Election 2016 Is About…

As I’m going to show you, Election 2016 is not Democrat Vs. Republican. It’s about your freedom’s and rights and the direction America goes. It’s an election of the Political Establishment Vs. We The People. This is the most important election you’ll ever vote in with so many things on the line!

Election 2016 Is About Many Key Topics. Here’s The Break-Down…

Throughout this election I’m consistently watching inconsistencies and policies that contradict other policies. More times than I can count I’ve watched one particular candidate say one thing to pander to a specific group of American’s and then say something else on a different subject that’s a contradiction to the first point.

For example, if I said to you in one speech, “As President you will see 15% increase in your pay,” and then in another speech said, “We have to increase taxes by 20%”, in reality you’ve just been told you’ll see a 5% decrease in your take home pay.

Unfortunately the uninformed voter doesn’t connect the dots or only focuses on the part of the speech that’s in their favor and doesn’t even grasp how the other part affects the narrative or talking points.

You must look at the whole picture and all talking points surrounding the topic to get the full story.

Tongue and cheek speeches is very common for professional politicians. They know very well how to turn a negative into a positive (or a positive into a negative) with their words by:

  • only giving partial information,
  • separating policy discussions so you don’t put the pieces together,
  • using inaccurate or false numbers or statics, or
  • just out and out lying knowing they have no intentions of following through with their campaign promises once they’re elected President.

And they are masterful at denying what they just said a week ago.

It’s for this reason I have said for years, “Trust the actions of a person and ignore their words. Their actions tell you what they really believe in and what they’ll do once elected. Their words are just to tell you what you want to hear so you’ll vote for them.

Now, let’s get back to the purpose of this article by taking a look at what this election is really about and what each candidates position is on them.

It’s About Globalization Vs. Nationalism.

Globalization is focusing on what’s in the best interest of the world as a whole where Nationalism is focusing on what’s in the best interest of America and American’s.

At a time …

  • When we have so many mass murders because of bringing in Islam Muslims who will not assimilate to American laws and culture but instead follow the Koran and its teachings which teaches them to kill infidels,
  • When we are losing so many jobs to other countries (have already lost 1/3 of our manufacturing jobs),
  • When our debt will be $21 TRILLION dollars when the next president takes over …

… we must question if Globalization is good for America and continue down the Globalization road the Establishment Politicians are taking us.

If we continue down this road of Globalization, which is what the Political Establishment for both Democrats & Republicans have been supporting since it’s very good for Multi-National companies and what they want, we will continue (naming just a few problems):

  • losing our jobs,
  • wages will continue to drop since the new jobs are primarily minimum wage jobs,
  • unemployment will continue to grow,
  • entitlements will grow putting America in even more debt,
  • taxes will have to increase to support the growth of people on entitlement programs,
  • businesses will continue to close down because of not being able to afford to stay in business because of high taxes while multi-national companies continue to prosper,
  • the government will continue to grow, not shrink.

Do you see the rippling affect of this?

TPP is a Globalization Trade policy which will not only cost us jobs and reduce wages for America, it gives away our sovereignty making us accountable to the legal system and courts of other nations, and gives away Federal Land to foreign countries. It’s literally selling America out! TPP is disastrous to America! 

Even Sanders understands how destructive TPP is to American’s which is why he fought so hard to stop it.

Right now we need to focus on what’s in America’s best interest. Globalization has already created so many problems for America and American’s we must put policies and our emphasis on taking care of us for a change.

Hillary, the poster child to Establishment Politicians, fully 100% supports Globalization. Trump support Nationalism.

It’s About No Boarder Wall & Ignoring Our Immigration Laws Vs. Immigration Laws Being Enforced & Putting Up A Wall.

There has been so much discussion about illegal immigrants living in America and coming to America, I’m not going to rehash it all here. Immigration is something once again the Establishment Politicians support. Why?

Establishment Democrats support immigration because traditionally the majority will vote Democrat.

Establishment Republicans support it because it provides low paying work for large businesses.

Consider immigration this way …

1) If someone were to illegally sleep in your house without your permission while you were on vacation, should this person now have all of the same rights as you have for your house forcing you to allow this person to now live in your house with you and your family?

2) If someone robs a bank and gets caught, should they be allowed to keep the money?

Both of these illustrations sound silly, and there’s not a person I know who would agree to either of these, but this is exactly what’s happening with illegal immigration.

First there’s “birthright citizenship” or nicknamed “anchor baby’s”. This is where a citizen of another country comes to America to have a baby which then makes the baby a citizen of America even though the parents are not American citizens. This then makes the baby eligible to American benefits, and the parents eligible through the baby.

Let that sink in.

Seriously, how does this make any sense at all?

Using this same logic, that would be like the example I gave above with someone staying at your home while you were on vacation and then having the legal right to now live in your home forever, and then you being forced to also allow their family to move in also.

Surveys show 65% of American’s reject birthright citizenship, and for good reason… it doesn’t even make sense.

By the way, the United States and Canada are the only two developed countries that still allow birthright citizenship.

Then there’s all of the illegal immigrants who are in America.

Remember, they are here illegally, against the law.

If a thief can’t keep what he steals once caught, then why should an illegal immigrant be allowed to have a free pass and stay in America when so many other immigrants came here legally?

If an immigrant wants to be in America then they need to do it legally, and they shouldn’t be able to benefit from our entitlement programs until after they’ve held a job and paid taxes for at least 5 years.

