Last time updated: 12/13/20
A Stolen Election!
The 2020 election has been stolen from us American's. Our voices have been silenced as the corrupt left being controlled by their globalist masters were masterful in how they put together their voter fraud strategy and ballot harvesting scheme to steal this election. This article will build the case of a "stolen election" and will be updated as we learn more. I'm also going to show you how they stole this election.
Jump To: (These 2 spots is where I'm adding additional information)
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This article continues to grow as I add more information to the two areas mentioned above. For your convenience, here's an index...
Some of what I will be adding to this article I already wrote about in the article, "Election 2020, What I Feared". If you haven't read it yet I encourage you to read it now. That's because one of the things you need to understand is the mainstream media is in the pocket of the Globalist and they're being used to provide protection and cover to their voter fraud scheme. Remember, 90% of the media is owned by 6 multi-national corporations all of which want globalization. You cannot trust what the mainstream media is telling you.
Also, this is a logical article. Take your emotions and put them on the shelf as you read this article. This article is based upon common-sense, things we'd expect and facts.
If you're a hardcore Biden fan you might as well just stop reading here because you simply will not be able to put on your logical hat because you don't care how Biden won. You're just glad that he did, and as such you will be one of the left's puppets supporting their actions and strategies to steal this election. You are blind to facts, but instead will justify and accept what the corrupt left is doing to steal this election.
Along with this you will accept all of the lies the mainstream media is telling you as truth no matter how questionable their reports are and how much your gut tells you that something is fishy here.
Okay, let's get started.
We American's must have confidence in our election system. With all of the inconsistencies, refusal for transparency and many more things that have happened in this election nobody in America can have confidence in our election system right now! NOBODY!
The Beginning and WHY They Had To Get Trump Out Of The Way...
In the article "Election 2020, What I Feared" I already addressed why the Deep State and Globalist had to get Trump out of the way and not be re-elected. Most of the following is just a copy and paste from that article.
The Deep State is huge with many tentacles and very deep! This was never an election of Right versus Left. It's been about the Deep State and Multi-National Corporations versus American Citizens.
Of course, it goes without saying, this is also a power grab from Democrats who are key players in supporting the globalist overlords. But it's not just Democrats, there are also a lot of Republicans who bow down to these globalist overlords. (Overlords is my word because that's how they're acting, like overlords.)
After Trump won in 2016 it sent shockwaves throughout the Deep State. He wasn't suppose to win. Hillary was suppose to win.
Needless to say, after the shock wore off, the deep state went into damage control. As part of their damage control they've spent the last 4 years preparing for election 2020. There was no way they would let Trump win a 2nd term and continue his "America First" policy of putting American's first which has created a huge obstacle for the Deep State's Globalization agenda.
Globalizations is very good and profitable for multi-national corporations. It's very obvious why multi-national corporations would want globalization. Globalization represents a massive increase in revenue and profits to these multi-national corporations and it represents a massive increase in the power and control for the Deep State globally.
The problem is, globalization is very bad for individual American's. Instead of America serving American's, under Globalization America serves the world taking our valuable resources and taxes and serving other countries and their citizens. For example, for the first time ever America is net producer of oil and does not need to depend on any other country for oil. This has dropped the cost of oil and gas like a rock in America.
But in the Biden administration they want to end all fossil fuel in America. Not only would this cost America millions of jobs, it will once again make America dependent on other countries for it to start taking away our power on the global stage and giving it to other countries. This is just one step in leveling the playing field which is what globalist want. Globalist do not want America to be the great country that it is, and the freedom's we offer our citizens which no other country offers also needs to end if we're going to be focused on globalization.
One of my biggest frustrations over the past 20 years is how both Democrats and Republicans have been pushing globalizations and putting American citizens and small businesses at the bottom of the priority list.
We're just pawns in their game and the Deep State is playing us like a fiddle!
For 20 years I have yelled, "WHEN do we [we being America] put AMERICAN'S FIRST? When do we start taking care of our Vets? Taking care of our homeless? Taking care of the people in poverty who have no path out of it? Helping our inner cities? When do we start putting American's and American businesses FIRST? WHEN?"
