Tolerance & The Christian’s Beliefs

We Must All Be Tolerant Of Others, And Respectful Of Each Person’s Beliefs

I’m a strong, devout Christian. I have a problem with homosexuality. But I respect them as a person, have friends who are gay and I have no problem with them having the same legal rights as a married couple since these specific rights are based upon the laws of the land.

However, in my home I will support and teach marriage according to God’s word which is my right to do in my home. And along with this I teach tolerance to others.

When they leave this world they will then be judged by God for their actions and choices. This is between God and the person and doesn’t involve me. It is not my right or anybody else s right to judge another. That’s God job, not ours. Our responsibility is to love one another. God did not put conditions on this and only say to love certain people. Love all.

Loving others does not mean we need to accept or adhere to another persons lifestyle. I can respect and love a gay person, but that does not means I’m going to go against my religious beliefs. Those who have denied services to gays were never mean about it. They just informed the gay person or couple that doing what they were requesting goes against their beliefs, and then they recommended other businesses who could provide the service to them. It was the gay person or couple that got mean, vicious and ugly.

Anyway, I believe too many people get too concerned with what someone else is doing or how somebody else believes. Another person’s life is not yours to control! (As a side note, LGBT and others can’t stand being judged and told what they can and can’t do, so why do they support democrats which is all about big government controlling American citizens?)

The only thing I had a problem with regarding the ruling was that they are calling it a marriage. It’s not, in MY opinion based upon MY beliefs.

You don’t have to agree, but you do need to respect my views just like I need to respect yours. There are just times when we need to agree to disagree, and then we move on with our lives as fellow Americans.

In my opinion they should’ve given it another name versus redefining the definition of Marriage. I would’ve wanted to see a separation of the Biblical views and definition of marriage which has been around for thousands of years over homosexual unions.

Again, this is MY personal views to this. To me, this would’ve been win-win … there would’ve been a separation of the biblical side of marriage, and the LGBT would’ve gained the same legal rights that a married couple would’ve gained, which is ultimately all they were after.

In the article, Millennial Republicans see risk for party in gay marriage response, I agree that politicians need to be tolerant to ALL people, even if they don’t agree.

The LGBT movement has 60% of American’s support even though only 3% of the population is LGBT. One thing I can say about the LGBT is they had great marketers involved in their movement who successfully changed the hard-line views of society. It’s not easy to change a society at this level. As a businessman, my hat’s off to them. Well played!

If Christians want to reverse societies views of this then they too must create a movement. Change will not happen over night, and regardless if it does change, we all must be tolerant and respectful to all.

From this point forward what I would want to see is respect for all.

However, there’s a battle going on over “discrimination” and “religious rights”. LGBT are now trying to throw out the Church. With the thousands of Christian based programs in this country which are focused on helping fellow American’s and are backed by the Church, I for one could NOT imagine a country without them and the church. Christians do a lot for this country and for fellow Americans.

What I would like to see is all Americans respecting a persons religious beliefs. For example, if a wedding cake maker is a Christian it should never be a crime to say no to baking a cake for a gay couple. I know, I know … we’re back to, “but this is discrimination” versus “religious rights”.

Here’s how I’d moderate this. If the gay couple has choices meaning there are more than one wedding cake maker in the community then the Christian baker can simply refer them to the other baker. All is good, nobody is hurt.

But if the wedding cake maker is the only one in town then they can’t discriminate since they have the monopoly in town. This is fair.

As long as a Gay person has choices then Christians should be able to exercise their religious beliefs. And do understand, this is a huge compromise to my religious beliefs, but I do believe in being fair.

Governor Huckabee has a offered his three point plan for executive action if he is elected president:

Religious liberty executive orders: Sign executive orders in support of traditional marriage that protect businesses, churches, non-profits, schools and universities, hospitals, and other organizations from discrimination, intimidation, or civil or criminal penalties for exercising their religious beliefs.

Prosecute hate crimes against people of faith: Direct the Attorney General to protect religious liberty and aggressively prosecute any violations of First Amendment rights of individuals, businesses, religious organizations, institutions and civil servants, including those who believe in traditional marriage. The Justice Department will protect and defend the rights of American citizens to follow their religious convictions without discrimination and prosecute attacks on people of faith and their religious liberty as hate crimes.