Take a look at these statistics:

  • 71% of illegal alien-head of households receive welfare
  • 43% of all food stamps are given to illegals
  • 95% of warrants for MURDER in Los Angeles is for illegals
  • More than 66% of births in California are to illegals on Medicaid, paid by U.S. Taxpayers
  • Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties in the U.S. are by illegals
  • More than 39% of California students grades 1 to 12 are illegals
  • 75% of LA’s Most Wanted are illegals
  • More than HALF of all gang members are illegals
  • U.S. companies using illegals in 2005 profited over 2.36 Trillion dollars
  • The amount of money Obama and Hillary are spending to bring in Syrian Muslims would house every single homeless American vet with money to spare. Isn’t this having their priorities mixed up?
  • Illegal Aliens cost America $113 Billion dollars annually. DHS has confirmed it would cost far less money to deport them than to continue supporting them.
  • There was not a Social Security increase because of no money for it, but there’s plenty of money to bring in and support Muslim refugees. Seriously? Am I the only person who has a problem with this?

U.S. Tax Payers are footing the bill for ALL illegals taking advantage of our entitlement programs, healthcare and housing!

Here’s how other countries handle people coming into their country illegally:

  • If you cross the border illegally in Canada you get a $5,000 fine.
  • If you cross the border illegally in Iran you get 8 years in prison.
  • If you cross the border illegally in North Korea you get shot.
  • If you cross the border illegally in the U.S. you get a drivers license, medial insurance, housing, career training and more, all paid for by U.S. tax payers.

Illegal immigrants and Obama’s Muslim refugee program is costing you and I billions of dollars.

What gets me the most is the Muslim Refugees having no interest in assimilating to America’s laws and culture, but instead want America to support Sharia Law, and want us to stop doing what we’ve always done because it offends them.

The Democrats & Liberals are allowing them to change our culture with Politically Correct language.

We’re watching God being removed from public places and Government properties.

We’re watching the protest of our American flag being flown, so more laws are being passed to stop it from being flown on property in America.

If you believe someone should be able to sleep in your house without your permission and then have the right to live there forever including sharing your food, all without having to pay their fair share of the costs, and that we Americans should financially support illegal immigrants, then you support Establishment Politician Hillary Clinton.

If on the other hand you feel we must have a wall to stop illegal aliens from coming, that we must enforce our immigration laws, then you support Outsider Donald Trump.

It’s as simple as that.

It’s About Destroying ISIS Vs. The Same Failed Policies Of The Obama Administration.

Forget the talking points here and just face reality. If Hillary knew how to destroy ISIS, they’d already be destroyed! Remember, Hillary was the Secretary Of State .

In fact, as Secretary of State it’s because of her recommendations and policies that ISIS was born and became so strong.

Hillary can say whatever she wants, but she can’t change the facts here. Now she just wants us to “trust her”.

She had her chance and blew it, and in fact did the opposite by fueling the growth of ISIS.

Trump, on the other hand, is new to all of this and doesn’t know more than the Generals. Nobody in his right mind would believe this. In addition, he alone will not fix this problem.

However, he will provide the leadership to end ISIS, something seriously lacking with Obama and Clinton.

What Trump will do is surround himself with experienced people and military Generals/Admirals who do have the experience and who will put an end to ISIS by not tying their hands and holding our military back. 

Numerous highly qualified people have stated that ISIS could be destroyed in just 5 weeks if the Obama & Clinton policy wasn’t in play, but instead allowed the military to do what they know they need to do.

Be very clear here… the President is the Commander And Chief of the military. It’s from the President’s policies and beliefs that direct the military. We all know Obama doesn’t want to destroy ISIS by virtue of his approach to ISIS, and we know Clinton plans to just continue Obama’s failed policies.

Clinton’s talking points suggest they want to stop ISIS but the actions do not support the talking points.

If you want ISIS and domestic terrorist stopped and destroyed, then you’ll vote for Trump. If you want what we’ve had the past 7 1/2 years then you’ll vote for Clinton.

It’s About Stopping The Syrian Muslim Refugee Program Until They Can Be Properly Vetted Vs. Increasing The Refugee Program by 550%.

I’m a very loving and charitable person and would do whatever I could to help others including complete strangers. What I absolutely will NOT do is invite someone into my home who won’t respect the rules of my home and wants to kill me. I am not going to put my family in danger!

Let me ask you a question. Let’s say I have 100 grapes of which just 10% are poisonous and will immediately kill you if eaten. Would you eat any of the 100 grapes?

That’s exactly what’s going on with the Syrian Muslim refugee program.

The FBI and Homeland Security both are saying:

  • They cannot effectively vet the refugees because they have no papers and aren’t in any databases.
  • They estimate at least 10% of the refugees are ISIS terrorist who have infiltrated the refugee program.
  • The vast majority of refugees (around 80%) are young males between the ages of 15-35, not women and children like the Obama Administration has been leading us to believe.
  • Of the refugees coming to America, less than 3% are Christian Muslims which are the real group of Muslims who need refugee status due to being beheaded and murdered by Islam Muslims. In fact it’s so bad, they’re calling it a genocide… the complete destruction of a group of people. Stats show Islam Muslims have murdered 60 million Christians.

