ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN Have American Blood On Their Hands

ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, Huffington Post And The Other Mainstream Medias Will Have American Blood On Their Hands

The Mainstream Media is playing a dangerous game which will cause a lot of American’s to be murdered and killed, and this is just for starters what is on the Mainstream Media’s shoulders.

Why, you may ask, is the blood of murdered American’s on the Mainstream Media’s hands?

Before I get started I want you to think about something. I will likely be sharing things with you that you either haven’t heard about before or don’t believe. Just because you haven’t heard about it before or don’t believe it doesn’t mean it’s not true.

First, ask yourself this question: Why do I believe what I do? Where did I hear the information that has made me believe what I believe?

  • If from another person, where did he/she get his/her information?
  • If from the Mainstream Media, did you get all of the information on the topic from both sides so you can make a good decision or just one side to the topic?

What I am going to encourage you to do is do your own research on the different topics I present to you. Just Google them.

But, you need to hurry because Obama gave away control and management of the Internet to foreign countries so you can be guaranteed that as quickly as they can without raising red flags they will start censoring the Internet of view points they don’t want us to know. This point will make a whole lot more sense to you after you’ve finished reading this article.

Today you will be able to find all of the information you need to support everything I’m going to be sharing with you here. But that may not be true a month from now. Here’s a video of Obama already talking about censoring the internet giving Government control over what’s shared and what isn’t…

Let’s jump into this article. Make sure you don’t skip over or miss the section covering HOW The Mainstream Media Are Controlling You.

Why The Mainstream Media Has American Blood On Their Hands…

Let’s say an administrator is told by a student that another student wants to bring guns into the school and shoot and kill as many people as he can. The administrator who learned about this really likes this student. They have a really good relationship. So the administrator chastises the student who told him but this student.

The administrator protects the so-called shooter. The administrator changes the narrative and calls those who are concerned about this so-called shooter names like “negative nellies” and does other name calling to stop them from pursuing having this so-called shooter’s name tarnished and make sure he’s not unjustly accused of something he hasn’t done. “Don’t be so paranoid,” he told people. (This is using Politically Correct language to control people’s behaviors and actions.)

Grant the fact that this student has a history with guns, he is having problems with a lot of students and he’s clearly ready to break, this administrator likes this student so the administrator does everything he can to protect the student, and to shame others who would say anything about his threats to bring guns to school to kill people.

The student in question comes to school and kills a bunch of other students and a few teachers.

Should the administrator be held accountable for not pursuing known facts, for shaming others from saying anything to anyone, for not taking the threat serious?

Absolutely! The administrator may even be convicted as an accomplice for not saying anything but knowing about it.

So why then isn’t the Mainstream Media held accountable for doing basically the same thing?

News Organizations Have One Job… To Report Unbiased Fact Based News!

The Mainstream Media has a job… to give us American’s the FACTS about our Presidential candidates so we American’s can make a decision based upon facts. After all, the President has incredible power and influence world wide and we want to make sure the person we vote for is the person we learned about during the campaign.

Over the years I’ve voted for Democrats and Republicans both. My vote is based upon facts about each candidate. The MSM have all of these facts and all of this information that could help us to make a better informed decision, but because they’re afraid we won’t vote for who they want us to vote for they are simply not sharing these facts with us.

Maybe if they had some accountability to what they are telling us they’d start telling the who truth, providing both sides to a story, and not holding back facts even if they may sway a viewers opinion about a person.

Instead, the MSM takes no responsibility for their part in anything.

Personally, I think it goes way beyond this. I think the Mainstream Media should be held accountable for attacks against America when they refuse to provide us the facts to make an intelligent decision on who we should vote for.

Today’s mainstream media is more like the National Enquirer… more opinion driven than being a news organization.

For this reason alone –aren’t reporting the news, just sharing their opinions and controlling the narrative– they should lose their classification as a news organization and be considered a smear publication that just shares opinions.

There should be a warning at the bottom of the TV at all times that informs viewers that they are not reporting the news but instead are simply sharing “their views”, sharing “their opinions”, that if they want unbiased fact based news that covers both sides of a topic they should change the channel to a real news organization.

Then, if they want to be considered an actual news media then they must provide unbiased, fact based news that covers both sides equally.

I am just so sick and tired of being manipulated and controlled by the Mainstream Media who don’t share my views for America (see below where I discuss what they’re really after).

