Seeking The Truth So You're Not Controlled Or Manipulated By Others & The Media
I hate being manipulated. I hate it when people lie to me to try and influence my decision. And I really despise it when people intentionally try to change my views by fabricating a story that would change how I view something.
Content Index
This article has a lot of pieces to it. To help you jump to specific topics I'm providing you with an index...
In this article I'm just going to be summarizing the information to provide you with enough information to understand each point. The thing is, this article could easily be turned into a book because this is a subject that has a lot of veins to it and goes very deep. Here I'm just giving a surface explanation to it.
Also, to help you understand where I'm coming from on this subject, I have a very deep knowledge in two core areas where this information is critical for what I'm going to be discussing here:
- Personal Development which is to create the best you that you can create and the life you desire. I've been studying personal development since my early 20's, over 30 years now.
- Marketing which is the art of compelling people to taking an action on your marketing message. I've been studying marketing since my mid 20's. I've invested over $100,000 into my marketing education and have built multiple multi-million dollar companies, while also helping others do the same. The last 15 years I've been teaching marketing in my spare time.
Did you know it's very easy to control people, what they think, what they believe, what they buy, who they like, who they hate, and the list goes on and on?
Understanding how is important in both Personal Development and Marketing.
With Personal Development it's important so YOU control your destiny and aren't controlled by external forces which would try to influence you for their reasons. Along with this, what I'm going to share will help you use these techniques to remove disempowering beliefs and create empowering beliefs, to name a few things.
In marketing you need to understand how to move groups of "alike" people to take an action on your marketing message. Marketers will market to groups of people with a common denominator like they're all plumbers or they're all housewives. There are hundreds of common denominators. These are considered "niche" markets and "target" markets depending on how you create the common denominators.
In the world of Politics they target specific groups of people like Blacks, or they push a specific narrative and attach it to a specific group of people like what we see with the Democrats approach to racism and blacks.
From a marketing point of view, "identity politics" is far more effective which is why Democrats are far more effective at manipulating and controlling large groups of people. Their messaging is directed to a specific group, thus, identity politics.
I'll be getting more into this and other topics further on in this article. First, I need to start with a foundational element to all of this...
We're All Made The Same Way
Let me start out like this. God made us in his image, we're all made the same way. Our biology is the same... we all have a heart, lungs, a nervous system and so on. You can dissect human beings of any race, of any color, from anywhere on the world and you'll find we're all created the same way. Our biology is exactly the same!
What separates us and makes us individuals is:
These are the primary things that mold us into who we are and what we believe, but not the only ways. They create our belief system, our values, help us establish what is right and wrong, how we view things and so much more.
What Do I Mean By "Belief System" and "Values"
Throughout this article I will be talking a lot about "what you believe" and your "belief system". Let me explain what I mean (copied from the first personal development course I went through, Personal Power by Anthony Robbins).
Values are the states we've linked the most pleasure to, e.g., love, happiness, security, etc. These are called ends values.
- We want certain things or conditions in life because of the states (how we feel) we think they'll give us - these things or conditions are called means values
We all have a hierarchy of values in each of two categories:
- "Moving towards" values: states (meaning feelings) that we pay attention to because they will mean pleasure (happiness, success, etc)
- "Moving away from" values: states (feelings) that we try to avoid (frustration, depression, etc.)
If you know your values, you know what your brain is paying attention to, and if you change your values you change your destiny
- You may also discover conflicts that are limiting you
- Values come out of your experiences of pain and pleasure
a. As you grew up, the people around you shaped your values
A belief is a feeling of certainty about the meaning of something.
- Your beliefs determine whether or not you feel like you're meeting your values - they can either limit or liberate you
There are two basic kinds of beliefs:
- Global beliefs are generalizations (life is ..., people are ..., I am ...,)
- Rules (if this, then that)
To gain full control of your life, you must find out what your core beliefs are, change those that are limiting you and resolve conflicting beliefs
To change a belief you must:
- Identify the belief you want to change
- Link enough pain to your present belief so your brain wants to move away from it
- Identify a new, empowering belief
- Link massive pleasure to the new belief
- Condition the new belief by rehearsing over and over again how your life will be better with this new belief, and how painful it will be to keep the old belief
Two valuable core beliefs to adopt:
- The past does not equal the future. You have total control over your life moving forward, unless you play a victim role and blame others for where you're at in your life.
- There is always a way - if you're committed
When you have a thorough understanding of Beliefs and Values you have the knowledge to create the world you desire. You have the ability to overcome limiting beliefs which would hold you back from creating the successes you desire in life and you know how to control your state (feelings) so you're not over-reacting to things that happen like an obstacle you may have to overcome to achieve your desired objective.
It is said that success is 98% attitude, meaning, one's belief system and management of their state of mind sets in motion one's ability to create success in their life or not. It's like the old saying states, "If you believe you can you will, if you believe you can't you won't. Either way you're right."
Our mind is the most important part to what we achieve in life, who we become, how we handle things and much more.
Educating You On Some Key Things You NEED To Know To Understand What I'm Going To Be Sharing In This Article
In the beginning of this article I'm going to be teaching you foundational information that's important to understand and know so when I start digging into how you're being controlled it'll all make a lot more sense.
Let's begin.
Some of these things we have no control over like who our parents are and what they instill into us as we grow. The role of a parent is huge in our lives.
The Role Of Our Parents In Our Lives
We learn everything from modeling. We learn to walk by watching those around us, we develop our accents by those around us and how they speak, we learn to talk by modeling those around us. We observe what others do and copy them, thus, modeling.
Our parents are the first people in our lives. For the high majority of us, they are the greatest influence in our lives.
Let's take racism for this discussion.
Using Racism To Explain How Our Parents Instill A Belief, And How That Belief Can Be Changed (Generational Beliefs & Breaking Generational Beliefs)
If our parents are racist they teach this belief and behavior into their children. Children listen to everything the parents say like at the dinner table and while watching TV. What did you learn from your parents, and what are you teaching your children by the discussions you have with other adults around the kids and comments you make?