Then we look at these facts about Islam Muslims and other things around this group:

  • It’s estimated over 78% of the Mosque in America are safe havens for ISIS terrorist. Obama has stopped all monitoring of Mosque in America.
  • Islam is not a religion of peace. It’s an ideology of world domination. You could even call it a “cult”. But it’s not a religion. They want you to believe it’s a religion due to the additional rights they gain.
  • Not a single wealthy Muslim country is allowing any Syrian Muslim refugees in. Saudi Arabia has a tent village with air conditioned tents that hold 3 million people… they have not taken in 1 Syrian refugee. Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates will not allow a single Syrian Muslim in.
  • Japan has very strict rules for Muslims and restrictions on Islam. Let me show you…

Japan and Muslims & Islam

  • What do the rich middle east Muslim countries like Sadie Arabia and countries like Japan know that we are being blinded to? You can’t help but wonder what they know that the Obama Administration will not tell us or admit to?
  • When the refugees were asked why they were going to Europe they bluntly said, “To covert Europe to Sharia and spread Allah to them.” Muslims are taught to convert and to eventually dominate the entire planet. Their Koran says this will be done by a “Caliphate”.
    • Our Government will not ask the right questions because our President supports Islam and wants Islam to be dominate in America. Just listen to his speeches on Islam.
    • Muslim immigration into Britain is the very reason why the Brit’s exited the UK… they had no say in stopping the Muslim infiltration, and now they do! In Britain the election was also the Political Establishment Vs. We The People being the Brit’s.
  • We’re told that only 5-10% of Muslims are extremists so don’t worry. In 1940, only 7% of Germans were Nazi’s. Look at how that turned out!
  • Dearborn Michigan is now predominately Muslims. Now that the Muslims are the majority they’ve invoked Sharia laws and Sharia courts in Dearborn while also flying the ISIS flag. This is just a snapshot of what to come if we don’t put a stop to this.
  • By day 12 of Ramadan in 2016 there were 96 terrorist attacks and 753 people killed world wide in the name of Islam. There were 0 deaths for any other religion. Tell me again that Islam is a religion of peace.
  • Obama has appointed many Muslims who are members of the Muslim Brotherhood (a known terrorist organization) to high ranking positions in the Government.
  • Loretta Lynch, a Muslim and head of the Federal Department of Justice, is already starting the ball rolling that any negative talk about Muslims saying it will be considered a Hate Crime… it’s an attack on Freedom of Speech and a cover up to the real motives and actions of Muslims in America.

You may be wondering if Obama is a Muslim himself loyal to other Muslims and supports Islam. Consider these facts (see at this page).

Here’s a video of Clare Lopez who is a former CIA officer. Lopez is well respected in the intelligence community and worked in the Reagan White House. She is claiming Obama is why America has completely “switched sides” during the war on terrorism. America is now supporting the enemy, especially through the Muslim Brotherhood. (More about this at this article: FORMER CIA AGENT SAYS OBAMA WORKING WITH MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD)

Islam does not care about our culture or laws. They just want to convert everyone over to Islam, or kill those who won’t convert and those who do things that are against Islam like being Gay, a Christian, a Jew and many other things. Remember, women have absolutely no rights under Sharia, and Sharia doesn’t allow alcohol or bacon to name a few things

Muslims even have a well documented strategy for taking over a nation…

The Islamic Domination Of The West

Now, do you still want Islam Muslims coming to America?

If you support a 550% increase in Islam Muslims coming to America as refugees then you support Hillary Clinton.

If you want an immediate stop of this then you support Donald Trump.

This is why I keep saying, this is not about Democrats Vs. Republicans, but instead an election about a Free & Safe America, or Not.

It’s About Keeping The 2nd Amendment Vs. Losing Our Right To Bear Arms To Protect Ourselves.

I am seriously confused at why we are once again having discussions about Gun Control and Gun Laws. Here’s the statistics and why it makes no sense to me:

Let’s start with an image …

2011 Deaths

  • As you can see, you are more likely to die from a hammer, knife, drunken driver and medical malpractice than by a gun.
  • The Obama Administration doesn’t enforce the existing gun laws on the book, so why do we need more?

Murder Is Illegal

  • No new gun laws would’ve stopped the mass murders in America. However, if Obama would’ve enforced our existing laws a few could’ve been avoided.
  • There are double the number of guns in America than 20 years ago, and murders have dropped by over double over the past 20 years. There is a proven correlation between how many law abiding citizens have guns and how many murders there are. Remember, criminals, thugs and terrorist don’t follow laws so gun control really only affects law abiding citizens.
  • Honduras with a population of 8.2 million people bans citizens from owning guns and has the highest murder rate in the world compared to Switzerland also with a population of 8.2 million people and who requires its citizens to own guns has the lowest murder rate in the world.
  • To support the last point, Chicago has the some of the strictest gun laws in America and has the highest number of murders in a US city.
  • Gun laws only affect law abiding citizens. Criminals and terrorist don’t follow laws.
  • 92% of mass shootings have happened in gun free zones. If the people had a gun to protect themselves, the number of people murdered would’ve dropped dramatically.
  • On the argument that it’s the NRA’s fault, not a single NRA member has ever murdered anyone.
  • Finally, let’s look at what the CDC tells us about guns…

CDC Tells Us About Guns

  • The CDC found people who defend themselves with Guns are less likely to be killed or injured by criminals than those who do not have a gun to defend themselves.

But the liberal Democrats put a spin on guns like when Obama said it’s easier for a teenager to get a Glock than a Book. It’s just political manipulation. Here’s the reality…

Glock vs Book

Let’s look at a few more gun facts and statistics:

  • 90% of gun violence is by Democrats, a political party that demands compassion, understanding, tolerance and love for all.
  • Obama says we need to ban assalt weapons because Federal Background Checks simply don’t work, while in another news conference says, ‘Don’t worry about the 100,000 Muslim refugees because they’re all getting a Federal Background check’. So which one is it, Federal Background checks work or don’t work? I
    • I’m sharing this one to point out how politicians play the game and spin their words to fit their narrative. It’s not about what’s factually true. It’s about what fits their narrative.
  • The Government says, ‘Anyone on the terror list shouldn’t own a gun’. Logically, this makes sense. Here’s the rest of the story… Do you know who’s on the terror list? Veterans, Conservatives and members of the Tea Party (Click here to see a bigger list and here for another list). The Government lead by Obama decides who’s on the terror list which is why Republicans are fighting this. Again, political manipulation of the people.

So how do the candidates feel about guns.