Instead both Democrats and Republicans served major corporations who were funding their election or re-election campaigns. Major corporations and their deep pockets controlled our government (President, Senate & House) by paying them off.
Look at how much money Biden got from Wall Street, Billionaires and Major Corporations. It's because they knew Biden would once again put us back on the pathway to globalization. America be damned!
A key player in the Deep State is multi-national corporations. Keep in mind, 90% of the news mediums are owned by 6 multi-national corporations.
Globalist just could not allow Trump's "America First" policy and focus to continue which puts the emphasis on American's over Government, as one thing. It was way to damaging to their Globalization agenda.
Not only did Trump's America First create a huge obstacle to their plans of globalization, it spoiled American's and showed us how American's should be treated and served which could set back their strategy for globalization 20 years. Another 4 years of Trump which is also influencing other country leaders to put their country first, would create a real damper on the direction the Deep State and Globalist want America and the world to go. It had to be stopped at all cost!
Globalist & The Deep State Will Use Their Mainstream Media To Control You
The advantage the deep state and globalist has is their media arm and their incredible ability to convince people of just about anything! They know how to control people. They know how to manipulate people. They know how to brain-wash people to their way of thinking.
They commonly used "redirection" strategies to take your eyes off of something with their typical "nothing to see here" technique, and "misinformation" strategies to change how you view something. Have you noticed how the left wing media is minimizing the complete lack of transparency in the counting of the votes and states not allowing Republican pole watchers to observe their ballot review?
This has corruption written all over it, and the media is once again providing protection to this corruption!
Along with this they are writing hundreds of articles all focused around how Trump is trying to steal the election, when in reality it's the Left that's trying to steal it. They want your focus on Trump, not on what the left is doing.
Do a google search and you'll see pages and pages of left wing media outlets telling you Trump is trying to steal the election. This is a calculated "misinformation" campaign to take your eyes off of what the left is doing and to make you think it's Trump who's trying to steal this election. "Don't look at what the left is doing, nothing to see here, and look at what Trump is doing."
The left wing media is masterful in controlling people and what they think!
If you want to see what the left is doing you have to literally go to a right wing media's website to see the articles because big tech is censoring this information. What don't they want you to see? Why would they be hiding this information from us?
The globalist and Deep State will not allow Trump to win this election and interfere with their plans for America. American's be damned!
Joe Biden Was A Terrible Candidate! There's No Way He Could've Gotten As Many Votes As He Did, Absolutely No Way At All!
They had 4 years to put in place the strategies to steal this election. They knew what the battleground states would be and since these states were ran by Democrats (Governors or Mayors of large cities) they knew they could pull off the greatest voter fraud scheme ever in America.
Come on people, THERE WAS VERY LITTLE ENTHUSIASM FOR BIDEN! Hillary had far more enthusiasm! So how the hell did Biden get so many votes?
Only one way... VOTER FRAUD!
Biden hardly campaigned at all and spent most of his time in the basement.
When he did get out of his basement he refused to answer questions from reporters. Plus, reporters refused to ask Biden the important questions, they only asked him softball questions.
When he did rally's did you see how many people showed up? Maybe 100 at the most, but usually around 10-20. They were very, very small crowds for someone who got the most votes in the history of our elections.
There was also all of the gaff's like not knowing what city or state he was in, or getting mixed up on who people were. Biden's mental acuity is clearly dropping, but not that most people would know any of this because the left wing media protected Biden and didn't report on any of this.
Then you add in the far left policies of Biden to push America into socialism, to end fossil fuel in America, to put an emphasis on Climate Control which would create thousands of new regulations which would hurt the economy, Biden said he would be raising all of our taxes so we'll have less take home pay, and his policies would massively increase our daily costs like gas for our cars and electricity for our homes. This is not a winning campaign!
The Left knew Trump had a lot of enthusiasm behind him and that he was going to get a lot of votes! This is why the Democrats pushed so hard to do mail-out ballots to everyone on the voter registration list in key battle states. They needed many millions of ballots out there to harvest and manipulate. More about this further on.
Building Up To The Election
The Left knew what they were doing and knew they would be putting in place the greatest voter fraud scheme in the history of America so everyone needed to be checked in and doing their part. Many were not told what was going on, just that they had a job to do.
