Voter Fraud & Election Interference
The reason we've added voter fraud & election interference as a Foundational Page is because this is how you have a true democracy, by allowing the people to elect the President, Senators, etc.
But when you watch such an orchestrated and obvious plan to steal the election American's lose confidence in the process. I know I have.
In another article I break-down step by step how they stole this election. I strongly encourage you to read it: How To Steal A Presidential Election – Will We Ever Have A Fair Election Again?
Democrats are hungry for power and I've said for years, "they'll do anything to get it back." Clearly I was right!
This page is going to address two things... voter fraud and election interference. This last election we saw election interference like we've never seen before. Add that to the incredible voter fraud and the election in 2020 should've been completely redone!
Let's start with the voter fraud...
Voter Fraud
There are numerous ways one party can slant the advantage toward them, or even steal an election. Let's list a few things we saw in the 2020 election...
- Straight out voter fraud:
- Ballot harvesting. There are many ways to do ballot harvesting to change an election.
- Filling out someone else's ballot and signing it for them
- Hacking the voting machine
- Running pre-created ballots through the voting machine
- Running ballots a second time or more through the voting machine.
- Not allowing GOP pole watchers to watch the initial review of the ballot when the signatures & postmark are checked to pass through millions of votes that should never have been included, but instead thrown out.
For the voter fraud piece the way to catch it is by comparing the signature of the person submitting the ballot to their signature on file. This is why corrupt counties will get rid of the signature envelope after it's processed... so it's not available to prove fraud.
This is also why corrupt counties didn't allow GOP pole watchers to watch them review the initial ballot and signature to process that ballot which is the one and only time available to compare signatures.
Just doing a recount does absolutely nothing to remove the invalid & illegal ballots.
What they need to prove is that it's invalid, but without comparing signatures or reviewing who sent it to make sure the same person didn't send in many ballots or was qualified to send in a ballot you can't prove fraud. All of this information is on the signature envelope which the purposely and intentionally thrown away!
By throwing away the signature envelope they were effective in being able to steal the election because there's no way of proving whether the ballot is valid and should be counted or whether it's invalid and should be removed from the count!
The other piece to proving voter fraud is the date it's received and/or post marked, which again is easily hidden by throwing away the envelopes.
As you can see, everything hinges on the envelopes. This is why the corrupt counties immediately got rid of them.
There were two key parts the Democrats put in place to stealing the 2020 election:
- Mass mailing a ballot to every single person on the voter registration list which for most states is not current and up-to-date and therefore has many dead people still on the list, has people who no longer live at the address on the voter registration list. The key was getting hundreds of thousands, even millions of extra ballots out on the streets to be stolen and filled out.
- Getting rid of the envelopes so there was no way to prove voter fraud.
Along with this was liberal judges who dropped the lawsuits so the GOP couldn't pursue proving the voter fraud.
The 2020 election had a tremendous amount of voter fraud. One of the best articles I read on the voter fraud was this one... There is Undeniable Mathematical Evidence the Election is Being Stolen. It was very analytical and being a numbers guy myself it made total sense to me.
Here's a video from Jesse Waters discussing how things just don't look right, how things just don't add up. I couldn't agree more. Here's the video...

Election Interference
For the first time ever we experienced Big Tech getting into the election and interfere with it. It was one sided to support Biden. Here's a few things they did...
- Censoring conservative Facebook Posts and Twitter Tweets. This was designed to always show the liberal side of the discussion. The problem is, this was one sided because they didn't do the same thing with posts by liberals.
- Google removing articles from Conservative outlets like Breitbart completely from their search results page so you'll never see a Breitbart article.
- Google pushing articles and web sites by Conservatives down below articles by liberal media outlets so when doing a search you see the liberal articles first. Google knows that most people will not go past page 2 of the search results page.
- Suppression polls. This is presenting polls that show your chosen person (Biden) way ahead of the other person (Trump). The idea is that Trump voters will figure there's no reason to go out and vote because Biden is so far ahead. We found over 90% of the polls were suppression polls and presented no reality or truth to how people were actually going to vote.
Again, the above list is just some of the ways Big Tech can interfere in the election to push votes to their chosen candidate, and only some of the ways to do voter fraud.