I’m all for the 1st Amendment and feel anyone should be able to say what they want. The problem here is people expect “news organizations” to report the news, not biased opinionated information that’s slanted to the narrative they want to present which then influences peoples opinions and beliefs on a subject.

In order to be considered a News Organization they should be required to report the news based upon facts.

The media knows that they have the ability to influence how people think about things and have the ability to control the minds of those who read or watch their opinionated broadcasts. It’s by design that they are all working together to minimize or simply not discuss all of Hillary’s corruption, scandals and criminal activities, and are trying to make Trump look like a pervert and monster.

We may end up electing the most corrupt person in the history of America campaigning to be President all because of these so called news organizations are providing one sided coverage and are purposely avoiding any discussion on things that would be negative about her.


Now, I’m going to share with you WHY the Mainstream Media (MSM) is supporting Hillary and down playing Trump, and I’m going to discuss HOW the media is controlling your mind and your actions.

Now, I assume you, like me and most of us Americans, that you do not want to be manipulated or controlled by others. Am I right?

If this is true and you want to be an independent thinker and not pulled around like a little puppy dog on a leash, then I would believe you’d want the truth and facts about both sides of the topic so you can make up your own mind on which side to believe. Agreed?

Let’s start with how the media controls your mind.

HOW The Media Uses Mind Control Tactics To Control Your Thoughts And Decisions

Let me tell you, it’s not hard to manipulate you to their way of thinking.

All of us are built the same way. We all have a nervous system and we all learn basically the same way. The MSM just simply takes advantage of this.

Let me give you an example. Let’s say you went to work and the first person you saw said to you, “Hey, are you feeling okay? You don’t look so well.”

You reply back, “Ya, I feel fine.”

The next person you see also asks you if you’re feeling okay. This continues one employee after employee.

By the time the seventh person has asked you this, all of a sudden you don’t feel so good so you ask your boss if you could go home.

Repetition is the mother to all skills. It’s how we learn anything new. Repetition, repetition, repetition.

If all you’re hearing is how terrible Trump is and slanted views to things he’s said, if you hear it enough you’ll start to believe it. Especially if there’s no, or very little, comments about Hillary’s scandals, corruption and criminal activities.

Take the crude, totally unacceptable audio we all heard of Trump trying to impress Billy Bush and saying terrible things about women.

The MSM turned this whole thing into being worse than if someone had murdered someone. They are talking about it over and over again. Do you know what they don’t talk about?

The numerous Bill Clinton affairs and how Hillary viciously attacked these women and threatened them to keep their mouths shut. Or about the WikiLeaks that PROVE she’s corrupt, a criminal and has a very bad temperament constantly cussing out the police and military people around her.

You tell me, which is worse … what someone SAYS or what someone actually DOES?

But you won’t hear hardly anything about the actions of Hillary and Bill. Why?

Because they (MSM) wants to control your mind. They want Hillary as the President so they are “protecting” Hillary by not reporting things negative about her and are going way overboard on Trump. Check this out…


This is what the MSM does… repeats over and over again narratives they want you to adapt and believe as truth, while not talking about or minimizing topics that would hurt their mission.

In this example they are blowing out of proportion those crude words Trump said 11 years ago, while making sure you have very little information about the  numerous WikiLeak emails showing how Hillary really feels about American’s, Catholics and Muslims; showing the corruption with the DNC; or what the Clinton’s did to the Haitian people at the last earthquake hitting them; and showing the many scandals of Hillary to include showing Benghazi could’ve been avoided and is solely on Hillary’s shoulders.

They don’t want you to see the negative side of Hillary but they absolutely want to create a monster with Trump to scare you off from voting for him.

It’s no difference than supporting an arsonist as fire chief by not revealing he’s an arsonist, covering up he’s an arsonist and avoiding any conversations about him being an arsonist.

It’s all about controlling your belief system by controlling what you learn about the topic at hand. In this case, we’re talking about not only the most powerful position in America, but in the world… President of the United States.

Don’t you think it would be important that they disclose all facts equally for both candidates and not purposely slant the facts, only tell partial truths and not hide facts that would unquestionably change your views on a candidate, while at the same time purposely trying to make the other candidate appear to be a terrible person by embellishing facts, not giving all of the facts and orchestrating a carefully planned smear campaign to change your views of a person?

