Last Updated: 6/7/21 (Jump down to New/Additional Information)
How To Steal A Presidential Election - Will We Ever Have A Fair & Honest Election Again?
40% Of American's, 77% of Republicans, Believe There Was Voter Fraud in 2020 Election... This MUST Be Resolved!
It's mind-blowing to observe what I've been observing. Unlike people on the Left who only listen to left wing media outlets with no desire to even consider anything reported on the Right, I watch both sides so I'm able to see both sides of the discussion.
Here are few other pages you can reference for additional information about the voter fraud in the 2020 election:
- Defense Of The Republic (Sidney Powell)
- Here Is The Evidence
- Deep Capture (the images going down the page are links to another page)
- 2020 US Presidential Election Related Lawsuits (List of lawsuits for 2020 election and their results)
- 2020 Election Fraud Rumble Video Channel (This is Rumble video channel of video's solely presenting & discussing the voter fraud from the 2020 election)
- HBO documentary about Voter Fraud via Voting Machines: Kill Chain
- Dominion Voting System Corruption Uncovered
Here are links to other articles we've written on voter fraud:
- Election 2020, What I Feared (11/4/20)
- A Stolen Election (11/6/20)
- Voter Fraud Is Proven With The Envelopes (12/3/20)
Because we're consistently adding additional information as it's made available to this article we've added an index for your convenience...
Continue reading...
Let's dig into this article.
The Supreme Court shot down listening to the Texas Lawsuit which just blows me away. The Supreme Court was the last best chance for America having a free and fair election process (so I thought at the time).
I no longer have any confidence in our elections. None! Especially after watching how well orchestrated the Democrats are at stealing an election (you should see the election laws in CA), and none of the people I would've expected to stand up to corrupt players stood up to them. They let it happen.
Is this because Presidents are selected and elections are just to make us feel like we had a part in who the next President would be?
I could've and would've accepted Biden winning if it had been a fair and honest election, but it wasn't. Voter fraud wins the election and the Globalist and China's chosen one becomes President.
I'm going to break-down the "Art Of Stealing An Election". It was a very well organized process with many people all working together to pull it off, and then equally important, covering it up.
Be sure to jump down to the New/Additional Information section of this page to watch the progress of trying to be able to do the RIGHT audit to find the voter fraud, the audits the states did both correctly and incorrectly solely for appearance purposes, what evidence has been found, how the Deep State tried HARD to stop the audits and cover-up the fraud, and much more!
4/12/21: It over, the Michigan audit of the Dominion system showed what others have already stated... They were designed to rig elections!
Per the article... "DePerno said this lawsuit will start a domino effect exposing election fraud in other states, and show that Joe Biden’s purported victory was illegitimate."
5/7/21: At this point...
- Votes for Trump flipped to Biden - PROVEN!
- Foreign country Election Interference - PROVEN!
- Voting machines can't be trusted - PROVEN!
- Voter Fraud - PROVEN!
- A lot of OBSTRUCTION to transparency - OBVIOUS!
- A tremendous amount of effort from Democrats and even Republicans to STOP audits, or LIMIT them - SHOCKINGLY YES! (If there's nothing to hide, why?)
- Trump won the Election - PROVEN!
The Steps To "The Art Of Stealing An Election"
This article was originally published on 12/11/20 which was prior to all of the evidence of the voting machines being rigged to switch votes from one person to another. Therefore, I don't point out rigging the voting machines as a Step to steal an election, yet this is a key factor especially in 2020. See the articles, video's and information under the "New/Additional Information" section starting right below this article for a lot of information about how the voting machines switched votes to Biden.
Be sure to see the information after this article under the "New/Additional Information" heading.
This article in itself discusses the other ways the Democrats used to steal the election so let's get into the article...
Step 1 - Changing State Election Laws
COVID became the Democrats perfect solution to their election problems. Prior to COVID we had one of the best economies we've ever experienced to include record low unemployment in numerous demographics. Statistically, the economy is always the top factor to a President being re-elected and Trump had this in the bag. Then came COVID.
With COVID and the left's never ending fear mongering for a virus with a 99.5% survival rate for people under 70 and 99.997% for people under 24, by pushing unnecessary lockdowns and because of their propagandist pushing a narrative that we'll all die from COVID if we didn't stay locked down the Democrat attorney's went into the states to get mail in voting statewide put in place.
To steal the election they needed millions of ballots out on the streets to be "harvested" and stolen.
- Michigan. Passed a law to mail out ballots to all voters for the 2020 election.
- Minnesota. Witness requirements for absentee/mail-in ballots cast in the general election were suspended.
- Missouri. Individuals who have contracted COVID-19, and those who are at higher risk for contracting the virus, are exempted from the notarization requirement. (Of course you realize they considered everyone high risk due to the reporting by your left wing media arm.)
- Pennsylvania. Prepaid return postage provided for mail-in and absentee ballots in the November 3, 2020, general election.
- Absentee/mail-in ballot receipt deadline extended to November 6, 2020 (with a postmark deadline of November 3, 2020, or no proof that the ballot was sent after that date).
- Drop boxes for returning completed absentee/mail-in ballots authorized.
- Mailed a ballot to all citizens of the state.
- Wisconsin. Mail-in ballot applications sent automatically to most voters in the November 3, 2020, general election.
- Georgia. Georgia’s Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, without legislative approval, unilaterally abrogated Georgia’s statute governing the signature verification process for absentee ballots.
These are just a few of the laws that got changed in the states. The ultimate goal was two fold:
- Mail out ballots to all citizens in the state, and
- No signature or ID verifications required.
Yes, shockingly they pushed for no ballot ID verifications. No comparing of signatures, no drivers licenses needed, nothing!
Per the lawsuit by Texas... (I'm just showing a few items in this lawsuit. If you want to read the whole thing, click here to read it and/or download it.)
38. Rather than augment safeguards against illegal voting in anticipation of the millions of additional mail-in ballots flooding their States, Defendant States all materially weakened, or did away with, security measures, such as witness or signature verification procedures, required by their respective legislatures. Their legislatures established those commonsense safeguards to prevent—or at least reduce—fraudulent mail-in ballots.
39. Significantly, in Defendant States, Democrat voters voted by mail at two to three times the rate of Republicans. Former Vice President Biden thus greatly benefited from this unconstitutional usurpation of legislative authority, and the weakening of legislative mandated ballot security measures.
Pennsylvania Specifically.
41. Pennsylvania’s Secretary of State, Kathy Boockvar, without legislative approval, unilaterally abrogated several Pennsylvania statutes requiring signature verification for absentee or mail-in ballots. Pennsylvania’s legislature has not ratified these changes, and the legislation did not include a severability clause.
44. On August 7, 2020, the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania and others filed a complaint against Secretary Boockvar and other local election officials, seeking “a declaratory judgment that Pennsylvania existing signature verification procedures for mail-in voting” were unlawful for a number of reasons. League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania v. Boockvar, No. 2:20-cv-03850-PBT, (E.D. Pa. Aug. 7, 2020).
45. The Pennsylvania Department of State quickly settled with the plaintiffs, issuing revised guidance on September 11, 2020, stating in relevant part: “The Pennsylvania Election Code does not authorize the county board of elections to set aside returned absentee or mail-in ballots based solely on signature analysis by the county board of elections.”
47. The Pennsylvania Department of State’s guidance unconstitutionally did away with Pennsylvania’s statutory signature verification requirements. Approximately 70 percent of the requests for absentee ballots were from Democrats and 25 percent from Republicans. Thus, this unconstitutional abrogation of state election law greatly inured to former Vice President Biden’s benefit.
49. Pennsylvania’s election law also requires that poll-watchers be granted access to the opening, counting, and recording of absentee ballots: “Watchers shall be permitted to be present when the envelopes containing official absentee ballots and mail-in ballots are opened and when such ballots are counted and recorded.” 25 PA. STAT. § 3146.8(b). Local election officials in Philadelphia and Allegheny Counties decided not to follow 25 PA. STAT. § 3146.8(b) for the opening, counting, and recording of absentee and mail-in ballots.
50. Prior to the election, Secretary Boockvar sent an email to local election officials urging them to provide opportunities for various persons—including political parties—to contact voters to “cure” defective mail-in ballots. This process clearly violated several provisions of the state election code.
51. By removing the ballots for examination prior to seven o’clock a.m. on election day, Secretary Boockvar created a system whereby local officials could review ballots without the proper announcements, observation, and security. This entire scheme, which was only followed in Democrat majority counties, was blatantly illegal in that it permitted the illegal removal of ballots from their locked containers prematurely.
59. The Ryan Report also states as follows:
[I]n a data file received on November 4, 2020, the Commonwealth’s PA Open Data sites reported over 3.1 million mail in ballots sent out. The CSV file from the state on November 4 depicts 3.1 million mail in ballots sent out but on November 2, the information was provided that only 2.7 million ballots had been sent out. This discrepancy of approximately 400,000 ballots from November 2 to November 4 has not been explained.
See the lawsuit for more (click here to read it and/or download it). It has a break-down showing the issues for each state. There are a lot of laws broken and irregularities by the 4 states in the lawsuit! They should've included NV and AZ also in the lawsuit.
To change the state election laws it required the state legislature to change them, but they didn't. Without the legislation changing the laws they still enacted changes in how they handled the election which was illegal. Yet, there have been no consequences to this... no consequences, no repercussions and all of the ballots still got counted.
Step 2 - The Ground Team
The ground team prior to the election had very clear objectives:
- Harvest as many ballots as possible. Get people to sign them and then fill them out yourself.
- Steal all of the ballots you can.
Just these two things alone would give the Democrats millions of ballots to work with.
This wasn't all they did, but it was enough to change an election.
At the bottom of the article we wrote, "A Stolen Election" we show articles and information state by state of the voter fraud, and then at the very end of the article we showed a number of articles and videos specific to Voter Fraud as a whole.
In fact, a lot of what we're sharing here was already discussed in that article but we're presenting it here in a different way with the theme being, How To Steal An Election!
Step 3 - The Ballot Processing Centers
Here's where things got very secretive, and played a key role in the steal.
The cities where they were going to implement their voter fraud strategy absolutely had to make sure there were no GOP pole watchers to observe them processing illegal ballots. This included:
- Ballots with a different signature than the one on file. In many places they didn't even audit the signature, it didn't matter.
- Incomplete ballots where they'd fix the ballot and gave the vote to Biden.
- Ballots that couldn't be read by the voting machine they'd create a new ballot for Biden even if it was a vote for Trump.
- People who were dead were ignored.
- People who lived out of the state were ignored.
- Ballots without an envelope... part of the suitcases and boxes that were brought in to be ran through the ballot counting machine in the early morning ballot dump where the high majority of ballots were from Biden to overcome the huge lead Trump had.
- The same batch of ballots ran through the ballot counting machine up to 8 additional times.
When processing the envelopes they needed to make sure nobody was watching them. This is why we all watched video after video of poling centers stopping GOP pole watchers from observing:
- Literally wouldn't even let them into the room.
- Boarded up windows so they couldn't see.
