Last Updated: 4/17/21
It's Time To END The Lockdowns
Back in March we were told we'd be locking down for 15 days to flatten the curve to make sure hospitals weren't overwhelmed. That was over 250 days ago and here we are in a lot of states... still locked down!
This document continues to grow. Here's an index...
But it's the Democrat ran states such as CA, WA, MI and NY who are the most tyrant in their lockdowns. Democrats LOVE power and it shows in how they're throwing their power around with COVID.
I just watched a video today (12/21/20) of Senator Rand Paul discussing these un-scientific lockdowns as part of his discussion regarding the huge stimulus bill being sent to the Senate. Since this article is about the lockdowns I am only showing the part of the video where he discusses the lockdowns, it's just a quick 2:58...

I'm just going to say right up front, "These lockdowns need to end NOW because they do not follow the science, but are politically driven instead." When you're down reading this article I'm betting you'll agree.
First, you should know that I'm writing this article based upon the research I've done and from what I've learned about COVID. The advantage those on the Right have is Right Wing Media's (RWM) don't have a reason to use "fear tactics" to keep their viewers scared like the Left Wing Media (LWM) does to support their Democrat Governors and Mayors.
Because of this, the RWM has shared facts and information the LWM intentionally hid from their viewers and readers.
Since the beginning of COVID...
- We've been lied to.
- We've been given misinformation.
- We've been told absolutely not to wear masks, then we were told masks were fine, then we were told we must wear masks, and we're been told there's no science supporting masks.
- We've watched the Left politicize COVID medications like HCQ even though it's highly supported by many doctors.
- We've watched Big Tech censor COVID information so we didn't see information they didn't want us to see.
- We've had the left wing media pushing fear to keep us afraid and also hiding information they didn't want their viewers & readers to see.
We watched the Left Wing Media contradict things Trump told us who was just sharing information other experts told him...
- When he said HCQ (Hydroxychloroquine) could be a miracle drug, the left immediately shunned it and censored any information about it. We are not allowed to even discuss it even though properly done studies show it has an exceptionally high survival rate and ability to keep people from ending up in the hospital. I already wrote an article about HCQ and in my opinion the Left has blood on their hands!
- In July when Trump said our kids need to go back to school, the Left immediately attacked Trump and went on a melt-down saying our kids absolutely cannot go back to school regardless to what the science said. ALL of the science and statistics around COVID says kids are very safe and should go back to school, but because Trump said they need to, like rebellious children the Left is saying they can't.
We've also watched the Left Wing Media using fear tactics to keep their viewers scared. In their mission of keeping everyone scared all they talk about is cases and not the death rate. Did you know people under 24 have a greater chance of dying from the Flu than COVID?
It's true, per the CDC.
Don't you think the death rate is far more important, even the key, as to how serious we should be taking COVID?
Absolutely it is! Otherwise we'll be shutting the country down for the Flu season since it's more deadly for people under 24 than COVID is.
So let's take a look at the survival rate if you catch COVID by age...
This means that if you're under 18 you have a 0.003% chance of dying if you catch COVID. Across the USA only 124 people under 18 have died from COVID.
For 20-49 year olds, you have a 0.02% chance of DYING, for 50-69 year olds you have a 0.5% chance of dying and 70+ who are the high risk group for COVID you have a 5.4% chance of dying if you catch COVID.
Since April the death rate has continued to drop and it's still dropping.
On top of this, per the CDC only 6% of COVID deaths were from purely COVID. The rest had an average of 2.6 underline medical issues.
I'm just blown away that we closed down the country and continue to keep it closed down when the survival rate is so high, when the chance of death is so low!
That's not all, when compared to the seasonal flu which has a higher percentage of death world wide than COVID you have to wonder why we're in a never ending lockdown. Check this out...
The Spanish Flu, as you can see by the picture above, was a real pandemic with 50 million deaths world wide. The Spanish Flu killed 5.26% of the world population!
The seasonal flu kills 650,000 world wide with .009% dying from it and COVID killed 488,729 world wide with .003% less deaths than the seasonal flu, a world wide death rate of .006%.
The seasonal flu is more deadly than COVID by .003% and here we are shutting down businesses and the economy, closing churches and ruining millions of peoples lives and businesses across the U.S. and the world.
