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Why You NEED To Join
(Be sure to read this whole page)

In a nutshell...

Individually we have very little if any say and powerMost of us want our voices & frustrations heardbut don't know how.

Collectively with 10 Million, 30 Million, 73 million or more voices we have tremendous say and power!

BUT, how do you harness all of those voices together as one unified voice which demands it be heard?

This is what "Team Pro-America" is all about... We Will All Be Part Of One Big HUGE "Organized" Team With A Collective Goal And A Collective Voice!

Add to this, satellite offices in all 50 states and working in conjunction with other organizations aligned with our values.

We're All Seeing It... The Left Is Kicking Our Asses Because We're Not Doing Anything To Stop Them!

This is why this organization is being created! We're Action Driven to be a Counter-Attack against those trying to destroy America and turn America into something it's not!

Here's what we want to accomplish with Team Pro-America...

#1 - Counter-Attacks To The Left's Organized Groups Like BLM: Getting The Right Organized

The Left is organized, something the Right is failing miserably at. The Left creates what's called "micro groups" to push a specific agenda and serve a specific purpose. They have numerous micro groups.

The BLM movement has been one of the Left's most successful groups who are pushing racism and systematic racism to try and convince everyone that America is a racist nation, that there's systematic racism throughout our government and institutions. 

America is NOT a racist nation, but the Left needs people to believe it is so we give into their radical policies which are suppose to fix the racial problems in America.

Also notice how everyone on the Left is pushing this narrative from Democrats in Congress to academia to blacks to the Left Wing Media. Like I said, they are very well organized! 

But these radical policies they're trying to push to fix this "self-created" problem won't fix the racial problems the Left says we're facing. Instead they'll destroy our Constitution, push Globalization, take away our sovereignty and move America into socialism.

BLM is just one micro-group. There's also:

  • The 1619 Project who's trying to re-write our history to support the Left's racism narrative and present America as a racist, dark country.
  • The Pan-Indigenous People's Liberation who's trying to break America's land ownership apart to suggest it should go back to the Indians who were here first.

There are numerous other groups who serve a different purpose all for the purposes of tearing apart the fabric of America, destroy our constitution which was written to protect all of us and more.

TPA Objective & Approach:

From among the millions of people who become members of Team Pro-America we'll create our own micro-groups within the organization. Each will serve a specific purpose to counter-attack the Left and to push the Rights position on that topic.

It will include education, social media, protests and whatever else it takes to dilute the Left and show American's why the Rights position on it is better for America and Americans.

Remember, we're about building people up, creating unity and building a stronger America. We're not the party of riots, looting and forcing our agenda down people's throats, and then punishing people if they don't accept our agenda. This is what the Left does, not the right.

The state wide chapters will focus on the issues and needs of that specific state. Each state has their own unique issues we want to be aware of and address.

Under the Main Organization will be State Chapters for each state and the Main Micro Groups. Then under each State Chapter will be a State Chapter of each Micro Group.

The key is to be highly organized, be totally in sync company wide along with being focused on each state individually because we know each state can have their own unique problems and needs.

Plus, we anticipate to we'll be more welcome in Republican ran states and cities and have more resistance in Democrat ran states and cities. Be clear, even though there will be more resistance in the Democrat areas it's these areas we're needed the most!

The Right MUST Create Organized Counter Micro-Groups to Fight Against The Left's Micro-Groups. The Rights Groups All MUST Be Backed & Supported By 10's Of Millions Of Patriots!

We'll not only create our own micro-groups, but will have chapters in all 50 states who will monitor what's going on state by state to better serve the needs of American's in each state!

#2 - Protect The Constitution, The Bill Of Rights & Our Freedom's

The Constitution & Bill Of Rights was created to protect us American's and gives us our freedom's and rights. One of the things it's designed to protect American's from is a tyrant government.

The most tyrant governments in the world is governments of a country that's based upon socialism or communism. This is because with socialism and communism the government controls just about everything and has the ultimate control. 

Yet, don't you find it interesting how the Left and Democrats are pushing socialism in America?

Most everything you see from the Left is to destroy the Constitution and take away our freedom's all in the name of creating this "better America" they're trying to sell their followers on.

But it's not a better America, unless you're part of the ruling class. For the peasants we lose our freedom's, rights and ability to create a better life for ourselves. Instead we're under the control of a tyrant government who controls everything we do including controlling what speech is allowed just like what China is already doing.

Government controlled means the globalist who are the real puppet masters of the world will finally be able to shape America into what they want so they are far more powerful and richer (an article for another day).

