
Let’s Talk Race, Racist and Playing The Race Card

I am so done with the topic of “race”. Seriously, I am.

It’s probably a good thing I’m not the President or a congressman because I don’t waiver at all of my position on this topic and would quickly shut down people who try to use it. Here’s how I look at it …

We’re All American’s, And We’re All EQUAL Under God!

I don’t see people by the color of their skin or nationality. I see them as my neighbor and fellow American. If a neighbor needed help, I’d help regardless to the color of their skin!

I have close friends who are Latino and African-American. I see them as my friends, as my fellow American. It’s as simple as that.

I feel that in every culture there are the good people and bad people. Not that I want to put a label on anything, I feel I need to in order to make my point here. Keep in mind, it’s just simply to make a point.

In the African-American culture there are also niggers. In the Caucasian culture there’s white trash. I don’t see any difference between the two groups … both groups are our problem Americans. Every culture has them, and I would deal with each the same. These groups do NOT represent everyone in their culture.

What I see more than anything is politicians and people trying to make a name for themselves by playing the race card. It’s a form of manipulation. People like Reverend Jackson, Sharpton and others like these folks are the ones stirring the pot and creating all of the division in this country. Obama has just added to it.

Just think, if America came together and agreed with me on my position here, Jackson and Sharpton wouldn’t have anything more to talk about to keep themselves in the lime light, or have a good reason for people to donate to their self-created cause.

It’s these people who are creating the problem, and it’s not until all of American’s come together and say, “Stop, no more, we’re all American’s and we don’t want to listen to your lies to create a division in this country any more.”

But, unfortunately, too many people would rather bitch, piss and complain about something than to take a more positive road. Some people just want to complain about things just to complain.

And some people like Jackson and Sharpton want to stir everyone up, not because what they’re saying is true or biased or just partially true, but so they can feel important by stirring people up and getting people all riled up, all of which keeps themselves at the center of attention.

You see, it’s NOT about you (other African-Americans). It’s about THEM! They’re doing all of this for their own self-serving benefit (but want you to believe they’re doing it for you) and for their own pocket books. Keeping everyone all upset makes them more money. Division means more money to them. Coming together as ONE, as American’s, puts them out of business. They’ll fight it tooth and nail and will really kick things up a number of notches because they are not about to lose their way of life and income.

In other words, my fellow African-American brothers and sisters, you are being USED.

Even the media recently played into using the race card to increase their reader base … “Hands up, don’t shoot” when in reality that’s not even what happened in Ferguson, yet this created riots and other terrible acts of people acting out. But remember, it wasn’t even true. They played the race card to get viewers and increase their reader base.

I’m just so done with this race issue.

But nothing’s going to change unless We The People — American’s — take a stand to shut them down, and the only people who are going to be able to do this are people within their culture .

For now, that’s all I have to say …

“We’re American’s“, all EQUAL under God.

3/31/15 – Ted Nugget throws his 2 cents in regarding race, and he’s right on: Ted Nugent Just Spoke the TRUTH About RACISM in America – Liberals Are ENRAGED. I agree with him.