There are lots of way to get people to do what you want them to do without telling them the real reason why. The fact is, most (not all) would never get involved in a COUP if they were told they were going to play a part in it. Instead they were given a completely different reason and it was all to maintain integrity in our election process and to not allow the bad man (Trump) manipulate people.
The media played the most important role. They were to create carefully constructed and topic specific "misinformation" campaigns and then do "redirection" strategies if/when people started to question things. The messaging the media put out was things like:
- Mailing a ballot to everyone on the registration role is not riddled with voter fraud. They need to convince you that there's nothing wrong with this. (I addressed this in my other article... this is the #1 way for voter fraud.)
- To start making people think Trump was going to steal the election so when the left put their election stealing strategies in place, the public has already been warned that it's Trump trying to steal it, not the left. This is a "redirection" strategy initiated by setting the stage before the other person starts accusing you of doing what you've been telling people he's going to do for a month now.
These are just a few of the approaches taken to set the stage of what was coming.
Then there was planning for the aftermath once they put in place their election stealing strategies:
- When Trump's campaign started accusing states of voter fraud they wrote misinformation campaigns to dispute it.
- Google censored any right wing voter fraud articles either completely out of the search or buried it under hundreds of left wing articles.
- Facebook and Twitter censored any posts/tweets that blamed the left for voter fraud or discussed obvious inconsistencies that would show voter fraud.
All the players from the left wing media to Big Tech to Democrat Governors of swing states and Democrat Mayors had a role to play to initially set the stage and then to defuse and handle GOP driven accusations. Everyone needed to be on the same page and ready to distract, redirect and take control over both the information people could access and over how what they were to believe when they heard the accusations from the GOP of the Left stealing the election.
To pull off something as big as this it was going to take everyone doing their part.
How They Pulled It Off
COVID gave the globalist and corrupt left exactly what they needed to provide protection to their voter fraud scheme by pushing to do a broadcast mailing of ballots to everyone on their voter registration list. They had to get millions of ballots out on the streets so they could be harvested, manipulated and stolen.
This is also how dead people are able to vote and how people who no longer live in the state vote in that state.
This was a two part strategy:
First, The Ground Team
The ground team had multiple tasks. The first was to harvest as many ballots as they could:
- Pay people to vote for who they wanted them to vote for.
- Have the citizen sign the ballot and then the harvester filled it out.
The key here was to get their signature so these ballots could immediately be processed. These would be considered "clean ballots".
Next, they had to steal as many ballots as possible. These ballots were boxed up and put aside to be pulled in as needed. These would be considered "dirty ballots".
Finally, if they found obvious ballots for Trump, throw them away. Get rid of them.
Second, The Ballot Processors
Once the ground team did their part it was then up to the people who processed the ballots to do their part. I believe that it's these stolen ballots that made their way into the ballot processing centers in the early morning hours.
There was one report of Biden receiving 128,000 votes from one of these newly found boxes of ballots and there was not a single vote for Trump. Statistically, this is completely and totally impossible!
The tricky part to this was, 'how do we fill out and process all of those stolen ballots'?
They knew they couldn't do their part if they had people looking over their shoulders. This is why you saw ballot processing centers go so far as to completely ignore judges orders of allowing Republican pole watchers the ability to watch the ballot processors. They had to get those ballots filled out!
That's because if there was a recount it wouldn't be a big deal because the damage was already done... they had already filled out the ballots for the candidate they wanted to win.
I'm sure they also had rooms filled with people who were filling out stolen ballots out of anyone's view. This is where those mystery boxes with massive votes for Biden suddenly appeared from.
Then if they were smart, as sly as they were to sneak in these stolen ballots they would hide them again. That way if they had to give up a sampling of ballots none of the stolen ballots with a signature that couldn't be confirmed wouldn't be included.
At this point, signature confirmation is the only way to remove these stolen ballots! Yet, you have states who got the signature requirement removed. Here's one (click link). Now you know why!
In addition to what I shared above, there are other ways to pull off voter fraud:
- Having illegals vote. In CA they give illegals drivers licenses which also puts them on the voter registration list making it really easy for an illegal to vote. CA is just one of numerous state that does this.
- Someone requesting someone else's ballot and then filling it out and submitting it.