We have to do whatever we must to protect our Constitution and Bill of Rights to protect our freedom's and rights. America is the last "truly free" country in the world!

We fought for this freedom, and now corrupt politicians and Globalist are trying to take it away from us for their own personal gain by tearing away at the things that hold us together and make us stronger, which has been going on for many generations.

What the left is trying to do is tear down what unites us and makes us stronger. Following the Marxist playbook they're attacking Christianity and Religion (except Mosque and Sharia), they're trying to break apart the nuclear family which is a family with both a dad and a mom, they're trying to destroy our history by taking down select statues all for the purpose of tearing down America, naming just a few things. It's about remaking our society into something it isn't, to abolish capitalism and remake it into socialism.

Unfortunately, all of this starts in our schools where they're indoctrinating our children to hate America. Can you believe that this is actually starting in our schools, and that they are teaching our children to hate America?

Compare that to 40 years ago when we had tremendous patronage in America at a worship level. We loved America!

Children would all say the Pledge Of Allegiance immediately after school started. They stood, hands over hearts and they all said it proudly together.

At football games and other sporting events the National Anthem was played. It was a big deal with the band playing the song and the drill team proudly carrying the flag out while spectators in the stands stood proudly with their hands over their hearts with many singing along.

Now we have people from the left trying to destroy all of this. They even want to end the 4th Of July!

And look at all of the attacks against Prayer at schools! It's shameful what the left has been pushing and that American's have allowed it to happen.

We can't allow this, but instead we need to bring it back even stronger. If we don't take a stand now, all of the things that are important and that we treasure about America will be gone and just a memory. 

These are all part of the Marxist playbook to bringing in Communism or Socialism into a country. It's the chipping away of the things that bring us together and create unity within the country. Division is a key to their strategy which is why most everything you see from the left divides us.

Why The Left Wants "Liberal Supreme Court Justices"

Keep in mind, the reason the Left wants liberal Supreme Court Justices on the Supreme Court is because liberals look at the Constitution as being a "living" document that changes with the times and is not to be taken "literally". 

In other words, liberal Supreme Court Justices are literally changing the meaning of the Constitution to fit the Left's agenda. This is why it's so important to have Originalist Justices who support the original meaning of the Constitution and doesn't try to change its meaning to fit the needs of radical groups who are pushing radical policies.

For example it's a clear fact that the only way the government can take full control over us American's is by taking our guns away. Yet, the 2nd Amendment gives American's the right to bear arms for the primary purpose of protecting ourselves from a Tyrant government. Liberals and liberal judges view this part of the Constitution as outdated and believe there's no need for American's to have this right any longer.

Remember, this is the same people who want to usher in Socialism into America... see how the pieces come together?


The Constitution of the United States established America's national government and fundamental laws, and guaranteed certain basic rights for its citizens. It was signed on September 17, 1787, by delegates to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia.

Cliff Notes (Summary)
The Full Constitution

The Constitution sets up our Government and how it must function.

Bill Of Rights, Summary:

  1. Freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition.
  2. Right to keep and bear arms in order to maintain a well regulated militia.
  3. No quartering of soldiers.
  4. Freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures.
  5. Right to due process of law, freedom from self-incrimination, double jeopardy.
  6. Rights of accused persons, e.g., right to a speedy and public trial.
  7. Right of trial by jury in civil cases.
  8. Freedom from excessive bail, cruel and unusual punishments.
  9. Other rights of the people.
  10. Powers reserved to the states.

The Bill Of Rights gives us our freedom's and rights. The Bill of Rights is to protect Americans. It was written for you and me. One of the things it protects us from is a tyrant government which is exactly what the Democrats are trying to create. The Bill of Rights & Constitution is their enemy and why they are trying to destroy them.

Click For Enlarged View

#3 - Get Organized & Focused

In #1 above we discussed our approach and how we'll organize the main company, state chapters and strategic micro-groups. In step #1 it's about putting the pieces in place. Now for step 3 it's about getting organized and everyone on the same page.

To date there is no one single organization coordinating a movement on the Right to counter-attack the left's many attacks from many different corners.

There are numerous micro-groups on the Right, but most aren't standing up to the left like what's needed or being a counter-attack to specific Left groups.

At this point in history we have people on the Right running around with their heads cut off lacking organization and focus, two things the Left has (organization & focus) which is why the Left continues to kick our asses! 

I'm not suggesting there's not a lot of really good groups on the Right. There is. What I'm saying is they're not focused on being a counter-attack to the Left and they're not organized like what needs to happen to stand up to the Left's well organized groups. The Left is constantly laughing at the Right and how the Right can't compete against them.