In one breath Hillary says she’s going to sign an Executive Order holding gun manufactures liable for any deaths caused by their guns (if passed it would end guns being sold in America), and also said if she can ban handguns she will, and then in another breath (said again in her Presidential Nomination Speech) she said she was not coming after our guns.

Which one is it? Is she going to try and make gun manufacturers responsible for deaths by guns they manufacture, and also get handguns outlawed or is she not coming after our guns? It can only be she’s not after our guns or she is.

I think we all know which one it is.

Democrats purposely change the facts to fit their narrative. This image perfectly shows what they’re doing …

Obama-You Can Clearly See Who's To Blame

Think about this. If you and your family are in a restaurant and a terrorist pulls a gun and starts shooting people, are you hoping you and other customers in the restaurant have a gun to stop the terrorist, or do you support the liberal lefts position of just spreading some love to the terrorist and hope nobody in the restaurant has a gun because you’re against guns?

Me, I’m praying everyone else in the restaurant has a gun and they drop this terrorist immediately before he kills another person!

If you’re against guns you and your family are probably dead. Just look at all of the mass shootings that have happened… they just keep shooting and shooting to kill as many people as possible. It only ends once someone else with a gun kills the terrorist. Think about that.

If you support the right for law abiding citizens to own a gun and not infringing on our 2nd Amendment rights then you’re voting for Outsider Trump.

If you think we need to be like Honduras where no citizen is allowed to have a gun and want to take Chicago and the murder rate there to a whole new level which would happen if we were disarmed, especially with all of the Syrian Muslims coming to America, then you’re voting for Political Establishment Clinton.

If you don’t think Hillary’s after your guns and ending the 2nd Amendment, check this article out: Proof That Hillary Does Want To Make The Second Amendment Meaningless

Obama has set the stage for Hillary to take our guns away: Obama Launches Plan for UN Gun Take Over During Last Days Before Election

It’s About Being Politically Correct Vs. Common Sense.

First, what is Political Correct (PC)?



Political Correct Defined1

A Rasmussen Report finds that 71% of American adults think political correctness (PC) is a huge problem in America.

Watch this video on how Obama has been controlling the narrative using Politically Correct language (Or can watch it on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsxNLue99SQ)…

Hillary will be no different. Just listen to her speeches.

We’ve all read a lot about PC the past few years. Me, I’m just sick and tired of it.

If you support PC to continue manipulating people’s way of thinking you support Political Establishment Clinton. If you think it’s time we ended PC and started using our good ol’ common sense then you support Outsider Trump.

It’s About Creating More Jobs Vs. Losing More Jobs.

Before I get started on this topic, let me share a few things with you:

  • For the first time in the history of America more businesses are closing than new businesses are starting up.
  • We’ve already lost 1/3 of our manufacturing jobs.
  • The top causes for businesses closing or moving out of America is Taxes, Regulations and ObamaCare costs.
  • The majority of new jobs being added to the economy are low paying jobs.
  • American’s are making less money today compared to what they were making when Obama took over in 2008.
  • The Obama Administration manipulates the employment numbers to fit their narrative. For one, they do not include the many millions of people who have given up looking for a job.
  • One in five households in America do not have a single person in the house holding a job.
  • Home ownership is at an all time low!

Scary, isn’t it?

It’s for good reason that the economy and jobs is one of the top issues this year for the election. Let’s break this down to two groups … things that will spur job growth and things that don’t.

Things To hinder Job creations or affect us from finding a job:

  • Taxes the business has to pay. Now keep in mind, it’s not just taxes on the profits, it’s also payroll taxes and other taxes they pay for each employee. If an employee earns $10/hr, after paying taxes and the other costs associated to just having an employee the business is actually paying out over $20/hr for each $10/hr employee.
    • It’s not that employers don’t want to pay you more. It’s that the employer has to pay so much money to the state and federal government just to have you as an employee! Politicians, the government and the liberal main street media won’t tell you this, but instead wants you to think employers are unfair and won’t pay their employees better.
  • Regulations. There are so many regulations a business has to follow, for many they just can’t keep up. Plus, to be in compliance of all of these regulations it’s costing the business many thousands of dollars. For many types of businesses regulations are so complex and there are so many it’s nearly impossible for someone to start a new business in those fields.
  • Immigrants, refugees and H1B Visa’s. As is, there just aren’t that many jobs available. Increase the employment pool by thousands with immigrants, refugees and H1B visa people and it really makes it harder for an American to find a job, especially since any of these people will take a job for less money than the typical American.
    • The reason employers love foreigners on an H1B Visa is because the employer can pay them less money than they’d pay an American citizen. This is in fact the outcry from American’s… they just can’t compete.
    • In the technical industry and software industry this is a very serious problem. Take a good programmer with 10 years of experience as an example. An American programmer with 10 years of experience will expect to get paid $120,000+/yr or $58+/hr where a programmer in India, Pakistan and other countries with 12+ years of experience is only paid $20-25/hr. That’s 1/3 to 1/2 as much which allows the employer to either hire more people from India or save a ton of money.
    • This is also why so many business outsource to foreign countries… they can pay them far less. We’re talking to less than $1/hr and up, but no where close to the hourly wages of America! American’s can’t compete!
    • If a $15/hr minimum wage is passed into law, outsourcing and H1B Visa’s will be even more widely used in America which will take even more jobs from American’s. Don’t blame the business. Blame the government for forcing the business to find ways to cut costs just so they can stay in business and not controlling H1B Visa’s.
    • Did you know a business could outsource things like receptionist, Customer Support, Accounting, Tax Preparation, programming, manufacturing (have you ever watched Shark Tank), Data Entry, Research & Development, Creative Services, Healthcare Services, Marketing Services and Engineering, to name a few jobs.