The only solution to this elaborate voter fraud scheme is either:
- A new election in that city or state, depending on where the Democrats would not allow Republican pole watchers, or
- Completely discard the votes that could not be observed by Republican pole watchers.
Personally, I believe the only real solution is option 1 because even with option 2 they can easily intermingle the fraudulent ballots into the clean ones making it very hard to separate the two.
At minimum, every ballot should be checked against the voters signature on file. Then along with this doing a manual recount along with canvassing every voter to confirm first that they voted and then if they did to confirm who they voted for.
We are experiencing the biggest and most orchestrated voter fraud scheme in the history of America! From this point forward there should be Federal Marshals involved in every step of the election process to the polling centers to the ballot processing centers who will make sure the laws are being followed and make sure everything goes smoothly.
This is not the first time these long time Democrat ran cities and states have done this. I believe this is an ongoing never ending strategy to always make sure Democrats win the vote and Republicans are shut out. This behavior must be stopped! In the video toward the end of this article Rod Blagojevich discusses how he believes this is a common part of the culture in heavy Democrat ran cities and states too.
How did they get this many people across the country to commit these felonies?
Easy. For 4 years the left wing media has been telling everyone to hate Trump. They've been calling him a Nazi for years. There is a large group on the left who absolutely hate Trump. Because of this hatred for Trump it was easy to convince enough people to do their part to get this terrible person out of office. They honestly believed they were doing their part to protect America, when in reality they were destroying our fair and honest election process while also breaking the law.
Did you see the video of the ballot processors cheering when another Republican pole watcher was kicked out?
They really felt like they were doing the right thing for this country per the ideology they supported.
Regardless, they all should be prosecuted!
Now you know how they did it.
This whole thing is riddled with inconsistencies and irregularities!
First, there was very little enthusiasm behind Biden. There's just no possible way he could've gotten as many votes as he did.
Even with their argument that so many people hated Trump as to why Biden got so many votes isn't a sound argument. It sounds good, but that's where this ends... it's not enough to get that many people out to vote. Instead, these people would just stay home and not vote at all.
Second, if there was no funny business going on there would've been no reason to block Republican pole watchers from watching the processing of ballots. This has corruption written all over it.
Third, not upholding state election laws like in PA which gives Democrats the advantage. Why aren't they upholding state election laws?
Fourth, mailing out ballots to every single person on the registration list is key to having millions of ballots to harvest and manipulate, a key part to create this large of a voter fraud scheme. Without this there's no way Democrats could've pulled this off because they needed millions of ballots to work with.
Fifth, ballot harvesting is an easy way to manipulate ballots.
Sixth, the left has had 4 years to plan this whole thing out. COVID just made it easier and opened the door to being able to do the most important part of it which was the mass mailing strategy to get millions of ballots out on the street to be harvested or stolen.
As you'll see below under References, I didn't even address all of the ways to cheat at voting. When you get down there you'll see some other ways states and the left are cheating.
Next, let's start reviewing the inconsistencies per state...
Breaking Down The Inconsistencies State By State
I will build this part as time allows. I have a lot of information to go through and it's going to take time.
What I'm going to be sharing here will absolutely blow your mind. The voter fraud is extremely obvious! Be patient with me because it takes time to pull the information out from all of my sources and then place it here for you to read.