What I'm saying is we need to get organized and focused, and we need to do it FAST! 

The left is attacking our history via statues, how we name things like sports team names like the Washington Redskins which just recently gave into the Left to change their name, the 1619 project which is re-writing our history and so on. Where's the organized counter-attacks to these things?

What if 10 million patriots in a very strategic and focused way came to the defense of the Washington Redskins and said, "Leave it alone, it's part of America." They wouldn't have changed their name because they would've seen American's have their back. This is just one example.

At this point there's just one group (the Left) doing the demanding and not enough people who are organized standing up to them and saying "NO".

When the only dialogue is the Left's saying to do this and do that and there's no counter-attack the Left is going to win! They win by default, and I'm just done losing like this. Aren't you disgusted, even pissed off, with how the Left is getting their way and having all of these changes happen in America?

You'll notice that most everything being done on the Left is to divide us and group us. To accomplish this and be even more effective the Left will have two groups work together like BLM and the Cancel Culture who attacks people who don't support BLM or what BLM is pushing.

Where we're focused on unity and equality for all, the Left is pushing things that are divisive while also trying to force us to believe we're a racist nation. WE'RE NOT! The left has weaponized racism because it's emotional and a very effective way of pushing their far left policies by doing it all in the name of fixing racism in America. 

This is war and we need Generals who manage and over see each Micro Group who will put in place our counter-attacks to stop the Left's grip on America's throat!

Without a coordinated attack we end up having a lot of people basically spinning their wheels and not creating the results needed to counter-attack the Left. 

We will organize and put key people in charge of each state and each micro-group who got one objective so they can stay very focused on the task at hand.

The Left creates groups to push a specific agenda...

BLM pushes racism, wants to destroy the Constitution, and wants Socialism. They admit to being a Marxist trained organization.

1619 Project is a sub-set of BLM who is re-writing our history as a dark, racist nation and then want this taught to our kids. The objective is to raise our blacks to be angry at America and want revenge, reparations or whatever the latest slogan of the Left is. Whatever it may be, it will be divisive!

Ending our patronage for America! They don't want us to love America and celebrate it. 

This is just 2 of many organized and focused groups pushing the Left's agenda, and a number of the objectives they're after!

What The Left's Attacking In America...

  • Patronage and Love Of Country, Flag & National Anthem
  • Our Rich History
  • Our Traditions & Holidays
  • Christianity and Religions (Numerous areas)
  • The police
  • Creating Racism where it isn't to push an agenda.
  • White people
  • The Nuclear Family
  • Capitalism
  • Conservatives
  • Rule of law by having Liberal judges create their own laws to punish law abiding citizens & let the law breaker off the hook
  • Cancel Culture to shut down speech or supporting something they don't want you to support
  • Free speech and opposing views of the Left's

When you dig into each one you find their information and facts are skewed and/or emotionally driven.

#4 - It's Going To Take MILLIONS Of Us Patriotic American's Coming Together In An Organized Way, Standing Together And Saying, "This Is OUR Country And You Will Not Destroy It, Take Away Our Rights & Freedom's And Force A Radical Agenda Upon Us".

Our individual voices isn't going to change anything. 

Micro-groups who aren't focusing their voices where they need to be heard isn't going to stop the radical left.

We need an organized movement of tens of millions of patriotic American's coming together who are willing to add their voice to the collective to support an America First agenda and to stop the radical left in a strategic and focused way. Our mission is to save America, and even bring her back in a stronger way.

We recognize that not everyone wants to get involved but they still want to support the movement. By signing up you'll be another voice but we won't ask you to do anything. In addition you can be a donor to support our financial needs to pull all of this off. There are multiple ways you can get involved and support our movement of taking America back.

Then there's others who want to get involved. There will be numerous ways in which you can get involved. You can see some of the ways on the form to the right. For those who check "I want to get involved" we'll provide you with more information of different ways you can get involved and have your voice heard.

Sign up now. The more people who sign up the larger our voice is and the more effective we will be. From the 2020 election I know there are 73,000,000 patriots who want to continue with an America First agenda. 

Sign up, and then send this website to all of your friends and family for them to sign up. Post it on your Facebook timeline with, "I signed up, will you join me?"

Become A Member Now...

If you want to be part of this movement as a business enter your business name here
If we create propaganda and show some supporters, if you don't check this box we will not ever share you as a supporter... your support or donation will be anonymous!

We will not spam you or sell your information to anyone else. Your information will solely be used for us to keep you informed of this movement of us American's taking back our country and holding government accountable to serving our needs first!

