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We'll Fail Without Facing The Root Of The Problem And Doing The ONE Thing To Save America

I'm going to cut to the chase here. I'm really frustrated listening to others out there talking about what we're experiencing and completely missing the mark. You can't fix the problem if you're not clear on what the problem is or are wrong on what the problem is!


There are two core foundational points to this topic of saving America and watching the corruption, tyranny and blatant disregard for our laws and Constitution... 1) What's the root problem to all of this? And, 2) What's the only guaranteed solution to fixing all of this?

Hardly anyone gets #1 right which tells me they're going to be going down the wrong road trying to fix the wrong problem.

I’ve been listening to the alternative media and many of our “so called leaders” talk about the problem, but only a few of them discuss:

1) The root of the problem and who our REAL enemies are, or

2) What the one and ONLY solution is to fixing this.

Instead, most act as “controlled opposition”, whether intentionally or blindly. None the less, they’re directing people down the wrong road! "Don't look over there, look over here."

I’m done spending hours in politics! If we can’t acknowledge the two points I made, then it’s all a waste of all of our time and America will be taken over! Without acknowledging and defining who’s behind all of this (the root of the problem) and realizing just how powerful they are and how they have unlimited resources, we will not defeat them or cut off the head of the snake.

We MUST Get To The Root Of The Problem!

When I was in my early 20's dealing with the challenges of life my mom gave me the best advice I've ever received... "Figure out what the root of the problem is and then fix the root problem." 

She's right, and this mind-frame has helped me make many very key decisions and solve many problems quickly by not getting stuck in the weeds of problems because of the root problem and digging right into the root of the problem and solving the whole problem.

It's like weeding... if you don't pull the root out, the weeds will just grow back. 

Everyone is skirting around the root of the problem. And all of the problems we're facing and experiencing are because of the root problem, yet very few, like 2 or 3 people, are discussing the "root problem".

Let me spell the root problem out to you...

A handful of the richest people in the world have been working a 60+ year game plan, playing the long game so they can put the pieces in place, for WORLD DOMINATION!

Is that clear enough for you?

They've already got more money than god (expression) and can buy and do anything they want and they're still not happy, they want more

They want total control over the world and all of us peasants, starting with depopulating the globe so there isn't enough peasants to rise up against them (just 1 of their reasons for depopulating the world). They do not want to share the wonders and beauties of the world with us peasants and want it all for themselves.

And they hate that us "useless eaters", as they call us, are using up THEIR resources. 

But more importantly, they want to be god-like on earth.

Do you realize they aren't the first people to go after world domination?

There was others before them like Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Hitler and now the Globalist.

I've written about this extensively, and many of my posts on social media points this out. Here are a few of those articles you need to read...

The 60 Year Planned Take-Over Of America: We're In The Final Years!  

  • In this article I discuss the 60 year plan to take-over America.
  • I discuss how they played the "long game" to pass key laws to help with future moves they'll be making.
  • I share a few ways on how they're pulling all of this off.

Globalist Are Determined To Continue Controlling Our Elections  

  • In this article I discuss why the globalist must continue to control our elections (and other countries elections). Remember, 'he who controls the elections control the direction the country goes and the laws that are passed in the country.
  • This article talks about the importance of elections and other key things around elections.

The War To Save America And Stay Free - What You Need To Know  

  • Jump down to the section, "Our Enemy, The Globalist, Are Strategically Years Ahead Of Us And In A Much More Strategic Position..." and read it to learn more about the globalist.
  • Jump down to the section, "Spies, Double-Agents And Those Who Will Try To Divide Us And/Or Send Us Down The Wrong Roads..." to learn how they use people as controlled opposition and as spies to move their agenda forward while sending us citizens down the wrong road.

The War Against America First And MAGA  

  • The Globalist must end everything associated to America First and MAGA because the America First Agenda, although great for us citizens, is an opposing agenda to the Globalization Agenda they want to push through.
  • I explain WHY the Left is attacking America First & MAGA
  • I provide an image showing the side-by-side comparison of the two agenda's.
  • I explain how the never ending, ruthless attacks on Trump isn't against Trump personally, but instead is a full blown attack on the America First movement.

I've been very clear of who our real enemy is, and I've provided a lot of information about what they're doing and how they're doing it. Read the articles to learn more. I'm not going to be redundant in this article by repeating the information I've already provided in previous articles.

There's Only ONE WAY To Solve All Of This

Again, I've been very clear and have written numerous times what it will take to solve this.

