Christians & Your Vote... Why God Would Choose A Man Like Trump
Being a Christian and picking who you'll vote for may be a challenge for you. Let's explore this.
A Christian has a lot of values & beliefs from loving our neighbor, to doing unto others as you'd have done unto you, to What Would Jesus Do and the list goes on and on.
We all define our Christian faith a bit differently, especially denomination to denomination. While we may all agree that Jesus is the way to our Heavenly Father, how we live and what we believe can be different from Christian to Christian. The more time we spend in the Bible and learning from the Bible the more "Christ like" we become as we learn more about God and what he expects from us.
One thing is consistently true... none of us are perfect. We all sin, we all make mistakes and we all continue to grow in our faith and understanding.
Now we're faced with voting for President, and they're polar opposite! How you will vote will be based upon what's important to you.
#1 Reason I've Heard Other Christians Say They Won't Vote For Trump...
I got into a back and forth with someone on a Facebook Post about Christians and Trump. He said he could not vote for someone who's so brash as Trump, who's had affairs and a list of other things. Almost everything he listed as a negative about Trump was just a left wing talking point and not true. But there were some things he said that were true.
I believe Trump was a gift from God, that our country needed a person like Trump as President to stand up to the swamp and the evil forces against us. Satan is strong, and he's the liar and the deceiver.
Thankfully I know a thing or two about the Bible and how God uses people for His good. God uses all kinds of people to do His work. Check this out...
~ Noah was a drunk
~ Abraham was too old
~ Isaac was a daydreamer
~ Jacob was a liar
~ Leah was ugly
~ Joseph was abused
~ Moses had a stuttering problem (Moses stuttered)
~ Gideon was afraid
~ Samson had long hair and was a womanizer
~ Rahab was a prostitute
~ Jeremiah and Timothy were too young
~ David was an adulterer and a murderer
~ Elijah was suicidal
~ Isaiah preached naked
~ Jonah ran from God
~ Naomi was a widow
~ Job went bankrupt
~ John the Baptist ate bugs
~ Peter denied Christ
~ The disciples fell asleep while praying
~ Martha worried about everything
~ The Samaritan woman was divorced (more than once)
~ Zacchaeus was too small
~ Paul was too religious
~ Timothy had an ulcer
~ Lazarus was dead!
2 Corinthians 12:9, NLT My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.
1 Peter 4:10, NIV Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
God doesn’t call the equipped, he equips the called. It’s not about our ability, It’s about our availability!
In addition to this, there have been numerous past Presidents who made bad choices while being President:
~ Bill Clinton (D) got a blow job in the oval office by his intern while on the phone with Congressmen, then tried to cover it up.
~ Bill Clinton (D) lost the personal ID code needed to confirm nuclear launches (also known as the "nuclear biscuit") for months. "That's a big deal," said the chairman, "A gargantuan deal."
~ JFK (John F Kennedy) (D) had an affair with Marilyn Monroe. In fact JFK has many affairs, at least a dozen!
~ Harry Truman (D) sought to further his political career by meeting with the Ku Klux Klan, which at that time had been surging in popularity and had local political clout.
~ Lyndon Johnson (D) said, "I'll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years," to try and get blacks in the US to forget about Jim Crow and segregation, both spearheaded by Democrats.
~ John Quincy (D) was a pimp.
~ James Buchanan (D) ignored the anti-slave laws, in 1854 when the Democratic-controlled Congress passed a bill that opened up the new territories of Kansas and Nebraska to the possibility of slavery being legalized there, despite a 34-year-old agreement (regarded by antislavery Northerners as a ‘sacred compact’) that guaranteed that slavery would be excluded.
People are people, none of us are perfect and we all make mistakes and do stupid things. Trump is no worse than any of these people.
But Why Trump?
Trump, like the rest of us, has his problems. He's not perfect, he's made his mistakes and he's a sinner like we all are!
But he also has a very strong skill set... he's consistent, he's strong, he can't be bought out, he has a deep love for America and Americans, he'll stand up to anyone, he calls out the unjust, he's a protector of the weak and less fortunate, and he loves God, to name a few things.