Once we've stopped the radical left from pushing their radical agenda on us, our mission will change to what I' sharing in #5...

#5 - Help Fellow American's Appreciate, Experience And Benefit From The Freedom's And Opportunities Only Available In America... The Land Of The Free, The Land Of Opportunity! 

All American's Should Be Able To Benefit From America's Exceptionalism.

One of the things I've always loved about America is how giving and supportive American's are. From our Christian foundation of "love thy neighbor" American's want to help their fellow American's to succeed and get through tough times.

It's like the neighboring farm who's barn burns down and all of his neighbors come together to help him rebuild it. Or people seeing someone treated unjustly and standing together to protect their fellow American who's being treated unjust. This is one part the America I admire and love! There is so much love and beauty in America and Americans.

Along with this, American's donate more money to charity than any other country in the world because we're charitable people.

As a whole we believe in equality for all, desire unity and are very fair. Yet, there's those on the left that are trying to suggest we're the opposite of all this for the sole purpose of pushing their radical left agenda. There's always an ulterior motive behind the left's trying to tell us we're something we're not.

I've been a firm believer that before you can help others you've got to take care of your own house. It makes absolutely no sense that we'd be spending the billions of dollars we do for other countries when we have so many area in our own country which needs our attention. The America government should be serving American's first and foremost as their #1 priority.

When the focus is on America First and not Globalization you're putting American's first. This is your homeless, the mentally ill, inner cities where minorities are falling behind, veterans who protected us and so on.

President Trump was working on these areas as part of his America First agenda and his work must be continued. But, with a Biden Globalization strategy it'll become America LAST like it was during the Obama Administration.

Team Pro-America and our millions of voices will continue down this road. After all, our mission is putting America and American's first!

I've also been around long enough to know some people don't want to improve their lives, they just want hand-outs.

When we get to Step #5 we won't be a hand-out kind of company. Instead you can consider us a hand-up company. Those that have the desire and are willing to put in the work we want to provide the resources and options to help them find and excel at the right opportunity.

Goals For Step 5 After The Steps 1-4 Have Been Solved:

1) Look at where American's feel like things aren't fair for them or they have other concerns. Create a brain-storming group to define the problem and to create actionable solutions to fix the problem.

In some cases we realize the problem will simply be how people perceive the issue which will require training or counseling. 

2) To have the discussion about racism. We do not believe America is a racist nation, but we do recognize there are pockets of racism in America. We believe in equality for all and the end to any kind of "actual" racism found.

We recognize that the Left has been pushing a narrative pushing racism and there will need to be, for lack of better words, unbrain-washing people to the left's narrative.

3) Addressing things that hinder citizens ability to better themselves. 

4) We'll partner up with other businesses who provide training to help citizens own their own business. We fully support the Free Enterprise system in America and how anyone can create their own business. We'll help guide you on how to setup the business and how to build your business.

5) We'll maintain a national database of federal and local services available to American's from city to city, state to state so when an American finds himself in a tough spot they'll have quick access of the services available in his area.

These 5 things are the foundation to what "Team Pro-America" is all about and what we want to accomplish. 

Beyond These 5 Things, We're Also Committed To The Following..

Promoting America Throughout America

When you move to a country, any country, you assimilate to their laws, culture and traditions. You do not move to a new country and demand that they honor your culture and tradition even when they go against the immigrants countries culture and traditions.

For example, it's pretty well known that Muslims who follow Sharia have have traditions and a culture that doesn't blend in very well in America and our laws and our traditions. If an American moved to a Muslim nation it would be expected of the American to assimilate into their culture, respect their traditions and follow their laws. It needs to be the same thing when Muslims move to America.

Now don't go calling us anti-Muslim because that's just not true. We have no problems with any culture coming to America the right way who assimilate to our laws, culture and traditions. If you want to call me anything, call me "PRO America".

This is how it use to be, but somewhere along the way this requirement ended. Are refugees required to assimilate? How about immigrants and illegal aliens?

Before coming to America they should be required to assimilate into this great nation and our amazing traditions.

Bottom line, if you don't support the culture and values of the country you immigrated to or are a refugee in, leave and move to a country you support and can get behind. It's up to you to mold into the country you live in, not to force the country to honor things that citizens of that country don't support.

People coming into America are expected to adhere and assimilate into America's laws, culture and values. We will adamantly stand behind this!