- Defied a Judges order requiring them to let the GOP pole watchers observe, even the police wouldn't honor the judges orders.
- Forced them to stay back 20 feet where they couldn't see anything.
They knew that if they could get through the envelope part of the processing without people observing how they were stealing the election they'd be home free. More about this in step 4.
There was absolutely no repercussions to these states breaking the law and not allowing GOP pole watchers from observing the key part of processing the ballot... the review of the Envelope and confirming the person voting was legally allowed to vote in the election!
Nobody was punished. Nobody was prosecuted. All of the illegal ballots were counted.
Step 4 - Nobody Forcing The States To Provide The ONE of Two THINGS That Would've Clarified Everything, Whether This Was An Honest & Fair Election or Whether This Election Was Stolen Because Of Voter Fraud... The Envelopes!
Doing a recount does nothing. All it did was recount all of the legal and illegal ballots again. (I've since learned that when a state recounts the ballots they don't actually recount the actual ballots but the ballot images from the voting machine which is a serious problem.) The key question was, how many illegal ballots were included in the stack of ballots?
The only way to find out how many ballots were illegally added was by an audit of the envelope. The envelope is the key, just like we wrote in the article, "Voter Fraud Is Proven With The Envelopes".
One factor many forget to consider is counting how many envelopes and how many ballots to make sure the two equal. This would show how many ballots slipped in the back door to be counted with no envelopes to back them up. Instead, we have no way of knowing!
Those stealing the election also know all of this regarding the envelope. This is why they have blocked every attempt to get them. (They also block every attempt to audit the actual ballots.) Between hiding them and destroying them, they knew they had to absolutely make sure the Trump legal team couldn't access them.
Along with this, Judges blocked every attempt to get them. Where these judges paid off?
Not a single state was forced to do an audit of the envelopes. Not one!
Yet, even Trump tweeted over and over again about auditing the envelopes to no success.
It's just like we stated in this meme...
The states had no problem doing a recount because they knew the illegal ballots were already intermingled with the legal ballots, and they knew there was absolutely no way possible that they were going to audit the envelopes, and not a single judge forced them to.
Instead, judges dismissed cases left and right for the most asinine reasons. Here's an article bringing up this same point: "Mark Levin rips courts 'ducking' lawsuits as Democrats 'institutionalize corruption and fraud'".
What is the Left saying? "Show me the evidence. If you can't show me the evidence then there is no voter fraud."
This is why the coverup is so important and why judges, Secretaries of State, Governors, etc. (from both parties) are doing everything they can to absolutely make sure Trump's team cannot get access to the voting machines, the envelopes and even the ballots... so they can't prove there was fraud.
This creates the narrative for the left wing media and the left to push... "show me the evidence," because they know Trump's team has been roadblocked from getting it.
Let me just say, every one of these people who played a role in the cover up must be voted out or fired! I'd even love to see them all prosecuted.
Between stopping GOP pole watchers from observing the process of reviewing the envelopes and successfully stopping the Trump team from reviewing the envelopes or having an audit done on the envelopes, the Democrats with the help of some Republicans successfully have stolen this election!
The Globalist and China, two key players in this steal, are very happy.
Democrats have fought tooth and nail to:
- Stop anyone from doing an audit of the Envelopes.
- Stop anyone from auditing the Dominion ballot counting machines along with the thumb drives and the other pieces that go with these machines.
If this was truly a fair and honest election there'd be no reason to stop anyone from auditing these two things, yet here we are watching them pull out the big guns with the best attorney's and the state AG's to absolutely make sure these two things are not audited.
Again I'll ask, why? What are they trying to hide?
Step 5 - The Supreme Court
The last real opportunity of fixing this injustice and illegally executed election to steal it from Trump was the Supreme Court. They're suppose to be unbiased and follow the constitution. They're the ones who are suppose to make sure laws are followed and that laws are constitutional.
We watched states break their own laws and go against their own Constitution. Nobody held them to account.
When one state has an issue with another state on a federal subject, why wouldn't the Supreme Court get involved and hear the case?
The Supreme Court said, “The State of Texas’s motion for leave to file a bill of complaint is denied for lack of standing under Article III of the Constitution,” the Supreme Court’s order reads. “Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections. All other pending motions are dismissed as moot.”
It blows my mind that the Supreme Court refused to hear the case from Texas suing GA, PA, WI and MI for breaking their state election laws which could skew the election.
Instead, every one of the states got away with breaking their own laws with nobody to hold them responsible and accountable for breaking their own laws. Every illegal vote got counted.
Rule of law loses yet again! The Supreme Court really dropped the ball here... they should've got involved in all of this!
The Keys To Stealing The Election
The process is easy.
The Count
- Mass mail ballots to everyone in the state so there's millions of ballots out on the street.
- Have millions of stolen ballots in a back room already filled out and signed by someone. Since signatures won't be checked, doesn't matter who signs them. Can be the same person signing them all.
- just in case you need more have pre-printed ballots with a vote for your guy as backup already to go. There won't be any envelopes for these, they'll go straight to the ballot counting machine.
- Run your guys ballots through the machine multiple times. Up to 8 times through is fine.
- Have the ballot counting machine switch 25% of the other guys ballots over to your guy. It's all code and easy to do.
The Coverup
Observe the results and repeat any of the steps above to make sure your guy wins because we have the coverup all ready in place and ready to go...
- Envelopes will be destroyed so they can't be audited. Won't be able to check age (dead people), where they're from, signatures or any thing else. Plus, won't be able to compare number of envelopes to ballots so all of the pre-made ballots printed on your printer and all of the ballots ran through multiple times won't be caught.
- Voting machines will be wiped clean. There will be no data there to show what happened from the machine.
- Judges will be bought off so they dismiss all lawsuits with clear instructions to absolutely under no circumstance to allow the other side access to the envelopes or voting machines.
- But just in case you do, we'll have handled them already like mentioned in the first 2 points.
There were two key things the GOP and their attorney's have been fighting for, lawsuits included, state by state. Here's what they're after...
- The envelopes like mentioned above.
- Access to all the parts of the ballot counting machines.
These are the two most important things needed to prove voter fraud.
Let me say it again...
These are the two most important things needed to prove voter fraud.
Would it shock you to know that in most of the 6 battleground states they've:
- Destroyed all envelopes or judges won't approve access to them, and that
- Many of the voting machines are being wiped clean, meaning all of the data on these voting machines are being deleted from the 2020 election?
Wow! I wonder why.
Did you also know that by law they are suppose to keep the envelopes and ballots for 22 months?
And this my fellow American's is how you steal an election.
Elections Moving Forward If Nothing Get's Fixed Or Changes Made...
Now that we know how to do it it's time for the Republicans to just beat the Democrats at their own game. If they sneak in 10 million total additional ballots in Democrat strong hold cities, Republicans should sneak in 20 million to run them through the ballot counting machines in Republican strong holds.
By the time the elections over we'll have record breaking votes for both of them, 120 million for one and 150 million for the other.
When either team tries to take it to court, they'll just have their party Judges roadblock access to the envelopes and voting machines just like we experienced in 2020.
They'll have dumpster fires to get rid of the envelopes... "Sorry, they've already been destroyed." Like in 2020 nobody will get in trouble for this.
"You want access to the voting machines? Oh, gosh, sorry, they've already been wiped clean." Again, like in 2020 nobody will get in trouble for this.
And like we watched in the 2020 election, no consequences to anyone for anything they did wrong including breaking laws. No judges upholding the law. And the media will be reporting there is no voter fraud.
So elections from this point forward is just a matter of who can cheat the best. This is how people will now be elected in America.
Heck, nobody even needs to vote. Each party will have pre-made ballots ready to sneak in the back door so their candidate wins.
No accountability. No judges upholding the law. The Supreme Court doesn't want to get involved.
And then.........
The next American revolution begins with American's...
- sick and tired of our corrupt system,
- sick and tired of laws not being upheld,
- sick and tired of Judges being bought off and not doing their job,
- sick and tired of elections being stolen,
- sick and tired of the Constitution not being followed,
- sick and tired of the Supreme Court not getting involved when they should've.
With end of "rule of law" and laws not being upheld, America fell apart and a Revolution takes place.
Many millions dead. (This is an illustration of a possible future we all want to avoid)
Is this really what we want? As much as we hope something like this never happens, what are American's who love their country to do when the rule of law has ended and we no longer have honest elections?
Fix the elections so there's no possible way of rigging or cheating in our elections! This MUST be done...
- No more mailing out ballots to everyone in the state.
- Strict rules for absentee ballots.
- Primary voting will be done in person.
- Voter ID is required for anyone to vote.
- No ballot harvesting
- The envelope review step must have 1 person from each party present without exception. Ballots processed without this won't be counted!
- Any election machines used to count votes cannot be changed, wiped clean or anything else. They will be available for audit by both parties anytime within 6 months after election as a standard practice and does not require a judges order or permission from anyone to do this. It just needs to be scheduled.
But don't expect any of this to happen any time soon, at least not while Democrats have any of the 3 offices.
Republicans will need to control the House, the Senate and the Presidency to lock in place proper and secure election laws. Democrats want nothing to do with fair and honest elections, like I'll be sharing in the P.S. at the end of this article!
Update 1/26/21. See below under New/Additional Information for the information about HR-1 Democrats now want to pass to make cheating easier. It's infuriating! We pegged this right... Democrats are not going to do anything to make elections fair and honest!
Other Things That Happened
I didn't list even a fraction of the things that happened during this election to help Biden win. There was a lot of testimony of what people experienced when at poling stations and throughout the ballot management and counting process.
I also haven't addressed the election interference by Facebook, Twitter and Google which is also a very serious problem and also must be fixed! What they did is just bullshit.
Again, you can read a previous article of ours, "A Stolen Election" which breaks down state by state the voter fraud found (just a fraction of it). Just scroll to the bottom part of the article.
Regardless to all of this, nothing changes.
Nobody is in trouble for breaking the law.
Instead, Democrats and their Globalist overlords are all having a drink celebrating their success in their stealing the election and strategizing how they'll steal the next one since, after all, nothing has changed and nobody was arrested for breaking the laws.
It was a clean steal.
What To Expect Moving Forward & Why I Have No Confidence In Elections, At Least For The Near Future...
They'll continue using the Dominion election software which allows key people to rig the election and it'll be like nothing ever happened in 2020. Keep in mind, in 2005 they revealed how voting machines flip votes and can be rigged to steal an election and nothing happened, and then in 2006 they released the HBO documentary "Kill Chain" which was all about rigging voting machines to turn an election. Still nothing happened.
I would imagine that the Left figures the corruption and rigging of the machines in 2020 will also get swept under the rug with nothing changing so people will continue to be "selected" and not elected!
From election to election it'll be like we bent over and got screwed without even knowing it. Who will be the chosen one for the next election?
The Left Wing Media and Big Tech will make sure we forget 2020, or at minimum have a very skewed memory of it because they'll write many misinformation articles to create the narrative they want everyone to believe of what happened in 2020. Along with this Big Tech will censor articles like this one which will remind people of what really happened in 2020 and they'll take complete control of what information we'll have access to regarding the 2020 election and the narrative.