It's unbelievable how the Left Wing Media has been reporting on COVID pushing their narratives of fear and keeping everyone afraid. WHEN do people say "I've had enough, I'm done"?
WHEN do people say, "I've had enough, I'm done"?
The America I know wouldn't put up with tyrant governors and mayors.
It gets worse (or better depending on how you look at it)... Add to this the number of people's lives which would've been saved if doctors would've prescribed preventative drugs at the onset of COVID like HCQ. The number of deaths would've dropped significantly more and the death rate would've been even lower!
I'm just waiting for the class-action lawsuit where the families of people who died of COVID sue politicians, the left wing media and Big Tech for censoring anything to do with HCQ and the other cures for COVID. This day may come.
Why Did Democrats & The Left Continue Pushing Lockdowns?
The first 15 days to flatten the curve to protect the hospitals so they didn't get overwhelmed made sense to us all. COVID was new and there was more we didn't know about it than we knew about it. We were still trying to figure it out.
Fifteen days came and went. Still the lockdowns continued. In fact, the lockdowns never really ended in many states.
For some reason the Left did not want our economy opened up and they wanted us all locked down at home. Why?
Many have speculated that they knew that if we had a booming economy Trump would've been easily re-elected. The economy is the #1 factor during an election and they just could not give him the easy win.
The Left needed COVID, everyone afraid and the lockdowns if Biden was going to have any chance of winning. Plus, they needed the cover of COVID to push the mass mail-in ballots.
COVID turned out to be Biden's running mate:
- Biden could just stay in his basement.
- Biden didn't need to do rally's.
- When he did do rally's hardly anyone showed up.
- He couldn't form a coherent sentence.
- He had no charisma.
- Biden didn't need to answer reporters questions.
COVID would take care of everything for them. Because of COVID:
- They could push to do a mass mailing of ballots to everyone in the state, which they needed if they were going to steal the election.
- They could ask for election laws to be change, in the name of COVID, that is.
- They could keep the economy closed down in key Democrat states which are generally big commerce states like mentioned above.
COVID turned out to be a Democrats perfect storm! Especially when they have such a bad candidate like they did with Biden. Stealing the election was the only way he could win and they had the ability to make it happen under the guise of COVID.
You look at all of the ways the Left lied to us, you look at how such a high survival rate is never discussed but instead they push how many new cases there are, you look at how they literally stopped states from allowing HCQ so they could keep the number of people in the hospital higher and all of the other things the Left has done and it's quite clear that this is all political.
These are the reasons why the Left has been pushing COVID lockdown, which they could only have accomplished if they could keep you afraid that you would die if you got it. Of everything I've heard this is the most plausible. This makes the most sense why they kept the country locked down through the election.
The Election Is Over So Why Are They Still Pushing Lockdowns?
Great question. Two reasons, I believe:
- They don't want the economy opened up until after Biden is inaugurated so they can say it's a booming Biden economy, but we'll all know it's actually a Trump economy.
- To push their far-left socialism agenda. Make American's hurt enough that they'll accept socialism from the government to take care of them.
If these states like CA, NY, WA and OR (4 big commerce states) open up we'll be back to a roaring Trump economy, a high GDP and low unemployment and the left just cannot allow Trump to have that win.
Instead, they are wanting to keep the states locked down until after Biden is inaugurated so they can give him the credit for the Trump economy. But they won't call it the Trump economy, they'll lie to everyone and call it the Biden economy.
The hell with you and I. The hell with small businesses who can't survive any more lockdowns. The hell with all of us. They want us locked down regardless to whether it makes sense and so what if the science doesn't support it.
1/23/21 Update. Pegged this one. Sure enough, they waited until Biden was in to start opening up. A week before the inauguration Governor Cuomo of NY said they needed to start opening up before there's no businesses left. Same with Illinois and the other Democrat states. Just goes to PROVE that these lockdowns have been purely political, just like we said!
- Illinois Governor Latest To Ease Lockdown Restrictions Now That Biden Is President
- See the info about NY saying they need to open up down below under New/Additional Information for date 1/18/21.
On top of this, during COVID lockdowns big businesses have raked in the revenue and profits while small businesses are suffering and going out of business. I wrote an article about this, "COVID Lockdowns, Globalization, Small Businesses & Tyrant Rules".