First, We Must Focus On The Root Of The Problem Because...

We MUST focus on the ROOT of the problem because literally everything stems from this! You need to understand, the Globalist are the ones calling all of the shots and who have control over the governments of the world and who built their deep state operatives the past 60 years to push their world domination agenda forward!

The inflation, their trying to move us to WW 3, the open border, the plandemic, the pushing even forcing us to take a bioweapon shot, the stolen elections, the tyrannical covid restrictions, the food shortages coming, their stealing farm lands and everything else are just symptoms of the root problem which is the Globalists world domination agenda!

Each of these items I just listed serve a specific purpose to help move the Globalists agenda forward. What you may not realize is they have thousands of things in play to support their agenda.

The problem is, everyone is putting their focus on the symptoms and not on the root problem!

Like I keep saying, "they're implementing their global take-over with military like precision" but because everyone's focus is on the wrong thing they're doing it right under our noses. It's your typical redirection... don't look at the root cause, look over here at these symptoms and put your blame over there.

They have their assets in place, i.e., the CIA and FBI and Government leaders (WEF graduates), they've had their bought out people in Congress (and other country legislatures) pass laws to prepare the way for their plans like removing all liability from the pharmaceutical companies who are literally murdering the citizens of the world, as one example.

They also knew people would use the judicial system to try and stop them so they knew they needed to take control over it also... the bar association (notice how they're threatening to take away attorney's licenses for taking on cases they don't approve of like on election fraud), Judges are refusing to take on cases with the #1 reason being "lack of standing" but then refusing to tell them who has standing, and even our Supreme Court has refused to take on cases they should've taken on.

How do they control all of these people? 

  • With blackmail: send high power people to Epstein Island and then take pictures and video of them having sex with children or planting child porn on their computer and then arresting them for having child porn and using this as leverage to force them to do what they're told. This is just two examples.
  • Bribery or paying them off: Did you know there are 7,000 elected people in America? If everyone was bribed with $1,000,000 that's $7 billion which is just 1 week of profits for Facebook. You need to understand how rich the Globalist are, the $7 billion is just pocket change to them!
  • Threatening them or their family: What would you do if powerful people who have the ability to pull it off and not get caught threatened to murder your spouse or children if you don't do what they tell you to do? Exactly!

You have to understand how rich and how powerful the Globalist are!

Along with having their assets put in place, they've had many laws passed for their benefit to support their strategy of taking over America, and the other countries!

They're also the ones who purchased and own 90% of the media (another piece they put in place) so they could control the narrative to push their agenda forward and then use misinformation to dispute the facts when revealed. Another law changed to support their agenda was when Obama had the Smith-Bundt Act changed to allow the media to use propaganda against us American's, all part of the Globalist plan to control the narrative to control the people.

So many laws have been passed to set the stage for what we're now experiencing and will continue to experience in the coming years until they've taken-over America.

Everything you're watching happen where you scratch your head and say, "That makes no sense" is driven by the Globalist who pass their instructions down to their operatives to make happen...

  • Judges who won't take on election fraud cases because they absolutely cannot allow their election fraud tactics to become "real" by having a judge rule against them and so they can maintain their narrative about election fraud. They must continue stealing elections so their agenda continues to move forward. 
  • Democrats not being held accountable for treason to America, like Hillary Clinton having no consequences for her server having classified information and the many other things she's done... they aggressively protect their top operatives like the Clinton's, Biden's, Obama's and many others.
  • The massive invasion at our border which helps them push numerous objectives.
  • The racism narrative to divide us because a divided nation is easier to conquer, as just one benefit they gain from this narrative.
  • The transgender movement to go after our children. Along with this is implementing CRT in schools to indoctrinate our children to help them with their agenda.
  • Climate change to launder money, create more restrictions and have more control over the citizens.
  • They need key laws passed to support their agenda.
  • They use "plants" to create social disruptions so they can build a narrative around the riots their "plants" created... this is what January 6 was all about.

...and the list goes on and on. They know exactly what they're doing and everything is by design. And they've made sure nobody can stop them by controlling the judicial system, state AG's, state SoS (Secretary of State), state Governors, etc. But all of these things I listed above are just symptoms of the root problem.

All of this goes away when we cut off the head of the snake and dismantle their whole operation which is 100% against us citizens. Some things will take longer to fix after we've cut the head off and have cleaned out the corruption in our governments.