In a black family the parents could be telling their children how the white man did this and that to their race, which takes what happened hundreds of years ago and brings it forward to today as if it is still happening today. This could be traumatic to a young black child.
As children we just simply trust and believe our parents. A black child being taught that white people are bad starts them out in life with negative feelings toward white people.
In a white family the parents may tell their kids blacks are dirty, that they are less than them.
Then the kids grow up. The black child has white friends and realizes whites aren't so bad, they are just like him. They realize these things his parents told him about whites was during a completely different time in America's history, that it's not true today.
The white child has black friends and realizes blacks aren't so bad, they they are just like him.
These children are now adults and have their own children, but unlike their parents they don't teach racist ideology to their kids. They instead are taught we're all equal.
My parents never talked negatively of blacks or any other minority. My father had blacks working with him at his business. One in particular I was very close to growing up. My grandfather had a business partner who was black. This was back in the 60's.
Christians, both black and white, are taught we're all equal.
So here you have a belief changed from one generation to the next.
Even though the first set of parents instilled racist beliefs with their children the children grew up and realized this wasn't true and took on a new and more empowering belief system that we're all created equal, that skin color just doesn't matter.
This belief system of racism has been changing generation after generation well before the civil war that freed the blacks. Christianity and our belief in the Bible has been that driving force. (Many have said this is why the Left is attacking Christianity... because Christianity unites and supports equality while the Left wants to divide us because a divided nation is easier for the government to control and it's all about control to the Left. You can draw your own conclusion of the Left's attack on Christianity.)
While parents set in motion our initial belief system, our beliefs change and mature as we grow up and experience things that contradict what we were taught as a child. How did this happen?
It starts with a belief like believing blacks are bad and less than whites which the parents instilled in the child. The reference to this belief is 'what the parents told the child'. The child has this believe because of what his parents told him.
Then the child grows up, has a black friend and realizes blacks are no different than whites. His reference to this belief changes from his own personal experiences.
My point in sharing this with you is to point out that the "key" to beliefs is the references to that belief. You don't change a belief directly, you change the "reference" to those beliefs which then changes the belief.
America is not a racist country at all.
Instead, as you'll learn moving forward in this article, Democrats and the left are pushing the racist narrative to sell people on why they need support their policies. It's just one big marketing campaign designed to change the belief system of a mass number of people in order to push/sell left wing policies. That's all!
The question is, will you accept these misleading and false references to support the racism narrative?
Why It's Important To End Christianity As We've Always Known It For A Tyrant Government
I'm just going to touch on this topic.
This is also, in part, why you're seeing the left trying desperately to take away our Christian values and stop people from going to church. Because the Bible is a very powerful influencer and molder of our beliefs and values. If you want to push "Identity politics" in a negative way and divide people by race you can't have people believing we're all created equal.
But notice it's just the Democrat Governors and Mayors who are saying you can't go to church. One thing about Democrats, they are united in the narrative and with messaging which is important when trying to "sell" a narrative or change a belief.
Look at China and how they are tearing down and outlawing Christianity. Why would they do that? Why does it matter to a tyrant government if we follow Christian values?
In a nutshell, China wants the Government to be the people's god. China is re-writing the Bible to support China's doctrine so the Chinese Christian and China are in sync together. It's about "controlling" the people.
If you watch the actions of the Left and Democrats very closely you'll see they are also trying to put in place policies which turns control over to the Government and away from the people. They would like to have the same control over the people as China does over their people.
Again, this is a topic that requires another article because it's far deeper than what I'm presenting to you here. This is just a surface view of it.
Our Peers & Who We Associate Affects Our Beliefs
As a child grows up and starts going to school they're faced with a new challenge... peer pressure.
Peer pressure is very powerful! That's because we all want to be accepted, we all want to be part of something which in this case is being part of a social group at school. We don't want to be the outcast.
In every school you have your different groups like your jocks (the athletes) and your heads (smokers and partiers) and the nerds (technically smart people). The first two were the two main groups in my high school. These aren't the only groups, though. We also had the Church group, the band, the cheerleaders, etc.
As a parent, because of my studies in Personal Development I knew how powerful peer pressure was. I knew a child would adapt the behaviors of those in their peer group, so I was very clear with all of my kids by sharing this with them so they knew how important it was to select their friends (peer group) carefully. What I told all of my kids was, "I would much rather you have no friends than the wrong friends," and I backed that up 100%.
I ended the friendship my kids had developed because of the bad influence they were on my kids. This is one area I would not waiver on because I knew how big of an impact it would be on my kids development and the development of their belief system. Knowing how important one's belief system is I just was not willing to take any chances here.
Even when you become an adult you face peer pressure and want to belong.
Who are you associating with? Are they a positive influence in your life, or a negative influence pulling you down? Will they help you improve your life and be a better you, or will they send you down the wrong road? Do they just bitch about everything and play the victim which stops people from improving their life or do they focus on solutions and taking responsibility for their actions to grow and improve their lives?
You get the idea.
You are who you associate with.
Protect your kids and protect yourself.
In my early 20's when I got into personal development and learned about the belief system and peer pressure I had to walk away from all of my loser friends. All they did was pull me down, bitch about everything, played the victim and acted like juvenile delinquents!
This was one of the best decisions I ever made for my future. My friends were pissed but I stood behind my decision. I wanted to be a better me and be successful and these losers would never have supported this. They just wanted to go drinking after work and play the "bitch about everything" game. They blamed everyone for their problems taking no responsibility for their part in it, however small it may be which meant they'd never be able to change things in their lives.
I wanted more for my life.
I continued my studies in personal development, friendless, and then started creating new friends. These were people who were already successful and driven who would support my journey to creating greatness in my life.
Who's pulling you down or holding you back? Who's a negative influence in your life?
