All Politicians Should Earn Your Vote
Sadly, there are just too many sheep in America who just believe everything their chosen one says. They don’t want to hear anything negative about their chosen one, that don’t want another persons perspective, they don’t even want to hear the truth if it’s against their chosen one. They just want to believe their chosen one is a saint and can do no wrong, and that their chosen one will pass laws to help them and will advocate for their best interest.
Political parties love sheep… they just vote for them no matter what. For example, Blacks always vote for Democrats which makes no sense to me with everything the Democrats have done to Blacks over the years. But regardless to this, the Democrats can count on the Black vote.
There are die hard Democrats and die hard Republicans. It doesn’t matter if the candidate is flawed, corrupt, a proven liar or anything else, they still get these die hard votes.
Personally, once the Democrats and the Republicans started blowing off We The People and started passing laws to support other countries, big businesses, special interest groups and well funded lobbyist ahead of We The People I walked away from being part of any political party. If these political parties don’t care about me and what’s best for America so we all can have better lives, then why should I be loyal to them?
I refuse to allow anyone to have this kind of control over me, and I know the importance of my vote. I refuse to just vote for someone because they’re a Democrat or Republican. Each candidate MUST prove to me why he/she is worthy of my vote.
That’s why I consider myself an independent. I’ve voted both Democrat and Republican because my vote is for a person, the person who will move us in the direction that’s important to my values and what I want for my city, state and for America.
I research candidates. I watch and read both liberal left and right wing media’s. I want to be informed, and I want to know both sides.
I strongly encourage you to take my same position because the Democrats and the Republicans are not who they use to be. They no longer have the best interest of America and American’s front and center.
Be very clear, establishment politicians do not care about you! Seriously, they don’t. You are just a pawn to them, and then once they get your vote they get back to business as usual of supporting those three special groups who have paid them millions… big businesses, special interest groups and lobbyist.
If politicians are not going to be loyal to us Americans, why should we be loyal to them?
And that’s why I said, they must earn my vote.
Remember, if they’ll lie to American’s once to protect themselves politically, they’ll do it again. Politics today is the biggest scam on the American people with corruption all the way to the top. They have an agenda and it is not for your betterment.