Arizona (R Governor)
Web Pages:
- Arizona Rep. Kept Out Of Voting Center, Media Attacks Praying Protesters
- Ballots taken from mailboxes in Arizona found by farm worker, officials say
- BREAKING- 73,976 Ballots Released By Maricopa County — 56.1% FOR DONALD TRUMP - Conservative News Daily
- Arizona Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Election Challenge After Investigation of 100-Ballot Sample Finds 3% of the Ballots Were Deemed Fraudulent In Favor of Biden
Georgia (R Governor)
Web Pages:
- Georgia officials defend poll worker forced into hiding over false viral video
- JUST IN- Floyd County, Georgia Terminates Election Director After Statewide Audit Discovers Uncounted Votes - Conservative News Daily
- Dominion Rep Who Scanned Ballots in Georgia County Where Thousands of Trump Votes Were Uncounted Also Worked for Kamala Harris
- ORDER IN PEARSON v. KEMP - DocumentCloud
Michigan (D Governor)
Web Pages:
- Reports Of Election Fraud Are Piling Up In Michigan. What’s Going On-
- Lawsuit filed in Michigan contesting tens of thousands of ballots - Washington Times
- Suspicious Suitcases, Wagons Wheeled Into Detroit Secure Counting Center At 4 A.M. - Gregg Jarrett
- Software Glitch In Michigan County Tallied 6,000 Republican Votes As Democrat
- Michigan GOP Says 6,000 Votes In One County Switched by Software Glitch From Trump to Biden; 47 More Counties Used Same Software
- Michigan Republican, Down 104 Votes, Wins by 1,127 After 'Glitch' Fixed
- GOP says it sent whistleblower complaint to DOJ alleging election fraud in Detroit
- Michigan GOP chair says glitch switched Republican votes, but state officials claim 'accidental error' - American Wire
- Michigan Legislature Holds Rare Emergency Session to Investigate Possible Election Irregularities - Dan Bongino
- Pearson Sharp- Michigan is back in play! - YouTube
- EXCLUSIVE- Michigan's IMPOSSIBLE 173K Anonymous Votes!- - Louder With Crowder - YouTube
- Dominion-Trained IT Contractor Blows Up Michigan Hearing, 'They Were Re-Scanning, Counting Ballots 8 to 10 Times' (VIDEO)
Nevada (D Governor)
Web Pages:
- Former Nevada AG Claims Trump Would ‘Convincingly’ Have Won State Without Mail-In Voting - The Daily Wire
- Huge court win lets Trump present ballot evidence, could overturn Nevada result
- John Davidson- The Proof Is Out There Of Nevada Voter Fraud
- Nevada GOP Sends Criminal Referral To Barr Alleging Thousands Of Cases Of Voter Fraud - The Daily Wire
- Ric Grenell- Trump Campaign Is ‘Not Being Allowed To Check’ Ballots At Nevada Polling Stations - The Daily Caller
- Nevada 'fraud'- 1,500 ‘dead’ voters, 42,248 voted ‘multiple times,’ RV camps as 'homes' (Evidence presented at court in NV.) From the article...
- “This is a shameful moment in American history. Five or six Democrat-controlled major cities greenlighted fraud and changed outcomes. Trump won Nevada by a wide margin, and I believe these same dirty deeds occurred in Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, essentially disenfranchising 73.3 million Americans. This is a civil rights emergency. If we don't immediately expose the fraud, America will never accept this election,” he added.
Pennsylvania (D Governor)
Here's a video of Mark Levin discuss how dishonest PA has been, to include breaking Federal Election laws... (we re-uploaded this video to Rumble since they deleted it from YouTube)
Web Pages:
- Pennsylvania Secretary Of State Overseeing Election Declared Trump 'Dangerously Unfit' For Office, 'Demeaning' To Presidency
- Military Ballots Found in the Trash in PA, All Were Trump Votes
- Trump Campaign Scores Another Win In Pennsylvania Court; Some Ballots Lacking Voter ID Info Must Be Set Aside - The Daily Wire
- The U.S. Supreme Court Should Act On Pennsylvania’s Vote Count
- Levin- Pa. Secretary of State Is Violating This Exact Clause of the Constitution - CNSNews
- PA GOP files emergency appeal with Supreme Court over late ballots
- Election 2020- Judge hands Trump legal win in Pennsylvania vote count
- 'It's America's business'- Ted Cruz shoots back after Pennsylvania attorney general tells him to 'stay the hell out of' state's vote counting
- PA recount rules- Know the margins and how long it could take
- Justice Alito Orders Pennsylvania to segregate and secure -ballots received by mail after 8-00 p.m. on November 3-
- ‘Come Back To Haunt’- Pennsylvania Lawsuit Alleges 21,000 Dead People Still On Voter Rolls - The Daily Caller
- Amistad- Pennsylvania Judge Orders Secretary of State to Segregate Ballots Statewide
- Rudy Giuliani- Trump campaign has enough evidence to change Pennsylvania election results