Things To Create Jobs:

  • Reduce taxes. This frees up money for the business to work with to include hiring more people.
  • Reduce regulations. This reduces costs to start and run a business.
  • Put restraints and guidelines to H1B Visa’s, including limiting the number allowed. These foreigners are taking a lot of our good paying jobs and making it harder for college grads to find a good job.
  • Stop income manipulation with other countries and make it fair when competing with countries who only pay workers $1/hr.

Now, remember what’s I’ve shared, this is not a Democrat Vs a Republican because if it was it could easily be a toss up on who you should pick and the differences between each when it comes to jobs.

This election isn’t Democrat Vs. Republican. It’s a Political Establishment Vs. an outsider and businessman.

Hillary has never owned a business and doesn’t have a fraction of the experience Trump has when it comes to what it takes to start and grow a business. In addition, Clinton has never created new jobs where Trump has created many thousands of new jobs. When it comes to jobs and businesses, Clinton can’t compare to Trump.

When Hillary was campaigning for Senator of NY she said she’d create 200,000 new jobs in NY. The actual results was a lose of 8,000 jobs. Not only couldn’t she create the 200,000 jobs promised, she couldn’t keep the existing jobs losing 8,000 more.

Hillary simply does NOT know how to create jobs.

Because of Clinton’s lack of experience and knowledge in this area she’s ignorantly planning to massively increase taxes to businesses which will kill jobs, will follow Obama on regulations which will kill jobs, wants to increase the number of H1B Visa’s, wants to give illegal aliens citizenship (estimated around 20 million), wants to increase refugees by 550% and wants to increase the minimum wage to $15/hr Federal rate which will kill jobs. The less jobs available, the higher the demand for the jobs available and the lower the wages.

Trump on the other hand has an incredible amount of knowledge and experience in this area. He’s doing all of the things to increase jobs… reducing taxes, ending all of the regulations Obama put in place via Executive Order and is putting controls on H1B Visa’s including reducing the number of them to be issued. Plus he’ll stop illegal immigration to America and the other things that are killing jobs and taking our jobs away. Trump gets it.

He’s also going to work on bringing back our manufacturing jobs and on stopping companies from leaving America and moving to Mexico and other countries. Hillary won’t do what it takes to do these things because they go against her Globalization views, where Trump is solely focused on what’s in America’s best interest.

It’s About Dramatically Increasing Taxes Vs. A Significant Decrease In Taxes.

Hillary plans to ATTACK the Middle Class with Higher Taxes even though she has said numerous times she won’t. We’re ALL going to pay a lot more taxes, and businesses are going to get taxed even more which will cost us more jobs.

Here’s a current article that breaks down how she’s going to increase our taxes: Full List of Hillary’s Planned Tax Hikes

Per this article …

Hillary has endorsed several tax increases on middle income Americans, despite her pledge not to raise taxes on any American making less than $250,000. She has said she would be fine with a payroll tax hike on all Americans, she has endorsed a steep soda tax, endorsed a 25% national gun tax, and most recently, her campaign manager John Podesta said she would be open to a carbon tax.

It’s no wonder that when asked by ABC’s George Stephanopoulos if her pledge was a “rock-solid” promise, she slipped and said the pledge was merely a “goal.” In other words, she’s going to raise taxes on middle income Americans.

Hillary’s tax increases will generate an additional $1 TRILLION dollars in taxes with every penny needed to continue supporting the huge increase in immigrants and refugees Hillary plans to bring into America.

Donald Trump, on the other hand, is proposing a significant decrease in taxes for both individuals and businesses with the Middle Class and below seeing the biggest decrease. With this kind of decrease we should see Reagan like economic growth.

Currently businesses in America pay the highest tax in the world. By reducing the taxes businesses have to pay it will give incentives to hire more people and for American’s to start more businesses.

Under Obama, for the first time in the history of America more businesses are closing up than starting up. This is due to all of the regulations, ObamaCare and the high taxes businesses pay. Hillary will double down on Obama’s policies and will make businesses pay even more in taxes.

If you support a massive increase in taxes for individuals including the middle class and for businesses which will further stunt business growth then you’re voting for Clinton.

If you support a massive decrease in taxes for everyone, especially the middle class and lower, and for businesses then you’re voting for Trump.

It’s About The Political Establishment and Elite Vs. We The People.

When this great nation was founded, our founding fathers left a tyrant government and created the Bill of Rights and Constitution so this would be a government of the people for the people.

However, over the past 70+ years we’ve slowly and gradually been watching our politicians spit in our face and make laws that hurt us and take away our freedoms to support Big Businesses, Special Interest Groups and Lobbyist who are paying our politicians millions.

Brexit was Britian’s ending the corruption in their government and turning the power back to the Brits.

We are faced with the same choice here in America … continue on with the Political Establishment making laws to support everyone but us American’s or turning the power back to We The People.

Now keep in mind, this is not a political party thing. The establishment is both Democrats and Republicans.

If you’re a Republican, look at how Republicans have supported Obama’s policies that supported Big Businesses and other countries. Or how about that $1.1 Trillion dollar budget Ryan approved this last year for Obama’s last year in office.

If you’re a Democrat, same thing… how do you like it that Democrat politicians are supporting Big Businesses and other countries over doing what’s in America and American’s best interest? This is why Bernie Sanders was so popular… he was a voice against the political establishment and for the people.

Both the Republican and Democrat parties have veered a long ways from what they  originally stood for. Both parties have become corrupt and both parties have forgotten who really has the power here… We The People.

For 7 1/2 years I’ve been asking the same question … “When do American’s and America become the first priority?”