It’s one thing when each candidate does smear campaigns in advertisements, but a whole unethical thing when news organizations we turn to for unbiased factual news also does it.

In addition, there’s a big difference between just words and actions a person takes. Shouldn’t a person’s actions be far more important that what a person says?

Just to be clear, it’s not my intention in this article to compare Trump and Hillary (already did this here), but instead to talk about how and why the MSM is purposely manipulating you to control your thoughts.

I don’t know about you but I personally can’t stand being manipulated and people using mind control strategies on me to control what I believe based upon biased information, partial truths, not giving me all of the facts and not giving me both sides of the story.

It’s like as if you and another co-worker get into a fight on something and the boss only listens to and takes the other person’s side and completely ignores and disregards your side and anything you’d say about what happened.

Or if a woman was raped and the judge wouldn’t listen to her side of it, and only listened to and accepted the rapist story.

This is what the Mainstream Media is doing!

Let’s continue on with this subject…

WHY The MSM Wants To Control Your Mind To Control Who You Will Vote For

It all boils down to three things:

  1. Being owned by Multi-National Companies and having foreign ownership with these companies that own the MSM.
  2. Bribes by organizations like Soro’s and even the Government to control the narrative. And,
  3. Globalization.

Yes, you read that right, the United States Government has a hand in controlling the narrative by Mainstream Media…


In addition to this, Obama has a hand in controlling CNN’s narrative.

You should also know there are just five giant corporations who control 90 percent of the US mass media. Each have a direct link connecting all five of these media conglomerates to the political establishment and the economic and political power-elites of the United States.

These five conglomerates are all major media conglomerates who are corporate members of the Council on Foreign relations. Disney, Murdochs’ News Corporation, Bertelsmann of Germany, and Viacom (formerly CBS).

Their control spans most of the newspapers, magazines, books, radio and TV stations, movie studios, and much of the web news content of the United States. These conglomerates are in large measure responsible for instilling the social, political, economic, and moral values of both adults and children in the United States. (You can learn more at

Hillary wants a Global government that controls ALL countries (she’ll give away our sovereignty to do this), she wants Globalization, she wants open borders so anyone can come to America (which would include Terrorist, radical islam terrorist who want to kill us if we won’t convert to Sharia and drug cartels), she wants to end the 2nd Amendment to end American’s having guns (can’t 100% fully control American’s when so many have guns) and she wants income equality which will destroy the free enterprise system like it has in ALL other countries that have tried to do this.

Guess what?

This is also what the companies who OWN the Mainstream Media wants too! Globalization and a global government is very good for the multi-national companies and big banks. They all get a whole lot richer, and gain a whole lot more control.

Can you see why they would want to push so hard for Globalization and a world government?

Hillary is their ticket to accomplish this. Remember, these companies are partially owned by foreign companies who have large interest in foreign companies that compete with American companies.

America has been a world power in manufacturing, products and food and is rich in natural resources that other countries would just love to have their hands on. Already, thanks to Hillary and our government, the energy companies in America are primarily owned by foreign countries, China owns thousands of acres of land in America, Russia has interest in American resources (Uranium, specifically: 20% of it) and Sadie Arabia is buying up our farms and farm land and shipping 100% of what they produce back to their country.

Are you starting to see what’s going on here?

Bill Clinton started the downfall of America on the world landscape with NAFTA. Since then we’ve LOST 1/3 of our manufacturing jobs, and our GDP is the lowest its ever been!

Obama played a key role in moving America to Globalization. Hillary will finish the job, and then we’ll be no better off than other countries. Pay will drop to the lowest its ever been just to compete with foreign countries that only pay their employees sometimes less than $1/hour. It’s what will have to happen when we’re playing on the global platform.

Truly, at this point, the rich will get far richer and the poor will get far poorer. There will be no middle class… either you’re rich or you’re poor, all in order to compete on the global level.

But the MSM doesn’t want you to know the real consequences to American’s with globalization and there being a global government. Just remember what Obama said about ObamaCare… You’ll save $2500 on your premiums, you can keep your doctors and you can keep your policies.

NONE of this happened. Instead premiums skyrocketed, deductibles massively increased just to afford coverage, coverages got far worse, you lost your policy and many lost their doctors. But, after all of this was learned it was way too late to change it. Whether we liked it or not, we are now stuck with ObamaCare!

