With All Of The Corruption, Scandals & Lies Surrounding Hillary Clinton, Obama And The Other Speakers Gave Their Best “Sales Pitch” They Could To Sell Hillary To Us. It Reminded Me Of This Story…
Here’s the story we all are in the middle of right now…
When a young man met his untimely end, he was informed that he had a choice about where he would spend his eternity: Heaven or Hell. He was allowed to visit both places, and then make his decision afterwards.
“I’ll see Heaven first,” said the man, and an angel led through the gates on a private tour.
Inside it was very peaceful and serene, and all the people there were playing harps and eating grapes. It looked very nice, but the man was not about to make a decision that could very well condemn him to a life of musical produce.
“Can I see Hell now?” he asked. The angel pointed him to the elevator, and he went down to the Basement where he was greeted by one of Satan’s loyal followers.
For the next half hour, the man was led through a tour of what appeared to be the best night clubs he’d ever seen. People were partying loudly, and having a, if you’ll pardon the expression, Hell of a time.
When the tour ended, he was sent back up where the angel asked him if he had reached a final decision.
“Yes, I have,” he replied. “As great as Heaven looks and all, I have to admit that Hell was more of my kind of place. I’ve decided to spend my eternity down there.”
The man was sent to hell, where he was immediately thrown into a cave and was chained to a wall, and he was subjected to various tortures.
“When I came down here for the tour,” he yelled with anger and pain, “I was shown a whole bunch of bars and parties and other great stuff! What happened?!”
The devil replied, “Oh, that! That was just the Sales Demo.”
The DNC Speeches Are Just Sales Demo’s. Don’t Count On Their Campaign Promises Becoming A Reality Just Like Obama’s Didn’t
Do you remember all of the promises Obama made?
How many of them actually came to fruition? (I’m not going to list them all here because there’s just way too many promises made that Obama did a 180 on once President.)
Today we know he wasn’t talking about “change” American’s can believe in. He was talking to his Muslim brothers and sisters all over the world and has taken the last 7 1/2 years moving toward giving America to Islam Muslims and turning America into a Muslim country. You know I’m right about this.
Obama has consistently put Muslims, Refugees and Immigrants at a far higher priority than American’s, and putting other nations above America. Where America was the greatest nation in the world, Obama has been determined to leveling out the playing field so other nations could compete with America.
Obama’s speech, like so many of the DNC speakers, was a complete denial of the realities of what’s going on in America and the fears we American’s have:
- ISIS who are creating havoc throughout the world. There’s an ISIS attack every 84 hours.
- The Syrian refugee program that’s bringing in Muslims who support Sharia and have no intentions of assimilating to American laws and our culture but instead want to turn America into a Sharia Law country; who want to kill us infidels; who are raping and intimidating our women; which is changing the very fabric of America to something that’s not American.
- How our jobs are going over seas because of all of the regulations American businesses are faced with and because of the high taxes American businesses have to pay. Already we’ve lost 1/3 of all manufacturing jobs to other countries.
- Our middle class continues to shrink with wages lower today than they were when Obama took office 7 1/2 years ago.
And the list goes on and on.
The Democrats are in their own fabricated reality, and they are just blowing smoke up all of our asses to try and convince us that we should trust them, again. Haven’t they done enough damage?
Talk about a sales pitch full of B.S.
Keep in mind, the Democrats is a party that has a convention that:
- Doesn’t have a single American Flag on their stage day 1, and only added a few off to the side out of sight of the cameras solely because of the out cry. How American is this? This is a blatant example of how big of priority America and American’s are to them. Globalization, refugees and immigrants is their priority. Do we really want to be at the bottom of their priority list for another 4 years like we’ve been the last 7 1/2 years?
- Consistently they talk about how in America we don’t build walls, but build bridges while building a huge wall around the DNC convention and then another wall in front of the stage, both to keep out those they don’t want in. Huhmm, I guess walls really do work.
- There’s no discussions of the importance of God in our lives, but instead how God has no place in America, that God needs to be behind a closed door and not in public.
- Invites Black Lives Matter supporters who want cops dead and mothers of children killed by police, and not a single family member of a murdered policeman. What’s the priority here… thugs or our police?
- Refused to talk about ISIS. Not one mention of them Day 1 and only briefly mentioned them the rest of the convention. When they did talk about ISIS they minimized them as not being a very big threat to America. Are they serious?
