I’m Mad As Hell At Our Corrupt Political System And How Our Politicians Are SCREWING You, Me And The Rest Of Americans!
I’m mad as hell. I’ve never been this involved in politics until after watching what Obama has done to my ‘Be Loved America’!
Today I’m a very informed voter. While I consider myself an independent since there are some things on the left I support, for the most part it’s the right side that fits what’s important to me.
I mean, if you want to destroy a city, let democrats run it for 20 years like Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit and many others. You see, the democratic way (which they’ll NEVER tell you) is to keep you dependent upon the government and then all those freebies you get keeps you voting for them.
Democrats do NOT want you to succeed. They want you to stay in poverty so you’re dependent upon them. They’ll blame Republicans and then promote themselves as being their hero with more freebies. This is very obvious to me.
On the other side, the GOP is really broke into two groups:
1) Crony Capitalist who sell their votes to the biggest bidder. They claim to be republican, but they side with BIG businesses who pay them big bucks for their vote. I can’t stand this group, but unfortunately MOST republicans fall into this group. Greed is a tough thing to overcome. By the way, this group is also strong in the Democrat party.
2) Conservative who fight for We The People and fight to protect our constitution. These are the people I resonate with the most because government is suppose to support We The People. Instead we’re seeing the rich get richer (because of Democrats and Crony Capitalist) and the poor stay poor and the middle class moving toward the poverty group.
Keep in mind, there are Crony Capitalist in the Democratic party too.
It sickens me to see how CORRUPT our political system is, and it all starts at the state level. Here is where the bribes begin to get the person who will support lobbyist and big businesses on the ballot. People with morals and ethics don’t generally make it to ballot because the deep pocket of lobbyist keep them out. After all, why ruin a good thing, right?
So how do We The People take our country back?
For this election cycle there’s only one option… Vote Trump.
Hillary Clinton is the poster child for the Establishment who support big donors and large businesses. She will NEVER support we the people and what we need because so many of the things we need to increase our pay and help us have good jobs goes against what big businesses want so they have large profits.
And remember, many of the donors to Hillary are from multi-national businesses with home offices in other nations so Hillary’s policies of “family wages” and the likes don’t affect them. Businesses from other countries are NOT subjected to American regulations.
So what Hillary is saying may be appealing to you, in reality her policies will further destroy American businesses and will further reduce the income of the middle class.
If good paying jobs is an important concern to you, you only have one option this year… Trump.
Get informed. Stop listening to their campaign promises and start understanding what they’re saying and how Hillary is consistently contradicting herself from one policy to another.
You can’t say you’re going to be a job creator in one speech, and then in another speech say you’re going to increase taxes even further, going to pass even more regulations and will push for a $15/hr minimum federal wage… any one of these 3 things will kill jobs and put even more businesses out of business.
All 3 combined, which is what Hillary is pushing, will have American’s dependent upon the Government with far more job loses and a continuation of reduced wages because of businesses having to pay so much money in taxes, regulations and other costs all because of policies by Democrats and Hillary.
Make your vote count this year. You can’t support job destroying policies on one hand and think you’re going to be better off on the other hand.