The "swamp" we hear so much about is very strong, very deep rooted and has many roots to it. A weak person wouldn't have a chance with them! God knows it's going to take a very strong man to stand up to them and do His work! Good knew it would take a man like Trump.
If Trump is who God has chosen to answer our prayers and protect our religious liberties which the Democrats have continuously been attacking, then who am I to question God?
I may not like Trump, I may think he's brash, I may think he says terrible things, but is he doing God's work of protecting our religious liberties and freedoms? Is he helping and protecting Christians in America?
Absolutely yes!
In the first two years of Trump's Presidency it's said that he’s achieved more than all of the presidents combined since Ronald Reagan. Very impressive! He’s been the most pro-religious freedom and pro-life president in modern history.
There's a reason we need a brash, strong man like Trump...
We've Been Watching Our Religious Freedom's And Traditions Get Stomped All Over!
During the Obama Administration we watched a full frontal attack on Christians. It all started when Obama made his famous statement which was a complete lie but set in motion the new direction of Democrats and the left, "... we're no longer just a Christian nation..."
America was founded on freedom of religion. It's part of the 1st Amendment for a reason.
Then we watched:
- The Obama's remove "Merry Christmas" and replace it with "Happy Holiday";
- We watched the Obama's remove the "Christmas Tree" and replace it with a "Holiday Tree".
- We started watching anything to do with Christianity be removed like the 10 Commandments from Government buildings and much, much more.
- We watched the Obama Administration’s war against churches.
- President Obama’s administration actually argued there is not a freedom to exercise one’s religion. Instead, his administration argued there was only a freedom of worship. The Supreme Court rejected his position 9-0, but the administration’s antagonism toward faith-based voters continued. (Another reason why the Supreme Court is so important to people of faith.)
- We watched Obama’s Solicitor General argued faith-based institutions could see their tax-exempt status go away if they did not embrace gay marriage.
- Then we watched them go after Hobby Lobby and the Little Sisters of the Poor to demand they fund murdering children.
We have been watching the attack against our Christian values and the foundation of religion intertwined into this country being unraveled! Obama did great damage to our religious rights, but it didn't start with him, and there will be those after him like Biden-Harris who will continue the work of the Obama Administration.
Satan is smiling.
If you love God like I do, this had to really bother you a lot. It really rattled my cage. I also knew the longer we went down this road the harder it would be to turn the ship back around to restoring our religious freedom's and traditions. We needed God to act now (referring to 4 years ago)!
Then Comes Donald J Trump...
Before I jump into discussing Trump, did you know Trump becoming President was prophesized by a fireman in 2011? (If you have Amazon prime Movies watch "The Trump Prophecy") Here's a short video about this prophecy...
Then comes Trump. A brash, abrupt, no holds bar businessman who loves America and loves God, and I'm reminded of the people God has used in the past to do His will. I'm talking about all kinds of sinners (see list above).
So I'm thinking to myself, "Sure, why not Trump." I was fine with it because I learned a long time ago that every time I question God I'm always proven wrong.
Now, four years later, Trump has been a prayer answered! Four years later, he's even better than I had hoped and further proof God knew what He was doing by bringing us Trump.
But even though Trump has been doing absolutely remarkable things, there is still evil upon us doing everything they can to destroy what God has given us with Trump. We see that evil in the left wing media.
Have you ever watched the Left Behind series? (Link is to YouTube playlist where you can watch them.)
The series I watched had Kirk Cameron in it. Do you remember how Satan used the news media to control people, to only share the narrative they wanted the people to see? How people had to go underground to spread the truth to people?
If you remember correctly, most people were brain-washed to the narrative of the media and were even turning in their friends, family and neighbors to the authority who weren't following the rules by the government. Hitler used the media for the same reason in the same way. We've also watched New York and California create "tell on your neighbor" nark lines.
This is exactly what's happening today with the mainstream media. They are using smear campaigns, discredit campaigns and carefully constructed misinformation campaigns to control how we view things, how we feel about someone and how to feel.
They are even censoring information they do not want us to see for the first time ever in the history of America.
You should be scared, very scared. How can't you see the work of evil in all of this?