Their viewers and readers who are just sheep and believe everything their left wing media gods tell them will believe them and will fight with anyone on social media who argues or disputes what their left wing media gods have told them to believe.
The 2020 election as we know it today will be something completely different come another year or so because the Left Wing Media must make sure people forget or discard any possibility that there was any voter fraud in 2020, and then they'll just repeat 2020 again if needed, and again they'll cover it all up including censoring and hiding information they don't want us to access and the cycle will continue.
1/7/21 Update: I called this... YouTube Will Ban All Videos Highlighting Voter Fraud. This is just the beginning. The Left wants you to forget there was ever any voter fraud, just like I stated above!
Who's going to fix this problem? How can we have confidence in elections with things the way they are?
I don't care how much misinformation the Left Wing Media creates or how many times they try to tell everyone we didn't see any voter fraud to try and change what we've all experienced in 2020 with all of the very obvious voter fraud.
I know for a fact with 100% certainty that Trump won by a landslide but voter fraud rigged the election for Biden.
Beyond everything we've already seen (way too much to list), just look at the patterns and statistics and it becomes even that much more clear. There is just simply no way Biden could've won! It's statistically impossible!
This is why I will simply be referring to Biden as "the occupant of the white house". He's not the President. He didn't win.
My Conclusion...
You draw your own conclusions. For me...
- Biden is not a legitimate President. He's just the "occupant of the white house".
- Voter Fraud will continue because...
- Nobody allowed the Trump team the ability to audit the envelopes to show how the voter fraud was done.
- Nobody got prosecuted for their part in this from keeping GOP pole watchers out, stopping the audit of envelopes, from breaking state or federal laws, etc.
- The states who instigated the voter fraud, having gotten away with it like they did, will be emboldened to continue doing it. If anything they've learned how they need to do a better job of pulling it off and covering it up!
- With as complex of a case a voter fraud case is and how the legal system works, there's no way anybody would have enough time between the day of the election and the time the winner is sworn in to build their case, subpoena evidence and testimonials, and everything that takes place to build a case especially when the other party is going to do everything in their ability to run out the clock knowing time is on their side and not on the side of the person building the case. How would anyone have the time necessary to effectively fight a voter fraud case?
- The Supreme Court wrongly chose to stay out of this.
Nobody solved the problem.
Nobody was held accountable for breaking the law.
There's not enough time to do everything that needs to get done to build a case before the winner is sworn in. Therefore, I believe voter fraud will just continue to get worse and worse moving forward. This just shows me...
Presidents and Congress Are NOT Elected, They Are Chosen!
In reality, none of us have any say in the election. Even our Judges aren't going to hold people accountable to follow the laws. Kind of wondering why we even have laws when criminals aren't held accountable to following them and people involved in an election aren't required to follow them.
Along the same lines, why do we have elections when nobody is doing anything to stop the voter fraud?
Like I stated at the beginning of this article, I could accept Biden as President if this had been a fair election, but it wasn't. Then on top of that, nobody is doing anything to fix it because as far as the Left is concerned, 'there was no voter fraud' and that's the narrative and messaging they'll push moving forward.
For me, I will never forgot the 2020 election and how corrupt our elections are just like I will never forget 9-11, 2001 when the twin towers was taken down by Islamic terrorist. Makes me wonder if I'm living in Venezuela and not America because I would have never imagined in a million years this would've happened in America!
I will never forget. What about you?
My Final Thoughts...
P.S. As pissed off as I am, and I'm really pissed off, I will still exercise my right to vote in hopes that one day someone will clean up all of the voter fraud this country is plagued with.
You see, I believe that if we had an honest and fair election Conservatives would win a whole lot more elections because people in general do not support the radical policies of the left. Look at California, who would support those policies?
I believe Democrats and Globalist know this and know most people would vote for safer streets, less government control, ending tyrant behaviors and all of the other things that Democrats have pushed on us to push their radical policies. Just look at how many people are leaving California for safer places, less taxes and better living environments for their family and kids.
Because Democrats are watching all of this and know this, the only way they can win elections is by cheating, by rigging the elections. This tells me they will fight very hard to stop anyone from closing down their very effective voter fraud schemes.
Already they're fighting like crazy for:
- illegals to vote (sneak them in by giving them drivers licenses),
- to end any verification processes of who is voting and whether they're legal to vote like Voter ID's (4 out of 5 people believe we should have voter ID's),
- they want mail in voting to be allowed in all 50 states like what they did to steal the 2020 election,
- they want ballot harvesting in all 50 states, and
- they absolutely do not want voter ID!
Let all of that sink in. Why do they want these things? Because they know this is the only way they can win... by cheating!
You & I both know the Democrats will not allow any kind of investigation or interference in stopping their well orchestrated voter fraud scheme's.
So here we are, screwed!
New/Additional Information:
There have been hundred of articles since June of 2021 on election fraud. I've saved many of them on my computer and one day I may update this section to include them. There just wasn't enough time in the day to do everything I was doing.
2/27/22 - How To Rig An Election
Article: How To Rig An Election
This article discusses the voter fraud over the years going all of the way back to 1915.
6/7/21. Bernie Kerik: Next 3-4 Weeks Will Be Explosive – Will Vindicate Everything We’ve Been Saying – Election Was Stolen (VIDEO)
Liberals and the Liberal Media are losing their minds. What I'm consistently seeing is from the liberal media is:
- MANY discrediting articles with each attacking a different topic or person. They are trying to discredit the audits in every way they can.
- They completely avoid discussing key facts.
- They are spinning just about everything
6/7/21. Doug Billings Interviews Seth Keshel Who's a Former Army Captain of Military Intelligence
Former Army Captain of Military Intelligence, Seth Keshel (, breaks down the election data in Maricopa County.
Arizona has historically been a Republican state.
Since WWII, it has only voted for a Democrat twice, 1948 and 1996. Maricopa has not voted for the Democrat since 1948.
John Kerry added 118,166 votes in Maricopa in 2004.
Barack Obama added 97,677 votes in Maricopa in 2008.
Hillary Clinton added 100,619 votes in Maricopa in 2016.
Joe Biden added 337,867 votes in Maricopa in 2020.
Biden won Arizona by 10,457 votes so if 0.5% of the 2.1 million ballots in Maricopa are illegal or invalid ballots for Biden then you have a state for the first time in the history of the United States that would have been wrongfully awarded in the American electoral college.
6/6/21. POWER TO THE PEOPLE - WITH CHARLIE WARD & FRIENDS. Includes Patrick Byrne & Ann Vandersteel.
There's a lot of information beyond Voter Fraud in this video but the info provided on Voter Fraud was important enough to share the whole video. Here are a few key points made:
- They have the indisputable proof this election was stolen. The information they have is equivalent to the police having the video of someone murdering someone and that persons DNA from the crime scene.
- The audits in AZ, GA, etc are for the American people to help them better understand the voter fraud that took place and provide the citizens with indisputable evidence.
- The voting machines have "Easter Eggs" in them... 1) If a Red pen is used, don't count any republican votes, 2) if you press these keys on the machine, don't count republican votes.
- These machines have been designed to rig elections and have been used to steal elections since 2004.
6/4/21. Patrick Colbeck - "America Has A Day Of Reckoning"
The majority of American's know the 2020 election was stolen. We're just waiting for the audits to be completed to prove it.
6/4/21. There's Been A FLOOD Of Voter Fraud & Audit Articles & Video's the Past 2 Weeks.
Between the AZ current audit and everything the Democrats are doing to sabotage it and stop it; the push for an Audit in GA, NH, PA, MI and WI and the Democrats doing everything they can to stop them or limit them to only auditing the ballot "images" (so they can hide the fraud) there have been a lot of articles and video's the past few weeks. I haven't posted them all here due to how many there's been.
6/3/21. Mike Lindell Presents "Absolutely 9-0"
More indisputable evidence this election was stolen...
5/26/21. Dominion in Canada
There have been MANY articles & videos about how Dominion & voting machines RIG ELECTIONS! Yet, nothing has changed, why? Because Deep State are doing it & they have their media arm & big tech censor this info from us. WE'RE AWAKE NOW!
An informative video SHOWING the voter fraud in 2020! Showed NUMEROUS ways this election was stolen. The Deep State/Dem's were NOT TAKING A CHANCE! Watch...
PA has a Democrat Governor, Secretary Of State, AG and 5 of the 7 Supreme Court Justices are Democrat. They are FIGHTING to STOP a forensic audit! Watch this video...
5/13/21. Maricopa Auditors Find ‘Significant Discrepancies’ Between Number of Ballots and Batch Reports in Each Box
There are MISSING BALLOTS! Where are they? Why were they removed? Things are really HOT in AZ! Laws were broken to COVER UP the FRAUD!
5/13/21. Election Audit in New Hampshire raises big election questions
A Democrat lost by 24 votes which set in motion a hand recount. From the hand recount it showed the voting machines rigged the election for the Democrats which set this in motion...
5/13/21. BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: The Data Drives Deleted by the Maricopa County Included Adjudicated Files (Where Votes Were Changed)
Maricopa County purposefully deleted a directory full of election databases related to the past 2020 election cycle ~10 days before the election equipment was delivered to the @arizonaaudit. This is destruction of evidence and at least, contempt.
Why did security seals arrive cut and why were they placed at the bottom of the boxes? Why were security ballot bags not used by the County?

5/12/21. Attny Susan Settenbrino Discusses AZ Audit
Attny Susan Settenbrino discusses the AZ audit pointing out:
* How it's really not a complete audit
* How it's already compromised
* Makes some other good points.
5/12/21. EXCLUSIVE: Nephew of Italian Prime Minster Alleges CIA And Leonardo SpA Involvement In Nov 2020 Election Fraud
Article: EXCLUSIVE: Nephew of Italian Prime Minster Alleges CIA And Leonardo SpA Involvement In Nov 2020 Election Fraud. From article in part... (I bolded parts for emphasis)
From the parent company of Dominion Voting Systems, Inc. receiving a $400 million infusion from a subsidiary of a Swiss/CCP slush fund within a month of the election to Dominion’s intellectual property being held by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) as collateral, American citizens face the unique problem of trying to identity which part of their election system is actually controlled by Americans.
Just before January 6th, an Italian lawyer named Alfio D’Urso, in a signed statement, alleged that Arturo D’Elia, an Italian programming prodigy whose work experience includes the U.S. Air Force’s Office of Special Investigations and NATO, confessed to an election cyber-attack using military encryption.
5/7/21. Attorneys Matt DePerno and David Clements and plaintiff Bill Bailey join us!
Primarily discussing MI and AZ. There is already so much evidence and proof of the 2020 election having been stolen why is Biden still in the Whitehouse? Why aren't a lot of people sitting in jail for treason, lying, obstruction of justice, etc.?
As expected, YouTube removed this video. We found a copy of it on Bitchute which we put below the deleted YouTube video...
