Last Updated: 4/28/21 (Jump down to New/Additional Information)
The Left LIED To All Of Us About Hydroxychloroquine
Since the beginning when the Left politicized Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) I knew they were wrong. I've always know HCQ was a great option, when used correctly, but the left wouldn't admit it! Politicizing HCQ is killing people needlessly.
*** UPDATE 1/28/21 ***
We called it! It's over... After 440,000 Americans are Dead – Facebook and American Journal of Medicine Admit Their Stand on HCQ was Wrong — These People Should be Prosecuted!
HCQ is a great option, when used correctly (talk to your doctor), for COVID!
This also proves our other point... the censoring and denouncing of HCQ was purely political to weaponize COVID to hurt Trump's re-election campaign & keep us in lockdowns. I'm not going to be redundant, you can read our article below.
Look at how many people got kicked off YouTube, Facebook and Twitter simply for discussing HCQ, and how the Left called HCQ a conspiracy theory saying it didn't work.
NEVER forget what the Left Wing Media did and what their partners the Big Tech companies did to FORCE A NARRATIVE UPON US ALL to push an agenda!
Here's another article (watch the video too) ... ‘Only a one in 17 billion chance hydroxychloroquine doesn’t work’: medical professor
American's should be PISSED!!!!
Pissed at the Left Wing Media.
Pissed at the Big Tech companies who censored information about HCQ which could've saved lives, who kicked people off their platform for discussing HCQ.
Pissed at the Left as a whole... they have blood on their hands! They did this!
From the video under the 1/30/21 New/Update Additional video... "If we would've been able to use the triple treatment from the very beginning we easily could've saved another 80 to 85% of those [400,000+ deaths]. Politics is getting in the way of medicine and people are dying! And it's time for American's to wake up and tell politicians to stay the hell away from our healthcare."
*** UPDATE 12/20/20 ***
The AMA 'Kind Of' Is Finally Starting To Accept HCQ
The AMA has backtracked on HCQ and is now finally supporting it. Learn more at the end of this article under the "New/Additional Information" heading for 12/20/20. Be sure to see the "Clarification" to see how exactly the AMA is approaching this.
This doesn't mean states have all done an about-face on HCQ yet, nor are state medical boards on board with this yet.
This article offers important information, and we don't want anyone to forget how the Left has politicized COVID and HCQ for their political agenda. This is why we're leaving this article in it's original format and are asking the same question we've been asking... "How many people have died needlessly because of the Left politicizing of COVID and HCQ?"
There have been 187 hydroxy studies, 122 of which were peer-reviewed. 100 percent of these studies reported positive effects for early treatment of COVID, meaning, for those not yet in the hospital, and certainly not on a ventilator. These studies were performed and reported this year, while the AMA stayed mum, standing by their admonition against HCQ, until their “oh by the way” report at the end of October.
Here's another page backing up everything here: Time To Free America: Discover the TRUTH About the COVID-19 / 2020 Chaos One Button At a Time
In the article, "Study finds 84% fewer hospitalizations for patients treated with controversial drug hydroxychloroquine" by the Washington Examiner written on 11/25/20, they stated...
The study, set to be published in the International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents in December, determined that “Low-dose hydroxychloroquine combined with zinc and azithromycin was an effective therapeutic approach against COVID-19.”
A total of 141 patients diagnosed with the coronavirus were treated with the three-drug cocktail over a period of five days and compared to a control group of 377 people who tested positive for the virus but were not given the treatment.
The study found that “the odds of hospitalization of treated patients was 84% less than in the untreated patients,” and only one patient died from the group being treated with the drugs compared to 13 deaths in the untreated group.
This study is showing that HCQ is keeping an astounding 84% of people out of the hospital. That means not being put on a ventilator and less people dying!
Then there's the article, "Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine Cut Death Rate Significantly in COVID-19 Patients, Henry Ford Health System Study Shows" by Henry Ford Health Systems on 7/2/20 which stated...
Treatment with hydroxychloroquine cut the death rate significantly in sick patients hospitalized with COVID-19 – and without heart-related side-effects, according to a new study published by Henry Ford Health System.