In the article, "Dr. Robert Epstein on Google's ability to affect the outcome of elections," Dr. Epstein shows you how Google was able to affect the outcome of the election. This is unbridled power these Big Tech companies should never be allowed to have!
This can never happen again! Big tech needs to be outlawed from doing anything that would influence an election to include censoring information. Without reigning them in we won't have fair elections.
The Media Shockingly Denies Any Voter Fraud, But Only In 2020!
The media started out with, "There's no voter fraud". Then they switched to saying, "there was not widespread voter fraud." Finally they were saying, "the voter fraud isn't enough to affect the election." The media is just comical when they do this minimizing strategy of theirs.
When it was all said and done, by mid December they were not only denying that there was any voter fraud at all, they instructed Big Tech to purge any information about voter fraud from their platforms, which they did.
You will not learn anything about voter fraud from the left. If anything, the left will be pushing a consistent narrative that "voter fraud is a conspiracy theory, there is no voter fraud". This is what the left wants you to believe. That's because the left wing media is doing what they do of protecting the left.
The media is complacent in this. They know there's voter fraud happening, but instead of being "investigative" reporters they're acting as the left's propagandist spitting out many articles disputing voter fraud and pushing the narrative that this is something Trump came up with to avoid the results of this "fair and honest" election.
If you've spent any time at all reading left wing media articles or watching their reality shows (they're not news and more like a reality TV show) then you've heard these correspondents make all kinds of statements to try and shut down Trump's attempt to reveal the voter fraud happening in America. They're calling him names and spinning it all to just being a Trump temper tantrum for having lost the election.
While I hope he breaks the lid on the rampant voter fraud going on in this country, I fear he'll be shut down at every corner by Globalist operatives in the way of Democrat Judges and other key players who have a say in whether Trump can pursue this further to get to the bottom of all of this.
The fact is, they've been running their voter fraud racket for a very long time and I have no doubt they have numerous pieces in place to protect themselves like bought out Judges. They knew what they were doing!
The Media Gave Gore 37 Days, But After 5 Days They're Telling Trump To Concede.
In 2000 the media called Bush the winner. Al Gore challenged the count in FL and asked for a recount. Gore fought the election results for 37 long days.
You should also know that the media fully supported Gore fighting his election and pushing for the recount in Florida. But now with Trump you'd think after 5 days (yes, as of this writing its only been 5 days) that Trump is completely wrong for pursuing recounts and finding evidence of voter fraud. The media after just 4 days started reporting that Trump needs to just concede the election to Biden.
Trump's 5 days so far is unacceptable, but Gore's 37 days was not a problem at all. This is how the left wing media has been for years. Can you say, "biased"?
How Was The Election Stolen?
I've already shared numerous ways the Democrats have stolen the election. Here are the 4 articles I wrote in the order I wrote them:
- Election 2020, What I Feared
- A Stolen Election
- Voter Fraud Is Proven With The Envelopes
- How To Steal A Presidential Election – Will We Ever Have A Fair Election Again?
Now I'm going to show you what others are saying about it.
If you want to hear a really good discussion about voter fraud with lots of details and facts along with hearing why the Globalist had to stop Trump, listen to Rush Limbaugh's 11/6/20 podcast. The link will take you to it on iHeartRadio which is the app I use to listen to numerous podcasts. There is not much more I can say about voter fraud and what the Democrats orchestrated in 2020 beyond what Rush has already stated.
I do have to say, I was impressed that Rush and I are on the same page with this. I wrote my articles about how the left stole this election the day before this podcast.
On all of the articles I wrote I included referenced information from video's to links to other articles. By the time you go through it all, you won't question the voter fraud or the level of corruption that had to be involved to cover it all up.
Because YouTube is deleting all references to voter fraud we also downloaded all of the YouTube videos so if any of the videos we're including ever get removed just let us know and we'll just self-host the video. The Left do not want you to have access to the details of their voter fraud.
Remember, you have the left wing media pushing the narrative that there is no voter fraud and that Joe Biden has won the Presidency fair and square.
Bullshit! Not true at all. They stole this election!
What you're watching is the media doing what they do, providing protection to their chosen one while trying to destroy anyone or any narrative which would oppose their narrative or chosen one.
Like mentioned above, I wrote an article showing step by step how they stole the election which I encourage you to read: How To Steal A Presidential Election – Will We Ever Have A Fair Election Again?