This is the year everything could change thanks to an outsider being a presidential candidate who since day 1 has stated:

  • he’s putting America and American’s first,
  • who will end the corruption in government,
  • who will end the corruption in politics and
  • who will turn the power back to We The People.

This years election is a clear case of the very powerful Establishment who will do anything to win, and knows all of the dirtiest tricks versus an Outsider who’s for We The People. It’s like David versus Goliath. Just look at what the Democrats did to Bernie Sanders rigging the system for Political Elite Hillary to win the primaries.

My fellow American’s, this election is not Republican Vs. Democrat. This election is We The People Vs. Establishment Politicians.

It’s About The Status Quo of 4 More Years Of Obama Policies Vs. Real Change Focused On What’s In America & American’s Best Interest.

Hillary has been in or part of politics for over 40 years. She’s the poster child to Establishment Politics.

If you want the Status Quo and four more years of Obama’s policies, Globalization, immigration, refugees and the other things the Political Establishment support then Clinton’s your vote.

If you’re looking for real change and want someone who will finally put America and American’s first, Trumps your vote.

It’s About Getting Our Spending Under Control and Reducing Our Debt Vs. Bankrupting America.

It’s about a 20-21 Trillion dollar debt where we’re almost to the point of no return and adding to it with more freebie’s that’ll eventually bankrupt America vs. ending excessive government spending, balancing the budget and paying down the debt for a free America.

If America goes bankrupt, here’s what could happen (per this article):

1) Your life savings could be reduced to nothing almost overnight. Inflation is a fact of life. As Thomas Sowell has noted, “As of 1998, a $100 bill would not buy as much as a $20 bill would buy in the 1960’s.” That’s under normal circumstances.

However, the thing governments have traditionally done when they simply can’t pay their debts is print more money. The problem with this is the further you expand the money supply, the less the money you already have on hand is worth. This can wipe out the savings of a lifetime in a relatively short period. Imagine spending hundreds of dollars just to buy a loaf of bread. Sound far-fetched? Well, guess what? That has happened in the Weimar Republic, which was crushed under debts from WWI and decided to pay it off by printing more money. It could happen here, too, and all the money you’ve scrimped and saved could become worthless in a short order.

2) Your taxes will skyrocket. We’ve been conned into thinking that we can fund a massive government on the backs of the rich. This is simply not so. It’s not working today and it’s not going to happen in the future. We cannot tax the rich enough to pay off our debt or even enough to keep the government going long-term.

Even if we could, the rich have the resources to flee the country for greener pastures if they’re being taxed into oblivion. The middle class? Not so much.

What that means is the more desperate the government gets, the more the average American is going to be hammered with new taxes. How much more of your income can you afford to send overseas to pay China for the money they’ve loaned us to keep PBS, Planned Parenthood, and the National Endowment of the Arts going?

What about if the country goes bankrupt and your income tax rate shoots up fifty percent or more? How are you going to pay your mortgage? How are you going to feed your kids?

When the government runs out of cash and it can’t borrow any more money, then it will start leveling massive taxes on the American people.

3) Your life could be in danger. If the government goes bankrupt, you’ll have an extremely angry, confused, and frustrated populace that has little faith in its leaders — combined with a horrific economy and a reduced ability of the government to keep order. Under those circumstances, widespread rioting and violent crime seem entirely plausible.

When Argentina had its crisis, violence went up 142% and “young men began looting supermarkets.”

Here’s some of what happened during the German hyperinflation of the currency in Weimar Republic after it started printing money night and day,

The flight from currency that had begun with the buying of diamonds, gold, country houses, and antiques now extended to minor and almost useless items — bric-a-brac, soap, hairpins. The law-abiding country crumbled into petty thievery. Copper pipes and brass armatures weren’t safe. Gasoline was siphoned from cars. People bought things they didn’t need and used them to barter — a pair of shoes for a shirt, some crockery for coffee. Berlin had a “witches’ Sabbath” atmosphere. Prostitutes of both sexes roamed the streets. Cocaine was the fashionable drug.

4) Your payments from the government will dramatically decrease or stop altogether. Contrary to what some people believe, Medicare and Social Security are paid out of the same fund that pays for everything else.

In other words, if the government goes bankrupt, there is no money set aside to pay for these programs. So, if you’re receiving Social Security, Medicare, welfare, food stamps, or any other similar programs, those checks could stop or be slashed down to nothing.

That seems unthinkable to people, but if the government doesn’t have any money, then it can’t pay it out to people. As they say, “You can’t get blood out of a turnip.”

5) You will have a dramatically reduced standard of living. If taxes and inflation escalate dramatically, both of which are very likely if we go bankrupt, economic activity will slow to a crawl and we’ll go into a depression.

We’re not talking about a “This is the worst economy since the Depression” situation that we hear every time there’s a mild downturn in the economy; we’re talking about a REAL depression. Businesses will close left and right, the stock market will tank, unemployment will soar to heights not seen since the thirties, and the government won’t be in a position to help very much.

If that happens in a country like America, where people have been so prosperous for so long, it’s going to produce utter misery. It’s not a lot of fun to be poor under the best of circumstances, but it’s much worse to go from having a comfortable life with a bright future to growing vegetables to eat in the backyard and wondering how you’re going to keep warm in the winter.

For Election 2016 we have Hillary Clinton who wants to increase refugees coming to America by 550% which is a huge cost and wants to now give American’s free college, to name just a few things. When we have a 20 TRILLION dollar debt already, where’s the money going to come from?

Plus, Hillary will be increasing taxes to businesses which will kill more businesses which will reduce the amount of taxes coming into the government while increasing the number of people on entitlement programs.

I could go on and on.

Obviously Politicians won’t be honest with us of the dire place America is in.