One of my sons went through what I went through in my early 20's and realized he had friends who were a negative influence in his life and walked away from them. He said to me that this one decision was a key to creating success in his life because this person was a drain on him and sucked the joy out of him with all of his negativity and bitching.
It's your life. You have one shot to create greatness and success, however you'd define it, in your life. Don't let others take this away from you. You are who you associate with so are you associating with the people who will help you grow and be a better you, or are you associating with people who will pull you down and hinder your ability to be a better you?
Do be aware, it's not uncommon for friends and family to be jealous of people who start making strides in creating a better life for themselves and will try to sabotage their growth. Watch out for this. You may need to walk away from family for a while too.
What We Actually See With Our Own Eyes
Above I used racism to explain how parents can influence a child and create a negative, disempowering belief with a child. I also shared that if this child experiences something different than what his parents told him it will break the negative belief instilled by the parents.
Along with this, if you actually observe things these observations will impact your belief system. Here are two examples:
- You watch a policeman treat black people different than white people. This would support the BLM narrative that police are racist.
- You watch a policeman helping a black person. This would dispute what BLM is saying.
Here's what you need to understand... IF you already have a strong belief against police (or anything) it skews how you view things around this belief. You're not as open minded. Let me give you an example.
Here are 3 possible beliefs:
- You have a strong belief that all police are bad and are racist out to "get blacks".
- You have a strong belief that all police are good and are out to help everyone, wouldn't intentionally hurt anyone.
- You have a strong belief that most police are good and there are a few who are racist out to "get blacks".
Now let me show you how each of these beliefs will skew/control how you view an incident between a policeman and a black man. Here's the scenario:
- A policeman pulls over a black man
- The black man will not follow the policeman's instructions and is being disrespectful.
- Keep in mind, you have no idea why the police pulled over the black man.
- The black man starts fighting with the police. Police fight back.
- Black man runs to the car and reaches for something.
- Police shoot the black man.
Here's how each of the 3 belief's above skew how you viewed what you just observed...
Belief 1 - All Police Are Bad:
- All you'll see is the police abusing this "innocent" black man, being rough with him for no reason and then shooting him for no reason.
- You do not even acknowledge the black man's actions. They don't matter because all police are bad.
Because you have a strong belief that all police are bad, your brain will not allow you to see it any other way. Your brain intentionally filters out the items that contradict your strong rooted belief system. Why? Because your brain's job is to make you right.
With this strong belief system you discard that the black man was disrespectful to the police and refused to obey the police, you discard that the black man started the fight, you discard the optics of how it looked with the black man running to his car to grab something and even provide innocent reasons for doing this without a shred of facts to back it up.
Your brain must be right and will skew the facts so you are right that "all police are bad".
On a side note, think of how disempower beliefs can stop you from being successful (you're not worthy of success, you can't afford it, nobody in your family has been successful so why would I think I can be successful), or how empowering beliefs can push you to becoming successful (the past doesn't equal the future, I have just as much ability to be successful as anyone else).
Belief 2 - All Police Are Good:
- You see the black man not following the policeman's instructions and is being disrespectful to the police.
- You see the black man starts fighting with the police. The police fighting back is fully acceptable!
- You have no problems with the police shooting the black man after reaching in the car.
Because you have a strong belief that all police are good, you believe everything the police did were the right decision and justifiable. You don't question any of the decisions by the police, but instead only focus on the bad choices the black man made.
Belief 3 - Most Police Are Good, Some Are Bad:
- You see everything as described above.
- You see the black man not obeying the polices instructions, you see the black man making the first moves against the police to start a fight with them, you see the black man run to the car to grab something and you see the police shoot the black man.
Because you have a split belief here that most police are good, some are bad, you don't draw a conclusion yet on whether the police should've shot the black man. You want to wait for the rest of the facts you don't know yet. You'll ask yourself questions to determine if this is a good or bad cop, questions like:
- Why did the police pull this person over in the first place?
- Why did the police shoot this person? Is there an underlying fact that prompted this that you didn't see or aren't aware of?
You do acknowledge, however, that the black man was wrong for not obeying the police's orders, you observed the black man starting a fight with the police and you observed the black man running for his car and reaching in for something, BUT, you want to wait for the findings in the investigation to get all of the details before making a final judgement.
However, because you believe most police are good you'll initially give the police the benefit of the doubt with the right to change your mind as the facts around what happened is revealed.
My point in all of this is your belief system controls how you view things, how you see things that happen. This is why people with different beliefs will argue over what happened. One sees it one way, another sees it another way.
Add to this, "our perceptions to things is our reality to it". You can tell a black man or liberal who's been brain-washed by the BLM movement that all police are bad that the policeman was not wrong for shooting the black man until you're blue in the face and they'll argue with you relentlessly that the policeman was wrong, period!
They can't see it any other way! Their belief system won't allow them to view it any other way! It's not even worth the time to try and change their mind because you won't.
I hope this was a good exercise in showing how our belief system controls how we see things that happen.
Now, one last key point here... The first step to controlling you is to control what you believe.
If the media does smear campaign after smear campaign telling you how bad someone is, and you see this same messaging from numerous media outlets in numerous different articles, will you believe it?
Absolutely you will.
I explain why further on, and I explain how the media uses smear campaigns for the sole objective of changing your belief system to what they want you to believe. You will either find this enlightening, or it's going to piss you off once you see how you've been manipulated all of these years.
At minimum I hope you find it liberating because you'll now be armed with the information you need to no longer be manipulated and played like a fool.
How What We Read & Hear Impacts Our Beliefs
In marketing we know that it takes the consumer seeing our message more than once to build trust and an interest in the product we're marketing to them. For the Direct Marketer a common approach is to mail out three marketing pieces 2-3 weeks apart. In each piece we'll refer them to a web page for more information. Each marketing piece will present the product differently giving the consumer another way to learn how they'd benefit from owning the product.
If they jump to the web page this page will offer even more detailed explanations to help move the consumer through the sales process with the hopes they'll ultimately make a buying decision to purchase the product.
