank. The Central Bank is why we pay Federal Taxes (to pay the loans and interest on the loans).
From the article, "Trump has Hijacked Rothshilds Central Bank in the USA"...
This is the most dangerous organized crime syndicate on Earth. They have killed presidents, started wars, over-turned governments, abducted, tortured, extorted, bribed and murdered millions of people to retain their control over most of the world’s governments to date.
Donald Trump is the first leader to have broken that control and removed them from power in the USA by taking control of the FED.
This is why the attacks on him are so vicious and relentless, and they come from all sides. Since the USA was always the Rothschild’s strongest territory – to control the rest of the world, with its powerful army, these global criminals have pulled out all the stops to overturn a duly elected president. They have activated and unleashed all their assets to achieve this.
Since Trump controls the army and the FED, their main tool is the mainstream media, with its repeating lies and propaganda 24/7 to poison the minds of the people. They are fighting for their survival.
They will lie to your face, use human tragedy and emotion in their favour against you, destroy the economy, destroy cities and monuments, bring down an entire country, kill and deceive everyone – just to achieve victory. Please be aware of this. If they cannot destroy Trump – they will be finally destroyed after 250 years of global control.
If you live in the USA, it is very difficult to get a clear view of the situation, because most of the US media is part of the Cabal and toxic with anti-Trump propaganda. Trump’s victory will liberate all other countries from the Rothschild control of all central banks and bring freedom to people everywhere.
It's what we've been telling you throughout this website, the media is OWNED by the Globalist and the media's number 1 objective is to push the Globalist's agenda!
Just take the coordinated messaging of COVID and now the vaccines worldly from country to country.
The reality is the Globalist are using COVID to push their agenda. The science shows COVID isn't nearly as serious as the media is telling people it is, and they've lied over and over again about it. See these articles for more information about the truth behind COVID...
- It’s Time To END The Lockdowns (11/30/20)
- The Left LIED To All Of Us About Hydroxychloroquine (11/25/20)
The Rothschild's are the most powerful people in the world and they have their people installed in every government in every country around the world. They control the elections and they control who is put into office, which is why we MUST take control of the elections in America. We must stop their control in America.
But, as we've learned, the Deep State (all part of the Globalist organization) is very deep, very wide, encompasses so many parts of the government and they have a lot of safety nets in place to either stop those who would take a stand against them or to protect those who are running interference against anyone who tries to go against what the Deep State wants.
I'm just tell you, they are extremely powerful and very wide spread around the world. See this article: Was The Real Insurrection (COUP) From Members Of Congress, Other Elected People & Corrupt People?
The Core To What Globalist Want...
The core, not all, just the core to what globalist want is...
Ultimately what they want is a One-World Government (under the United Nations) and global corporations.
There are a lot of issues going on with the Central Bank also which the Globalist are trying to resolve, but this will be its own topic because many American's don't even know about the Central Bank and the association between them and America.
Global Corporations.
Where America supports the small business and stops major corporations from having a monopoly, in a global economy you don't have this protection. You have global corporations getting bigger with greater buying power and small businesses unable to compete. The global corporations eat up the small businesses and spit them out.
This is yet another part of America exceptionalism that takes away from these globalist businesses from dominating their respective market places. Where America supports the small guy so he has a chance at growing a business, that's not how it works on the global scale where size and market share is everything. There's no room for the small guy in the same market place as global corporations!
On top of this, Globalist would like to see all countries under Socialism because this gives government control of everything, including our property. You see, it's easier to "sell" the citizens on Socialism and then once it's in place and it has destroyed the economy and destitute many citizens putting far more into poverty they'll tell us we need to move to Communism giving the Government 100% control over everything.
Communism is what Globalist really want for America... Complete government control and elections go away allowing the rich and powerful Globalist to put their person in charge of the country.
Globalization Moving Forward Under Biden.
Here's a video of Laura Ingraham discussing globalization and what to expect moving forward. You can even consider it a warning. I find it exciting that the media on the Right is actually addressing this very important topic. This is an informative video under 10 minutes (8:02)...

Finally, let me give you an example of the difference between a President pushing a globalization agenda and a President pushing an America First agenda...