In a large-scale retrospective analysis of 2,541 patients hospitalized between March 10 and May 2, 2020 across the system’s six hospitals, the study found 13% of those treated with hydroxychloroquine alone died compared to 26.4% not treated with hydroxychloroquine. None of the patients had documented serious heart abnormalities; however, patients were monitored for a heart condition routinely pointed to as a reason to avoid the drug as a treatment for COVID-19.
“We’re glad to add to the scientific knowledge base on the role and how best to use therapies as we work around the world to provide insight,” he said. “Considered in the context of current studies on the use of hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19, our results suggest that the drug may have an important role to play in reducing COVID-19 mortality.”
The study also found those treated with azithromycin alone or a combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin also fared slightly better than those not treated with the drugs, according to the Henry Ford data. The analysis found 22.4% of those treated only with azithromycin died, and 20.1% treated with a combination of azithromycin and hydroxychloroquine died, compared to 26.4% of patients dying who were not treated with either medication.
The Right Wing Media (RWM) has been telling their viewers about how effective HCQ is since March, but the LWM would have no part of that. Rather than discussing the facts and actual studies around HCQ, the LWM has instead been narrative driven of keeping everyone afraid and to denounce HCQ!
Because of this study I'm writing this article.
While The Left Wing Media (LWM) Has Been Brutal And Unforgiving In Their Attacks Against HCQ, The Right Has Been Recommending It Since March 2020!
The LWM has been on a mission to keep all of their viewers scared where COVID is concerned, and they've been very effective at it.
I've got articles, videos and more going all of the way back to March praising HCQ and how effective it is for COVID when used correctly. (You use it at the onset of catching COVID, not at the end when you're super sick.)
In addition, Laura Ingraham has had Dr. Oskoui on her show many times since March discussing how effective HCQ is and agreeing that the Left have shut it down for political reasons. In fact, here's one of the earlier clips all the way back to 4/4/20 with Dr. Oskoui. Take a look at what he says about HCQ all the way back in April...
The problem is, ever since Trump recommended HCQ the Left has attacked it! We've had the Left Wing Media (LWM) denouncing it, criticizing it, shooting it down and everything else to make sure nobody took this drug.
Then you had Facebook, YouTube and Twitter shutting down accounts if anyone posted anything about HCQ including actual medical doctors, and the posts/tweets/videos they didn't delete they would put warnings on them.
The message was loud and clear from the left... DO NOT USE HCQ, it doesn't work!
The Front Line Doctors This Summer
Then there was the "Front Line Doctors" who came out this last summer and told everyone not to be afraid, that there was a solution for COVID and they discussed how successful HCQ has been with their patients.
For sharing their professional medical experience they were viciously attacked by the Left. (It's well known that the Left doesn't want to have a discussion, they just want us all to conform.) We watched their YouTube videos get deleted by YouTube, Facebook shut down their account and Twitter censored them.
Here's a group of tweets from Dr. Gold who's one of the Front Line Doctors and what she has to say about being censored and having their information deleted from social media platforms...
The black doctor, Dr. Immanuel, who did a lot of the talking about HCQ was telling people there's no reason to be afraid of COVID because we have HCQ. For saying this she was chastised and called a "witch doctor".
The LWM doing what they do to protect the narrative that 'COVID is deadly and you're going to die if you don't stay locked down' was relentless in their attacks against these highly educated doctors who have verifiable studies showing how effective HCQ was to combat against COVID when used correctly!
Here's their website and a few key pages to review (feel free to jump around their site for even more information):
- Home Page:
- Because a lot of states have literally stopped allowing HCQ to be prescribed, here's Five Steps To Obtain HCQ:
- State by State map showing how difficult it is to get HCQ in that state:
- I have a close friend who lives in a Yellow State, Washington (Difficult to get).
- He told me that in Oct 2020 he had a Dr's appointment with his regular doctor and his cardiologist (had heart surgery). Both of them told him they did not ever prescribe HCQ and both doctors told him they do absolutely nothing for people who get COVID until they end up in the hospital, that they don't offer any medication at the onset of COVID at all. To me, this is malpractice!
