Last Updated: 4/1/21 (Jump down to New/Additional Information)

Understanding "Misinformation" & How It's Established. It's NOT What You Think...

Misinformation has been a big topic of discussion. Let's explain it.


There are two types of information...

  1. The facts, and
  2. The Narrative.

The Left wants to have total 100% control over what's considered "misinformation". The problem is, the Left operates based upon narratives.

What's a narrative?

It's an explanation for something, a story. 

Say for example the following happened...

  • Police pull over a black man for speeding
  • Black man gets out of car with a gun in his hand
  • Police tell him over and over again to put the gun down
  • Black man raises gun to point at police
  • Police shoot the black man

Okay, so this is the summary of the facts. From what you see here it's pretty clear what happened and why the police shot him.

But because the Left is narrative driven and they've created a narrative that police are bad and blacks are always innocent no matter what they do, and that they need to keep us divided and racial issues is one of the most effective ways to divide us even more the Left Wing Media will tell a story about what happened based upon the narrative they want people to hear. It's all about controlling their viewers beliefs on what happened.

Their narrative based story will go something like this...

In the city of ___________ a black man was pulled over by the police for no reason. The police saw a black man driving a car late at night and being the racist people that police are they pulled this black man over to simply harass him.

In the midst of being pulled over the black man feared for his life. For no reason white supremacist police pulled him over.

When the police aggressively yelled at the black man to get out of his car, once he did the police shot him dead.

This is what we're seeing across America by racist police when pulling over black people for absolutely no reason and why we must root out the systematic racism throughout our police across the country.

The media will then have this narrative being repeated over and over and over again amongst all of the Left Wing Media outlets so their viewers hear the horrific story multiple times. You'll hear this narrative on all of CNN's shows, all of MSNBC's shows and the many other Left Wing Media outlets.

Riots in cities across America will start for the injustice against this black man. This black man becomes a martyr and the racial divide grows bigger. This is exactly what they were after.

Determining What's Misinformation

There's a hard core rule on the Left... ALWAYS protect the narrative! This is an absolute must.

To do this Big Tech will censor or purge any information that disputes the narrative. That way people who only watch the Left Wing Media only see the narrative the Left is pushing. 

This then becomes the foundation to what the Left considers "misinformation". Anything that doesn't support this narrative becomes misinformation. This is how the Facebook fact checkers function, big tech functions and how the basis for misinformation is established.

Then, anyone who discusses the facts which are not part of the narrative is then disputed as misinformation. This is exactly how a communist country controls what their citizens know about things that are happening... they push a narrative and hide the real facts. By doing this you control what people believe.

This is also why it's almost impossible for a Conservative who is hearing the facts to have a conversation with a Liberal who's only hearing the narrative. 

We've watched the Left push narratives with:

  • Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) (we explained all of this at our article, "The Left LIED To All Of Us About Hydroxychloroquine")
    • But it wasn't just HCQ, it was literally ANY medications which would cure COVID like Ivermectin if used early enough.
    • The Left needed the lockdowns to continue and needed the economy shut down. This was to serve multiple objectives by the left:
      • from hurting Trump's re-election campaign,
      • to create more financial hardships to get more people dependent upon the government to push socialism,
      • to get people accustomed to making less money like the Obama years, and more.
  • COVID facts versus the narrative which has kept people in fear and loyal to the governments demands like staying home, using face masks, keeping businesses locked down, etc.
  • Hunter Biden's laptop. The narrative was, it's a Russian conspiracy theory. Truth was it showed tremendous corruption by the Biden family. Articles about the facts to Hunter Biden's laptop were censored and purged.

These are just a couple of the many examples we could've shared. We just wanted you to get an idea and see how this has been an ongoing trend by the Left.

This is also how the fact-checkers function on the Left... if it doesn't fit the narrative it's censored, an article presenting the Lefts position is made available, or the author's account is shut down. It does not matter if you shared facts. You shared information that opposed the Left's narrative and that's what triggers the fact checkers.

This is why nobody on the Left ever got censored, had posts removed, had warnings put on their posts or was kicked off the platform... they were just repeating the Left's narrative and that's what you're suppose to do. Anything outside of this and you're at risk of having something done to your post or account.

But The Truth Eventually Comes Out In America Because We're Not Yet A Communist Country And The Right Wing Media Is Showing The Facts. What Happens Then?

Yes, eventually the truth comes out to the point where the Left can't continue with their narrative in the same vigor they had in the past. Of course by this point the damage is already done and/or the objective already accomplished.

When the truth comes out the Left Wing Media just completely stops talking about the topic. If they don't share the facts then those facts must not be true is the position they take. 

You have to remember there are many millions of people who only watch the Left Wing Media so by the LWM not reporting the facts these millions of people aren't hearing the facts and don't know the facts. They only know the narrative they've been told and adamantly they stand behind this narrative. It's all they've heard and know!

The LWM are not about to allow their viewers to hear facts which contradict their narrative so they just don't report the facts.

Instead, they just drop the conversation all together & stop reporting on it just like what they did with the Russia Collusion story they told for 3 years. Once the facts came out that the whole thing started by Hillary Clinton to take the focus off of her 33,000 illegally deleted emails, and that it was all a hoax, the LWM completely stopped reporting on it. 

Hillary had many inside people helping her push this hoax from people in the FBI, CIA, intelligence departments and more. Some of these people even went onto CNN and MSNBC to push this fake narrative to attack Trump.

But once the facts of how it was all Hillary's doing which was learned after classified documents were unclassified, the Left Wing Media came to a screeching halt on the story. When they got asked about this topic they'd just say, "That's old news, we're not going to discuss it any longer." And they don't.

The Left Wing Media absolutely will not share the facts. They just stop reporting on it all together, or they'll continue pushing their narrative depending on the topic at hand.

Now you know how misinformation is determined by the Left... information that doesn't support their narrative. 

It has nothing to do with facts and everything to do with the narrative.

It's an effective communist information control strategy.

New/Additional Information:

4/1/21. Crowder faces Big Tech ban for FACTUAL ‘misinformation’

It's like I said, facts don't matter. All that matters is protecting the narrative! Even when the facts are shared, if they dispute the "narrative" they get censored.

3/30/21. Twitter Censors Official Coronavirus Adviser and Renowned Epidemiologist Martin Kulldorff

This is CONSTANTLY happening. Shockingly, we're watching medical doctors and epidemiologist and even virologist being censored by Big Tech and the media. They don't want you to know the TRUTH and have the FACTS. They just simply want you to do what you're told and follow THEIR narratives!

This is very dangerous to censor actual medical doctors and specialist! It's just like what I've heard about the vaccine, there's no way I would take those vaccines after what I've heard. This information is also being censored. Already the Left has blood on their hands for censoring HCQ and other medical solutions for COVID which would've stopped 80% of the deaths per their reporting. But staying afraid and maintaining lockdowns was the narrative they had to maintain!

Article: Twitter Censors Official Coronavirus Adviser and Renowned Epidemiologist Martin Kulldorff