If politicians “sell you” on the benefits of globalization and you buy into it, there will be no turning things around or going back to the good life once it’s in full play! Just like same-sex marriages are now the law of the land and there’s no going back.

If we give up our sovereignty to a world order (Global Government), there will be no turning back! America will then be under the control of foreign governments and will no longer be, “Of the people, for the people”. And along with this you can count on American’s being disarmed and not allowed to own guns, and there will no longer be “freedom of speech”, all for starters.

Then, when you realize just how good you use to have it and how much freedom you use to enjoy, you will realize the error of your choices and vote. But, it will be too late. There will be no going back to “the good life”.

If you did a fraction of research I’ve done you could confirm everything I’ve shared here. All I want is for you to open your eyes and do your own research so you’re not being manipulated and controlled by the MSM’s talking points and narrative which are totally biased and slanted to influence enough people to vote for Globalist Hillary Clinton.

All I’m suggesting is learning how to stop the MSM from manipulating you and controlling you.

On the topic of Islam and Sharia Law, did you know most of the officers with the United Nations are Muslims and want Sharia Law to be the law of the WORLD?

As far as that goes, did you know Obama has appointed many Muslims to high ranking government positions?

Why do you think Obama has been bringing in so many Muslims into America? And why do you think Hillary is planning to increase that by over 550%?

How would you like to be a women living under Sharia Law?

Rapes are acceptable, murder is acceptable, having 10 year old girls becoming wives to Muslim men, cannot show any part of their body, and the list goes on and on!

And if you’re gay, they can legally kill you.

In Sharia Law there’s NO freedom of speech. In fact, if you speak negatively of another Muslim, Islam or the Sharia Laws you can legally be murdered.

Trump is 100% for America and what’s best for America. Trump is the enemy to Globalization and a world Government. This is why the MSM is aggressively doing everything they can to destroy Trump.

How To STOP Being Manipulated And Controlled By The MSM

Get informed! 

If you know the truth you can’t be manipulated no matter how many times the MSM repeats something to you to try and manipulate you to their way of thinking. You’ll see right through their 1/2 truths and will not be swayed when they only tell you part of the truth and don’t tell you the rest of it.

You’ll know the FULL truth instead and will see right through their lies and will know the other side of the conversation.

Like the old saying goes, “The TRUTH will set you free.” It really will.

Get informed and know both sides of the conversation and know all of the facts involved!

The MSM is not going to reveal or discuss the scandals of Hillary Clinton. They are hardly discussing the wikileak emails where we’re learning the true intentions of Hillary which contradict what she’s telling us at speeches. I mean, are you going to believe what she and those close around her are emailing to each other or what she says on a stage?

Finally, put more emphasis in a persons actions than a persons words. Anyone can say the words, but their actions tell you what they really stand for, believe in and will do. A person’s actions tell you everything you need to know about a person.

This is why the MSM avoids any conversation of any Hillary’s bad actions and disastrous decisions/actions Hillary has taken/done.

The MSM wants Hillary as the next President to move forward with a Global Government and globalization. America has been too strong, too prosperous and too independent to give up our freedom’s, sovereighty and our relaxed way of life to be under the control of another government and told what to do.

Obama has very effectively moved us toward globalization, being a Muslim nation under Sharia (estimated to happen by 2050) and having a global government with the Political Correct language helping him with this movement.


Listen, I’m sick and tired of being manipulated and being controlled by the MSM controlling what I’m learning regarding very important topics that affect my decisions and thus the future of America and Americans. I’m tired of being played like a fiddle, of being drug around like a little puppy on a leash.

Give me the damn facts and let me make up my own mind!

But that’s not what the MSM is doing or has any plans to do. The want to control our minds which in turn controls our beliefs and actions by controlling the narrative of their broadcasts hoping enough people will adapt their narrative and side with their views.

They know about Hillary Clinton’s scandals, criminal activities, her pay-to-play schemes, how the bulk of her money earned was while she was in an elected position like Senator of NY and Secretary of State where she earned the most.

They know what she did to chastise the women her husband President Bill raped and had sexual relationships with to shut them up.

They’ve watched & read Clinton Cash and know how corrupt the Clinton Foundation is. With just a little investigative reporting they could show America the level of corruption with the Clinton Foundation.