- A 29 page detailed white page providing "The Truth About Hydroxychloroquine":
- There's two pages for the summits if you want to watch videos on HCQ:
Make your own decision after you get informed about how effective HCQ is. I'm just providing information to you because I'm not a doctor. This is information which the Left has censored and stopped from being spread on their platform. We believe you have the right to have this information, especially since many believe there are more devious reasons for the Left to hide this information from people.
For me, everyone around me knows that if I catch COVID the very first thing I will be doing is getting onto Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), azithromycin, and zinc and I'm already taking a high dose of D3 and C.
In fact, if anyone in my family gets COVID I will fight tooth and nail to get them onto HCQ, and I'm not a person to say "no" too when it comes to protecting my family.
More RWM Discussions About HCQ And The Ridiculous Lockdowns
On the left you have the LWM stoking the fears... stay afraid so you don't die.
On the right we're being told what's actually working and what isn't. For example, here's yet another discussion on the Ingraham Angle on October 20, 2020 discussing COVID, the Lockdowns, the low death rates, how the left continues to push fear and more (this is a really good video)...
Come on, you've got to be a bit pissed off with how the left has been driving the fear narrative for all of these months and Governors have been doing these ridiculous lockdowns when the science doesn't support it.
Remember what I have continuously said throughout my articles... "The LWM is narrative driven, not fact based". It's all about the narrative to them.
So why has the left been so adamant that HCQ doesn't work and had it completely removed from social media and Google searches, and have spent the past 7 months telling all of their viewers to be afraid and if you don't do what we tell you then you could die?
Why I Believe The Left Denounced HCQ & Wanted To Keep Everyone Afraid...
In many of the opinions on the Right it's because they weaponized COVID for the Presidential Election and made it the key thing in this election. They had to convince everyone two things:
- COVID is deadly and can easily kill you, and
- President Trump completely blew it on how he handled COVID.
That was the core to their narrative, and they continued to repeat the message over and over and over again.
They gave Trump absolutely no reporting on his Warp Speed strategy that got 3 vaccine's approved in just 10 months. This is absolutely unheard of! It's never been done before! Usually it takes a minimum of 3 years. Trump got it done in 10 months!
Not a peep from the LWM about this. Not a word about how effective Trump was at getting not just 1 but 3 vaccines out in 10 months. Wow!
There are so many amazing things Trump did exceptionally well during this pandemic that I wrote an article discussing them. You can read it here: Blaming Trump for COVID And 200,000 Deaths
But also think about this...
- According to the CDC only 6% (or around 12,000 people) died of pure COVID. The rest had an average of 2.6 underline medical issues.
- How many people wouldn't have died if they had given them HCQ at the onset instead of politicizing it and making it very hard to get?
Here's how I look at what the LWM and Democrats have done...
We've been lied to by the left wing media, Democrats and many others on the left who have tried to censor HCQ and deny it to people, along with over exaggerated how bad COVID is by only discussing "cases" and not discussing the "death rate" which has consistently been dropping since April as we've learned more about COVID.
They knew that if we started using HCQ and learned how effective it is when used at the early onset of COVID there'd be no more reason to keep the country locked down to try and sabotage the Trump Re-Election by destroying our economy, causing businesses to file bankruptcy, create the financial hardships on citizens all for the purpose of making COVID a referendum in this election to help Biden.
The LWM and Democrats have blood on their hands!
Yes, I'm pissed!
The LWM, Democrats, the FDA, the CDC, WHO all lied to us for political reasons. They were all working together to sabotage Trump's re-election.
From the Washington Examiner article from today with a link at the very top of this article, to the many discussions from Dr. Harvey Risch and Dr. Ramin Oskoui on the Ingraham Angle, to the Front Line Doctors and to the many, many other medical professionals who have given a completely different view of COVID and HCQ than the left, I believe...
We American's have been scammed and used for political reasons by the left!
All of this is PROOF that the Left Wing Media has been lying to people! This is PROOF that people have died NEEDLESSLY because of the left wing media politicizing HCQ.
Like I said, the Left Wing Media has BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS, and it was all for political reasons!
The Left Wing Media does NOT care about you, they only care about pushing their agenda and that was to keep everyone AFRAID so they could use COVID to hurt Trump and help Biden in the election (they weaponized COVID)... that's what mattered to them, NOT YOU!