Remember what we have always said, "Your actions speak so loudly I can't hear your words." This is a perfect example of this. Democrats and the left tell us they support Americans and small businesses but their actions tell us a completely different story!
Also remember, big businesses and globalist paid hundreds of millions of dollars in the 2020 election supporting Democrats and they expect something in return. It shouldn't surprise you that Democrat ran cities and states have no problem letting big businesses stay opened with hundreds of people in their stores and have told small businesses they need to shut down.
Explain to me how it's okay for hundreds of people to be in like Walmart but not okay for people to shop at a small business or go out to eat? There is no explanation other the obvious... Democrats are being biased and are supporting their big business donors!
Push Socialism
You see, the deeper we all crash in our financial world the higher the probability of pushing socialism in America.
Where Trump pushed an America First agenda we American's have become more prosperous and have more money coming in each month. This is a very bad outcome if you want to push socialism and the need to rely on the government.
Remember, socialism is government control of everything which would be a Democrats dream scenario.
COVID has served multiple benefits to the Left and they are totally taking advantage of it.
All Of This Is Just Political. It's Time To Put Our Foot Down, Tell These Tyrant Governors To Shove It And Get Back To Living And Working! It's Past Due Time To Open Up Our Businesses And States.
Like I previously said, explain to me how Walmart and other big businesses can be opened and have hundreds of people in them but churches, small businesses and restaurants can't be opened, or are only allowed very limited occupancy?
The bias and hypocrisy of which businesses can be opened and which can't is mind blowing.
A study in California found that less than 3% of COVID cases came from restaurants and that government offices is where most cases came from, yet it's restaurants who are told to shut down while government offices stayed open. How does this make any sense?
It's because of this bias, not following the science and facts, and all of the other things I shared above that I believe it's time to put our foots down and resist these governors. It's time we open up our economies, open up our businesses and try to salvage what we have left for the biggest sales time of the year.
Here's a video of a restaurant owner in California showing how hypocritical their tyrant lockdowns are...
We've had far worse pandemics in America and we've never closed down like this before. Why now?
It really makes me wonder with many thoughts going through my head, thoughts many might consider conspiracy theories. But then again, I listened to the Left Wing Media call all of the different things Devin Nunes presented regarding the Russia Hoax conspiracy theories to find out Nunes was right! So maybe what's going through my head is right too.
Here's Biden's chosen HHS secretary admitting the truth behind the restaurant lockdowns. This should infuriate you and is proof they're not backed by science...
The bottom line, in my opinion and based upon everything I've read and learned about COVID is it's long overdue to end these tyrant lockdowns and get back to being Americans. Businesses need to open, people need to get back to work, life needs to get back to normal, but with this important caveat...
- We know our senior citizens over 70 are the highest risk, especially those with underline medical issues like heart disease, respiratory illnesses like COPD, etc. so we need to protect them.
- We're adults. We can make good decisions and do not need the government controlling our every move! We are not a country under communist or socialism, we're American's living in America. We're the last of the FREE countries.
- Having said this, has these tyrant rules also been a practice run for socialism? Have they been a test to see how far our government can push us before we fight back?
- Have a plan in place if you or anyone you know catches COVID. My plan is hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), azithromycin, and zinc. As recommended I'm already taking Vitamin D3, Zinc and C daily.
- Be aware, some states like my state do NOT allow Doctors to prescribe HCQ so if you want to use HCQ if you catch COVID you need to have a plan in place on how you'll get it...
- Because a lot of states have literally stopped allowing HCQ to be prescribed, here's Five Steps To Obtain HCQ:
- State by State map showing how difficult it is to get HCQ in that state:
It's Time To Protest!
It's well established that Democrat Governors are the worse at locking down their states. It's time for American's to come together and protest. Take to the streets, protest at the Mayor or Governors house. Let them know you're done!
When parents in NY came together to protest closing schools the Mayor reversed his decision. Collectively we have a lot of power so exercise your rights and organize protests in your cities. Pick a day and time for everyone to come together and protest and with a loud collective voice tell your Mayors and Governors you're done!
If businesses open up and get fined, come together as a community and cover their fines. Don't allow the government to intimidate them and force them to stay closed because they can't afford the fines on top of not making any money for that last however many months they've been locked down.
Do a class-action lawsuit against these Governors and Mayors to force the re-opening of businesses in the city and state.
We can do this.