5/7/21. Results? We Have Them for All of AZ! Dr. Douglas G. Frank Previews AZ Audit Predictions Here.
First analysis he showed was Washington state which he analyzed last night. What he uncovered and what we now know about these voting machines is mind-blowing, they should never be used again. WA has always voted liberal, but with Inslee and the many disastrous decisions he made the past few years he should've been voted out. But he probably knew the fix was in for him to be re-elected in 2020.
EVERY state that uses these voting machines need to have a full hand count of the actual ballots and a forensic audit of the ballots and envelopes.
5/7/21. Dark To Light: Podcast [Attny] Matt DePerno – Election Integrity In Antrim, MI
This podcast is VERY ENLIGHTENING! Learn about the games the Democrats played to skew & sabotage the audit, get a detailed explanation of how the voting machine works and why the only way to know if the voting machine is accurate is with a hand count of the actual ballots, and learn what the real results of the Antrim MI audit revealed... Dark To Light: Podcast Matt DePerno – Election Integrity In Antrim, MI
Until AZ there hasn't been a hand count of the actual ballots for many decades! The machines are designed to discourage people from feeling like they need to count the actual ballots. YET, the only way to do an accurate audit, especially now that we all know how these voting machines work (listen to podcast), is by counting the actual ballots by hand.
5/7/21. Sen. Borrelli: Biden DOJ Trying to Shut Down AZ Audit Means 'We're Right Over Target'
5/7/21. Overturning Fraudulent Elections
A great discussion on "what happens if we find fraud in the Presidential election and Biden didn't actually win". Watch...
5/7/21. Ariz. Senate spokesman Ken Bennett discusses Maricopa County voting machines. Maricopa does NOT have the password to get into the Admin area of the Dominion system, only Dominion has this password and they're refusing to provide it!
5/7/21. Three Developments That Should Nullify Maricopa County 2020 Election and Put Supervisors in Legal Jeopardy — BEFORE THE FORENSIC AUDIT EVEN STARTED
5/5/21. Forensic Evidence in Michigan Prove Voting Machines Had Unauthorized Implant to Circumvent Security
5/4/21. MARIA ZACK VOTER FRAUD. This was from January 2021... what happened from this information?
Affidavit delivered to Congress back in January, but what has happened from the affidavit and the information? I have no idea. Was the deep state able to bury it? Discredit it? Blackmail the right people so no actions were taken?
5/4/21. Insider at AZ audit stated...
Biden won by 10,200 in Arizona.
So far from audit Trump is ahead by 250,000 votes.
At the moment, almost 950,000 ballots have been declared illegal. Almost all of them were intended for Biden.
I can not vouch for the accuracy, the figures are provided by an insider. We will find out the official results after the completion of the audit on May 14.
5/3/21. EXPLOSIVE news out of MI! w/ Bill Bailey, Doug Tenapel, Pat Colbeck, and Liz Harris, and Ken Erying | 2nd Video: Antrim County plaintiffs to introduce new evidence on voting systems
The 2nd video is just the test where they showed the voting machine switched the votes! This is explosive!
The 2nd vide is also part of the 1st video, and then following this the participants discussed it and voter fraud. Game over!
As expected YouTube CENSORED this video and deleted it from their communist ran platform. Below it is the video on Rumble...
4/30/21. Update from Sidney Powell On Status Of Her Voter Fraud Lawsuits & Other Things...
Watch video here:
4/26/21. Media in 'Total Meltdown' Ballots Are Actually Being Checked for Fraud in AZ
4/26/21. Democrat Blasts Media for Lies About Arizona Audit
AZ is the 1st TRUE audit we've ever done. Here's how Dem's have been doing "so called audits" to FOOL AMERICAN'S into thinking it's a real audit...
4/26/21. 97% of Ballots With No ID in Wisconsin Were Fraudulent
4/23/21. Doug Billings Bombshell Interview With Maria Zack Who Introduces New Information About The Voter Fraud
Video here: Doug’s latest bombshell interview with Maria Zack.
I really hope he goes to jail. You'll know who I'm talking about in the first 5 minutes of the video.
4/23/21. Sidney Powell - Evidence Of Election Theft, Censorship From Deep State Media - With JMC
In this video Sidney discusses the death of Governor Kemp's daughters boyfriend who was murdered at the time Kemp was considering doing a full audit. You've already read numerous times throughout this page that the Deep State will do whatever they have to do to make sure the evidence does not come out! This is just one of many things she shares...
4/22/21. BREAKING BIG: AZ Democrats File Last Minute Suit in Maricopa County – Attempt to Stop Senate Audit of 2020 Election Results Again
In a SHOCKING last minute Hail Mary to stop the audit Democrats file a Restraining Order to stop the AZ audit!
Article: BREAKING BIG: AZ Democrats File Last Minute Suit in Maricopa County – Attempt to Stop Senate Audit of 2020 Election Results Again. States in part...
This really is no surprise. The Democrats and the RINOs on the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (MCBOS) have done all they could to stop the audit of the 2020 Election results of Maricopa County. Tonight it is reported that the Democrat member on the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, Steve Gallardo is suing to stop the audit.
The suit, brought forward by Maricopa County supervisor Steve Gallardo, alleges the audit is led by partisan contractors hired by the Republican-controlled Senate.
Gallardo, the lone Democrat on the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, said he was also concerned about ballot security and confidentiality.
“The sole reason for this lawsuit and injunctions is to protect the sanctity of the ballots and more importantly to preserve voters’ privacy from a sham audit that has been corrupted by agitators and conspiracy theorists,” Gallardo said in a tweet.
The suit calls for a temporary restraining order to prevent the audit, which was scheduled to start after the 2.1 million ballots were carted to the Veterans Memorial Coliseum on Thursday.
4/21/21. Report: Ga. fraud votes exceed margin of victory...
4/21/21. Dr. David Clements: Not a single electoral fraud case was given an evidentiary hearing
This is a 4 part audio podcast. All 4 parts are on this page: Dr. David Clements: Not a single electoral fraud case was given an evidentiary hearing
4/20/21. "Absolute [Election] Interference" by Mike Lindell - China Chose Our President!
4/17/21. 4 Part Interview with Maria Zack Who's Been Collecting Key Voter Fraud Information, Arrests Already In Italy, Has Inside Information About Obama That'll Shock People
Watch interview here (all 4 parts in 1 video):
4/15/21. All eyes are on AZ. High power attorney Marc Elias is trying to stop it or limit it. WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY ALL HIDING!? The more they try to stop it the more it just goes to show they're scared sh*tless on what will be revealed!
4/15/21. Professor David Clements: There Hasn't Been a Real Election Audit. Gives update on AZ and GA audits.
Points out a big problem with the GA audit too. Remember, the Deep State will do just about anything to stop an audit, and if they can't stop it they'll sabotage it.
4/15/21. A majority 51% of total voters, 74% of Republicans, believe it is likely that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.
Article: Nolte: Media Fail — Majority Believe Cheating Affected 2020 Election Results
4/12/21. Mich. lawsuit shows evidence of election fraud, electronic vote tampering. THE EVIDENCE HAS BEEN REVEALED THAT THE DOMINION SYSTEMS WHERE DESIGNED TO STEAL ELECTIONS!
Article: Mich. lawsuit shows evidence of election fraud, electronic vote tampering
Knew it, Dominion systems rigged to cheat: Can identify foreign interference
Illegally used wireless technology to transmit vote totals to third parties
provided unauthorized access to third parties, allowing vote tallies to be changed in real-time, direct evidence of votes being switched to Biden.
Found Dominion machines in Michigan were designed to create systemic fraud and change election outcomes.
DePerno found more than 66,000 unregistered ballots were counted in nine Michigan counties.
Summary to report: "DePerno said this lawsuit will start a domino effect exposing election fraud in other states, and show that Joe Biden’s purported victory was illegitimate."
THIS IS AWESOME NEWS AND THE EVIDENCE NEEDED TO SHOW AND PROVE THIS ELECTION WAS STOLEN AND TRUMP SHOULD BE PRESIDENT! You can be guaranteed the Deep State is desperately trying to figure out how to combat against this. I anticipate things are going to get real ugly real fast!
Here's a video about this...
4/9/21. Bombshell Fraud in Montana: 6% More Mail-in Ballots Than Votes, Video of Counting is Missing
4/7/21. Jenna Ellis PART 2: On The State-by-state, Election-official Fraud In The 2020 Election. Gets into the details of Judges and the Supreme Court refusing to hear the cases!
4/7/21. BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: ‘Protect Democracy Project’ – The Group Threatening Arizona Auditors Is Connected to Obama, Soros, China and Biden’s DOJ
Why doesn't this surprise me? Globalist Soros and his protégé Obama are determined to push the Globalist agenda, and there's absolutely no way they want Trump and his America First agenda back in America!
4/7/21. Rule of Law Crumbling in US----Warns Law Professor
Law professor discusses the how the rule of law is broken in America and discusses judges wrongfully not taking any of the voter fraud cases. This is a good discussion...
4/6/21. BREAKING: Law Firms Now Threatening to Sue the Auditors Selected by the Arizona Senate Who Just Want to Determine the Accuracy of the Election Results in Maricopa County
Don't tell me there's not a MAJOR election fraud coverup happening, because there most DEFINITELY IS! The Deep State absolutely cannot allow their scheme and the evidence of it to be revealed!
4/2/21. Interview with Sidney Powell
Jump up to the 28:30 minute mark for the interview. Sidney not only addresses the voter fraud and provide an update on what she's doing and her progress, she also discusses how the COUP of taking over America by the Globalist was all part of their plans. Hear what she has to say about the Globalist...
4/2/21. Dominion Machines Exposed by HACKER
This is almost a 3 hour long discussion exposing the Dominion voting machine by a hacker...
4/1/21. Ariz. to begin election audit
It's very obvious the Deep State absolutely does NOT want a thorough and complete audit of the election. So far they've been very effective at stopping them and controlling them so the voter fraud is not revealed. With this AZ audit I'm curious how the Deep State is going to protect the voter fraud and skew the audit...
3/31/21. U.S. District Court judge finds Georgia’s voting systems vulnerable to hacking, interference
After what this video revealed, why didn't GA address the problems when they were first revealed to them in 2016? Why didn't the Judge FORCE them to fix the problem, but instead just let it go on?
3/31/21. Mike Lindell releases "Scientific Proof" and it's captivating, and infuriating how the Left stole the 2020 election.
This also showed that ALL states using Dominion voting machines used the same "code" to manipulate the votes in their states. How can anyone disagree that this election was stolen?
Watch the video here:
3/30/21. Mike Lindell On His Election Investigation And
3/29/21. Interview with Maria Zach [Zack]. March 29, 2021... Italy was deeply involved along with others.
Italy was deeply involved and their government is now in shambles & people arrested because of their involvement. There are others involved I was shocked to learn about. Wait until you hear what she reveals about Obama...
3/27/21. Attorney Lin Wood: The CIA & Communist China Ran a Color Revolution On Our Country
The title doesn't do this video justice. This is an interview with Lin Wood about Voter Fraud...