A day will come when there will be a reckoning and these medical professionals who "politicized" HCQ and Big Tech who censored information about it to support the Left's tyrant lockdowns will be held accountable for politicizing HCQ and allowing tens of thousands of American's to suffer and die needlessly!
Here's a meme I had posted back in August...
Other Supporting Articles
First, you should know that most of these articles can't be found by using Google because they have "censored out" any articles promoting HCQ or articles which call out the left for banning it.
I'm including this article because the other thing the Left is constantly lying about is guns. This article addresses both lies by the left... "Lies About Hydroxychloroquine, Just Like Lies About Guns" written on May 30, 2020 by Ammo Land.
"STUNNING PROOF That HCQ Could Have Saved Tens of Thousands of Lives in the US from Coronavirus" written on Aug 16, 2020 by Gateway Pundit. There are links to other great articles in this article.
"NIH Study Clearly Shows Hydroxychloroquine With Azithromycin Added Kills Covid 19 – Fauci Knew Since 2005 NO ONE NEEDED TO DIE" written on Jul 27, 2020.
For reference purposes, here's a discredit campaign shooting down HCQ as an option... "Study finds hydroxychloroquine may have boosted survival, but other researchers have doubts" written on Jul 3, 2020 by CNN. Notice how this article is carefully written to suggest there is no benefit from HCQ and how they counter-attack the study we presented at the beginning of this article. But, I will give CNN credit that they ended the article with this... Peter Navarro, the White House trade adviser, said the study shows hydroxychloroquine works if given early enough. "This is a big deal," he told CNN. "This medicine can literally save tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of American lives and maybe millions of people worldwide."
New/Additional Information:
4/28/21. Medical Expert BANNED! Pharmaceutical Researcher Silenced After Posting FACTS About 'Vaccine'
3/27/21. Wake-Up Call to the World... Covers HCQ & The Vaccine, and Tyrant Government Actions!
3/4/21. Mainstream Media Lies About Hydroxychloroquine Cost Thousands of Lives
2/24/21. Newsweek Runs Anti-Science 'Fact Check' On Hydroxychloroquine Study
Remember what I've always said, "A hard core rule of the Left is to ALWAYS protect the narrative," and that's exactly what they're trying to do. They are trying to denounce the AMA report about HCQ. They would rather try to convince people the Left was right to censoring everything regarding HCQ than admit HCQ is a good option to save people's lives.
Article: Newsweek Runs Anti-Science 'Fact Check' On Hydroxychloroquine Study
2/1/21. I'm sharing this video because it shows what the Left have been saying about HCQ while the Right has been supporting it. The Right was right about HCQ while the Left pushed a Narrative, and people died needlessly because of the Left's denouncing of HCQ.
This also shows how much more influence and persuasion ability the Left Wing Media has. Here we're talking about people's lives and the Left convinced people, states and state medical boards NOT to use or prescribe HCQ and people needlessly died because of this. Take a look at what the Left said about HCQ...
1/30/21. Through All Of the Fear Mongering To Stop People From Using (HCQ) hydroxychloroquine, They LIED. Peer-reviewed journal reports hydroxychloroquine can reduce mortality rates in COVID-19 patients...
"If we would've been able to use the triple treatment from the very beginning we easily could've saved another 80 to 85% of those [400,000+ deaths]. Politics is getting in the way of medicine and people are dying! And it's time for American's to wake up and tell politicians to stay the hell away from our healthcare."
1/28/21. Facebook & American Journal Of Medicine backtrack their position on HCQ...
We called it! It's over... After 440,000 Americans are Dead – Facebook and American Journal of Medicine Admit Their Stand on HCQ was Wrong — These People Should be Prosecuted!
HCQ is a great option, when used correctly (talk to your doctor), for COVID!
This also proves our other point... the censoring and denouncing of HCQ was purely political to weaponize COVID to hurt Trump's re-election campaign & keep us in lockdowns. I'm not going to be redundant, you can read our article below.
Look at how many people got kicked off YouTube, Facebook and Twitter simply for discussing HCQ, and how the Left called HCQ a conspiracy theory saying it didn't work.
NEVER forget what the Left Wing Media did and what their partners the Big Tech companies did to FORCE A NARRATIVE UPON US ALL to push an agenda!