The "7 Times" Rule & Study To Prove It's Effectiveness
Here's what in part makes this effective... it takes seeing something at least 7 times for someone to believe it. This is a very important factor to know!
A study was done to test the effectiveness of this.
A man went to church and when he got there the greeter shacked his hand and asked him, "Are you feeling okay? You're looking a little pale." The man said he was feeling fine.
As he went into the church another man asked him if he was feeling okay also stating he was looking a little pale. By the time he sat down 7 people in total questioned him on how he was feeling and stating he looked pale and looked ill.
Sure enough, this man who before entering the church was feeling great all of sudden wasn't feeling so good. By the 7th time being questioned about how he felt and told he looked pale this man started feeling bad and went home sick.
It's the way our brain is made. It has been found that most take 7 times to be introduced to or told something before they believe it.

Some take more times if they already have an opposing view of it, some can't be changed at all because their belief system is too strong and they refuse to accept anything different. But the majority only need to be told 7 times.
Take a look at what a KGB study found...

The "7 Times Rule" is an important factor in marketing.
When the marketer sends the consumer to a web page there will be a special code there that will track you. Then when you go back to Facebook all of a sudden you start seeing my message on your timeline. When you go to web pages you start seeing my message. You start seeing my message all over the internet everywhere you go.
This is a very powerful marketing strategy.
How The Media Uses This Powerful Mind Control Strategy To Control YOU!
First, you should know that our CIA taught the media how to control the people, how to use "brain-washing" techniques which will control the belief system of the viewers. These are techniques the media have used in other countries to control the public since the 70's, and have been using against American's for years.
One key technic is it's been proven over and over again that if you see the same message over and over again you'll believe it. Keep this fact in mind.
90% of the media is owned by just 6 corporations, and they're all Democrats. These owners are able to easily control the narrative and the message (articles) going out. All they have to do is be in sync on the messaging going out to control the people.
Think about this. If every news medium is reporting the same thing, presenting the same narrative and you see this same narrative from multiple outlets and media sites then it must be true. Right?
Not at all. It just means these news mediums want you to believe the narrative they're presenting.
I'm not going to go into the deeper discussion of why the news mediums want to control your mind and what their end game is because that would just simply be too much for the average person to grasp in an introductory article. Instead I'm just going to make you aware that the news mediums are intentionally trying to control you in order to sway you decisions and allegiances.
There's only one way to not be a pawn (a victim) in their mind control objective and to get to the real facts of the topic. It consist of two steps, plus one additional step when figures and specific facts are involved.
Let me share them with you:
Step 1: Know What They're Doing
The first step to not being manipulated or controlled by the media (or others) is knowing what they're doing. Know how they are controlling people.
I'm teaching this to you now.
Think of a magic trick. If you knew how the magician did the trick they wouldn't be able to fool you. It's those that don't know how they do it that are mesmerized by the magician. It's the same here.
By knowing that fact that they are trying to control you is the first step. Then:
- By knowing 90% of the news mediums are owned by 6 corporations and they're all Democrats all of which are on the same page of what they want to accomplish they're able to work together to so they're all putting out the same messaging.
- By knowing that the average person just needs to see that same messaging 7 times before it becomes real you know how they're controlling you.
- By knowing the media is after a specific objective, ie, Hating Trump and absolutely not wanting him to get reelected, for example. Or that they want to achieve specific outcomes so they'll push a narrative to create that outcome.
Then you add on top of this all of the pawns who are further pushing this messaging. These are the millions of people on Social Media and micro-sites. These are people who took this messaging as the truth and are further pushing it out, or who will try to discredit opposing facts.
In marketing there are two very powerful approaches... FREE and presenting the FEAR of not doing something (or of doing something). There are many marketing books covering these two emotions and how to capitalize on them to create a successful campaign.
Don't you suppose Democrats and the left media also know this? Of course they do!
Hitler found that it was easier to control masses of people with the media pushing fear. It's very much like what we've been watching the left media do with COVID... you or a family member will DIE if you get COVID so wear a mask, stay locked up in your house, don't go to church, etc. Do these things so you and/or your loved ones don't die.
They push this narrative collectively between all of the left wing news mediums... you need to be afraid!
If you also remember, the whole point of the lock-down was to make sure our hospitals didn't get overwhelmed. We were told we'd only be locked down for about 2 weeks. Hospitals never did become overwhelmed so what happened? It's now been over 3 months and we still have states and cities locked down.
What is the underline motive to change why we need to stay locked down out past the election? (This discussion is much lengthier so I'm just going to end it with the this question.)
Through out these months of being locked down we've had the left wing media pushing the fear narrative to make sure we all obey. Here's a study that was done which shows how the left wing media way over exaggerated the seriousness of COVID...

This shows that American's believe a lot more people have died from COVID or has had COVID than how many actually have. The left media wants you to stay afraid because it's easier for the Democrat mayors and governors with ulterior motives to keep cities and states locked down.
Then we look at what the actual survival rate is if you get COVID. We had to get this from a right wing media source because the left is absolutely refusing to show this, which makes us question why the left is hiding important information from their viewers? (You should always be questioning things.)
You can click on the image for a larger view of it. As you can see, under 50 it's a ridiculously high survival rate if you catch COVID. Even at 50-69 the death rate is only 0.5%. These figures completely dispute the fear mongering by the left wing media.
This also brings me to the 2nd Step to not being manipulated and controlled by the media (or others).
So in Step 1 it's know HOW they're controlling you, knowing the strategies they're using.
Step 2: Get Opposing Views
The second step to stop being controlled by the media is by getting opposing views of the narrative they're pushing.
It's been said that there are two sides (two view points) to every story, to every situation that happens. If a husband and wife get into an argument there's the husbands view to what happened and the wives view to what happened.
It's the same with news mediums.
The News Is DEAD! Here's What It Is Today...
Back in years past when the news was really the news, the reporter would just report the facts and leave opinions and explanations of what happened out. They would just simply present the facts to people and then it was up to the viewer to decide what that information means to him or her.
