Hillary & Democrats Pandering For The African-American Vote

Here’s Why Hillary & The Democrats Are Pandering For The African-American Vote

Let me ask you a question…

Where’s the logic and common sense for a Presidential candidate to put BLM and BLM supporters who want to kill police at a higher priority than police?


Why would a Presidential candidate have mothers of blacks shot by police speak at the Democrat Convention and not the widows and family members of murdered police by BLM supporters?

It makes absolutely no sense to me that the Democrats would support and back BLM which, in my opinion, are domestic terrorist. Remember, this is the group chanting “Pigs in blanket, fry em’ like bacon”, who are shutting down highways, who are using violence and threats to intimidate, and more.

By the way, the phrase “pigs in a blanket” refers to police officers in body bags and has been used overtly by a African-American Lives Matter.

Many are saying the increase in police deaths is because of the BLM and their strong stance against police and encouragement to kill cops.

So Why Is Hillary Putting The BLM and The Families Of African-Americans Killed By Police Above The Police As A Whole?

It’s simple. It’s all about politics and manipulating African-American’s to get their vote. No surprise here, right?

Here’s why Hillary is doing this. Analyst are stating…

“Hillary MUST get 90% of the black vote to win”

The BLM and blacks are just pawns in her strategy to win the Presidency, and if Hillary should win she’ll once again turn her back on blacks because her loyalty is to Big Businesses and large donors. Just look at her track record.

She’ll continue keeping blacks in poverty and dependent upon the government which insures they’ll keep voting democrat. Just look at her past actions and what Democrats have done to suburban America controlled by Democrats for proof.

Why Are African-Americans Allowing Democrats To Continue Using Them As Pawns? Do They Not Remember Which Party Has Had Their Backs From The Very Beginning?

African-Americans have traditionally been strong supporters of Democrats. I don’t get why? All you have to do is look back into history and see that it’s the Democrats who have always suppressed blacks and held them hostage and in poverty.

Let’s take a step back into history.

Andrew Jackson (Democrat) signed the law to remove Indians from their land and banish them to reservations.  Key point in history … The republicans solidified themselves into a party to fight against this.

This was the foundation to the Republican party!

No republicans in the government owned slaves, only the Democrats did.

Like Dinesh pointed out in an interview …

The Democratic party has not only been the party of racism, but also slavery. The Democrats defended slavery in the 19th century.

After slavery ended the Democrats became the party of segregation, of Jim Crowe and the Klu Klux Klan. EVERY segregation law ever enacted in the United States was enacted by a democratic legislature, passed by a democratic governor.

The Klan was founded by a delegate to the Democratic national convention, Nathan Bedford Forest, and the Klan had a big revival in the early 20th century due to the progressive Democratic president Woodrow Wilson. So this is the actual history of the Democratic party.

It was President Lincoln (Republican) who ended slavery in America by issuing the Emancipation Proclamation, declaring “that all persons held as slaves” within the Confederate state “are, and henceforward shall be free.”

Then the Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery throughout the United States which was pushed and voted for by Republicans. ONLY 4 Democrats broke rank and voted for the 13th Amendment to abolish slavery!

At the Democratic Convention Elijah Cummings (Democrat, African-American) said Democrats were responsible for giving blacks the right to vote.

No sir, you are 100% WRONG!

Cummings Lie-Dems Give Blacks Right To Vote

The 15th Amendment (Right To Vote) was passed solely because of Republicans. There were 141 Republicans who voted YES and not a single Republican voted no, while not a single Democrat voted for this with 39 Democrats voting No and 7 Democrats refused to vote at all.

Here’s a few more history facts:

  • The Woman Suffrage Movement was a Republican movement.  Democrats fought it.
  • KKK was founded and supported by Democrats. No Republicans ever!
  • Planned Parenthood (one of Hillary’s favorites) was founded by Margaret Sanger a eugenics proponent. It’s design was to cultivate “good human stock” and had a focus on “the negro project”. Nazi Germany patterned their social extermination program after this.
  • FDR’s new deal only got democratic support when it devised ways to exclude blacks.
  • The 1960 Civil Rights Act was supported by Republicans and filibustered by Democrats.

Republicans have always been about:

  • “All men and women are created equal”,
  • that every man and woman regardless to race or sex should have the same opportunities to create greatness in their lives,
  • who don’t believe in Segregation or anything else that would put a person or class of people below anyone else.

Republicans are about fairness and equality.

Republicans have always had the African-Americans back, are who protected African-Americans and who pushed legislation to make African-Americans equal. Yet, African-Americans support Democrats. Why? I just don’t understand.

In many ways this reminds me of how kidnap victims and abused people protect their abuser. This is known as the Stockholm Syndrome.

But no matter what you call it African-American American’s are being used and taken advantage of by Democrats, and African-Americans are allowing it to happen.

African-Americans, as a group and individually, have a lot more control in their life than maybe they even realize. But it’s not until THEY realize this that they’ll make the changes in their life to start putting them on the road that’ll take them to where they want to go. Do they not understand, change starts with YOU!

And remember, it’s been Republicans who have been the party that has always had your back.

So I’m continuously asking, “When will African-American American’s wake up to this game Democrats are playing and stop being a PAWN and END this cycle they’re in?” They’re just an ends to a means to keep Democrats in power. That’s all.

African-Americans now have an opportunity to vote for a better future, or they can continue getting what they’ve always gotten. The choice is THEIRS!

By their vote they will be setting in motion THEIR future… will it be what it’s always been or are African-Americans ready to say ‘enough is enough’ and change it?

Our African-American brothers and sisters should vote out ALL Democrats in their communities from Mayors to Governors and let their Republican protectors have the next 10 years of running their cities and their states and see how much better off they are.

Every city that has become a disaster with crime and poverty — Baltimore, Chicago, Cleveland — have been ran by Democrats the past 20 years. How’s that working for you?


I think you’d agree that you’ve given the Democrats enough time to turn things around for you. How about giving the Republicans a shot now, since after all…

… the Democrats are who’ve throughout history wanted to keep the African-Americans in slavery, and then segregate them. The Democrats are the party that’s held the African-Americans back from creating the greatness God has for them.

It’s been the Republicans who have freed the African-Americans from slavery and made them equal, who have given them the rights to accomplish the same greatness anyone else in America can create,  if they’ll just believe enough in themselves to take the steps to achieve greatness.

If you want change then it’s up to you, but please, stop allowing the Democrats from USING YOU as a pawn in their game and then keeping you in poverty and dependent upon the government.

If African-Americans will just research the Democrat’s party primary objective they’ll see it’s big government and less freedom’s because they do not believe we American’s know what’s best for ourselves. Keeping African-Americans in poverty and dependent upon the government plays right into their mission as a party.

When Will The African-Americans Say “Enough Is Enough” And Finally End This Bondage African-Americans Have Been Under Because Of Democrat Policies and Control?

Watch Diamond & Silk also address the pandering by Hillary and question why Blacks feel they have to vote Democrat when they haven’t done anything for the Black community!

More References On This Topic:

On 8/16/16 Donald Trump spoke directly to the African-American community and just said it the way it is and how Democrats have been “using” Blacks just for their vote…