If you don’t want America to go bankrupt then you must vote for Outsider Trump who’s putting America first. As a businessman, Trump understands very clearly the problems with having this much debt and just how close we are to going bankrupt.

If you’re dependent upon the government with entitlement programs, keep in mind that if America goes bankrupt your entitlement programs WILL END! How can the government continue to support you when it has no money?!

Life as you know it will end!

Hillary will then have the way to literally selling America to foreign countries to pay off our debt we can’t pay. This would make her very rich, and America will be no more. Yes, I’m very serious… look at how she facilitated the sale of 20% of the uranium in America to Russia, and then the hundreds of millions she made because of this.

America has a ton of natural resources and the best farm lands in the world, all of which would be very valuable and worth a lot to foreign countries.

Bankrupting America by establishment politicians is all by design.

It’s About Believing In A Politician Vs. Believing In An Outsider.

Politicians are great talkers. They love to talk. They talk, talk, talk but they get very little done. They make promises they never keep. They are habitual liars. I think this is how most people look at politicians. Agreed?

Many Americans — 78% — do not like the direction this country is going. I agree.

Republicans are furious with their elected politicians and Democrats are furious with their elected politicians. Neither party of politicians are listening to what we American’s want. 

We American’s for both parties are just simply not happy with the political system in America. Somewhere along the way our politicians stopped listening to us and starting serving large businesses, special interests and lobbyist who are paying these politicians millions.

Most of us believe politicians are simply selling their vote to the highest bidder. That’s not how it’s suppose to work.

The question is, are you going to put your trust into a veteran politician who really knows how to play the game and is confirmed liar or are you going to trust a businessman who’s an outsider who vows to put America and American’s first?

Or maybe the real question here is, are you going to continue allowing the political establishment stay in power (status quo) or are you ready for the power and priority to return back to We The People?

It’s About Putting America and American’t First Vs. Putting Immigrants, Refugees, Other Countries and Multi-National Companies First.

Throughout this article I’ve already discussed a lot of this.

If you are ready for America and American’s to be first, your vote will be for Trump.

If you support globalization and continue putting immigrants, refugees, other countries and multi-national companies first then you’re voting for Clinton.

It’s About Having Liberal Supreme Court Justices Vs. Having Conservative Supreme Court Justices (This is huge).

This is HUGE!

Right now there’s an opening for a Supreme Court Judge. Currently there are 8 Judges, 4 Progressive and 4 Conservative. Whoever becomes President will appoint the 9th Supreme Court Judge who will break ties. Clinton will appoint a very left progressive judge and Trump will appoint a very conservative judge.

The purpose of the Supreme Court is to clarify laws that people disagree on. Too often a law could be interpreted more than one way.

The Supreme Court is the final say on the meaning of law. The Supreme Court is not suppose to create laws, just interpret the law.

When interpreting something how you interpret it is based upon your beliefs. A conservative judge will stick to conservative values and a progressive judge will look at it in a progressive way.

Take the 2nd Amendment as an example. It reads, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Such language has created considerable debate regarding the Amendment’s intended scope. On the one hand, some believe that the Amendment’s phrase “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms” creates an individual constitutional right for citizens of the United States. Under this “individual right theory,” the United States Constitution restricts legislative bodies from prohibiting firearm possession, or at the very least, the Amendment renders prohibitory and restrictive regulation presumptively unconstitutional.

On the other hand, some scholars point to the prefatory language “a well regulated Militia” to argue that the Framers intended only to restrict Congress from legislating away a state’s right to self-defense. Scholars have come to call this theory “the collective rights theory.” A collective rights theory of the Second Amendment asserts that citizens do not have an individual right to possess guns and that local, state, and federal legislative bodies therefore possess the authority to regulate firearms without implicating a constitutional right.

The Supreme Court makes the final decision of what is meant. A Conservative Judge will say citizens have the right to bear arms. A Progressive Judge will say this only references the Militia and not citizens giving the government the legal rights to take away our guns.

I used the 2nd Amendment as the example for the Supreme Court Judge because it is expected that if Clinton is President she will take the  the 2nd Amendment back to the Supreme Court to be voted on once again. Regardless to what she says during her campaign, over the past 4 years she’s made it very clear that she wants to disarm us.

Voting for Hillary will put a Progressive Judge on the Supreme Court:

  • It will be the end of the 2nd Amendment whether by overturning the meaning of the 2nd Amendment or giving victim families the right to sue gun manufacturers who have no control over how anyone uses their products.
  • It is then anticipated that Hillary will attack the 1st Amendment and our Freedom Of Speech to muzzle Americans on sharing their fears of Politicians, Islam Muslims and so on calling it “Hate Speech”.
  • A Progressive Judge will support a massive increase of immigrants and refugees.
  • A Progressive Judge will move America in a Globalization, Progressive direction

If you support Progressive values and feel the Government should have ultimate power and not We The People, you’d vote for Hillary Clinton.

If you believe We The People should have the power and are tired of being in bondage to the Government, and don’t want to lose the 2nd Amendment, Freedom of Speech and want to retain America’s conservative values then you’d vote for Donald Trump.

This right here, the appointing of a Supreme Court Judge, is THE most important part of the election this year. Whoever appoints the Supreme Court Judge will then be able put in place the direction America goes.

There are no term limits for the Supreme Court Judge… it’s a lifetime appointment.

When Democrats/Progressives/Liberals disagree with Republicans/Conservatives, it’s the Supreme Court that makes the final decision.

When you realize the significant role the Supreme Court has in the direction America goes and what rights and freedoms we Americans have, this is the #1 issue for Election 2016! Vote very carefully. 

Love or hate either of the Presidential Candidates, vote the direction you want America to go.

It’s About Keeping American’s In Poverty So They Can Be Controlled Vs. Helping American’s Break Free Of The Bondage They’re Under.