I liked it that way. I liked just getting the facts and then allowing me to determine what that information meant to me.
Today, the news is dead! Today everything is either opinion driven or narrative driven. The facts are simply a starting point to sharing one's views to those facts. The journalist will present a fact (generally just a piece of it) and then will spend the rest of the time telling you what this should mean to you.
Did you grasp what I just said?
Reporters today are telling you how you should take the information they are giving to you.
They don't want you to draw your own conclusion in fear you may not take it the way they want you to take it so instead they present their information they call news by explaining to you what this information should mean to you. They do this because they want to control your thoughts and how you view things.
Do you remember how I explained belief systems above and showed 3 beliefs around police?
Journalist/reporters also have belief systems. But rather than be subjective and keeping their views which are based upon their belief system out of the "news", they present the news based upon their belief system so it's presented in a way to support their belief system.
Using the example of the police above, could you see how 3 reporters each with one of the three beliefs around police would present their information significantly different?
Each will try to push their views of what happened to you based upon their belief system on that topic.
This is why you absolutely cannot trust reporters and what they're presenting...
It's presented to you based upon the reporters belief system on the topic which will skew the facts or even cause the reporter to not present all of the facts because the additional facts don't support their belief system so they're not necessary.
Welcome to today's news, which as I stated above, is just opinion and narrative driven! You need to understand, today's news is not fact based any longer!
So when someone says to you, you're being lied to or say the news is lying, more than likely they are right, and now you know why!
Let's pursue this further and look at how this relates to President Trump.
Trump And The Left Wing Media
Let's be blunt. Since Trump won the election it's been a 24/7 365 full force attack against him. I'm going to use this as the basis to dig deeper into Step 2.
Remember, 90% of the news mediums are owned by 6 Corporations which are owned by Democrats. What this means is 90% of the news media's are based upon a left leaning ideology and belief system.
Trump is the complete opposite of their ideology. See the problem already?
Now, I understand that for you to fully grasp what I'll be sharing here it would be helpful to get into the left's ideology and Trump's ideology, but it really is not my desire or intent to turn this article into a heavy leaning political article and take away the real purpose of this article which is to teach you how not to be controlled by others and the media.
So let me just summarize the ideologies this way... The Left/Democrats want Globalization and Trump is primarily focusing on what's in America/American's best interest first. These are opposing ideologies.
Think of it this way... A husband in a family represents the President:
- Trump's Ideology: Everything the husband does is for the primary purpose of his family (family representing USA). Everything he does is to benefit his family, help his family and make the lives of his family better, safer, healthier, etc.
- Democrat/Left Ideology: Everything the husband does is to benefit the state (State representing the World) the family lives in. Some things will benefit his family, something will be detrimental to his family because the primary focus is on what's in the best interest of the state.
If your focus is on America there will be things that wouldn't support a global agenda, and could even hinder things you want to put in place globally but you'll have a very happy, successful, safe and healthy American people.
If your focus is on the World there will be things that will be detrimental and hurt Americans but will support and help the World.
Which is more important to you... your family (America) or the state (World)?
Trump is doing wonders for America and Americans. But because Trump isn't doing the things the left wing media and Democrats want on a global basis he's a bad man, they can't allow him to continue. (There's a lot more to it than this but I'm trying not to get overly detailed because I have a different objective for this article.)
The left needs to stop him, because, unlike previous Republican Presidents they can't control him. This scares the hell out of them, and it pisses them off even more.
Click here to see a list of Trump's first term accomplishments.
So here you have the left doing everything they can to discredit and hurt Trump, to change how we view him. They want us to view him as a bad man.
Below I discuss Discredit/Smear Campaigns so you understand what they are, how they're structured and why they're used.
Step #2 Is Also The Solution For A Discredit Campaign...
So here's what you do. You start getting opposing views to what you're being told. This is why I will research specific topics or issues to see what both the right and left media say about it.
What I find the high majority of the time is the left has:
- Intentionally leave out a sentence(s) that put what the left is reporting into context (but is out of context of what was really being said); or
- They'll add or remove a word to change the context of the sentence Trump said; or
- They'll only show part of the sentence and not the whole sentence; or
- They'll present the 2nd sentence which they build the negative narrative around, but they don't show you the 1st sentence which puts the 2nd sentence into context and completely disputes the narrative being presented by the left media; or
- They'll only show enough of the video to build the negative narrative around and won't show the whole video of what Trump said which would completely dispute the narrative being presented.
The left media is devious, biased and determined to control people so they vote the way they want them to.
The problem is finding opposing views because to add another dynamic to all of this we now have Big Tech (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google) all backing up Democrats and censoring conservative information and opposing views just like they censor information in China for the Chinese Government. I no longer use Google to do my internet searches because they hide search results that would hurt Biden and help Trump.
Instead I use for all of my internet searches that have anything to do with politics.
I do a lot of research because I just want to know the truth. Let me give you an example of what the left will do and has done.
#1. Do you know how the media is constantly saying that Trump said COVID was a hoax? Here's the truth behind this:
February 28, 2020: Politico published a piece entitled, “Trump rallies his base to treat coronavirus as a ‘hoax.’” This is the lie the media is spreading. Many in the media and Democratic Party echoed this fake news.
Here's the truth... Trump was in fact calling the criticisms of his administration’s response to the coronavirus the Democrats’ new hoax.
Trump never called the virus a hoax, he said the criticism of his administrations response to the coronavirus was the Democrats new hoax. Big difference.
#2. The Left Media, Democrats & Even Democrat Chris Wallace of Fox News Are Constantly saying Donald Trump said there were "fine" Nazis or KKK at the Charlottesville Riot
From "Trump, the Dem Media and the Charlottesville Lie" - 8/6/2019 - Real Clear Politics...