- Rigged the primaries with under handed and dirty tricks against Sanders to make sure Hillary won, all proven by the WikiLeaks. If they’ll attack people in their own party with lies & fabricated stories, just think of what they’ll do to Trump and American’s to get what they want.
- The WikiLeaks also showed us what they think of minorities, which should really piss them off.
- They deny our financial problems stating we’re not going broke (Elizabeth Warren) when in reality we have a 19.4 trillion dollar debt with Federal Spending up 121% (3.8 trillion). For your information, bankrupting a country is a recipe for creating a socialist country and plays right into the progressive liberals playbook. This is why it’s not a problem to them.
I could go on and on.
To summarize, the Democrats have shown in their actions and speeches what they support:
- They believe in Globalization which puts other countries at a high priority than America. This will cost us even more jobs with manufacturing jobs being the hardest hit.
- The Democrats will pass the TPP which will sell America out and give up our Sovereignty to other countries forcing us to answer to other countries. TPP is absolutely to America and American’s for so many reasons.
- Islam over Christianity. At the DNC they had a prayer room, but it was 100% setup for Muslims. There wasn’t a single Bible or cross, but there was a prayer rug facing toward Meca. Democrats are supporting Islam taking over the world and America, but they would never admit this, or anything else here which is why you must observe their actions and ignore their words. Why would Hillary, Obama and Democrats push to support Islam and Muslims? Because Sadie Arabia & other Muslim countries have a lot of money and Democrats and Hillary do what they do for money. Just follow the money, like the saying goes.
Immigration with plans to increase refugees by over 550% of which most will be Islam Muslims, and to offer immediate citizenship to ALL illegal immigrants in America. Good-bye jobs, being safe and the Republican party because all of these new voters will vote Democrat and will change the Electoral votes so Republicans will never be able to hold the Presidency ever again making Election 2016 the most important election in the history of the democratic party and why they will say whatever they have to say and will do whatever they have to do to win!
- Ending the 2nd Amendment and disarming Americans. While they are importing more Islam Muslims who want to kill Gays, Feminist, Atheist, Socialist, Dogs, non-Muslims and anyone who will not convert to Islam, they want to take our guns away from us so we can’t protect ourselves. Then there’s the criminals who don’t follow laws and will keep their guns… watch the murder rate skyrocket when we’re disarmed and unable to protect ourselves.
- They will end Freedom Of Speech calling it a hate crime to talk negatively against Islam or Muslims (this has already started), and then from there any speech that goes against what the Federal Government wants us to believe will be considered a Hate Crime.
- They will take over the internet to shut down any sites that go against their narrative. The Democrats will control what we read, watch and hear so their narrative is supported and there can be no views to contradict their views. The truth and facts will not matter. All that will matter is what Democrats want us to accept and believe.
These items are not a party issue. These items are an American issue that ALL of us Americans should be very worried about.
Is this really what you want for America?
You’ve now listened to the greatest sales pitches ever given to American’s. You can either “listen to their words” or “observe their actions”. Both tell a completely different story.
Like I’ve always said, “Your ACTIONS speak so loud, I can’t hear your words,” meaning, anyone can say the words but actions tell us the truth. Let me give you a few examples:
- Elizabeth Warren: “We’re not having financial problem”. America will be $21 Trillion in Debt by Jan 2017 which is close to the point of no return.
- Telling us they care about the Middle Class, creating more jobs and increasing our pay (their words) while massively increasing immigration and refugees who are taking our jobs; while pushing toward Globalization which will destroy more manufacturing jobs and other jobs; while pushing more regulations and increasing taxes which will force even more businesses to close down (for the first time in our history more businesses are closing shop than opening up). In addition, they want to increase taxes even more taking away more of our take home pay.
- How important our veterans are but then every single Democrat in Senate voted to cut the pensions for military vets; denying there’s a problem with the VA while our vets are dying waiting to be seen.
- Joe Biden stating, “There is only one person in this race who will be there for you, and that is Hillary Clinton. She’s always been there.” Where was she when Benghazi was under attack begging for reinforcement and help but instead told the reinforcement that wanted to help to stand down; or when they requested over 600 times prior to the attack in Benghazi for more security and help but got none?
There are hundreds of examples that could fill a book. I just wanted to give you a few examples. I haven’t even addressed what it would mean to America if Hillary gets to select our Supreme Justices… disastrous!