Here's a video of an interview Tucker had with Dr. Bhattacharya who's an outspoken doctor against lockdowns and what he has to say about them...

Here's a satire video which, although is designed to be satire (so the Left doesn't take it down), speaks a lot of truth about what's going on and what the Elitist are doing (it's 7:26 minutes long, rest is an advertisement)...
Lockdowns Are Creating A Whole New Set Of Problems WORSE Than COVID
Lockdowns are creating a whole new set of problems. According to the article written by The Federalist, these lockdowns have been damaging to us. In response to questions from physician Sens. Rand Paul and Bill Cassidy, Dr. Anthony Fauci admits this side of the equation has not been accounted for in the models now driving our world.
Let's take a look...
- It has long been known that unemployment has very deleterious effects on public health, particularly due to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.
- Unemployment also adversely affects mental health.
- Unemployment directly increases mortality by increasing suicides.
- One study found that being unemployed “was associated with a twofold to threefold increased relative risk of death by suicide.”
- An even more recent study has put the increase in lockdown-related “deaths of despair” at 75,000 in the United States alone.
- One study concluded that the increase in unemployment in the early 1980s reduced the collective life spans of Americans by two to three million years.
- Extended unemployment can reduce average life span by up to two years. Applying that to the more than 40 million unemployed in the United States right now and the results are frightening.
- The official Centers for Disease Control guidelines explicitly forbade “preventive care visit/screenings” and annual check-ups. Even if you have symptoms of illness, your care is pushed into the second tier, and then only if you are an established patient. Heaven forbid that you are trying to see a doctor for the first time.
- The negative effects of delays in securing preventative care are well established. For example, a Veterans Administration study found that a delay of even one month in obtaining treatment for cancer increased mortality by 20 percent. Another study found that each 30-day delay in diagnosing breast cancer increased mortality by 10 percent. Such figures can be replicated across a whole range of diseases, even though they are not due to the Wuhan virus.
In addition to these points from the Federalist article which was written in June 2020, we've also learned...
- Children not being in school has caused...
- More child abuse
- Many missing out on important meals they'd get at school which for many is their only meals of the day.
- The number of children flunking from school has more than doubled showing remote learning just doesn't work.
- The number of businesses who have filed bankruptcy has grown exponentially.
- The number of people in poverty has increased exponentially.
This is just a few of the consequences to lockdowns. Here's a 44 second video showing how the experts were WRONG where it comes to our children and closing schools...
The repercussions of lockdowns has been devastating to American's, children and small businesses across America. THEY NEED TO STOP!
Many say the sad reality is the consequences of the lockdowns are worse than COVID.
It's time to protest and let Mayors and Governors know we're done!
Update/New Information:
4/17/21. Bill Maher SLAMS Liberals for COVID Fearmongering
4/1/21. Steve Deace Joins Tucker Carlson To Discuss "Faucian Bargain"
Fauci was wrong over and over again!
2/26/21. Matt Gaetz Sends POWERFUL Message to Lockdown Governors
2/23/21. Newsom's Recall Proves Lockdown Rage Is A Growing Bipartisan Force
Article: Newsom's Recall Proves Lockdown Rage Is A Growing Bipartisan Force
2/23/21. One Year Later Our Answer To Lockdowns Must Be 'Never Again'
We agree. When will we stand up to the lying Left who's not following the science, but instead skewing the facts to FIT their narrative? Lockdowns, masks and any forced vaccines must END! But that will only happen when we decide we're done.
Article: One Year Later Our Answer To Lockdowns Must Be 'Never Again'
2/20/21. COVID Cure, you do not want to miss this video! Dr. Richard Bartlett ACWT Interview 7.2.20
Here's just one of many video's to PROVE we've had the cure for COVID for many, many months, but rather than make this mainstream the Left is censoring ALL cures for COVID. If you're questioning anything you should be questioning WHY is the left hiding this information and keeping us all locked down...
2/4/21. Since the inauguration COVID cases & hospital stays from COVID has dramatically dropped.
Why? Why since Biden was inaugurated has COVID cases & hospital stays from COVID all of a sudden dropped like a rock?
Because COVID was weaponized to attack Trump! The reporting of cases were way over exaggerated along with why people were going to the hospital. Now that Trump isn't president there's no longer a reason for COVID to be weaponized and we can start facing reality with COVID. Now you're going to start seeing the truth behind COVID.