This is one of the two great lies of our time -- the other being that all Trump supporters are racists -- and perhaps in all of American history. I cannot think of a lie of such significance that was held as truth by so many Americans, by every leading politician of one of the two major political parties and disseminated by virtually the entire media.
The harm that the media and others on the left have done and continue to do to this country by charging the president with praising Nazis and other white supremacists is incalculable. It has only served to inflame and divide Americans: the tens of millions who believe the lie and the tens of millions who know the truth.
Here's what the left media is saying Trump said, "Trump stunned the world and shocked the conscience of this nation. He said there were ‘some very fine people on both sides.’ Very fine people on both sides?"
Here's what Trump actually said, ... “Excuse me, they didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group – excuse me, excuse me, I saw the same pictures you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.”
After another question at that press conference, Trump became even more explicit: “I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.”
3. A Bunch Of Articles Showing The Media's Lying...
Let me just say, I've never seen it this bad where the media is just outright making up stories and lying like they are. It's the worst I've ever seen!
Following are a few articles showing you just how much the left wing media is lying about Trump. If they'll intentionally lie about the President of the United States, what else will they lie about? How low will they go?
- The Media's Top Lies and Spins About COVID-19 - 3/29/2020 - Real Clear Politics
- The media just can't stop lying about Trump - 6/21/18 - The Hill
- The lying about Donald Trump is now completely out of control - 6/2/2020 - NY Post
- The Media Are Lying To You About Everything, Including The Riots - 6/3/2020 - The Federalist
- 13 Times Big Three Censored Good Econ/Market News in 2020 - 9/2/2020 - MRC Business
- The Media Are Lying About The Election Again - 9/7/2020 - The Federalist
- Rush Limbaugh: Trump’s Bringing Peace To Middle East, And The Media Won’t Tell You So - 9/15/2020 - DailyWire
These are just a few articles. There are hundreds! Like I said, it's the worst I've ever seen!
Here's a video from an Australian media (The Bolt Report) talking about all of the lying they're seeing the media doing regarding President Trump, 3/30/2020. This is an outsider looking at America...
Survey Shows That Democrats Don't Care About The Media Lying About Trump
In January 2020, 67 percent of Republicans saw political bias in the news while only 26 percent of Democrats felt that way, which tells us Democrats are enjoying what the media is selling.
The media has been successful at turning the left against Trump, and then they stroke that hatred with ongoing never ending negative stories built on lies. Per the survey, Democrats don't care that the media is lying to them. The left is loving all of the lies and negative stories about Trump.
I don't get it. When Obama was President, I completely despised him because of his "Anti-" American policies and actions. I've always felt that the President of the United States is suppose to put America and American's FIRST. But some how, Obama didn't grasp that key part of the job. Regardless, I didn't want to see negative stories about him. I wanted to see positive stories of how he was helping Americans. Instead, the positive stories were about how he was helping illegals, refugees and other countries which were not positive to me.
The Media Wants You To Believe Trump Is The Liar, Not Them!
From day one Trump has been attacking the different medias who were reporting "Fake News". This absolutely blew away the media because nobody has ever attacked them for their fake stories, misleading stories or straight out lying to their viewers.
Today the trust in the news mediums is at an all time low, even lower than congress if you can believe that. Yet, people are still accepting specific stories put out by these media's as true.
So what does the media do? To cover up their own lies they spin it to "Trump's the liar".
Have you noticed this is also a key part to the Biden campaign, "Trump's a liar". This storyline of changing the narrative from the media being the liar to Trump being the liar has grown into a full blown Biden campaign strategy. The media is repeating it to give Biden backup to this narrative they themselves started.
The following is from a Washington Examiner article.
When [Democrat] politicians do those things [lie, like all of the lies of Schiff], the media react with a yawn. Yeah, too bad, but that’s how it goes!
But if Trump says something like “there’s a crisis at the border,” liberal journalists are horrified, absolutely horrified, that he would ever tell such a lie, though right up until that moment, they themselves had been calling it a crisis.
It’s as if they don’t think people can actually see for themselves that there really are hundreds of thousands of poor people from broken countries dumping themselves into the United States, where we’re expected to care for them.
No crisis there! Just Trump lying again!
The “Trump lies again” mantra is in itself an attempt by the media to mislead us. That ridiculous tally by the Washington Post and the New York Times purporting to track something like 1 billion lies told by the president every minute is simply a joke.
Am I suggesting Trump doesn't lie. No. But it's nothing in comparison to what the left wing media is doing.
However, having said this, if you love Trump you can explain the lie, if you hate Trump then Trump saying a lie is the end of the world. So if you hate Trump, how did you feel when Obama lied? You had no problem with it and came up with excuses of why he lied, or would deny that he lied at all.
You see, how you handle things that happen is based upon how you feel about the person who did it. Love him, you accept it. Hate him and it's the worst thing ever.
Step 3: Get The Facts On What You're Being Told
I can't tell you how many times I've seen meme's and Facebook posts...
- Using fake or misleading information to create an "impact statement"
- Using numbers with no explanation of how they came up with that number
When asked for the facts to back it up, nothing.
It's not uncommon to see someone make a statement for "impact purposes" only. The purpose of this is to create an emotional response, usually anger or fear. The question is, is the statement true? Or is it simply just something that sounds good and will get a reaction from people, but it's not completely true or is misleading.
Here's an example of what the left is constantly saying... "Over 200,000 people have died from COVID and that's the President's fault, he killed these people." Here's how people could take this statement:
- President Trump is the reason 200,000 people died to create anger.
- You need to be afraid, look at how many people have already died from it.
This is the core statement, but I've also seen numerous variations of it adding in additional information to create an even greater impact.
So to explain "Step 3-Get The Facts" let's use the above "impact statement" as a basis.
We ask ourselves, is it really 200,000? How does the 200,000 break-down?
The left never explains the break-down to the 200,000. They just say, "Over 200,000 have died from COVID". They're objective is to create fear and attack Trump at the same time.
