Democrats In The House & Senate Serve Pelosi & Schumer, NOT Your States Needs

For two years, since the 2018 elections when the Democrats took control of the House and Pelosi became the House Majority, we've watched the House do one thing... try to impeach Trump! That's it.


Where the House's job is create bills (laws) to serve Americans, they instead spent the last 2 years attacking Trump and doing everything they could to impeach him. That was their sole mission.

Unless you intentionally voted for a Democrat House of Representatives to impeach Trump, your state and district didn't benefit one iota from a Democrat House Representative under Pelosi. 

Be very clear, Pelosi rules with an iron fist and it is expected that all of her Democrat members vote how she tells them to vote, even if it's not good for their state.

The needs of your state does NOT matter. Pushing the Democrats far left ideology is what matters and what House Democrats are required to do, or there will be consequences.

In 2019 Jeff Van Drew, a US House Representative from NJ, switched parties from Democrat to Republican. Listen to why he switched, it's very enlightening and shows how being forced by Pelosi to vote for the Lefts far left agenda is not good for his state...

Representatives and Senators in your state who are on the Democrat ticket will tell you all of the things they'll do for your state, but bluntly, none of that's true. Democrat Representatives and Senators are required to vote with their party leaders (Pelosi & Schumer).

Pelosi & Schumer are forcing the far left ideology of NY and CA down the throats of Representatives and Senators of states that don't agree with this far left agenda! They want to bring these far left policies to every state and there's NOTHING a Democrat Senator or Representative can do to stop it. If they try to stop it, well, just listen to the video above to see what will happen to them.

The House and Senate Democrats are one unified party. They do not allow people to vote according to the needs of their state. It's not allowed.

So when you listen to campaign speeches by a Democrat for the House or Senate and they make all of those promises of what they'll do for their district or state, just remember, they have no say in these matters in Washington DC. Pelosi and Schumer control what will happen in your state, and unless you support their far left ideology and policies, you're going to be greatly disappointed in the results you get.

The Exception To Voting With Pelosi or Schumer...

There are a few exceptions to this, but it's not for the reasons you may think.

When a Democrat House/Senator is in a heated re-election campaign and IF they already have enough votes to pass the bill, only then will they allow this House/Senator to break rank and vote against the bill. The key is "they already have enough votes to pass the bill"

This allows them to come home and say, "I stood up against Washington Politicians to support the needs of this state/district".

It's all political bull crap. Just take a look at the bill they voted against and you'll see it still passed because they had enough votes to pass it.

How long are people who are voting for Democrats to represent their state or district going to allow this game of manipulation to continue?

Whether you like it or not, you are being played!

It's all so they can push the far left agenda the Democrat party has taken on.

I don't know today's Democrat party. I use to vote for a lot of Democrats in the years past, but today's Democrat is nothing like the Democrat party from even 10 years ago.

Unless you support these far left policies which will turn America from its current structure to socialism, I would walk away from the Democrat party if I were you. Do your research and you'll see what I'm saying is spot on.

New/Updated Information:

12/10/20 - Democrats Savage Feinstein In Cruel New Yorker Piece After She Fails To Destroy Justice Amy Coney Barrett

Democrats are furious with Feinstein for not attacking and trying to destroy Amy Coney Barrett. For not doing what they told her to do they are punishing her. Read the article, "Democrats Savage Feinstein In Cruel New Yorker Piece After She Fails To Destroy Justice Amy Coney Barrett" by the Daily Caller.

Democrats are expected to be 100% loyal to the demands of Schumer (Senators) or Pelosi (House). The needs of your state are not important. What's only important is backing up the far-left policies of today's radical Democrats.