It really is.

Let me explain it to you this way. How do you control people?

By controlling their ability to eat and have a roof over their head.

Let’s take this a step further… How do you control a person getting food and having a roof over their heads?

By keeping them in poverty and dependent upon the government to provide these items.

Entitlement programs is a “control the people strategy”. Just notice how many people on entitlement programs vote Democrat… the high majority!

It is to the advantage of Democrats to keep people in poverty and on Food Stamps and other entitlement programs like housing and welfare for cash.

They can tell you all day long that they want to create more jobs, but it’s a catch 22 for Democrats to do that. Here’s why:

  • If American’s stay in poverty and on entitlement programs they continue voting Democrat.
  • If they created new jobs and people started working they’d notice how heavily they’re taxed and how little money they actually take home because of Democrat tax policies and could convert to Republican to get taxes reduced.

Politicians don’t do anything that won’t support their agenda and narrative and help them get re-elected. But they will certainly tell you what you want to hear.

If becoming independent and not dependent upon anyone is important to you and you don’t want to pay so many taxes, Trump is your vote.

If you just want to live off the government which is really other peoples money (the government and 100% of the money they spend is solely funded by taxes from other people working and businesses) which also puts you at the mercy of the government, your vote is Clinton.

It’s About Establishment Elite Clinton Vs. Outsider and Business Owner Trump

This election is between two polar different people.

The Establish is going to fight Trump with everything they’ve got, to include fabricating things, lying and playing very dirty. They must win to keep their gravy train going.

Take calling Trump a racist. Prior to him taking on the Clinton Machine for President, nobody would ever call Trump a racist. He’s hired and worked with many Blacks, Latino’s, Asians and women. Throughout Trumps history he’s never been called a racist nor would anyone even consider for a second that he is.

Now the liberal left is calling Trump a racist because this is what they do. They [Clinton’s] start a dialogue and the mainstream media backs them up. Not that there’s anything that supports Trump being a racist, but solely because Hillary wants people to think he is a racist.

Trump Was Never Accused Of Racism Until Dems Started Saying It

The fabricated names they’ll be calling Trump will get far worse between now and the elections in November. Who knows what they’ll say he’s done. Look at what Harry Reid did to Romney that really hurt his ability to win the election in 2008, and it was all one big lie!

It’s going to get really bad! Look at what we learned from the WikiLeaks showing the Democrats true colors and the lengths they’ll go to to win.

We already know Hillary is a well seasoned liar and has been lying to American’s and Congress for years (Can also watch at YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Z8pnk2rvYo)…

For a longer more detailed discussion you can watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bC1Mc6-RDyQ

There’s more.

The Clinton’s have mastered how to use their positions in political roles to drive millions of dollars to them in their “pay to play” strategy. Just look at how much money the Clinton’s brought in while Hillary was Secretary of State.

In fact, do this, watch Clinton Cash to get an idea of how they roll (here’s link to watch it on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LYRUOd_QoM)…

Then when you’re done watching this movie, watch this next video Hillary got stopped from being shown in theaters (here’s link to watch it on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BUUy1C0_4g)…

We The People must get our country back. We have all of the power, but only if we collectively come together and make sure Clinton’s past actions support her campaign promises. I say this because you can count on her lying through her teeth to convince you to vote for her. Already we’re watching her flip-flop on issues depending on who she’s talking too.

A video I watched about Donald Trump that spans 30 years of interviews with Trump I found very enlightening. What I was the most impressed with is how consistent Trump has been throughout the years, whether it was 30 years ago or last year… Trump is just Trump. He’s not flip-flopping or changing his views like Clinton and her army of mainstream media outlets would like you to think.

Here’s the video (here’s link to watch it on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJyIztXX3Bs)…

It’s expected that Hillary will spend upwards of $2 Billion dollars to get elected. Most of that will be on negative ads attacking Trump played in the battle ground states.

From what I’ve observed over the years with the Clinton’s, very little of it will be true. Instead they will try to discredit Trump with misleading statements or get you to think Trump isn’t qualified.

Let’s be blunt here. Trump runs a multi-national huge business. What experience did Obama have? Or does any politician have to be president?

Being President means knowing how to surround yourself with the right people, not your buddy’s and pals. It means being able to make quick decisions like Trump has had to do every day with his businesses, or the business would fail.

The fact is, Trump is far more qualified to be President than any Senator is!

Now a Governor of a state would equal Trump because a Governor has to actually make decisions for the state and there’s a track record of the results from the decisions made to show if the Governor is good at making decisions or not.

Both a Governor and a businessman have track records to measure how good they are at what they do.

Clinton has never been a Governor. Nor has Clinton ever been a business owner. Trump the Business Owner extraordinar with Pence the Governor makes them an incredible team who can whip this country into shape.

Here’s What It’s Not About … Democrat Vs. Republican. This Is An Election About AMERICA And What’s In OUR Best Interest!

And It’s Ultimately About The Establishment Vs. We The People.

Vote Wisely This Year… There’s A Lot On The Line Including The Sovereignty Of America, Our Freedom’s, The 2nd Amendment And Who Will Appoint The Next Supreme Court Judge Which Will Control The Direction America Goes For At Least The Next Generation If Not The Next Two Generations!

This Election Is About We The People Taking Back Our Country!

Other Articles You May Be Interested In:

All Politicians Should Earn Your Vote (Highly recommended reading)

When Bill Clinton Was President (Discusses Hillary’s Roles Bill Assigned Her To)

The Democrat Convention Was A Real Eye Opener

Obama’s & Other Speakers Sales Pitch For Hillary

Hillary & Democrats Pandering For The African-American Vote (Highly recommended reading)

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