But be very clear, no politician or the military or other organizations are going to help us or solve this problem. It's up to us citizens.

So how do we do this?

Here's The ONE and ONLY Thing We Can Do To Keep Our Freedom And Save America...

I outlined all of this on our sister site in the article, "The Action Plan To Save America... A Movement Of The People For The People!". Go read this article for all of the details.

In a nutshell, it's us American's uniting together in a very strategic way and then standing up against the tyranny and to push Congress to support what we want. If we unite correctly we'll be the strongest force the government has ever experienced and there will be no stopping us from taking back America. We'll have the numbers, we'll own the narrative and we'll push the agenda through we demand.

But first we all must realize "we are the plan" and it's up to us citizens to solve the problem, that we must unite together and stand together as American's to save America!

The structure of the action plan to save America is so there's no one leader, but many leaders, any of us can be a leader. Why?

Because the Globalist will do anything to stop this from happening because it's the one and only thing that can truly stop them. If there was a designated leader they'd likely be murdered. So instead it's spread out to everyone. Take one person out another steps into their position... no stopping us!

Again, and I can't emphasize it enough, until you acknowledge who the real enemy is and what they're capable of you cannot strategize how to take them down.

Never forget, the only time communism has been defeated is when the people have had enough and stood up against it. It became a war and millions died in the process, but in the end they won back their freedom.

Right now we can stop Communism from even coming into America with very few casualties IF we make our stand now.

If we don't, then we'll lose our Constitution and they'll bring Communism into America, and we'll leave the war to remove communism from America to our grand-children where millions of them will die trying to become free once again.

Keep in mind, the Left is right now trying to push us into World War III...

  • To collapse the economy to force their Central Bank digital currency upon us. This will give them total control over the citizens by controlling what we can spend, where we can spend it, if we can spend it like stopping us from spending it outside of our "districts" and much more.
  • If they can't take over America by manipulating the citizens to give up their rights and freedoms, they'll put us in a war we can't win so the winning country takes over America and it's land. That will be China. China desperately wants America's land!
    • Look at how Obama and now Biden are purging the military.
    • The military was required to take the bioweapon shots
    • They're depleting our armory and weapons by sending them to Ukraine. We should not be involved in the Russia-Ukraine ordeal.
      • Biden could've avoided the Russia-Ukraine ordeal by simply agreeing that Ukraine, a bordering country to Russia, will never be part of NATO. Biden purposely didn't do this to start the process to take America to WW 3.

One way or another the Globalist are going to end our Constitution, bring in Communism and take-over America. They do not care about us citizens one iota. You are nothing to them!

Look at how many of our fellow American's have died because they've pushed/forced a bioweapon upon us, and then tell me who in the government (Federal and State) that have actually done something to stop the murders and protect us Americans. NONE! Not a one! 

Oh sure, a few have had meetings about it, but not one person has done anything to stop it. Instead the government continues to push these bioweapons as "safe and effective" of which it's neither safe or effective.

This is our war, it's up to us, period, full stop.

Another Key Advantage To Uniting & Rising Up...

There's strength in numbers, literally.

There's an old saying, "People in Congress don't start parades, they join parades". What this means is politicians aren't the trail blazers, they instead follow the crowd, so let's create the crowd they follow.

Those who speak the loudest and have the largest crowd are the ones heard. We want our voice the loudest and the voice everyone in our cities, in our states and at the federal government are listening to.

If we mobilize 2 million or more people we'll be listened to. Obviously the more people standing together in unity the faster they'll start listening to us and more effective we'll be.

Like I said, there's strength in numbers. Read the article "The Action Plan To Save America... A Movement Of The People For The People!".

You NEED To Understand, Nobody Is Going To Save Us...

As I've pointed out above, nobody is coming to save us.

Many Conservatives who are more described as "Controlled Opposition" are telling you all kinds of lies (on purpose or out of ignorance) to create hopeium so you'll sit down, shut up and do nothing! This is the opposite of what we should be doing.

There is nobody in America (except us citizens) who's going to save us, to stop the take-over of America, to stop the administering of the bioweapon in people which is killing thousands, etc.