Now, I'm not going to go into great detail about this because I've already written an article on how not to be manipulated and controlled by the left wing media or anyone else. You can read it here:
The key is you need to know your enemy. Read the above article and you'll have a much clearer understanding of how the media is controlling people and what you can do so you're not another brain-washed puppet of theirs.
There are articles being written weekly about the lies of the left. Here are a few of those articles:
- Dennis Prager: America is drowning in the lies of the left
- The Media Are Lying To You About Everything, Including The Riots
- As Biden falls in the polls, the media's lies get bigger
- The Media Are Lying About The Election Again
- Biggest Mainstream Media Lies Of 2019 (In this article they discussed how it affected citizens and how they reacted to the lies)
- The 10 Biggest Media Lies About Donald Trump
- The Media's Top Lies and Spins About COVID-19
- Joe Biden Lies All The Time, But The Media Just Plays Along
- Even during coronavirus crisis, liberal media can’t resist spreading lies
If you want to see more to start learning the "patterns" of their lies and how they're lying, just do an internet search for searches like "media lying".
Let's move on.
I believe God sent us Trump, and I also believe Satan is using every trick in the book to discredit him and turn people against him because of the incredible work Trump is doing.
Remember, Satan is the destroyer and is a master at lying and deceiving people!
We are being lied to, but because the average person doesn't know how to see through this evil and their tricks they fall for it and become another puppet of the evil behind our left wing media by reposting their lying articles and backing up these lies by arguing with people on social media, even though they have no facts to back up the lies they're spreading out.
God says, "... the truth will set you free," (John 8:32 NIV).
It's very easy to see the lies. Just wait until you see just how much they are lying... they aren't even trying to hide the lies anymore. Then once you start seeing how they're lying to you you'll start questioning everything they say. This is the point of freedom and an open mind. Read the article:
What has Trump done for Christians, you may be asking. Let's review this next...
How Trump Has Been Help Christians Not Only In America But Across The World...
As a Christian, for me, the #1 thing that's important to me is protecting the 1st Amendment and our Religious freedoms. Both are under attack by the left. I shared above the huge changes the Obama Administration did to destroy our religious freedom's and traditions.
So let's take a look at what the brash, out-spoken Trump and his administration has done for our religious rights and freedoms:
It's quite impressive what's already been accomplished, and there's much more to come. I'm sure I've also missed some things. Trump has done a lot to protect our religious freedom's and rights.
Like I stated at the beginning of this article, in the first two years of Trump's Presidency it's said that he’s achieved more than all of the presidents combined since Ronald Reagan. Very impressive! He’s been the most pro-religious freedom and pro-life president in modern history.
Satan isn't happy. Christians can feel the spiritual warfare going on.
One of my favorite scriptures is: For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Ephesians 6:12-13 NIV
We need to pray because don't think for a second Satan is going to stand idly by and do nothing! We can see some of what he's doing from the misinformation articles, discrediting articles and smear campaigns being published every day. It's our job to seek "truth" and pray for discernment to know what's right and what isn't.
Remember, the left is masterful at writing smear campaigns, discredit campaigns and misinformation campaigns to control your thoughts. Even the Bible teaches us to "capture our thoughts".
Here's an example of two they've published:
- Trump Secretly Mocks His Christian Supporters - The Atlantic - Smear campaign
- No, Donald Trump he did not 'save Christianity' - Discredit campaign
Both of these articles were written by a left wing journalist for a left wing media company. These articles are designed to make you think Trump is bad for Christians and that Christians are walking away from Trump. These articles are not based on facts, but instead on one's "opinion" which is subjective. But what's clear is these hit pieces were designed to break away at our armor and allow evil in. A strong Christian who knows the Bible would see right through these articles!
Neither of these articles are true, but they want you to think they are. Unfortunately, people generally tend to "follow the crowd". People think to themselves, "If others are doing it then I should too." People are losing their "independent thinking".
Here's another left wing attack on Christians and what they think of us... Chris Cuomo: Get In The Closet, Serious Christians, Your Kind Aren't Welcome In Public Life. Chris is an anchor on CNN, a global media company.
Christians have been the most persecuted group in the world! We're even being attacked by our media companies, and remember what I shared with you above what the Obama Administration did to our religious freedom's and liberties.