Articles & Video's Backing Up "Voter Fraud"
As mentioned above, here's a podcast by Rush Limbaugh where he discusses the rampant voter fraud and why the globalist had to get Trump out of the way: Rush Limbaugh's 11/6/20 podcast.
At the bottom of the article, "A Stolen Election" I share numerous articles about voter fraud including a video where a professional ballot harvester manipulates elections and an article giving great detail how another ballot harvester manipulated ballots. Of course, in this article I also discussed how they were able to change this election results on such a large scale.
Here's a shocking video about a software program being used to switch votes... (YouTube removed the following video. Knowing they are censoring any discussions of voter fraud we downloaded the video and then uploaded it to our Rumble account and posted it right below this removed YouTube video...)
Here's a video from 11/9/2020 of Press Conference Kayleigh McEnany and RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel sharing the voter fraud they've found...
In this video they're talking about the software program used to count the votes, Dominion...
Here's Dan Bongino discussing Voting Irregularity's, Want A Compelling Voting Irregularity Argument? Here's 12. They come from the article, "A dozen compelling allegations of voting irregularities in 2020 election"...
Here's another Dan Bongino Clip, "Something Is Just Not Right In Pennsylvania"...
But Remember, The Left Wing Media Is Telling All Of Their Viewers There Is No Voter Fraud! How Many Times Do I Have To Tell You, "The Left Wing Media is Narrative Driven, Not Fact Based"?
Plus, the Left Wing Media Serve Their Owners, Globalist, Not Us Americans And They Absolutely Cannot Allow Trump's America First Agenda To Continue And Need America Back On Track With A Globalization Agenda!
New/Additional Information
(We're also adding a lot of new information under the New/Additional Information section on this page: How To Steal A Presidential Election – Will We Ever Have A Fair Election Again?)
4/9/21. Biden & Democrats saying Republicans are supporting Jim Crow because Republicans want ID's when voting...
3/28/21. Candace Owens Pans Democrats' Voter ID Concerns
Why do Democrats think Blacks are so dumb, so incapable of knowing HOW to vote or HOW to get an ID? Then, if that's not enough, Liberals agree with them! Blacks, on the other hand, are offended.
Have to have an ID to drive a car, drink alcohol, to fly, to get a COVID test, to get the vaccine, to do a hundred other things, but Democrats think Blacks don't do any of those hundreds of things because they're too dumb to get an ID.
So which is it... Are blacks so dumb like Democrats believe they are they can't get an ID? Or are Democrats LYING their asses off so they can continue CHEATING in elections USING blacks as the basis of their narrative building line of BS?
3/12/21. Burgess Owens blasts critics of voter ID laws and accuses them of racism
For years Democrats have been saying Blacks aren't smart enough to get an ID so it's voter suppression to require a Voter ID. Why Judges even allow this complete line of BS is mind blowing. With all of the things you have to have an ID for, to suggest nobody should have to show an ID to vote is just crazy talk!
Article: Burgess Owens blasts critics of voter ID laws and accuses them of racism. States in part...
Rep. Burgess Owens slammed an opponent of voter ID laws and suggested that those who oppose showing an ID to vote are racist.
“You know what's racist? Assuming because I'm black that ‘I just don't have the capability of getting an I-D,’" the Utah Republican and former Super Bowl champion football player tweeted Thursday. “Disclaimer: We are capable of getting and I-D (and even using the internet!)”
“I use my I.D. to drive a car, to get a job, to board a plane, pick up prescriptions, and virtually everything else in life,” Owens said in another tweet. “So tell me again, why is showing an I.D. ‘voter suppression’?”
Read the rest of the article, it's really good.
1/21/21 - Democrat's Radical Changes to Voting Law with Hans Von Spakovsky. This just shows you Democrats plan to continue cheating!
OMG, this is mind-blowing. Democrats got away with Voter Fraud in 2020 and are emboldened by it. Now they want to pass a law that would be a Federal Take Over of voter laws superseding state laws going against the 14th Amendment. For example, no voter ID so states that require it would need to stop.
It will greatly decrease the security of elections making it even easier to cheat. It's just like I told you in the article "A Stolen Election", Democrats know they couldn't win if it wasn't for their cheating! Watch the video and see what else they want to do...