3/27/21. Meltdown Over GA Election Integrity Bill Proves There Was Fraud
GA was ripe with a ton of voter fraud and American's saw it! GA has passed an election integrity law that now has the Left in complete meltdown because it stops them from cheating...
3/24/21. BREAKING: Dekalb County, GA Is Throwing Away Ballots, Envelopes, Other Information Required To Be Retained By Law For 22 Months…Question Is, Why?
Article: BREAKING: Dekalb County, GA Is Throwing Away Ballots, Envelopes, Other Information Required To Be Retained By Law For 22 Months…Question Is, Why? States in part...
Dekalb County, GA is breaking the law as the possibility of audits and inspection of ballots from the Nov 3rd U.S. general election and the Jan 5th Senate runoff in Georgia become more likely. Multiple legal challenges are working their way through the courts to the massive election fraud executed in the Peach State last election cycle.
3/24/21. Analyzing American Election Integrity
A high end panel was put together to analyze the 2020 election. 7 hours of video. It was mind blowing for those who hadn't been introduced to all of the facts and proof of voter fraud!
Page: Analyzing American Election Integrity
Another Article about this conference: Regent University Hosts Election Integrity Conference. This is a good, but short, summary of the event.
3/22/21. Interview with General McInerney... Discussed Voter Fraud, Lots of Questions about Trump & What He Knew and When He Knew It. Also Discussed The Vaccine.
3/22/21. Mike Lindell With A Vote Update, & The New Film: Church People
An update on the election fraud, what's coming which is explosive and numerous other things...
3/16/21. Lindell Counter-Suing Dominion, Alleges Racketeering
This is awesome! I'm excited about where this will take us and what it will reveal.
Article: Lindell Counter-Suing Dominion, Alleges Racketeering. States in part...
MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell is filing two lawsuits against Dominion Voting Systems in which he’s alleging racketeering and the abuse of the U.S. legal system.
“What Dominion did is violate the rights of everyone in this country by using bullying lawsuits and RICO law,” he stated. “Basically, what they’re saying to news outlets is: if you let this guy on we’re going to sue you. That’s racketeering. That goes back to the mafia days.”
Lindell went on to highlight how Dominion launched a campaign to block anyone who held similar opinions regarding the election from social media and news outlets. The counter-lawsuits will be filed in coming days to hold Dominion accountable for its actions.
See the article. There's a lot more information including a video interview of Mike.
3/16/21. MI Court: Michigan Secretary of State’s Absentee Ballot Order Broke Law, Vindicating Trump Claim
Yet at this point it doesn't matter, nothing will be done about it to give Trump the win in MI! Well played, you corrupt players!
Article: MI Court: Michigan Secretary of State’s Absentee Ballot Order Broke Law, Vindicating Trump Claim
3/13/21. Breaking News: 2020 Election Irregularities! 92,000 Nevada Ballots Went To Wrong Addresses! 33,596 Won Biden!!!!
Another state Trump would've won IF the corrupt judges would've just heard the cases!
3/11/21. Patrick Byrne Shares His Book: "The Deep Rig," Which Exposes The 2020 Election & The Capitol Event. This is another explosive interview...
3/11/21. Courts Repeatedly Ignored Merits Of Trump’s Election Claims
Article: Courts Repeatedly Ignored Merits Of Trump’s Election Claims. States in part...
On Monday, without comment, the Supreme Court ended the last of the 2020 election cases, rejecting Trump v. Wisconsin Election Commission in a one-line order. It was a quiet ending to a tumultuous election season, but like a football game with a contentious call at the end, the debate over who really won will likely go on much longer.
We needed the steady hand of impartial jurists. Most of all, the losing side needed to know that a fair shake was given, and that justice prevailed, even if it wasn’t the outcome they wanted. That did not happen after Nov. 3. Despite a stack of cases that worked their way through the legal system, we remain bitterly divided.
Read the article, there's a lot more in it.
3/10/21. Doug Billings interviews Sidney Powell.
Another awesome interview. Watch it here: Doug’s Exclusive Interview with Sidney Powell
Jump up to about 8:40 to get past all of the commercials.
In a nutshell, planning to show fraud and hopes we'll have a new election in Nov. The evidence they've collected is overwhelming and a lot of it.
Or you can watch it here (they removed the 8 1/2 min's of commercials)...
Here is some parts to this interview with Sidney Powell covering specific topics...
3/10/21. New Report Will Show More Illegal Votes for Biden Than Margin in GA, Other States. This report will show verifiably that Trump WON the election! Watch...
3/10/21. EXCLUSIVE IMAGES: Proof Of Election Fraud AND Chinese Involvement?!
Article: EXCLUSIVE IMAGES: Proof Of Election Fraud AND Chinese Involvement ?! States in part...
These images are “living proof” of voter scam. The thrown-away packages were shipped from China straight to the election facility, located at 1365 English St, Atlanta, GA. [See article to see pictures.]
3/10/21. What's to come from an insider's perspective
Juan is an insider with inside knowledge. Juan is not his real name. One thing for sure, after watching the video it's clear he has a good grip on what's going on and what should happen. Let's hope he's right...
3/8/21. I'll believe it when I see it... Forensic audit promised by Ariz. state Senate regarding election
3/8/21. SCOTUS continues to not hear any election cases
From Lin Wood Telegram post...
SCOTUS denial of review of election cases today was no surprise. That handwriting was on the wall from its previous refusal to review any November 2020 elections cases.
It is a fair question to ask whether the rule of law has any meaningful relevance in our current environment.
But I remain hopeful that we will soon return to being governed by established laws and case precedents.
Article about SCOTUS Not Hearing WI Case:
BREAKING: The Supreme Court Fails American Voters On Wisconsin Election,
BREAKING: Supreme Court Dismisses President Trump and Attorney Lin Wood’s Final Election Challenge Without Comment
3/7/21. Exclusive: More Than 432,000 Votes Removed From Trump in Pennsylvania, Data Scientists Say
Article: Exclusive: More Than 432,000 Votes Removed From Trump in Pennsylvania, Data Scientists Say. States in part...
Pennsylvania election data show that over 432,000 votes were removed from President Donald Trump during the November election, data scientists say.
According to an analysis by the Data Integrity Group, obtained exclusively by The Epoch Times, votes for Trump—from both Election Day and mail-in ballots—were removed from the totals in at least 15 counties.
A total of at least 432,116 votes—213,707 Election Day votes and 218,409 absentee votes—were removed.
“There were vote movements across all candidates. However, we did not see the same type of negative decrements to any of the [other] candidates that we saw with President Trump’s tallies, and they happened repeatedly with no explanation,” Lynda McLaughlin, a member of the group, told The Epoch Times.
The Data Integrity Group is a group of scientists, engineers, and machine learning experts who have been working together to check whether there was a manipulation of data in the 2020 general election.
In their analysis of Georgia’s election data, the group said it found that more than 30,000 votes had been removed from Trump’s tally, and another 12,173 votes were switched to Democrat Joe Biden.
While the group didn’t identify any state official, county official, or related voting machine manufacturers related to alleged wrongdoing, it urged the state to authorize forensic audits to uphold election integrity, and stated that it’s irresponsible to certify the results before the alleged errors and anomalies are explained.
“The bottom line is the errors were made. Data confirms these errors and it shouldn’t matter if they were machine or human, they’re still errors and deserve a second review and thorough analysis with forensic audits to find the answers,” the group said.
Read the article for more information.
3/7/21. Mich. Judge Reinstates Voting Fraud Case Following Forensic Probe Of Dominion Voting Machines
Article: Mich. Judge Reinstates Voting Fraud Case Following Forensic Probe Of Dominion Voting Machines. In part states...
A federal judge has reinstated a Michigan County voting fraud case after the county clerk dismissed it.
This week, Judge Kevin Elsenheimer issued two separate orders to immediately reinstate the Antrim County election fraud case, ruling the clerk’s non-service dismissal was improper.
Antrim County received national attention after it was discovered more than 5,000 votes for President Donald Trump were allegedly flipped to Joe Biden. Michigan Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson blamed the possible vote switch on a “clerical error.”
Despite those findings, Antrim County Clerk Sheryl Guy dismissed the case without notice. According to reports, Guy claimed the computer malfunction was entirely her fault, resulting in a 7,048 vote swing when only nearly 16,000 votes were cast.
3/6/21. This is mind-blowing and a must read! Lin Wood had a whistleblower deposed [back in Jan 2021]. Following you can download it...
Download Here: FULL Transcript of Whistleblower Interview-Lin Wood.pdf
I read all 191 pages of the testimony. There was a lot of take-aways from the whistleblower testimony. One was I now understand why not a single judge including SCOTUS would take on the election fraud cases... THEY WERE BLACKMAILED NOT TO!
The other take-away is the tremendous amount of corruption going all of the way to the top (Obama, Clinton, Biden, Rosenstein, etc.), and all of the blackmail being used against people. If they don't have blackmail on someone then they'll create the blackmail.
Read the whistleblower interview. It's truly mind-blowing!
Video of Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney explains why Lin Wood's whistleblower is absolutely credible
In a telegram post on 3/7/21 Lin Wood stated... My investigators (working with the help of your kind and generous donations) are “following the money.” They are uncovering links BETWEEN State Bar of Georgia/Mercer Law School/Cathy Cox, Lawyers Club of Atlanta AND George Soros/Black Lives Matter/Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation/Rothschild Family Members/King & Spalding/Diebold Voting Machines/Dominion Voting Machines.
The corruption is deep!
3/6/21. The Cover Up Continues... After Finding Shredded Ballots in the Dumpster Earlier Today – A Mysterious Fire Breaks Out at Maricopa County Official’s Farm
This is just unbelievable. The Deep State is scared and willing to do anything to stop the thorough audit of the election. The MUST make sure the fraud is not uncovered!
3/6/21. BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Ballots In Arizona’s Maricopa County Found Shredded and In Dumpster – Days Before Senate Audit To Begin

This was extremely illegal, they all must be held and saved for 22 months. So why would they shred ballots?
Article: BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Ballots In Arizona’s Maricopa County Found Shredded and In Dumpster – Days Before Senate Audit To Begin. States in part...
For months the Board of Supervisors in Maricopa County have blocked and delayed any independent audit performed by the Arizona Senate of the County’s results in the 2020 Presidential election. As we’ve reported previously, after being subpoenaed by the Arizona Senate and then suing the Senate to prevent a Senate audit of their 2020 election results, the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (MCBOS) agreed to have an audit if they could pick the auditors. The two firms they picked they claimed were the only two who were certified by the governmental body the US Election Assistance Commission (EAC). However, we found that these firms were not certified at the time they were selected by the MCBOS.
This is probably why these audits were set up the way they were (so no fraud would be identified). The auditors came to Phoenix and performed their work and some patriots found out that they could be observed on cameras in the facility where they were doing the work. These patriots watched and even sent a couple of individuals down to the center to check things out late one night. These individuals were greeted with a network that was labeled “f##k you”.
Read the article for the rest of the unbelievable, corrupt actions to HIDE the fraud!