- Obama pushed a globalization agenda. In his 8 years middle class America workers only experienced a $1,000 per year increase in their income. Most new jobs under Obama were low paying service industry jobs.
- Trump pushed an America First Agenda. In his 4 years middle class America workers experienced a $6,000 per year increase in their income. Along with this, the unemployment was record breaking low in numerous demographics. Most new jobs under Trump were high paying manufacturing jobs.
An America First agenda is far better for Americans, but it takes away from Globalist and their agenda along with cuts into their profits!
Another thing you need to understand about Globalist and the Establishment in Congress is they love wars. Seriously, they do so we're watching carefully to see if the Biden Admin moves us into a war during his term in office. My guess is he will, and can you imagine Biden over seeing a war? Oh my, we'll be in trouble!
The Great Reset
This is a Globalization strategy the likes of which will severely hurt us Americans. This is a huge topic which deserves its own page. That is coming. For now, watch this video...
How The Globalist Will Push Their Agenda (Overview)
Remember, it's always about either "more power" or "more money". This is why the saying "follow the money" is used so often... it's true!
BUT, (and pay attention to the steps here) the only way that will happen is by America giving up it's sovereignty and freedom. They've got to destroy our Constitution!
That's because these things won't happen until they can get our guns away from us. (More about the importance of making sure we don't allow the government to take away our guns at the end of this article.)
There are 3 core elements the Globalist are attacking and destroying to push their agenda. Watch this video which so nicely explains the Left's attacks to tear us apart...
California, a state totally ran by Democrats, is a test market for far-left Communist policies and control over people. This video should be a wake up call to what's to come to the rest of America when the Left is in control.
They need to remove our allegiance to God. Watch the above video explain this in more detail.
The Left Needed A Strategy & Way To Push The Marxism Ideology To Tear America Apart...
The Left needed a strategy, a vehicle to push this Marxist, Communism strategy. They needed a way to tear apart what unites us. Remember, their ultimate goal is to bring in a Communism style of government where they have the power and control over the people and they knew the only way this would happen is by breaking apart the things that unite us, create enough chaos, put enough people into poverty, create financial stresses and then present the policies which would solve these policies which would remove the Constitution as being the law of the land.
Every tenant of Karl Marx's political theory can be found in the Black Lives Matter movement. You'll notice the white liberals are programming blacks to instead worship Barack Obama, Lebron James, Colin Kaepernick and Black Lives Matter, to name a few. These white liberals are effectively convincing blacks to replace God with people.
This right here is why the Left has so tightly embraced the BLM movement... it's their #1 strategy for bringing in the Marxism ideology to American's and our children. They also use BLM to push their racism narrative.
With the growth of BLM they're using this movement for devious objectives to include taking God out of the equation along with breaking apart the nuclear family (a big reason why young black men go down the wrong road) and to create a divide between blacks and whites to better control both blacks and whites.
BLM created a massive movement after the Left hijacked it in 2016 and took it over. BLM is providing the left with exactly what they need to control blacks and move them into an anti-American direction which is exactly what the Globalist need for what they want to do to America.
For whites and other races it's trickier because they don't have a movement like BLM to use to manipulate and control the other groups. First the Left need to find an effective way to divide each group away from others.
These division strategies are, as already stated, to better control the group or race.
This is also why they had to destroy the NFL and NBA by turning them into political movements. Sports created unity in America where we could all put our differences to the side if only for just a few hours while watching the game. The problem is unity creates the opposite objective globalist need to move America in the direction they need America to go.
A divided America is easier to control so the Left needs us all divided. If we're fighting amongst ourselves, even better.
Patronage and love of country is another thing the Left has been destroying. Love of country is another thing that has created unity between American's for many years. From saying the Pledge Of Allegiance in school which they're trying to remove, to respecting the flag and standing for the National Anthem, to the many other traditions we have in America to honor and appreciate the country we live in.
Have you noticed the Left is also trying to take away the 4th of July? They are now calling this the "white man's holiday" of White Supremacy.
This is another Marxist strategy instigated by the Left via the BLM movement. The Left just can not allow American's to love and appreciate this amazing country we live in. Patronage is not allowed, and if you show patronage then you're a racist and the left will attack you!
