You’re Being Lied To And Controlled By The Pied Pipers Obama (And Democrats)
Throughout all of history, the fight for power and control has been the biggest cause of wars. Too many people want to be the almighty emperor. It’s no different here in America.
BUT, for the first time in our history, a president (Obama) is defying the constitution and actually trying to destroy it. He wants all of us to be into submission to the way they think America should be ran and “Freedom” isn’t part of their goal. They want to control everyone, to make all of your decisions for you.
What’s going on right now in this country reminds me of the story about a frog and hot water. It goes like this: If you put a frog into hot water, the frog will immediately jump out, but if you put the frog into room temperature water and slowly turn up the heat, by the time the frog realizes what is going on it’s too late. The water is too hot which has caused his muscles to turn to mush so the frog is unable to jump out and dies.
Slowly and without warning, and then it’s too late.
American’s, it’s almost too late.
Obama has single handed made the biggest attack on our freedoms and liberties. After over 250 years of American’s shedding blood so we can have our freedom’s, we are closer than we’ve ever been to losing them.
Yes, losing our individual freedom. Losing our ability to make decisions because the Government will be making our decisions for us telling us what we can and can’t do.
How are they doing this?
Read this article:
If this doesn’t scare the hell out of you, you’re not an American!
The government has already taken over the internet which will be the beginning of “censorship”. They say they won’t, but you’ll never know when it starts because of “censorship”. When censorship starts happening, you will never again know the truth. All you’ll know is what the government wants you to know.
So how are they doing it?
The Pied Piper And His Trail Of Lies To Entice Unsustainable Promises
The problem is, Obama dangles these freebies and entitlement programs in your face … “Look, you can sit on your ass, do nothing and get free food, money, free health insurance, a free cell phone, living assistance, etc. All you need to do is vote for me.”
Those entitlements are a strong temptation, especially when you’re not educated on the long term cost you’ll pay by having them. Hasn’t anyone ever told you, “Nothings free”, or “You don’t get something for nothing”?
A point is going to come when this country can no longer afford to pay these freebies. There won’t be enough people working and businesses still in business paying taxes to cover all of these costs. Our spending will be so far above what comes in that we will be like Greece … a bankrupt country. And then the other countries who own this debt will come in and repossess their country they financed.
They’ll then bring in their government and they’ll be making all of the decisions that will happen in this country, to include what you can and can’t do.
Our “Land Of The Brave And Free” will be no more!
All because you wanted freebies, and wanted big government. It all has to be paid for somehow.
There is a point of no-return and we’re quickly reaching it.
So like I said, you better enjoy your freebies and the freedom you have today because it’s all going to go away one day.
Satan is the master of deception and lies.
The Koran (Muslim bible) says to lie to your enemy and non-believer for world domination. A lie in the defense of Islam is approved even applauded in their “holy” books.
You are being lied to. You’re being misled because those who are lying to you know that a point will come when they don’t need you anymore because the damage is already done and there’s no going back. You’ll lose your entitlements, your freedom, and life as you know it will come to a screeching halt.
At some point your common-sense needs to kick into gear and realize:
- When you spend more money than you bring in it’s putting you further into debt.
- Since the government doesn’t pay taxes and taxes is the primary income source to pay our countries debt, that you better do things that supports the growth and development of private business which will reduce the unemployment rate which will bring in those taxes needed to pay the debt.
We The People have the power to change what’s happening to this country. But first, we need to unbrain-wash a lot of people from believing the lies they’ve been told and to force our elected officials to support our wishes, and stop voting based upon how much money they get from lobbyist and big corporations.
We talk about the corruption in unions, but what about all of the corruption in the government. Today, government has become a big scam and we’re at the butt of it. When and how does this stop?
Or, Option 2
The government will just TAKE the money from us American’s to cover the debt they created.
We’re $18 Trillion dollars in debt, but between all American’s they hold over $345 trillion dollars in total assets. The government will tax businesses and the rich at such a high level, they’ll lose a lot of their wealth to the government in the way of “wealth taxes”. Already Obama has put in place a law that American’s can only transfer $50,000 per year to accounts in other countries. Huhmm, I wonder why?
The death tax will skyrocket as well so don’t expect very much if your parents pass away because the majority of it will go to the government. After all, it’s NOT your money, it’s your parents money so you shouldn’t have it. The government will justify why they should have that money.
And this will be just the beginning.
Along with all of this, say good-bye to the 2nd amendment … there’s no way the government will allow the citizens to have guns and possible revolt against the them. It’ll be like Germany during the Hitler era.
Already the Obama administration is trying to put a huge dent into firearm businesses to put them out of business, along with other businesses:
The government will have to be in control. You will have no freedom, no choices. They will control you. And all you’re going to know is what the government tells you.
You can stop it.
Vote. Vote out these corrupt politicians. For at least the next 2 Presidential elections we as a nation MUST vote republican (see my blog, Democrat Vs Republican to see the differences between each party). It’s the ONLY way to stop this train already in motion to take away your freedoms. This next election in 2016 is the most important election to stop what Obama has already put into place like Net Neutrality, ObamaCare and the many other things.
It’s going to take a united force to win this next election, especially if he’s able to get 5,000,000, and even upwards to 20,000,000 more democrat votes by letting the illegal aliens join this country and be able to vote while promising them all of these free entitlement programs that not a one of them earned.
Think about it. If you were coming from Mexico or other countries where the living environment is harsh to a country where you could get all of these freebies and all you have to do is say thank you by voting “Democrat”, why wouldn’t you?
Right out of the gate we’re 5,000,000 votes behind if Obama is able to get the amnesty program he wants in place.
Then there’s the 19% of households that are on food stamps.
Be clear, it’s not that republicans would end the entitlement programs because they’re not about to put that many people into a bad situation. They will end ObamaCare because it’s an epic failure and will replace it with something that makes a lot more sense.
What they will do instead is make sure we all retain our freedom. They’ll promote the free enterprise system to encourage new businesses and ongoing business growth. Remember, someone has to pay the taxes to cover all of these entitlement programs.
Just don’t be brainwashed. Just use some common sense to realize the entitlement programs aren’t sustainable for a long period of time, and even shorter period of time if businesses close because they can’t afford to stay in business which would also increase the unemployment rate and the number of people getting these freebies.
Fellow American’s, it’s time for a real change!