Facebook Censorship

Facebook Censorship: Facebook Says This Site Is “Unsafe”. Seriously?

Based Upon The Rules Set In Motion By The Liberal Left, Facebook MUST Be Closed Down Immediately! Here’s Why…

The political winds have infected Facebook. For reasons that make absolutely no sense at all, Facebook says www.WordsOfADad.com is unsafe.

Today I went to post a link to a previous article I wrote about the entitlement politicians and got the following message…

Censorship by FacebookI about fell out of my chair when I saw this. How could Facebook conclude that my website is unsafe?

Unsafe how?

These are just my personal views to current events.

I’m just a regular ol’ American who loves his country and is sharing my views to things. Just like I put on my header graphic that is displayed on every page…

Everything written here is my personal opinion based upon how I see things from what I read and how I was raised. These are MY views as a regular ol’ American who LOVES his country. I am NOT reporting the news, I am sharing my views to it.

As such, I am sharing my personal views to things. Isn’t that what the 1st Amendment is all about, Freedom of Speech?

I get that I’ve shared some pretty controversial topics. But I’m willing to bet that the majority of American’s feel the same way as I do on those topics.

What Facebook is trying to do here is only allow liberal left views to be displayed and shared!

Unless we as American’s can be honest about what’s going on and have honest conversations about what’s going on by getting to the very root of the problem and not passing blame where it doesn’t belong we’ll never fix the problem.

Just like the Orlando, FL massacre, the root of the problem is radical Islam terrorist. It’s not about guns, yet the liberal left wants to put the blame on guns.

Blaming guns is NOT going to solve the problem. Besides that, Obama’s administration refuses to enforce the gun laws already on the books so why should we even consider more gun laws? Let’s just enforce the laws already there!

What Obama, Lynch and his Muslim driven administration refuses to do is accept the reality to the problem … Radical Islam Muslims!

Instead, they want to protect Muslims regardless to their actions over the safety of Americans!


Are my views unsafe and inaccurate?

Blaming guns for these mass murders of radical islam terrorist is like:

  • Blaming cars & car manufacturers and not the drunk driver who used his car to plow over another person and killed him;
  • Blaming knives & knife manufacturers for the death of so many with no accountability to the person holding the knife who slit throats and killed others;
  • Blaming a baseball bat and not the person who used it to smash in another persons head;
  • Blaming fertilizer and not the person who turned it into a bomb to kill many;
  • I could go on and on!

The point is, if you can’t put the blame where it belongs the problem will not be resolved, but instead will continue to get worse like it has with all of the murders by radical islam terrorist.

Facebook wants to control the conversation. They want to censor what is said to fit their narrative as well, just like the mainstream media does.

So we have the liberal left, the mainstream media and Facebook all shoving their heads up their asses and completely ignoring the real root to these problems, and they want to keep the rest of us ignorant to the real problem here and put spins on the real problems here so they can all control the narrative. Personally, I find this very dangerous to American lives.

Your Problem-Head Up Ass

Facebook and the mainstream media are acting like puppet masters and we’re all their puppets.

Whether Facebook changes their position on whether my site is unsafe or not is all based upon how committed Facebook is to liberal left views. If Facebook supported America and the American values then they would have no problem with my site.

But if they are muslim sympathizers like the Obama Administration, and like this administration insist upon holding radical islam muslims harmless to their actions and want to censor any comments that would argue a more logical and realistic point of view, then we all know Facebook is in bed with radical islam terrorist just like the Obama Administration based upon everything I’ve watched this administration do.

Welcome to the new order… Censorship! We can all kiss our 1st Amendment goodbye! And when that happens, Facebook will need to be closed down along with all of the other social media sites as the ONLY WAY to stop people from voicing their views and opinions.

Plus remember, to be Politically Correct, the person doing the act isn’t held accountable. To be politically correct we must blame the tool used to break the law, which in this case is Facebook, and hold the writer/author of the content harmless just like liberals want to blame guns and not radical islam terrorist for mass murders.

Therefore, the only solution based upon the rules set in motion by the liberal left is to immediately close down Facebook!