- Why Pennsylvania Doesn’t Add Up - The American Spectator - USA News and Politics
- Pa. Supreme Court to hear Giuliani’s fraud arguments - One America News Network
- 3 Fishy Things In Pennsylvania Voter Data The State Has Yet To Explain
- More on Pennsylvania - Another Statistical Analysis Shows Roughly 300,000 Biden Votes Are Questionable - Conservative News Daily
- GOP Win In PA- Judge Tosses Thousands Of Ballots Without Dates, Reversing Lower Court Ruling - The Daily Wire
- Pa. House members sound off after Dominion abruptly cancels hearing appearance- ‘Why are they hiding"
- Cybersecurity expert at Pa. hearing reports on alleged anomalies, says voting machines built to be 'manipulated'
- Case Dismissed- Analysis of Decision in Pennsylvania's Parnell Case - UncoverDC
Wisconsin (D Governor)
Web Pages:
- BREAKING- Trump Campaign to Request Recount in Wisconsin - Dan Bongino
- Biden's Performance In Milwaukee County Raises Questions About Wisconsin Votes
- Report- Wisconsin Election Clerks May Have Illegally Altered Thousands of Ballots
- Wisconsin Election Commission Might Have Violated State Law By Allowing Clerks To ‘Fix’ Ballots, Report Says - The Daily Wire
- Outrage as Wisconsin Election Committee seeks to change rules AFTER Trump files for recount - American Wire
- Amistad Project Files Litigation Calling More Than 150,000 Wisconsin Ballots into Question – Got Freedom
- BREAKING EXCLUSIVE- THOUSANDS of Fake Votes Found at Wisconsin Recount in Dane County - Photos and Report from GOP Observer
Backup Information To PROVE Voter Fraud:
In addition to what I share here, jump down to References to see more articles and videos to prove that the Democrats are stealing this election.
Here's Democrat Rod Blagojevich, Fmr Governor of Illinois, discussing how widespread voter fraud is in Democrat strong holds...
There is Undeniable Mathematical Evidence the Election is Being Stolen - The Red Elephants : This is one of our favorite articles about Voter Fraud because it's very analytical and uses statistical information to make its case and like I've said in business for years, "The numbers don't lie"!
12/11/20 - How Voter Fraud Can Be Proven...
The geek who created the QR Code and numerous other ways of reading data electronically discusses how easy it is to prove voter fraud. Watch the video...
Additional Information About Voter Fraud As A Whole:
Here's more sources on voter fraud.
First is a video showing how a woman in Texas created an elaborate voter fraud business...
Update to above video: She was arrested...

Confessions of a voter fraud: I was a master at fixing mail-in ballots. A must read!
LET’S STOP PRETENDING ANY OF THIS IS NORMAL. This is a great article on the voter fraud we're currently experiencing!
Article on MI Governor not signing legislation that would stop one method of voter fraud in her state. Why wouldn't she agree to this?
Article about ballots being stolen from mailboxes. This is just one of many articles I read about ballots being stolen from mailboxes.
Article about a USPS employee throwing ballots into the dumpster. There were quite a few articles just like this that I read.
New Project Veritas Video: Voter Fraud in Ilhan Omar’s District. Why didn't she get arrested?
Voter Fraud: Man Arrested in L.A. for Voting 3 Times as His Dead Mother. I read numerous articles about people being caught for voting more than once and for stealing someone else's and filling it out and sending it in.
HIDDEN CAM: NYC Democratic Election Commissioner, “I think there’s a lot of voter fraud.” “They Bus People Around to Vote”. Here's another way of voter fraud I didn't even address above.
Lawsuit 100,000 noncitizens registered to vote in Pennsylvania. This is a consistent problem in Democrat ran states and cities. This is another voter fraud problem which I didn't address above either.
2020 Voting Fraud: Here’s Why Democrats Continue Push for Mail-In Ballots in Upcoming Election. Here's the video from this article...
These are just a few of the articles discussing voter fraud. Voter fraud is a serious problem in America but are the most dominant in Democrat ran cities and states. It MUST stop! But Democrats will not agree to any election policies that will stop them from cheating. It's been tried, they won't agree. This is because Democrats must have control over the election process to make it swing whichever way they want it to.
Until we have universal election laws which will protect the integrity of our elections, we Americans really don't have a voice. They want us to believe we do, but in reality we don't.