Here's another article on this topic (3/7/21): Ballots in Arizona County Found Shredded in Dumpster, Days Before Senate Audit
3/5/21. BREAKING: Nigerian Citizen Was Dominion ‘County Technician’ For Fulton [GA] County In 2020 Election…Nigeria Was Involved With Cambridge Analytica In Election Manipulation
3/5/21. Levin discusses Stacy Abrams inaccurate voting rights views and how she's WRONG. Stacey Abrams Defined...
3/4/21. BREAKING- FBI Involved In Election Fraud!
I've been saying since the beginning that the COVER UP was as important and effective (lots of blackmail happening) as to what they did to steal the election!
Article: BREAKING- FBI Involved In Election Fraud! - The True Reporter
3/4/21.Over 400,000 ballots have no chain of custody in GA
Following is a video. Here's an article too: UPDATE: Four Months After the 2020 Election in Georgia, Over 400,000 Absentee Ballots are Missing Legally Required Chain of Custody Documentation, Yet Biden Was Given the State by 12,000 Votes
3/3/21. Michigan Election Fraud Evidence. Lots of information here, you need to read this...
Article: Michigan Election Fraud Evidence. States in part... Over 240 unique pieces of evidence specific to Michigan is posted so far. Unlike the majority of posts on this site, this post will be updated repeatedly to reflect categorization, additional affidavits and related evidence.
This is a huge page with a lot of information with links to even more. As you'll see it's, "EVIDENCE ORGANIZED BY FRAUD CATEGORY". Under this heading you have a lot of evidence and information by category.
3/3/21. Psyop- The Steal. Documentary showing the Left's strategy to make sure Biden won.
This is a documentary about the Left's strategy to steal the election. They mapped our 4 possibilities with strategies for each to make sure Trump did not win. Go to this page and watch the 1:24:21 video "PSYOP The Steal"...
Article with Video: PSYOP The Steal
3/1/21. Powell: Illegal Algorithms Fractionalized Votes In 2020
Article: Powell: Illegal Algorithms Fractionalized Votes In 2020. It states...
Attorney Sidney Powell highlighted the latest evidence of fraud in the 2020 elections, which involves an illegal computer algorithm called “weighted vote distribution.”
“The Supreme Court said there’s language about one man one vote, one person one vote, and how important it is that votes be not fractionalized,” Powell said. “What we have here, by computer algorithm that we can prove in multiple counties.”
Powell was referring to a recent data analysis that found voting systems in several states assigned “value” to votes, giving Democrat candidates an illegal advantage in races. The data shows the algorithm assigned fractions of one person’s vote to several candidates, which is illegal.
“In this case it requires forensic evaluation of the machines and looking at all of the paper ballots. We already know that’s not going to match up. There were counterfeit ballots,” Powell said. “People say ‘oh, well they did a full audit in Georgia.’ Well, if you just run the same counterfeit bill through the same counting machine, you’re going to get the same result.”
Powell added she has enough evidence to overturn election fraud in at least five states and called on the courts to review the evidence.
3/1/21. Sidney Powell - Even The Military Have Been Infiltrated - w/ Ann Vandersteel 02/26/21
2/26/21. Voting fraud evidence raises suspicions over Dems' refusal to allow audit of voting machines
2/25/21. LTG Michael Flynn & Sidney Powell... Discussing election fraud. Things are still moving forward even though the rule of law has seriously failed in America!
2/24/21. GA State Election Board Drinks Dominion Kool-Aid…Fatally Flawed Hand Count Audit Did NOT Prove Voting System Accurate…Here’s Why
It never ends. People who are trying as hard as they can do fake audits and think we're too dumb to realize what they're doing...
2/23/21. Supreme Court Denial Of Election Cases Helps 'Erode Voter Confidence’
Absolutely it has! Read article above, I discussed how we'd feel if the rule of law was trashed and bought off Judges didn't do their jobs and maintaining rule of law in America and with our most sacred activity, the election of the President Of The United States.
Article: Supreme Court Denial Of Election Cases Helps 'Erode Voter Confidence’
2/22/21. Every House Democrat signs on to sweeping HR 1 bill, GOP argues it would 'undermine' election integrity
All of the things that the Democrats did to push a very effective voter fraud scheme and then shockingly got away with because paid off judges wouldn't even hear the cases is what they put in HR1. They know they can't be this lucky in all elections, that not all judges can be paid off, so they are pushing this in all 50 states to make what they did illegally now legal.
They not only want to make sure there's forever a Democrat President, but a Democrat Senate and House so they can run the country however they want to. They also want to make sure there's enough Democrat Governors to change the Constitution. This cannot pass!
2/22/21. SCOTUS Refuses 3 Pennsylvania Cases!
This is just shameful! It's shameful that the Left not only got away with voter fraud but also got away with covering it up. It's infuriating! It's infuriating that none of the EVIDENCE will be seen by a judge who can rule on the evidence. I already said everything above in the article. My concern is this is going to cause a revolution as American's lose all confidence in elections!
Denials with Dissents
1. Republican Party of Pennsylvania v. Degraffenreid (formerly Boockvar), began with Application for stay filed September 28, 2020. No. 20-542. (CU/CUF/TPC amicus brief in this case on November 25, 2020.)
2. Corman (formerly Scarnati) v. Pennsylvania Democratic Party. Petitioners are Pennsylvania state legislators, began with Petition filed October 27, 2020. No. 20-574.
In these two cases, Thomas dissented and Alito/Gorsuch also dissented.
Roberts and Kavanaugh and Barrett joined the Dems Dissents appear at the end of the Order list.
As Thomas said: "These cases provide us with an ideal opportunity to address just what authority non-legislative officials have to set election rules, and to do so well before the next election cycle. The refusal to do so is inexplicable."
Denials without any dissent.
3. Congressman Mike Kelly v. Pennsylvania, began with Application for injunctive relief filed December 3, 2020. No. 20-810.
4. Trump v. Degraffenreid (PA), No. 20-845, began with Petition for Cert filed December 21, 2020.
Justice Thomas disagrees with the Supreme Court's refusal to hear the Pennsylvania election case. In his opinion, the inaction of the Supreme Court will only increase further abuses.
Justice Clarence Thomas issued a vigorous dissent Monday in response to the Supreme Court’s decision not to hear a challenge against the Pennsylvania state court’s ruling that permitted ballots to be counted even if they were received three days after Election Day.
“One wonders what the Court waits for,” Thomas wrote. “We failed to settle this dispute before the election, and thus provide clear rules. Now we again fail to provide clear rules for future elections. The decision to leave election law hidden beneath a shroud of doubt is baffling. By doing nothing, we invite further confusion and erosion of voter confidence. Our fellow citizens deserve better and expect more of us. I respectfully dissent.”
One Comment From Sidney Powell:
This from Anderson v. Celebrezze, 460 U.S 780, 794-95 (1983) is worth sharing:
"[I]n the context of a Presidential election, state-imposed restrictions implicate a uniquely important national interest. For the President and Vice President of the United States are the only elected officials who represent all the voters in the Nation. Moreover, the impact of the votes cast in each State is affected by the votes cast for the various candidates in other states."
I'm certain that Roberts, Kavanaugh, Barrett, Kagan, Sotomayor and Breyer are aware that what happens in Georgia or Pennsylvania doesn't stay in those states. They have intentionally refused to uphold a vital provision of the Constitution.
The end conclusion is the Left has gotten away with their voter fraud scheme with a very effective cover up strategy. I'm personally shocked that not even SCOTUS is willing to uphold the laws of the land and protect our Constitution. They blew it bad!
Lin Wood says, "We The People who seek honest elections conducted under the rule of law lost. The enemy won. I remain very concerned about the breakdown of the rule of law in our country."
2/22/21. How can we ensure confidence in the system through election integrity?
2/22/21. Let This Image Soak In...

2/20/21. Sidney Powell Expects SCOTUS Orders On Six Election Cases, Maricopa County Re-Calibrated Machines
Arizona is going overboard to cover up the voter fraud in AZ! If there's nothing to hide why are they going to such extreme lengths to stop the through audit of the voting machines?
2/14/21. California Suddenly Pushes Strict ‘Signature Match’ for Gavin Newsom Recall Drive
My point in sharing this article is notice how when loose signatures hurt Democrats they all of a sudden want "strict signature matches". They KNOW that the loose signature matching makes voter fraud far easier. Now with this affecting Newsom they want "proper" (stricter) signature matching. I just find this hypocritical!
Article: California Suddenly Pushes Strict ‘Signature Match’ for Gavin Newsom Recall Drive
2/14/21. HUGE EXCLUSIVE- Election Do-Over- Latinos For Trump Sue to Shut Congress Down Over Civil Rights Violations - DJHJ Media
Many millions of people are upset about the voter fraud in this election. Here's a group of American's who are taking it personal and suing...
Article: HUGE EXCLUSIVE- Election Do-Over- Latinos For Trump Sue to Shut Congress Down Over Civil Rights Violations - DJHJ Media. It states...
“Because of the illegal way the government used emergency powers for COVID to override our voting rights, we did not have our voices heard, and as minorities, we are supposed to have our votes protected. That is what the voting rights acts are about, and the Government did not do their due diligence,” Gracia said.
“We want the entire Congress to shut down because they are unconstitutional and operating illegally, and we are suing all 50 states. We are the Majority. We are the Middle 90%, who had our rights violated by the US Government,” Gracia told me. “The 5% for the Democrat party and the 5% in the Republican party are not in our lawsuit,” she said. “That leaves the Middle 90%.”
From the filing, they are calling the lawsuit of the “invisible argument”:
“The truth of the allegations set forth herein compels the shocking conclusion that every member of currently-seated 117th U.S. Congress and the President-Elect, who is scheduled to be sworn in this coming Wednesday, January 20th, were not legitimately elected because the People of the United States were given ballots that were patently illegal under federal law, namely HAVA. Therefore, the entire 117th Congress is illegitimate and all actions taken since January 3, 2021, including the counting of the Electoral College votes and confirmation of Joseph Biden as President-Elect and the impeachment of President Donald J. Trump are null and void.
5. Never before in the history of the United States of America (the “Republic”) has the entire federal election been conducted in clear and unequivocal violation of duly-enacted federal election law. With the sitting President’s term set to expire this Wednesday, January 20th, this situation is a Constitutional Crisis of cataclysmic proportion unlike any seen since the Southern States seceded from the Republic in 1861.
The only conceivable remedy is for this Honorable Court to enter an injunction to restrain all further action and to enjoin the enforcement and effect of all previous actions of the 117th Congress until trial upon the merits, and, upon a verdict for the Plaintiffs, for the Court to order the 50 states to conduct a new federal election that conforms to the minimum standards of HAVA.
“No one in the Government did their job to protect us from the illegal violations of our voting rights. so the list of people we want to be shut down is long.”
Read the article (there's a lot more) and download the Document. There are a lot of very pissed off people who know this election was stolen. The TIMEs article just simply verified it was stolen while they laughed in our faces!