  • The military isn't going to save us...
    • Obama and now Biden has been purging the military of patriots and Christians.
    • The military were forced to get the shots
    • The military isn't independent, but instead by the Constitution is controlled by citizens, specifically the President and Congress.
  • Congress isn't going to save us...
    • Out of 220 Republicans in the House only 20 patriots stood up against the swamp creatures and Establishment Republicans (who support Globalization) from allowing swamp creature McCarthy from being elected as Speaker Of The House! ONLY 20!
    • The Establishment (again, those who support the Globalization agenda which are Bush/Cheney Republicans [Bush Sr signed us onto the One World Gov't in 1992]) out number America First patriots by a huge margin! Even MTG moved to the dark side away from supporting the America First agenda.
    • The bulk of people in Congress eventually end up as a RINO and/or Establishment Republican supporting the Globalization Agenda.
      • By the way, if the America citizens united and then pushed their weight via numerous actions, it would sway some of the people on the line between Establishment and America First back to being America First supporters... they just need to know we citizens have their backs! So far we've let them down and have not shown them we have their backs.
      • It's far more profitable to the person in Congress to support the Globalization Agenda to fast track them to becoming a multi-millionaire.
    • If America First candidates don't have the support of the people it will be very hard to continue being an America First person in Congress. We must unite and show them we support them, or they'll be coerced to move over to the dark side supporting the Globalization agenda with the Establishment Republicans.
    • Most in Congress are helping the Globalist pull off their plan by passing laws to support upcoming actions of the Globalist.
  • Governors aren't going to save us...
    • Even though states are independent entities, through smart strategies they've become tied to the Federal Government for key funding. If the state doesn't do what the Federal Government tells them to do then the Federal Government just cuts off funding to them. This is one big reason why you don't see state Governors stand up to the Federal Government on the big issues like COVID and the invasion at our southern border... There was numerous things both TX and AZ could've done but they didn't out of fear of the Federal Government retaliating against them.
    • Governors didn't stop the bioweapon from being administered in their states! They've allowed their citizens to be injected with it knowing damn well what this meant.
    • Most Governors had strict COVID restrictions and for way too long. A few Red states eventually opened up first. FL lead the way to show there was no reason be locked down. By the way, our Constitutional rights do not end because of a pandemic, as they chose to call it, even though the survival rate was 99.997%.
    • Governors haven't stopped the attack on our 1st Amendment Rights via censoring and the Left's own misinformation which is rampant.
  • The police and even most Sheriff's aren't going to save you...
    • "We're just doing our job", is what you'll hear. Even if that means they're supporting unconstitutional restrictions. We're seeing this across the globe where the police are supporting the Governments invoking tyranny like what Trudeau did in Canada against the peaceful truckers protest. "We're just doing our job". Get use to it, and don't count on the police to protect us from the tyranny or unconstitutional laws or restrictions put in place by the tyrants who are under the control of the Globalist.
  • Trump (or any politician as far as that goes) are not going to save us...
    • No, Trump (or any politician) isn't going to save you! First of all, he's just a citizen right now. And if you think the Globalist are going to let him win the election in 2024 you haven't been paying attention to reality. 
    • The Globalist and their operatives are all against anyone who is America First. Just look at how many people in Congress were seriously pissed off at America First supporting Gaetz standing up against swamp creature McCarthy! The America First agenda, although is very good for us citizens, is an opposing agenda to the Globalization Agenda they're pushing forward. They need to absolutely squash the America First agenda, to completely end it. I address this in the article, "The War Against America First And MAGA".
      • This is what J6 was all about and why the Democrats put plants in the crowd to instigate a riot... they needed this to push their attack against patriots and the America First agenda. I addressed this point in the article I wrote, "The Coordinated Attack On Trump And The America First Movement – The Riots Where Put In Place By The Left", which I wrote the day after because I saw right through what the Democrats/Left were doing. Like I said in the article, "well played, Democrats, well played". You should read this article to see everything the Democrats have been able to put into place because of this, and things they were able to stop.

The point is, NOBODY IS COMING TO SAVE US! This is OUR war, it's up to us to save America and keep our freedom and rights.

We Are Going To Fail At Saving America If We Don't Get Real About What The "Root Problem Is" and What The Only Solution Is!

Anything short of this is Controlled Opposition, whether intentional or because of ignorance.

The only way we solve this problem is by going after the root cause of the problem. Until then we'll continue to only deal with the symptoms of this root problem and continue having problems arise. The only way all of this goes away is by cutting off the head of the snake!

The only way we cut the head off the head of the snake is uniting in the many millions so we can push our weight to force changes that must happen for us to take back and save America!

But to cut the head off of this massive snake with unlimited resources and incredible power we have to be strategic. We need to start taking out their operatives...