All of the answers are in the Bible. The Bible talks extensively about evil and what to watch out for and how to combat against it. The one consistent thing the Bible points out is the importance of TRUTH. We know Satan lies. We know Satan is the deceiver. Read the article I shared ( to see how the left wing media is lying to us and how you can confirm they're lying, and how to seek the truth.
The Democrats & Left NEED To End Our Devotion and Commitment To God and His Word
I'm just going to say here that I seriously hesitate to have this conversation because it's an easy one to attack as a conspiracy theory, which is exactly what the left will do... attack this point as just a conspiracy theory.
Maybe I should just save this point for another day and leave this article as is since I've addressed the main point I had on my heart that I needed to share. I think that's exactly what I'm going to do. One day when God puts it on my heart and provides me with the information I need to share this topic with you, then I will.
However, if you're curious you can always do an internet search. Just remember, do NOT solely use Google for these types of internet searches because Google censors information so you can't find what they don't want you to find. Instead, use for your internet searches.
Did you know China is shutting down all Christian churches including putting Pastors who will not follow China's rules for churches into jail? Did you know China is re-writing the Bible so it supports the Chinese Government's rules and teaches people that government is first, not God? Tyrant governments cannot have their citizen's believing in something greater than the government.
Then we watch the attack on churches and Christians in America even with Trump as President like Governors of states not allowing churches to open up at all because of COVID, but are allowing other businesses to open.
Collectively, we all need to pray for this country and for Donald J Trump. This country and our President needs all of our prayers.
Some Scriptures & A Message You Might Find Helpful...
(I've had this since 2012 when I did a study of Thoughts, Our Mind and What We Say. It's in a Word Doc and I don't remember where I got it. I hope you find this as helpful as I have.)
The Bible says, "you're in the palm of God's hand and no man can snatch you away". But he can deceive you in the mental area if you allow him to. Jesus called Satan in John 8:44, the "father of lies and all that is false". And I can't think of any area that keeps more people in bondage than this area of our thought life. Satan specializes in worry, fear, anxiety, confusion, and doubt. He is a master deceiver and he knows that he can control and manipulate our whole lives by simply affecting the way we think.
Your mind is the bulls' eye of Satan's target. The only entrance Satan has into your personality, your emotions, into your thoughts is through your mind. But fortunately, friend, you control that ever important doorway. The only access the enemy has in your life is the access you allow him to have. That's why the Bible says in Ephesians 4:27, "Give no place to the devil". Don't give him any place in your mind or in your thoughts. You've got to be very selective and very cautious about what you choose to think about. You've got to take control of your life by standing guard over your thought life.
The Bible says in Proverbs 3:27, "as a man thinks in his heart, so is he." (I love this scripture.) You will eventually become what you think. And you can't think one thing and become something else. If you allow yourself to think negative worried, fearful thoughts, then you will become a negative, worried, fearful person. You cannot think defeat and expect victory. You can't think poverty, and expect wealth. You can't think the worst, and expect the best. Friends, it doesn't work that way.
You've got to think about what you're thinking about. Take regular inventory of your thought life. You've got to be extremely careful and extremely aware about what you allow your mind to think about. And what you choose to dwell on. Satan would love to keep you living a life of defeat by causing you to think thoughts of worry and anxiety and fear. He knows if he can keep our minds all cluttered and confused, we will never be the person God wants us to be.
But God gives us a tremendous promise here in Isaiah 26:3. It's very simple. Yet it's really profound…it's really powerful. God said, "I will keep you in perfect peace if you keep your mind stayed on me." Notice there is something that we all have to do if we're going to experience perfect peace. And that is we've got to control our thought life. We've got to guard our minds. We've got to think on the things of God. But friends, this is not going to happen just automatically. This has got to be a decision you continually make throughout life.
See, we live in a very negative society. This culture focuses on what's wrong and not what's right. What's missing and not what we have. What's ugly, not what's beautiful. Pick up a newspaper today or go watch the news tonight and see if the major focus isn't on the negative.
