Our Blog & Articles
Every article written by all journalist and authors is based upon a core foundational element. For example, if you respect and appreciate the person you're writing about your piece will be a positive piece putting a positive spin even on a negative issue. If you hate the person you're writing about the article will be negative driven to include even finding the negative even when there isn't any.
All of our articles are America or American driven and focused. They are based upon how the topic of the article affects either America as a whole or Americans. We have strong negative feelings about Globalization and a strong love for our country and fellow American's. Because of this, the focus of our articles is how the topic of the article affects us [America or American's] positively or negatively, and then sharing this with you.
We don't write very many articles, but the articles we do write we believe are very important and is information you need to know! It's not our desire to be journalist. It's our objective to educate you with key information.
Finally, knowing Big Tech will likely censor our articles for the sole purposes of controlling the flow of information and trying to stop people from hearing opposing views to what the Left wants us to believe in order to try and force "their agenda" upon us, without fear we will always stand behind the truth and sharing information you need to know. (Already Facebook is stopping the sharing of any pages from this website on their platform.)
We will not be intimidated or give into the Left's objective to shut up the Conservative Voice!
The following allows you to filter the list of articles by specific category. You can select more than one. Just click on the button with the category you want to filter on.
Critical Thinkers Aren’t Falling For The COVID Lies
The War Between The Globalist And Citizens Of The World, Pushing The COVID Bio-Weapon On Everyone
Only 9% Of Stimulus For COVID
The Left’s Censoring And Control Of Information Is DANGEROUS!
It’s Time To END The Lockdowns
The Left LIED To All Of Us About Hydroxychloroquine
COVID Lockdowns, Globalization, Small Businesses & Tyrant Rules
CoronaVirus Lockdown Narrative About To Change
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