  • Cut off their income by stopping to do business with their businesses. Support the small and medium mom and pop businesses and those who love America.
  • Overhaul departments under their control like the FBI and CIA even if that means completely dismantling them!
  • People in Congress who are putting the agenda of the Globalist above the needs of the people and are passing laws that hurt us American's but help the Globalists all need to be arrested for TREASON! And removed from their position in Congress.
    • At minimum we must primary and vote out all Establishment Republicans and ONLY vote in America First.
  • We need to take back our schools (if we don't ultimately cut off the head of the snake, even if we win this battle we won't win the war because they'll simply take back control of the schools in the end. This is true with a lot of things in addition to schools).
  • We need to take back our judicial system starting with the bar association who's controlling attorney's on what cases they can take on. Then we need to get our judges back to upholding the law and stopping their liberal approach to the law.
  • We need to take back our medical community. There's way too many things that need to happen to list here. I'd have doctors like Dr. McCullough & Dr. Cole create the steps and what needs to happen to take back our medical community.
  • We need to stop the globalist and their NGO's and PAC's from financially bank rolling any elected people. We need to stop their ability to financially benefit any elected person. This includes no more book deals to pay people off, no more hiring family members to pay them off, no more paying money to their election campaigns, no more anything which would benefit any elected person!
    • Along with this, end the practice of lobbyist who are bribing people in Congress for their votes.

None of this is going to happen until We The People take a stand in the many millions and in one united voice say, "We choose America, we're done with the corruption and the Globalist doing things against us citizens. We're taking back our country!"

Keep in mind, another thing the Globalist put into play years ago (remember, they've played the long game) is things which would attack our patronage to America because patronage to America unites people and they couldn't allow that. This is why they've had groups of people try to rewrite our history like the "1619 project", attack holidays like the 4th of July calling it the "white mans holiday" and numerous other things. 

Through their indoctrination and carefully designed strategies to attack patronage which they had their media arm push the narrative through relentlessly and changes to history classes in schools they've convinced a lot of American's that America is a terrible place that needs to be changed. These indoctrinated American's need to be re-educated and shown they've been manipulated by the Globalist for the Globalists self-serving benefit, that they were just pawns in the Globalists strategy to take over America.

Until we get to this point of acknowledging what the root of the problem is and American's uniting in the millions, I'm done spending another minute on politics because nothing else matters, the problem isn't going to be fixed and we won't save America. 

I'd suggest you send this article to every alternative media person you know and then hope and pray they:

  • start sharing the right message
  • start discussing who the real enemy is
  • discussing what the root of the problem is and then

...start rallying the citizens to unite and stand up against the Globalist and their plans of taking over America and ending all of our rights and freedoms!

Until this happens I'm going to start implementing my "escape clause", my backup plan in preparation of what's to come if we can't save America.

What is that, you are likely asking?

Get back into Marketing, make a lot of money and buy as much gold and silver and items I can barter with as possible. Putting my prepping plans into action like a water filtration system, freeze drying foods, canning foods and so on. If American's are going to be so blind and manipulated by the Controlled Opposition who's sending them down the wrong roads so we can't save America then I want to be ready for what's to come!

I'm also going to suggest everyone start paying attention to things Mike Adams' is sharing. He covers a lot of information on prepping and preparing for what's to come, and he provides good information on what may come. Follow him at:

My prayers are with us all and for America!

Who Should Be Your #1 Alternative Media Source For Information On This Subject Of The Globalist?

Like I just mentioned, follow Mike Adams for prepping information and other important pieces of information.

Bar none, the best source for information on this topic regarding the Globalist is Mel K. She's about the only person who is consistently tracking and researching the Globalists and their actions, to include the history of the Globalist. She's an absolute wealth of knowledge...

There's also Alex Jones with Info Wars who's been on the leading edge of the Globalist probably longer than anyone...

Stop being redirected to symptoms of the problem and start focusing on the real problem! It's the only way we will save America and fix all of the problems we're facing. We must cut off the head of the snake. Until then, we'll continue spinning our wheels and never solve the problem at all.

It's like I keep saying, "They're implementing their plan for world domination with military like precision." The only way this ends is when we cut the head off of the snake, but we need to do this one operative agency, organization, group at a time!

May God bless us all!

New/Additional Information:

2/15/23 - What We Must Do To Prepare For What The Globalist Want To Do To Us

Brother Bugnolo shares what we need to do to prepare. He also points out that unless we literally take this people out or completely strip them of their wealth, they will never stop what they're doing...

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