2/10/21. 2020 Election Fiasco Favored Dems, So Congress Is Trying To Make Sloppiness Permanent
Article: 2020 Election Fiasco Favored Dems, So Congress Is Trying To Make Sloppiness Permanent
2/9/21. This is a continuation of the 2/7 video discussing the "cover-up in AZ". The plot thickens... Ariz. Senate to hold Maricopa County in contempt
WHY is AZ doing everything they can to STOP the thorough audit of the election in AZ, even doing a restraining order against the AZ Senate to stop it? Huhmm, I'm betting you can figure that out.
2/8/21. GA Officials Open A Case Against Trump For His 2nd Phone Call About Needing 11,780 Votes.
I listened to the whole phone call conversation. They are skewing it to try and make a case. There was nothing to the phone call that would suggest he was trying to illegally over turn the election. He just wanted them to do their damn job and do a thorough audit of the election, which they continuously refuse to do.
Here's the bottom line to this... The GA officials are all part of the "coverup" of the election fraud and this is what corrupt people do to TAKE THE FOCUS OFF OF THEIR CORRUPTION.
Article (keep in mind, it's from the Left Wing Media so it'll be more narrative driven than fact based): Georgia election officials formally launch investigation into Trump phone calls
Here's another article: REPORT: Georgia Secretary of State’s office opens investigation into Trump
2/7/21. Christina Bobb: The cover-up in Arizona: Maricopa County blocks the AZ Senate
Watch the video and look at all of the things they are NOT inspecting! This is a fraud inspection, not a real one. Here we have both Democrats & Republicans covering up the fraud! This is what its been like all along!
Why is it so hard to get an honest and fair audit of these machines? Who's paying off these people to help in the cover up? We'd like to know!
Here's a link to this video on Rumble:
2/5/21. Mike Lindell's Documentary, "Absolute Proof".
This is mind-blowing! After watching this I don't know how anyone can deny voter fraud or deny that Trump is the real winner of the election! The analysis shows Trump won with 79 million votes to Biden's 68 million votes. Now what will happen? I'm sitting on the edge of seat anxious to see what happens now.
Also discussed was how elected officials in states would threaten to SUE and go after attorney's law license if they brought any lawsuits forward regarding the voter fraud in their state. This is obviously part of the "cover up" strategy. Anyone who makes this threat should be fired!
This is the full 2 hour documentary...
Here's a shorter version which simply shows the absolute proof of voter fraud...
Here are a few more articles we ran across from reading reviews of this damaging video revealing the voter fraud from the voting machines...
- Proof Positive- Coordinated Cyberwarfare Attack Against US By China, Russia, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan To Steal Election From Trump (1/3/21)
- Mike Lindell Releases Explosive Documentary on the 2020 Election – “ABSOLUTE PROOF” Film Includes Testimony and Interviews from Experts on Historic Fraud in 2020 Election (2/5/21)
- Exclusive: The TCF Center Election Fraud – Newly Discovered Video Shows Late Night Deliveries of Tens of Thousands of Illegal Ballots 8 Hours After Deadline (2/5/21)
From this last article it stated...
Since last week we have been combing through the hundreds of hours of security camera footage from the TCF Center on the morning of November 4th. And what we found is a political bombshell.
** At 3:23 AM The Gateway Pundit has exclusive video of a white van registered to the city of Detroit entering the gate into the TCF Center.
** At 3:25 AM we discovered video from a second camera showing three individuals unloading over 50 boxes of ballots in a hallway inside the TCF Building and just outside the counting room.
** The ballots were then wheeled away on carts into the ballot counting room.
** The van is then seen on video leaving the center about 25 minutes later.
** Then we saw the van returning an hour later, entering the TCF Center again and unloading more boxes of ballots.
** The white van was escorted by a black sports car for both ballot deliveries.
** The white van was allowed through an electronic gate to enter the TCF complex.
This is video proof of the fraud in Detroit, Michigan. It is exactly as the GOP observers described it to us back in November!...
Another article about this video footage (2/8/21): Report: Detroit CCTV Footage Shows Biden Ballot Dumps
2/5/21. TIME writes an article literally bragging how the Left stole the election from Trump. Following is the link to the article and some video's of what people have to say about this article...
Article: The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election
Here are a number of articles discussing this shocking article...
Here's an article by the Federalist discussing this TIME article: What TIME's Bizarre New Election Report Tells Us About Corporate Media (2/8/21)
2/4/21. New "For The People Act" [HR-1] Would Give Congress "Broad Authority" Over Future Elections
In the name of stopping voter suppression which is really meant to make sure the Democrats never lose another election they are pushing the misleading bill.
2/4/21. Epshteyn: It's only okay to question voting machines if you're a Democrat
There you go, the discussion on voter fraud and the voting machines is only an insurrection and bad if it's Republicans saying it, but it's fine if Democrats say it.
2/2/21. The top 4 election reforms to prevent repeating 2020 fiasco
The states have made NO EFFORT to research voter fraud...
2/2/21. New York Times Ignores Stolen Pennsylvania Election
Yes, STOLEN PA election!
Article: New York Times Ignores Stolen Pennsylvania Election. It states...
Stunningly the piece makes only passing reference to the circus that was the election in Pennsylvania, blithely and completely ignoring the state’s vivid history of voter fraud – even when the paper itself had once reported on it. Ignored now completely, for example, was this story in…yes….the February 19, 1994 edition of….The New York Times.
“Saying Philadelphia’s election system had collapsed under “a massive scheme” by Democrats to steal a State Senate election in November, a Federal judge today took the rare step of invalidating the vote and ordered the seat filled by the Republican candidate.
In making such a sweeping move, the judge, Clarence C. Newcomer of Federal District Court here, did for the Republicans what the election had not: enable them to regain control of the State Senate, which they lost two years ago.
Judge Newcomer ruled that the Democratic campaign of William G. Stinson had stolen the election from Bruce S. Marks in North Philadelphia’s Second Senatorial District through an elaborate fraud in which hundreds of residents were encouraged to vote by absentee ballot even though they had no legal reason — like a physical disability or a scheduled trip outside the city — to do so.
In many instances, according to Republicans who testified during a four-day civil trial last week, Democratic campaign workers forged absentee ballots. On many of the ballots, they used the names of people who were living in Puerto Rico or serving time in prison, and in one case, the voter had been dead for some time.”
Got that? The New York Times itself once took detailed notice that a Pennsylvania election had been stolen in a “massive scheme” of “elaborate fraud” by Democrats.
In fact, Pennsylvania has a very, very long record of voter fraud. Which The Times ignored in their long, theoretically investigative piece. Not mentioned as well in that Times election subversion piece was this news from 2020 about Pennsylvania election subversion.
There's a lot more information about voter fraud in this article. Read it for the rest of the story.
2/1/21. BOMBS AWAY! Lindell, Fanning, Shiva & Pulitzer Drop A MOAB on the [DS]! MUST SEE Insider Interview!
Each tells their story behind the voter fraud each experienced. I personally enjoyed the step by step explanation of how states try to trick people when doing an audit to cover up the fraud and how he explained what needs to happen to properly audit an election.
2/1/21. Ted Cruz, being an attorney and knowing better, is now taking up the Left's talking points...
Has Ted lost his backbone and is afraid of the Cancel Culture in Congress who are trying to use threats to FORCE their narrative upon us? It seems so!
1/30/21. The fight for election integrity continues. The lawsuit in VA was won, more lawsuits are in the pipeline with other states...
1/29/21. Georgia’s Raffensperger Caught in Another Scandal – After His Claims that “Audits” of Georgia’s Voting Machines and Election Were Performed by a Certified Auditor Come into Question
Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger is the face of 2020 Election sham. His actions in Georgia were reprehensible. And now we caught him in another scandal.
It’s really hard to find the words to describe Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s actions during the 2020 election cycle. We’ve reported extensively on his actions and today can add more dishonesty on his part to the list.
To this day there are hundreds of thousands of ballots that were lacking the legal documentation to confirm the results in Georgia in the 2020 election. Secretary of State Raffensperger certified the results anyway.
Hundreds of thousands of ballots lack the proper documentation required by law to confirm their validity. These votes should never have been certified by anyone.
But there’s more. Raffensperger used a firm to audit the Dominion voting machines before and after the 2020 election. But Raffensperger withheld information on the audit firm and actually lied about its certifications.
The firm hired by Georgia’s secretary of state to conduct an “audit” of Dominion Voting Systems technology used during the 2020 elections is the same one that previously certified the Dominion systems and also approved a last-minute system-wide software change just weeks before the election.
Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger failed to disclose that the company, Pro V&V, had a preexisting relationship with Dominion that dated back years, in his Nov. 17 statement announcing the results of the audit.
Raffensperger also failed to disclose that Dominion had used technical conclusions from Pro V&V in a pre-election Georgia lawsuit that questioned the reliability of Dominion’s systems during a last-minute software fix before the Nov. 3 election. The testing from Pro V&V had been characterized as “superficial” and “cursory testing” by an expert cited in court documents.
In the widely quoted statement, Raffensperger said that the audit of Dominion machines was complete, there was “no sign of foul play,” and that “Pro V&V found no evidence” of tampering with the machines:
“We are glad but not surprised that the audit of the state’s voting machines was an unqualified success,” said Secretary Raffensperger. “Election security has been a top priority since day one of my administration. We have partnered with the Department of Homeland Security, the Georgia Cyber Center, Georgia Tech security experts, and wide range of other election security experts around the state and country so Georgia voters can be confident that their vote is safe and secure.”
Raffensperger also included an impressive description of Pro V&V in his statement, but again failed to disclose the firm’s relationship with Dominion, nor did he address the fact that Pro V&V appears to be a very small and private company that operates out of a single office suite.
1/29/21. Five Days After Biden Inauguration, Judge Rules Late Changes To VA Election Law That Allowed Late Mail-in-Ballots Without Postmark To Be Counted Is ILLEGAL
Do you find it as infuriating as I do that they couldn't review any cases prior to the inauguration?
Article: Five Days After Biden Inauguration, Judge Rules Late Changes To VA Election Law That Allowed Late Mail-in-Ballots Without Postmark To Be Counted Is ILLEGAL. States...
One of the most common arguments made by Democrats, RINOs, and their allies in the media, to disprove voter fraud in the November election is that every single voter fraud case that’s been tried in the courts has failed. Americans need to keep their eyes on upcoming court cases related to election fraud. SCOTUS Blog lists an astounding 21 election fraud-related cases they’re watching.
One case that’s not making news in the Democrat Party’s mainstream media is a decision made by a Virginia judge on Monday. The judge ruled that last-minute changes made by election officials to allow absentee ballots with missing or illegible postmarks to be counted is illegal.
Read the article for the rest of the story.
1/26/21 - HR1 Will Turn The US Into CA. Here's How CORRUPT The Elections Are In CA...
This video was actually longer, but we set it up to start where Rep Darrell Issa of CA starts talking about HR1 and the corrupt elections in CA.
1/25/21 - Democrats Are Introducing HR 1 To Change Election Laws To Make It Easier For Them To Cheat And Win Future Elections For Many GENERATIONS!
