Transgender Women In Women's Sports Is WRONG AT EVERY LEVEL!

The U.S. Department of Education is threatening to withhold some federal funding if schools allow transgender girls to compete as girls in high school sports. 


How can anyone find it fair to have "biological" men competing in women's sports? How is it fair that a girl has to compete against a boy who says he's a girl? 

The girl doesn't have a chance! Allowing biological boys regardless to which sex they relate with to compete against girls is wrong at every level. Many are doing this because they know it's the only way they can win, and they're stealing scholarships away from biological girls.

If all of this isn't enough, it's being said this will end women's sports!

Because of their physical advantages to a real woman they are breaking records, winning competitions and all around destroying "women's sports". 

For one, what incentive does a real woman have to get into sports knowing there's a strong possibility they'll have to compete against transgender women which are people with a biological man's body?

I agree. I don't care how much you tell me about testosterone suppression treatment, the testosterone level will never be as low as a woman. Plus, there are very distinct differences between a woman's body and a man's body with their bone structures and muscles. Transgender women simply have an unfair advantage, and there's no way a real woman can equal the playing field because a man's body and woman's body are so significantly different.

Even liberal Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg recognized the inherent differences between men and women in her important opinion allowing women to enroll at Virginia Military Institute. She wrote, “Physical differences between men and women are … enduring. The two sexes are not fungible.”

Her conclusion was that women, based on their biological sex, should not be excluded from Virginia Military Institute.

Again, it is precisely the physical difference that violates fair play.

Facts do NOT care about your feelings. There are 2 sexes... boy and girl. Then there's those who "feel like" they're the other sex. Just because someone would rather be the other sex shouldn't take away the rights and privacy of those who are that sex.

For example, allowing biological boys into a woman's locker room where there's naked women or into a woman's bathroom is wrong at every level and shows how screwed up people are.

If this is how we're going to be, then we need 3 groups...

  1. Men,
  2. Women and
  3. Other. 

Transgenders would fit into the "other" group. We then have 3 sets of locker rooms and bathrooms and sports. Men compete against men, women compete against women and the others compete against the others. This doesn't take away from the biological men and biological women, and that 3-4% who consider themselves a different sex has their own thing.

This is a far more respectful and fair solution.

Don't like it because you think it'll offend the 3-4% who consider themselves a different sex?

What about the 96-97% who don't want someone of the other sex biologically in their bathroom or locker room or to compete against a more superior body in sports? Doesn't the 96-97% feelings matter?

These are my views and how I see it. Share your comments below.

12/11/20 - Protect Women's Sports Act

Yeah!!! Out of the blue, Democrat Tulsi Gabbard has introduced a bill to protect women's sports. It's about darn time someone got realistic and recognized and acknowledged the huge disadvantage women have when a man converts to being a women and then competes against women in sports.

I don't care how you slice it or what drugs you take, a man's body is stronger, has bigger bone mass and in every sense of the word has an advantage over women in sports.

Tulsi understand this, and instead of playing politics and just following the left's radical narrative she broke rank and did what make sense and what's right.