Racism is just another division strategy to divide us. I'm not going to say much more about Racism than what I've already said on this page and will instead dedicate another article solely for this topic. There's a lot that needs to be said about Racism and how the left has weaponized it to divide us. The media has been instrumental in this objective.
The Left Has Got To Control The Narrative And What Information We Have Access To...
Next is this... they aren't going to be able to move America in the direction they want us to go if they can't control our speech and the information we have access to. They need to control the narrative and stop all opposing views to it.
Part of this is the Left's Cancel Culture where people or businesses are shamed, attacked, lose their job, businesses burned down and any number of other things for speaking out against the Left, BLM and other Left driven topics. The latest attack is anyone so much as discussing the obvious voter fraud in the 2020 election... the Left absolutely does not want it talked about and wants it buried allowing them to continue using it election after election with no accountability or transparency.
If you read our article, "Election 2020, What I Feared" things should start making sense. Read this article if you haven't yet because this informational piece on Globalization is just further showing you why the Globalist needed Trump out of the way and an Establishment person like Biden put in.
Election 2020 was a test run on censoring information and controlling what we had access to, and then sharing the view they supported on posts that opposed their view, but they didn't do the same in reverse. They ONLY putting warning's on their opposing views to show their view on that topic. Here's an image showing how many times Biden and Trump were censored...
In addition, this was the globalist using Big Tech and the media to impact the election so their guy who will help them push globalization in America is elected!
...this was the globalist using Big Tech and the media to impact the election so their guy who will help them push globalization in America is elected!
Again, this is about controlling the discussion to try and sway people to supporting the lefts views to the different topics, all of which, in the end, make America part of the globalist network with our government supporting globalization rules and forcing us American citizens to accept their new world whether we like it or not. We just wrote an article explaining misinformation I encourage you to read.
Ultimately they need our Constitution destroyed because that's the biggest thing standing in the way of their creating this Utopia they'll try to sell us on, but in reality it's just a scheme to gain even more power and build far more wealth for themselves and their puppets who help put all of this in place (like our Congressmen)!
Obama tried to get a bill passed that would've given the United Nations (UN) control over our guns. It was a "small arms treaty" but Republicans stopped it.
They are currently working on censoring our speech and the information we have access to via the Big Tech companies who have already put this in place in countries like China.
The technology is already available. It's just a matter of implementing it full scale in America, which is yet another reason they needed Biden to win because Trump was going to go after the Big Tech companies for interfering in our 1st Amendment rights.
Here's what it all boils down to...
Biden Is Bringing Back The Globalization Agenda
Biden is reversing the Trump policies that took America off track from the Globalization agenda. On day one Biden reversed immigration policies, Paris agreement and numerous other America First policies to bring back the globalization agenda which are bad for America.
Biden Says That On Day One He's Going Back Into The Paris Climate Accord (Treaty)... It's A Globalist Dream Policy!
From the article, "Biden Readies a Tsunami of Executive Orders to Reverse Trump Policies", Biden said, "My first decree will be to rejoin the Paris Climate Accords (click link to see what this treaty is really all about) in order to help the world slay the dragon of global warming. First, of course, we must find the dragon to determine if it even exists. And what happens if it’s only a little tiny dragon? We’ll worry about that later."
This is a globalist dream come true! This agreement spreads our wealth and gives up our sovereignty. If Congress approves this you will know who are patriots to America (those that vote No) and who are the Elitist Globalist (those that vote Yes).
In addition to reading what we wrote regarding the Paris Climate Accords you can also read what we wrote about Climate Change.
The article also said, "He will repeal the ban on almost all travel from some Muslim-majority countries, and he will reinstate the program allowing “dreamers,” who were brought to the United States illegally as children, to remain in the country, according to people familiar with his plan."
Immigration and refugees is another core globalist strategy. Immigration is a huge topic we'll be addressing one issue at a time. For now let me just point out that...
- Biden plans sweeping reversal of Trump's immigration agenda, from deportations to asylum policy. The end game is far more immigrants coming to America.
- Along with this Biden plans to greatly reduce who ICE is able to arrest and deport.
