Last Updated: 0/0/21 (Jump down to New/Additional Information)
America has been taken over! Biden is compromised and is pushing the Globalization Agenda and Communism at a record pace and it must be stopped NOW because Biden did NOT win the election.
The Left is making massive destructive changes to America so fast BECAUSE THEY KNOW BIDEN DID NOT WIN AND KNOW THERE'S A STRONG POSSIBILITY TRUMP COULD BE PUT BACK IN AS PRESIDENT IF THE SUPREME COURT HEARS THE EVIDENCE because we have the undisputable evidence!
We Need To FORCE The Supreme Court To Hear The Election Fraud Evidence NOW.
If They Continue To Refuse, Then The Military Needs To Take Over!
If Biden and his party were working for the American citizen and putting America first, this wouldn't be so urgent, but they aren't. The Communist-Socialist Democrat Party are in bed with the Globalist and this really is a take over of America. It only took 2 years to destroy Venezuela and turn it Socialist and Communist so time is of essence. We must act NOW!