Every one of us are going to have plenty of opportunities to dwell on the wrong things. Satan is constantly bombarding our thoughts, our minds with ungodly negative thoughts that are trying to confuse us and distract our attention away from the things of God. He is doing his best to slowly and very cunningly infiltrate your mind and bring thoughts of fear and uncertainty about the future.
Satan specializes in fear. Fear of not having our needs met. Fear of not being accepted. Fear of failure. Fear of not living a healthy life. And this fear that he brings creates anxiety, worry, doubt, unbelief, confusion. But listen to me closely friends. None of these negative thoughts-none of these fears will come into reality unless you first believe them and then begin to act on them.
Fear is a force just like faith is a force. If you give into fear and start to dwell on that junk and start to act on it, that fear can actually bring things to pass just like faith can bring things to pass. Job said, "the thing I greatly feared came upon me."
And see friends, you and I choose every single day what we're going to think about, whether good or bad. And if we let ourselves, we can all think of a thousand negative things that might happen to us. What if my business goes down? What if I have an accident? What if my child gets on drugs? What if? You can what if…friends, you can worry yourself silly if you want to.
The Bible tells us what we should dwell on in Philippians 4:8. It's to "think on things that are pure and honest and of a good report." Things that build you up, not tear you down.
Think on all the great things God has done for you, the bible says. In other words, you've got to dwell on the positive and not the negative. Quit thinking about what you don't have and start thinking about what you do have. Quit thinking about what's wrong with you and start thinking about what's right with you. Quit thinking about how big your problem is and start dwelling on the fact of how big your God is.
I know some of you right now are facing tremendous difficulties and you're struggling. And maybe it feels like the whole world has come against you. Well, friends, you've got to start to dwell on Isaiah 54:17 all week long. It says, "No weapon that is formed against you is going to prosper".
When those negative thoughts come your way, you just reject them and you say, "No devil, you may have formed this weapon against me, but in the name of Jesus, God promises me--He guarantees-it is not going to prosper and in the end, I will overcome." See, the Bible says, "When you've done everything you know to do to just stand on the promises of God." Just dwell on the fact that you are more than a conqueror.
Proverbs 3:5. It says, "in everything you do, if you put God first, He will direct and crown your efforts with success." I began to meditate on the fact that God was in control. He was leading me. He was guiding me. He was directing my steps.
Some days, I'd have to make a decision concerning hundreds of thousands of dollars. And I wasn't real sure which way to go. So I'd go back to my scriptures and I'd meditate on Proverbs 2:6. "The Lord grants wisdom and he gives good sense to the godly. He shows how to distinguish right from wrong and to make the right decision every time." And I just began to thank the Lord. "Father, thank you that I do have the mind of Christ. I'm filled with Your wisdom, Father. And I thank you, Father, You will help me to make this right decision. You are guiding and guarding my pathway."
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." See, the great thing to realize is we don't have to do it in our own strength and in our own ability. It is through the power of God that works in you and me that makes us well able to do everything God's called us to do.
Do you know what worry is?
It's simply meditating on what the enemy says. When you give in to worry, you're just playing Satan's lies over and over and over and over again in your mind. And see, friends, we're all going to think about something all day long. Why not choose to think about what God said about you? God says something so powerful in Joshua 1:8. "This book of the law, this Bible, shall not depart out of your eyes, but you shall meditate on it day and night. Then you shall make your way prosperous and you shall deal wisely and you shall have good success."
When those negative thoughts come, there are three simple steps you need to take. The three R's.
Number one.
Recognize where those thoughts come from. God does not put thoughts of anxiety and fear and worry into your mind. They are from the enemy. And Satan is the father of lies. You can take just the opposite of what he tells you.
Number two.
Reject that thought immediately.
Don't even dwell on it for five seconds. The longer you think about it, the harder it's going to be to get rid of. Don't think, "Well, what if this does happen? What if that was true?" No, you've got to reject it immediately. Don't give Satan the time of day.
The third thing is the most critical. Replace that thought instantly with the Word of God. Rejecting and recognizing are not enough. If you don't replace that thought immediately, Satan will come back to you again and again and again. And he'll bombard you. And he'll finally wear you down until you will accept one of his lies. You've got to instantly replace that thought with the Word of God. And then you've got to start to meditate on God's Word. Just think about that promise.
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