- He also plans to stop asylum seekers from having to stay in Mexico but instead let them come into America and wait in America of which less than 3% ever show up for their court date.
- Biden's even going to withdraw from the three bilateral agreements Mr. Trump brokered with Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras that allow the U.S. to send rejected asylum-seekers to those countries and have them seek refuge there.
These are just a few of the things Biden's planning to do. American's be damned, but Biden doesn't care as long as his Globalist masters are happy, and they are with these changes.
Just so we're on the same page, I'm not against immigration. I'm against open borders and having absolutely no control over who's coming into the country!
Here's a video of Laura Ingraham talking about Biden cozying up to his globalist friends who funded his campaign and what they're going to do (this should just piss you off because this is not in the best interest of us Americans, but instead will hurt us)...

What The Globalist Want Goes Way Deeper Than What I've Discussed Above
I've only scratched the surface of globalization and what the globalist are after here. My concern is if I dig into the deeper topics it would be too much for the average person to handle.
This is why we'll take it in small chunks and will gradually share it over time.
For now let me just say, protect the Constitution and never give up the 2nd Amendment because it's the main thing that will protect us and is the main reason why it's taking them so long to implement their master plan. As soon as they get our guns, life as we know it will change dramatically! NEVER allow the government to get our guns.
Along the discussion of guns, notice how the Democrats support riots, support looting, are pushing "defund the police", are choosing not prosecute criminals for a lot of different crimes, are removing cash bail so criminals are released back into the street, want open borders which would allow bad people to come into America and so on. Why?
Democrats are notorious for creating problems which would require more regulations and government control. By having the crime rate and murders massively increase they'll blame the problem on guns and push for more gun control, when in reality it's because of what they themselves set in motion.
It wouldn't surprise me that the crime gets so bad that they bring the military into cities so we're all use to seeing them daily on our streets, and then being told we need to give up our guns. I could see once they have the military on our streets the President doing Martial Law as the strategy to get our guns and since the military is already in our cities they just go door to door to get them.
I know this is deep stuff. Call it a heads up, and if none of this happens in your lifetime be happy.
Just don't give into giving up our guns. Flip this on them that what they did made having guns that much more important and don't give into the gun control because of what they themselves set in motion.
Also keep in mind that how they're taking on gun control is one small piece at a time to chip away at our 2nd Amendment.
Be very clear, they want our guns! They've got to get them before they can put in motion what they're really after. Until then, anyone who shares what they're after with you will be branded a conspiracy theorist and will be attacked by their propogandist (Left Wing Media) with discredit campaigns. This is the game they play.
Remember, The Media Will Attack Anyone As Just Conspiracy Theorist To Hide What They're Actually Doing.
The globalist (which includes the media) do not want you to know what they're doing. If you knew what they were trying to accomplish and why, you would do whatever you had to do to stop it! It's just a matter of time before they start their "discredit" campaign against us. Learn more about the media and how they control people here.
New/Additional Information:
6/2/22. Food, Fuel, & Inflation Crises All Stem From Globalist Policies
Article: Food, Fuel, & Inflation Crises All Stem From Globalist Policies
3/27/21. Discussing What The Globalist Are Doing And How They're Working Through Biden, And How Globalist Are Getting Very Worried With People Becoming More Aware Of What They're Doing.
When it's all said and done, what American's will find is it was the Trump supporters who took a stand AGAINST these Globalist and saved America. Liberals are consistently shown to be too brain-washed by the media which is controlled by the Globalist so Liberals are instead trying to HELP the Globalist take over America out of pure ignorance.
Conservative or Liberal needs to watch this video...
3/10/21. John Zmirak of Reviews What's Going On With The Establishment GOP And More
I added this here on the Globalization page because they're discussing how the Globalist are pulling the strings with Biden and controlling the government today.
Big Business Lobbies Biden to Import Foreign Workers as 17M Americans Remain Jobless
It's about BIG Businesses to the globalist who own these big businesses. The hell with small businesses or American's, they want bigger profits.
Article: Big Business Lobbies Biden to Import Foreign Workers as 17M Americans Remain Jobless
This provides a good history of how things came to be and how the very rich globalist are wanting to change the world. It's only 7:47 long and worth listening too.