Like I stated above, the only way Democrats can win is by cheating! The majority of American's do not want Socialism or Communism in America. So in a Venezuela Communist style election fraud movement the Democrats are going to make it easier for them to win.
Here's an article which explains what they're doing: Dems introduced HR1 nationalizing elections, a bill to destroy the USA
Here's a summary of what's included in this Communist bill...
- Internet-only registration with electronic signature submission. In other words, no voter ID.
- Nationwide ‘Motor Voter’ registration. If you get a driver’s license, you are automatically registered to vote.
- CA, IL and other states are providing drivers licenses to illegal aliens. This would allow them to vote giving Democrats a huge voter block.
- 16-year-olds required to be registered to vote. Children voting is a big plus for Democrats.
- Most 16 year olds who have never had a job and who have never had to pay taxes support the idea of socialism where they can just sit home and play video games while the government supports them. This will give Democrats a huge voter block in all 50 states!
- Nationwide same-day registration.
- Grants ($25M) for using minors in election activities. [brainwashing]
- Prohibiting attempts to clean voter rolls of non-residents.
- To make it easier for ineligible voters in a state to vote in that state!
- Murderers and rapists can vote.
- Allowing people with a felony to have their voter rights back.
- Mandatory early voting.
- Banning voter ID
- No verification of who is voting. This allows one person to vote hundreds of times, as just one example, with no accountability. We'll never have a fair election again!
- Roadwork for DC statehood and territory statehood.
- First, this is unconstitutional. This gives the Democrats 2 more Senators... DC is 90% Democrat.
- It gives federal workers [union people, mostly Democrats] SIX DAYS of paid vacation to work the polls.
- They do not want Republicans to observe the polls or reviewing the envelopes. This allows only Democrats to be poll watchers so they can more easily get away with voter fraud with no accountability.
With this bill we'll never have another fair and honest election again!
Tucker Carlson addresses this terrible HR 1 bill...
1/24/21 - Report On Private Money In Elections (Released 12/20/20)
This is a report which specifically addresses how private money effects federal and state elections. It's clear that we must get all private money out of our election process!
Download: The Legitimacy and Effect of Private Funding in Federal and State Electoral Processes-121420
1/24/21 - Rand Paul spars with George Stephanopoulos over voter fraud: 'It happened, and you can't just sweep that under the rug'
What I love about the video is how George will not accept there's any possibility that there was voter fraud but Paul just kept pushing back and would NOT give in.
Here's the article: Rand Paul spars with George Stephanopoulos over voter fraud: 'It happened, and you can't just sweep that under the rug'
1/23/21. 200,000 PA Ballots Were Modified AFTER Election!
Article: DATA EXPERT: 200,000 Pennsylvania Ballots Were Modified After Election – A Sampling of 100,000 Arizona Ballots Show ‘Material Amount’ Aren’t Even Real People. Here are a few things it said (read the article for the whole story)...
We’ve pointed out literally a million invalid ballots which were included in the ‘certified’ results in the 2020 election in three states alone:
Today we can report on a letter Piton sent to the Arizona legislature in December. He pointed out that more that 50% of a sample of 1,000 voters in the 2020 election were not real people. The sample came from a list of 100,000 voters in the 2020 election in Arizona.
Pitton also notes that 200,000 Pennsylvania ballots were edited the day after the election.
1/23/21 - How Bad And Insecure Is Mail-In Voting? So Bad That Even Amazon Is Against Them When It Affects Them!
How ironic. A vote for unionization is coming up, but Amazon does NOT want mail-in voting. Wow! Amazon doesn't want to see a union (don't blame them) because, as it was stated in the following article, "a union at Amazon would ‘give us the right to collectively bargain over our working conditions including items such as safety standards, training, breaks, pay, benefits, and other important issues that would make our workplace better.’”
I'm just shaking my head.
Here's the article: Amazon, Owned By WaPo Owner Bezos, Slams Mail-In Voting On Unionization Vote
It's okay for Democrats to contest the Electors, but not for Republicans...
1/21/21 - Maricopa County Board Of Supervisors Suddenly Agrees To Comply With Subpoenas And Allow An Audit
While I would normally think this is good, I have no confidence or trust in it. What I believe they're going to do is further cover up the voter fraud in an attempt to try and convince people the elections are safe and fair. With Trump now conveniently out of office and can't direct people to over see this process and have an inside view of this whole thing AZ has more freedom to do a more thorough job of covering up the obvious voter fraud. This is my opinion, that this is just a continuation of the cover up.
1/17/21 - Twitter Suspends GOP Rep Greene For Tweeting About Voter Fraud... The Left Needs Their Voter Fraud Scheme Buried!
Nobody is safe from Big Tech censoring! The Left wants the discussion about Voter Fraud to end at all costs because they absolutely do not want their voter fraud scheme reveals so they can continue using it moving forward in future elections. So the Left has their media arm writing many misinformation pieces to dispute voter fraud (here's an example of one: 6 conspiracy theories about the 2020 election – debunked - CBS News - From what you read above you can see how they are lying in this article to mislead people) and they've got their Big Tech partners censoring and stopping any discussions about voter fraud... Twitter suspends GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene
1/15/21 - The Election Was A Planned Takeover By Far-Left Groups.
Just watch this 1:53 video...
1/13/21 - The Navarro Report, The Details Covering the Voter Fraud In The 2020 Election
There are 3, I put them in order...
- The Immaculate Deception 12.15.20.pdf
- The Art of the Steal 1.5.21 FINAL.pdf
- The Navarro Report Volume III Final 1.13.21-0001.pdf
1/12/21 - Twitter, Facebook and YouTube Start Scrubbing Their Platforms To Remove Any Information About Voter Fraud in 2020 To Suggest There Was No Voter Fraud In 2020
This is a Communist information control tactic and a common practice anymore today where Big Tech either removes or hides all information around a specific topic. The topic being attacked now is all conversations, articles and videos about the obvious massive amount of voter fraud in 2020.
The idea is if you can't find any information supporting and discussing the voter fraud in 2020 then there must not have been any. It's an effective strategy.
Here are a couple of articles addressing the scrubbing of all information about voter fraud:
- Twitter Launches Policy to Crack Down on Questioning Election
- YouTube Will Ban All Videos Highlighting Voter Fraud
Hiding and/or removing information of the opposing views to a topic gives those who would try to challenge the subject would give one side the ability to prove their point that there was no voter fraud and the other side a really hard time trying to prove there was voter fraud. That's the whole point to doing this... to control the narrative which allows you to control the people.
1/10/21 - What kind of new election reforms are needed? By OAN...
1/8/21 - The "Cleansing" Of Conservatives & Trump Supporters Has Began!
This is just a summary. I'll write an article about it soon.
The Left does not want to have a conversation nor do they want to compromise. They not only expect, but demand that we all fall into line and support their agenda and the direction they want America to go in. Period, end of sentence.
If we're going to save America and stop it from becoming a Communist like hell hole of no freedoms and total government control now is the time to take a stand. Now is the time to make sure our voices are heard.
1/7/21 - Democrats Attack & Call Anyone Who Contests The Electors or Election Traitors!
After the storming of the Whitehouse the Democrats turned it all around to being Trump's fault and made him the evil person instigating violence when in fact Trump didn't do any of the things Democrats accused him of.
This was a setup!
The Left brought in ANTIFA dress like Trump supporters who instigated the rushing of the Whitehouse which gave the Democrats a "narrative" to push to blame Trump and the spineless Republicans who should've known better fell right into line. At this point I don't believe we'll ever see the election audited... Democrats got away with the steal! I also do not see any changes in state election laws to stop voter fraud, but instead see them become emboldened to make it easier for voter fraud. This is a sad dark day in America's history!
1/6/21 - Meme We Created Regarding Today's Events
Here's the meme we created earlier today and posted throughout Facebook, until they shut us down from doing any posting for 24 hours for breaking their rules. Regardless, here's the meme...

1/5/21 - Public Data Shows 432,000 Trump Votes Removed in Pennsylvania Election: Data Scientists
I just don't know how anyone could deny voter fraud in the 2020 election!
1/5/21 - It's A Disgrace How Democrats & The Media Have No Interest In The Constitution Being Followed And In Election Integrity!
Representative Jim Jordan presents his frustrations for lack of interest by the media and Democrats over Election Integrity and following the Constitution. Watch...
12/16/20 - Rand Paul, "The Fraud Happened."
We agree with Rand Paul. The question is, will the laws be reinforced and will be be held accountable when they're not? If serious, let's start with those who broke the law in 20202!
And how about fixing the obvious methods of voter fraud? It will require Democrats to do their part and I have no confidence in them fixing anything because cheating is the only way they can win!
12/14/20 - Michigan attorney in Antrim County case: Trump should act on Dominion voting equipment audit
In the article, "Michigan attorney in Antrim County case: Trump should act on Dominion voting equipment audit" by the Washington Examiner states... Matthew DePerno, who is representing an Antrim County resident behind a lawsuit challenging a local marijuana retailer proposal, told Newsmax TV on Monday that he knows the White House has the report, which has been disparaged by Michigan state and Dominion officials, "and I hope they read it and understand how significant the findings are."
What's alarming here is the audit on the Dominion machine. Here's what the article stated... The report produced by cyberfirm Allied Security Operations Group said the Dominion equipment examination revealed an error rate of 68.05%, which the assessment said is far above the "allowable election error rate established by the Federal Election Commission guidelines" at 0.0008%, and "demonstrated a significant and fatal error in security and election integrity."
12/13/20 - More About How The Voter Fraud & How Corrupt People Are Desperate To Get Rid Of All Of The Evidence
Georgia is scrambling to get rid of all evidence... voter machines wiped clean, ballots destroyed, thumb drives deleted, Judges are protecting the corrupt people, and so on. It's been established that corrupt politicians have been using the Dominion system to steal elections for 15 years now! Lives have been threatened to make sure this information isn't revealed.
This is just the beginning of what's shared in the following video...
Here's a great video showing you some of what happened, and errors that just absolutely should never happen in an election...
12/11/20 - David Limbaugh: Trump Supporters Right to Doubt Election
In the article, "David Limbaugh: Trump Supporters Right to Doubt Election" by CNS New it states, "Nationwide GOP distrust and outrage over the election is a grassroots phenomenon. Trump supporters did not take their cue from Trump. They witnessed the numerous anomalies on election night and beyond and recognized mischief when they saw it."
Read the article to see what else was said. It's a really good article.
12/11/20 - MI Judge Won't Disclose Dominion Forensics
This is an enlightening video regarding the Dominion ballot counting software program showing the obvious voter fraud this software program created to help Biden win! Even though this video is almost 30 min's long, it's just the first 15 min's I encourage you to watch...
12/8/20 - OAN Report: Tech Millionaire Funds Hacking Team to Discover Voting Fraud
11/9/20 - Tucker On Voter Fraud and The Left Trying To Shut People Up From Asking Questions
Watch the video... (Tucker We heard you. It’s hard to trust anything. Here’s what we know)