2/1/21. The Flu has been eradicated! Check this out (video is just 1'48", rest is an ad)...
1/27/21. The Lockdowns were all about POLITICS (first part of video)...
1/25/21. Businesses Are Opening Up Now That Biden Is President. It Was All Political!
As we predicted Democrat Governors intentionally kept their states locked down until Biden was in so they could try to give him credit for the economy and ending of COVID! This just shows these tyrant lockdowns have been purely political, which is what we've been saying since the end of last summer. Here's a few articles we've written about the lockdowns:
- COVID Lockdowns, Globalization, Small Businesses & Tyrant Rules
- The Left LIED To All Of Us About Hydroxychloroquine
- It’s Time To END The Lockdowns
Here's what the Democrat states are now doing:
- IL. Illinois Governor Latest To Ease Lockdown Restrictions Now That Biden Is President (1/23/21)
- NY. N.Y. Gov. Cuomo to lift COVID-19 restrictions in the coming days - One America News Network
- Cuomo stated they need to start opening up before there's no businesses left to open. Wow! We've all been saying this for months!
- CA. California Gov. Gavin Newsom Lifts Statewide Stay-at-Home Order
- MI. Indoor dining will start back up on Feb 1.
- DC. Ends their ban on indoor dining 2/25, allow 25% capacity.
1/18/21 - Two-Faced Democrats Now Say Businesses Must Reopen ASAP To Save the Economy - Coincidence? Nope!
Notice, the Right has been saying these Lockdowns were all politically driven since the beginning of this past summer, and now a week before Biden is President Democrats have decided we need to open up the states and economy. Told you it was political! Now what they're going to do is call the great economy a "Biden economy" when we all know it's a Trump economy!
12/27/20 - UV-LED Lights Kill Coronavirus
A study was done which found UV-LED lights kill 99.9% of coronavirus in 30 seconds. I'm sharing this because the may ways we have to kill this virus and help us survive it the less the need for lockdowns.
Here's an article discussing this: Study finds UV-LED lights kill 99.9% of coronavirus in 30 seconds
12/27/20 - Lockdowns Just Destroy the Economy, They Don't Work
California reached an alarming milestone this past week, becoming the first state to surpass two million coronavirus cases, despite the state having implemented “Soviet-style” lockdown measures, yet the number of Covid-19 cases continues to climb.
“70 percent of the Covid-19 spreads within houses. Lockdowns just destroy the economy. They don’t necessarily work,” said Dr. Marc Siegel.
Here's the article: Lockdowns Just Destroy the Economy, They Don't Work
12/23/20 - 4 COVID facts the MSM won't report
12/15/20 - The Supreme Court sided with a rural Colorado church
For months I've been point out the bias of Democrat Governors for singling out and shutting down churches over other businesses. The Democrats have been attacking the church & Christianity for years. It is pleasing to see the Supreme Court say they can't do this.
See the article by The Federalist, "Supreme Court Slaps Down Colorado's Unequal Treatment of Churches In COVID Rules".
12/14/20 - Laura Ingraham with Dr. Risch & Dr. Oskoui
Dr. Risch discusses how we've lost more lives than we should've all because of the politicization of COVID, "Therapeutic Minimalism", they've misrepresented drugs that are available like HCQ. Third world countries have been using these drugs very effectively because they're inexpensive and they don't have the money and by using drugs the Left has cancelled (i.e., HCQ) these third world countries have a 5 TIMES lower mortality than we do here in America! Listen...

12/7/20 - Federalist Article
The Federalist wrote an article, "It’s Time For Mass Civil Disobedience Against Lawless Lockdown Orders" and we couldn't agree more!
12/6/20 - Focused Protection
The Great Barrington Declaration is an approach to handling COVID-19 that's signed by 12,000+ medical professionals. What they are recommending is:
- NO Lockdowns
- Focused Protection of the high risk people
Per their webpage (
The Great Barrington Declaration – As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection.
Coming from both the left and right, and around the world, we have devoted our careers to protecting people. Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health. The results (to name a few) include lower childhood vaccination rates, worsening cardiovascular disease outcomes, fewer cancer screenings and deteriorating mental health – leading to greater excess mortality in years to come, with the working class and younger members of society carrying the heaviest burden. Keeping students out of school is a grave injustice.