They could interview the ex-CIA agent who worked with the Clinton’s and can testify to her explosive and abusive temperament to people around her, including telling a State Policeman to F&CK off when he said, “Have a nice day Mrs. Clinton.” There are hundreds of stories and examples of Hillary’s explosive and abusive behavior.

Or how about her health? Why aren’t they pursuing this to figure out what’s really wrong with her?

Or how about her private server, deleting 33,000 emails while under a congressional subpoena and the numerous lies to congress and the FBI, and still getting off scott -free?

By the way, unanimously the agents involved in this case believed Hillary should’ve be arrested! (FBI, DOJ roiled by Comey, Lynch decision to let Clinton slide by on emails, says insider)

Will the MSM properly report on any of this? Not yet, and doubtfully ever!

This is just the short list. There are so many other things associated to Hillary Clinton that the MSM should be sharing with us so we all have a very clear picture of who exactly Hillary Clinton is.

In the same respect, they should do the same thing with Donald Trump, which they are doing.

They’re just purposely and intentionally not sharing facts about Hillary Clinton that could be damaging to her campaign because they simply want Hillary to be President.

MSM knows most people are not independent thinkers. They know most people are just too busy to do the research needed to get all of the facts, so instead they just follow what others in their circle of influence are doing. The problem is, even the people in their circle of influence are being brain-washed by the MSM so they also aren’t getting all of the facts to draw an accurate conclusion.

If the MSM is going to manipulate us and use mind control strategies to control our way of thinking then they should also be held accountable to the outcome for not giving us all of the facts.

It all comes back to that administrator who is aware of another students intent to gun down fellow students and not only not saying anything but discrediting anyone if they do say anything about the gunman. They are protecting the gunman and chastising anyone that would speak up against the gunman.

Consider this. If law enforcement had learned that someone knew about a terrorist plans before they carried them out and didn’t inform law enforcement of the terrorists intentions this person would be charged as an accomplice.

So why isn’t the MSM held accountable for what they’re doing then?

If the MSM is not going to give us all of the facts and have equal time on each side of the argument, will intentionally spin topics to one view point, will intentionally lie by the omission of key facts or not telling the whole thing (commonly will only play a part of what someone says and not the beginning part or ending part of what they said showing the real point to what they were saying), etc, etc, etc for the intent of controlling the narrative and what we learn, then MSM companies should be held accountable to the outcomes.

For example, just like they didn’t reveal to American’s the close Muslim ties Obama has, didn’t push for transparency like his college transcripts but instead protected him, it’s no surprise that Obama is trying to turn America into a Muslim nation and is bringing in hundreds of thousands of Muslims into America who refuse to adapt to American values and laws. Instead, too many are becoming radicalized and are killing American’s.

It’s a rippling affect… one action leading to another action leading to another action.

IF American’s had the FACTS about Obama (and now Hillary), would we have voted him in as President and allowed him to make America far less safe and create a huge division in America as all part of globalization strategy?

MSM has a LARGE part in this by controlling what we learn and minimize facts that are contrary to what the MSM’s narrative is they want to push.

When anyone has that much control over people and uses it in an unethical way by not providing all of the facts, partial truths and equal time on both sides of the topic, they should be held accountable!

This is today’s mainstream media. They will do ANYTHING to protect Hillary and shield her even after everything she’s done and been part of, and is committed to destroying Trump who’s sole focus is to do what’s best for America and American’s and therefore is 100% against globalization, a global government and open borders.

You do what you believe is right. Just be clear that the 2016 election is NOT Democrats Vs. Republicans. It’s America Vs. Globalization.

Learn more about What This Election Is Really About at this link.

The MSM are all working together with many of them owned by the same company. Take a look at the headlines on one specific topic and how they all emphasized one specific word in a collective attempt to hurt Trump’s campaign…


This is a good illustration of how the MSM treats Hillary versus Trump…


… and then they turn what he said into being a thousand times worse than what it was so they can get as much mileage out of it as they can, while ignoring or down playing the things Hillary has DONE. Have you noticed how they don’t attack what he did (not much there to attack) but instead are attacking his character? Like calling him a racist which he’s never been called until campaign to be President.

Here’s an example of that from the first debate between Hillary and Trump…


When did WORDS become more significant than a person’s actions?

Get informed! This Presidential election is by far the most important presidential election you’ll ever be part of. Do NOT allow the MSM to manipulate you and control your views, beliefs and actions.

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