Here's another article (watch the video too) ... ‘Only a one in 17 billion chance hydroxychloroquine doesn’t work’: medical professor
American's should be PISSED!!!!
Pissed at the Left Wing Media.
Pissed at the Big Tech companies who censored information about HCQ which could've saved lives, who kicked people off their platform for discussing HCQ.
Pissed at the Left as a whole... they have blood on their hands! They did this!
1/21/21 - The Frontline Doctors Expose Vaccine & COVID Lies...
12/20/20 - AMA Backtracks Position On HCQ
This comes from the article by American Thinker, "AMA Lied – How Many Died?"
OMG, unbelievable. I don't know whether to be glad the AMA is backtracking on HCQ so we can save more lives and keep more people out of the hospital, or whether to be down right pissed off because of all of the lives that needlessly died because of the Left's refusal to accept HCQ.
From the article...
The American Medical Association has been adamantly against hydroxychloroquine as a therapeutic for COVID for the past year. Just a few days before the presidential election they reversed course, reversing their opposition. Did they suddenly realize HCQ might have benefit in certain patient groups or were they lying for the past year? How many individuals died as a result of being denied potential lifesaving treatment?
When the AMA talks, media and the public listen, due to their perceived clout. Last spring, the AMA issued a statement critical of hydroxychloroquine as it was being used off-label in the treatment of COVID, not FDA-approved for this purpose with supposed “dangerous side effects.”
Quietly at the end of October, the AMA issued a new statement, conveniently overlooked by the media, giving the green light to doctors prescribing HCQ to their COVID patients.
What changed since last spring? How many COVID deaths could have been prevented if doctors, using their professional and clinical judgement, could have prescribed HCQ without fear of ostracization or loss of their jobs?
There have been 187 hydroxy studies, 122 of which were peer-reviewed. 100 percent of these studies reported positive effects for early treatment of COVID, meaning, for those not yet in the hospital, and certainly not on a ventilator. These studies were performed and reported this year, while the AMA stayed mum, standing by their admonition against HCQ, until their “oh by the way” report at the end of October.
The AMA’s about-face is curious in terms of timing. They could have tempered their initial remarks last summer, when the “America’s Frontline Doctors” group was promoting HCQ, azithromycin, and zinc as an effective early treatment for COVID. All three components of their cocktail were off label. In fact, at the time there was no approved therapeutic for COVID and many people could have been treated earlier, potentially keeping them out of the hospital or worse.
Instead, the AMA waited until Oct. 30 to announce a more reasoned position, not coincidently just a few days before the presidential election. Democrats and the media blamed Trump for every COVID illness and death, accusing Trump of “misleading” on HCQ, as a prominent campaign issue.
The timing suggests political scheming by the AMA, withholding important information or opinions in an attempt to influence an election. Will the AMA explain this curious timing? Social and corporate media did something similar with Hunter Biden’s laptop, knowingly suppressing information before the election, which may have swayed voters, glibly reporting on it after the election.
CLARIFICATION: It was the Georgia delegation to the AMA that introduced a resolution in late October to the full AMA delegation reversing the AMA's earlier stance against HCQ. There was no further communication from the AMA as to whether or not the resolution was adopted until their November meeting when the AMA declined to consider the HCQ resolution. The non-consideration of the recent resolution left the original earlier resolution against HCQ in place, although in a convoluted manner, much like a court declining to hear a case rather than ruling on the merits of the case. The process was confusing to many media outlets as well as this writer, but the premise of my article still holds, that politicizing a medical issue may have cost countless lives.
IF we as a country would've accepted HCQ early on we could've ended the lockdowns and far less people would've died. This just infuriates me showing how low the Left will go to push their political agenda!
12/14/20 - Laura Ingraham with Dr. Risch & Dr. Oskoui
Dr. Risch discusses how we've lost more lives than we should've all because of the politicization of COVID, "Therapeutic Minimalism", they've misrepresented drugs that are available like HCQ. Third world countries have been using these drugs very effectively because they're inexpensive and they don't have the money and by using drugs the Left has cancelled (i.e., HCQ) these third world countries have a 5 TIMES lower mortality than we do here in America! Listen...