When you hear things like this what you want to do is get a clear understand of what the 200,000 represents, to get a break-down of it and to look at it from different angles or perspectives. You want to get the facts behind the 200,000. So, let's look at these 200,000+ deaths and put things into perspective:
- According to the CDC only 6% of deaths were pure COVID related. Of 200,000 that's 12,000 deaths solely from having COVID.
- The other 94% of deaths were by people with an underline medical issue like heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and more.
- The average age of someone dying from COVID is 78 years old. The average life span of an American is 78 years old. I found this statistic interesting.
- The survival rate when getting COVID is as follows:
- 0-19 Years: 99.997% | Death rate = 0.003%
- 20-49 Years: 99.98% | Death rate = 0.02%
- 50-69 Years: 99.5% | Death rate = 0.5%
- 70+ Years: 94.6% | Death rate = 5.4%
- No additional information is needed, you can see just by looking at the survival/death rates what one's chance of surviving COVID is.
- Then if you compare it to the Flu you realize it's really not that serious. Did you hear that Facebook removed a post by President Trump where he showed the comparison of COVID to the Flu? The worst part of this is the information Trump provided was true, yet they still removed the post. Why would they do that? It's normal to compare items to put things into perspective, but the left wants you to stay afraid because it's easier to control people who are scared!
- We know from reports by medical doctors that hospitals encouraged, even required doctors to list any death as COVID even if it wasn't COVID related. Therefore, of the 200,000+ reported deaths from COVID, how many weren't actually from COVID? Until the people who reported it clean up the numbers, we'll never know for sure. But this does show that the 200,000+ isn't 100% accurate.
- Medicare has determined that a hospital gets paid $13,000 if a COVID-19 patient on Medicare is admitted and $39,000 if the patient goes on a ventilator.
- We understand why they did this because hospitals were being paid more for COVID patients, 3 times as much more if put on a ventilator so they had a financial incentive to do this.
So the left media puts the emphasis on 200,000+ deaths. Now having looked at the bullet points breaking this number down and putting it into perspective, does it change your views on how the left is presenting this?
Here's how I view it now:
- The death rate is very, very low up to age 50. Even 50-69 it's pretty low. No reason to keep the country locked down!
- Protect our seniors over 70 since they're the most at risk, and those over 50 if they have an underlining health issue. Let the rest get back to work.
Who's To Blame:
- CHINA is why we have the China Virus. China did this, not Trump!
- 40% of the deaths came from Nursing Homes, and we had 5 Democrat Governors sending virus patients to Nursing Homes. Why isn't there outrage for this?
The Democrats Approach To COVID:
- Pelosi, Biden and most Democrats didn't even take the virus serious until the end of March. YET, Trump shut off travel from China and many other things to protect America and Americans starting the end of January.
- Trump made decisions BASED UPON THE INFORMATION HE WAS RECEIVING AT THE TIME, not based upon what we know today!
- It's always easier to say what should've been done 3 months into the pandemic where you have hind-sight knowledge.
- The end of January Trump was shutting down travel from China and taking other aggressive actions to protect Americans.
- Democrats didn't take it serious until the end of March. All the way through March they were minimizing COVID and telling people Trump was wrong for taking the aggressive actions he was taking. Biden wouldn't have done ANYTHING to protect American's for 2 more months after Trump was already taking action. Just look at what they were saying January through March.
In the article, "Stop blaming Trump for spread of the coronavirus" it shows the actions Trump took to protect American's.
So the point of "Step 3-Get The Facts" is break-down the numbers used in news articles and meme's and to put the numbers into perspective. Do this and you'll see the numbers in a whole new perspective and factually.
How The Left Counter-Attacks People & Articles They Don't Want You To Accept As Truth, And Explaining Smear/Discredit Strategies...
The last thing I want to dig into further is "Counter-Attacks", "Smear Campaigns" and "Discrediting Strategies".
Smear Campaign & Discredit Strategy.
This is when you intentional put out negative information like what the left is doing to Trump. The whole purpose is turn people off about this person by stacking on as much negativity about him as possible. The left wants you to hate him (for the reasons I've already shared above).
The whole purpose here is to make people not trust, hate, want to avoid, to not support, etc. the person, product or company being attacked. This is a common strategy politicians use against their competitor.
Here's a few things you need to know before I get started with this discussion:
- The media has liability protection so it's very hard, almost impossible to sue them for slander. There's not much they can't get away with.
- Politicians are legally protected from being sued for anything they say. Politicians can openly and purposely lie and there's nothing anyone can do about it! I hate this law because it doesn't hold Politicians accountable to being honest and truthful. This is how Adam Schiff is able to so freely lie! (Learn more).
- Big Tech has liability protection from being sued under Section 230 in the Communications Decency Act. Section 230 says: “No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider.” (Learn more.)
- This law protects websites from being liable if one of their users posts something illegal or controversial, so you can’t sue Twitter for a tweet someone posted, for example. But because Big Tech is now censoring information posted to their sites to include deleting information they deem inappropriate or contradictive to their views, the argument is that Big Tech is now acting as a publisher and should no longer have 230 protection. I agree!
- If a Business lies or intentionally misleads someone about their product/service they can be sued.
- If a Business lies or intentionally misleads someone about their competitor or a competitive product they can be sued for slander.
Because of the legal protection for the media to shield them, there's no better group of people to create a smear or discredit strategies than the media. The law sadly shields them!
How They Orchestrate A Smear/Discredit Campaign:
In marketing we've done discrediting campaigns against competing companies and/or products. Done right it's very effective.
The key is to be "subtle" and not reveal or make it obvious that your objective is to discredit the person, product or company. If people don't even realize what's happening, it's being implemented right.
What the left wing media needs you to believe is Trump is a bad man and is hurting you and the rest of us American's. The left wing media put in place a "Discredit" campaign against Trump as soon as he came down the elevator stating he was running for President.
But once he won the election the discredit campaign went to a whole new level.
The left just did not believe Trump would win so they only did a minimal discredit campaign prior to the election. Now it's a full scale attack against Trump.