Defend people of faith in our military: Direct the Secretary of Defense to support military chaplains to exercise their faith and not force them to participate in ceremonies they find objectionable on religious grounds. People of faith will not be punished for serving their country and sacrificing to keep us free.

This is a very reasonable and acceptable plan.

However, I anticipate the LGBT (and the liberal left) will fight it because it’s not about equality to them or about love to them, at least not any more. Now it’s about power and as many have said, “The Church is coming down next”, the LGBT are saying all over Facebook. They’re serious. They figure that since they’re on such a roll with so much support behind them they might as well take this all the way.

If the government is going to say no to this and say our religious beliefs is discrimination (which in my opinion would be foolish) then this must apply to all including Muslims who up to this point have not been held to the same standard.

We Founded America On Religious Freedoms. If We’re Not Wanted Here, We’ll Pack Up And Move To A Country That DOES Support Our Beliefs!

However, America beware … if you turn your back on us Christians and our Lord we’ll retaliate, but likely not in the way you may think.

I’m a member of a Christian business organization where Christian business owners meet. It’s a national organization with local chapters. Our religious freedom’s is a huge topic of discussion. Many have said that if they can’t exercise their religious beliefs what will happen is God will win and they’ll just close down their business. This seriously saddens them because this also means needing to fire their employees but in their hearts they believe they must first be loyal to God. God will win.


Like it or not, it’s how a lot of Christian feel. And what a sad country this will be if we lose the church and the thousands of organizations that help fellow Americans that are Church driven and supported.

Have you ever thought about all of the faith based organizations there are in America and all of the great work they do?

There are so many of them Wikipedia had to create a page to categorize them all:

Here’s an interesting Wikipedia page showing Religious Organizations by Year Of Establishment. It goes all the way back to the FIRST Century. There have been religious organizations for thousands of years.

Not included in these lists is all of the things local churches do from community to community like providing clothing, food and beds for the needy, or battered women’s centers. There are thousands of meaningful programs and organizations that help other Americans.

If we lose the church, our religious freedom and America becomes a Godless country my family and I will leave the USA and find a new country that has Christian values and supports our Christian values and we’ll re-establish our roots. With my business savviness, I can start a business anywhere. It doesn’t have to be in a Godless land, nor will I be part of a Godless land.

In fact, you may be surprised with how many Christian business owners and their families, and other Christians that will leave America to a country that supports our Christian beliefs. Americans will be the next immigrants to a new land.

Or maybe a state like Texas will break away from the United States as its own sovereign country and will support the Christian beliefs. Watch how many Christian businesses and Christians will move to Texas.

America was founded on freedom of religion and support of our Religious beliefs. Just think of what 10 million or more business savvy Americans could do to enrich a new land that will support us. And as we prosper in a land Blessed by God we’ll bring more and more Christian Americans to this new land to fill spots in our companies.

Just as easily as we God loving people made America great, we can make another country great. Take our religious freedoms away from us and that’s exactly what we’ll do because it’s a pretty large consensus that Christians and Christian business owners do not  want to be part of a Godless country. “One nation under GOD” is what we want, just like our Fore-fathers fought for and our soldiers have maintained.

Our past presidents warned us of this.



Nation Gone Under-Reagan

God WILL prevail one way or another. That’s because we know…


Don’t take this as a threat. I’m just saying that God WILL always be first to a true Christian, and if America doesn’t want us we’ll migrate to a country that does and we’ll do it in the millions. And we’ll take our businesses, our talent, our assets, our cash and our top employees and our families with us. The population in America will drop in the 10’s of millions, and this is just the beginning to the problems that America will face when we all leave. Many Christian, like me, will not deny our Lord.

We’ll go to where God leads us.

Many Christians, not all, are passionate about their beliefs and committed to following the word of the Lord. We’re not perfect, we make mistakes and we stumble, but we also get back up and try harder the next time. It’s a life long journey but we don’t give up and we try our hardest to be a good Christian, which isn’t always easy.

You do what you will, and we’ll do what we have to do. God FIRST.

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