So you know, a discredit campaign is also used as a counter-attack when the media needs you to ignore facts you know are true or to counter-attack facts they don't want you to accept as true.
The core to a discredit campaign is the following:
- You highlight the positives to your product (Biden in this case)
- You present negatives of the competing product (Trump in this case)
- You do not show positives of the competing product
- If necessary, you do an Apples to Oranges comparison meaning you don't do an exact comparison but instead compare two different things between the products which would present a negative for the competing product and a positive for your product.
- You use stories to present it.
The objective is to cause the consumer to lose all interest in the competing product because it just won't meet their needs and get excited about the new product and what it can do for you. Sound familiar?
It should because this is what the left wing media has been doing for 4 years against Trump, and most recently with how Trump handled COVID versus how they want you to believe Biden would've handled it.
I shared the list of Trump's accomplishments above because the left wing media is not reporting these things as part of their discredit campaign against Trump. It's not only about false or fake narratives, it's also about not reporting accomplishments so all you see is negative stories about Trump.
Then comes the smear campaign. But what do you do when the person they're attacking isn't doing things that are negative and finding negative stories isn't easy? What they do is take what the person said out of context:
- Report the 2nd sentence which supports the negative narrative you want to promote but don't show the 1st sentence which puts the 2nd sentence into context. Or if the negative message you want to promote is the 1st sentence and the 2nd sentence puts it all in context then they show the first sentence and not the 2nd sentence.
- This is what they did with their continuous Charlottesville "fine people" smear campaign. I showed you exactly what they did above toward the beginning of this article.
- Remove a word or two out of the sentence to change the meaning of the sentence completely.
- Show just part of a video of Trump talking, but only shows him saying what you've turned into a negative narrative. Don't show his full statement.
When researching stories pushed out by the left wing media for accuracy, the high majority of the time it's just simply finding the full statement Trump said. You very quickly see they did one of the things I listed immediately above in the bullets.
Where this gets tricky is in most cases but not all they will take a sentence Trump actually said and use this sentence as the basis for their smear. This is what Trump said. BUT, it's taken completely out of context. Once you see the previous sentence or the next sentence you see the context of the sentence.
So what I do is look for the full statement to see what the context was with the sentence the left is using in their smear campaign. In the pursuit of this often I will find a rebuttal article which addresses how the left took the sentence out of context and will show the full statement or video.
The left is sneaky! That's one take away. The other take away here is if Trump was really that bad the left wouldn't need to take what he says out of context to create a smear piece, otherwise called "Fake News".
Obama was easy to attack by the right because what he did was things the right just cringed at. It's harder to attack Trump because Trump's "America First" commitment is actually doing a lot of really amazing things for America.
Take open boarders for example. Obama and Biden support open boarders and Trump doesn't. The problem is the majority of Americans want to control who comes into America and have a boarder wall so bad people don't come in.
So the right attacks Obama's open boarder policy. The left attacks specific things Trump does to secure the boarder, but don't generally attack Trump directly for his boarder security because most people want boarder security.
A few smear campaigns the left pushed was:
- Putting kids in cages. This created a huge outburst by the left, until the truth was revealed:
- The pictures they used were pictures taken during the Obama Administration.
- These policies were put in place by Obama and just continued on in the Trump Administration.
- They separated kids because of the Trump Administrations strong position of child trafficking as sex slaves to make sure the child actually was the child of the adult bringing him/her across. You'd be blown away to learn how many were kidnapped to be used to help them cross the boarder.
- Not taking care of them while in confinement when they come across the boarder, like giving them dirty water.
- This was from a carefully orchestrated picture which mislead people to think they were getting dirty water.
- This picture was quickly debunked and the water they were getting was proven to be fresh clean water.
The problem is, once the left puts out a story, regardless to it being debunked, gets shared thousands even millions of times on social media and the left knows this. There's no way to show all of these people the truth, which the left knows. The damage has been done!
There Are Always Articles By The Right Which Disputes What The Left Puts Out
The problem with the media's attacks on Trump is there is an opposing view which are able to dispute what the left wing media is presenting and show very clearly how the left wing media is fabricating the information, changing the facts to fit their narrative, take information out of context to fit their narrative and more which is the whole point of Step 2... Get Opposing Views.
Here's why this type of campaign is so effective... Have you ever hated someone before?
If you have ever hated someone before then anything anyone ever says negative about this person you believe. You want to believe everything negative no matter how far fetched it is.
Hatred is another powerful emotion.
Getting people to hate Trump is very much like what Hitler did to get his people to hate Jews. None or very little of what is being told to the people is true but you're hearing the same messaging over and over again and from many different mediums like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, Occupy Democrats and many others so it's just a matter of time before you'll accept it as truth.
Remember, 90% of the media's are owned by Democrats who are all on the same page of the outcome they're after.
In the earlier years prior to the election campaign the discredit campaign against Trump was purely evil and was designed to not only discredit him but to destroy him! They want you to hate Trump!
It's a well orchestrated smear campaign to turn their viewers against the person they've targeted, in this case, Trump.

The whole point of this article was to show you how the media is controlling you, manipulating you and effectively getting you to vote how they want you to vote. They need you to hate Trump for the reasons I shared above.
Controlling you is not difficult when you have no idea what they're doing or how they're using specific strategies to control how you think and what you determine is true and not true.
Now you know how they do it, and you just as importantly know how to combat against it.
Be a truth seeker. Make decisions for YOUR reasons, not the media's reasons. Stop letting people influence you with false narratives, smear campaigns and the other strategies they're using to get us to walk into the gas chamber freely without any fighting. I'm not kidding! How do you think Hitler got people to freely walk to their death into a gas chamber? They had no idea!
Where is the media leading you? What is their ulterior motive?
I'd love to get into that discussion, but that's another article for another day. First, I need you and everyone else to clearly understand how the media is controlling you, to know the game they're playing. They know what they're doing and they do it very well.
God speed!