As such,

  • We want to see the Pledge Of Allegiance said in all schools up to the 12th grade. 
  • We want to see the true history of America taught in schools, NOT anything like the skewed history of America like what the 1619 Project is doing.
  • All students should have at minimum 1 semester of American Government to understand how our Government works.
  • We honor our flag and National Anthem. We stand during the National Anthem and place our hand over heart during it or salute if in uniform.
  • In America we celebrate Christmas. Saying Merry Christmas is an American tradition. The Jewish American's have never been offended by this, and when they point out they're Jewish we then wish them a Happy Hanukkah. We have no desire to offend anyone, but in the same respect we expect people in America to honor our traditions.
  • Christianity and God are an important part of America considering America was founded for religious freedom's and rights. If you're not a Christian or don't believe in God that's fine, but you need to be respectful of the many millions of American's who do believe in God which is the majority of American's.
  • American's love our traditions. If they offend you, don't participate, but keep your mouth shut and let those who support that tradition enjoy it.
  • If you don't support something like Christmas don't make waves about it. We will each mind our own business and understand each person has a right to believe what they do and live their lives however they want so long as it doesn't affect others. If a tradition offends you, just blow it off and move on with your life. It'll only bother you if you allow it to. Don't.
  • We will protect our history. This includes statues and other things. If something offends you that doesn't give you the right to remove something others appreciate as just a part of our history. We are not going to wipe out our history just because small groups of people want to protest something and try to destroy things of our history.

When in America you do the America thing. Join in and be apart of this amazing nation and the millions of patriotic American's who celebrate America and it's greatness. People who migrate to American or are a refugee in America need to assimilate into America, or they shouldn't be allowed to stay.

On the other side, if America and our traditions offend you, move to a country you can get behind and support. We want you to be happy, but we're no longer willing to let a small percentage of people control what happens in America and what traditions we're willing to celebrate. That stops now!

In my businesses that I've owned and ran, we only made changes to our products or how we ran our business when a minimum of 70% of our clients or employees supported the change. You NEVER make changes when less than 50% of the people don't support it, yet this is what's been happening in America which needs to stop.

In America all you need is 1-2% of the people wanting something but going out and protesting so their voices are heard to create change in America which affects 98-99% of the people. This is just crazy! But as we've learned, the squeaky wheel gets the grease; or said differently, just yell the loudest to get what you want, which is yet another reason why we need to build an organization backed by millions of Americans who can be a counter-attack to crazy policies passed by the left.

In other words, we want to reverse what the left has been doing to turn our children against America to hate America; we want to build on America's greatness and create a united America; and we want to bring back that "love of country" we use to have across the country from state to state.

More Information About Why You Should Join...

It's action time! No more sitting back and putting up with the lefts attack on us America loving people. It's time to take action. It's time to stop the attacks from the left which is: 

  • Causing people to get fired from their work.
  • Their cancel culture designed to destroy people and businesses.
  • Financially devastating businesses who who stand up to the left and refuse to be "shaken down".
  • Doxing people sending hundreds of people to someone's house to threaten and intimidate them.
  • Forcing their anti-America ideology at our schools to indoctrinate our children.

The left does not want to have a conservation or a debate. They just simply expect everyone to accept what they want and to accept the changes they demand.

No longer can we just sit back idly and do nothing, or expect others to fight these battles for us. It's time for action, it's time for us to come together and say in one loud voice, "No more, we're done!"

For years I've been frustrated with the different things going on in America that I knew I alone couldn't do anything to stop. Unlike the radical left, most of us have no interest and wouldn't go out and riot to have our voice heard. This just isn't who we are.

Where the left promised riots and looting if Trump won to absolutely make sure their voice is heard and punish us for not giving into them, the right just doesn't do this. We just sit home and bitch about what's happening and our voices are never heard by those who need to hear it.

This is what changes because we are creating an organization with satellite offices in all 50 states which will be one loud and clear voice for the tens of millions of us who are upset with what's going on in America and how the left has used organizations like BLM to push their agenda down our throats to try and force their radical far-left policies upon us all. 

Or how the left has created a cancel culture to destroy people and businesses who do not support or who speak out against their radical agenda.

I'm just done with these behaviors, but I also understand by myself there's nothing I can do. I realize it's going to require one large collective voice backed by 10's of millions of us to put a stop to all of this madness!

How many times have you been frustrated with the Government, politicians, BLM and the radical left with what they're doing to America?

How do you feel about organizations trying to re-write our history to portray America as a racist nation in order to push their far left policies?

How do you feel about our kids being indoctrinated at schools in the image of the left?

How do you feel about all of the division in America which has been instigated by the left and the left wing media (I discuss more about this further down)?

How would you like to see a "united" America?

We cannot count on those who want to divide us to unite us, yet that's exactly what we've been doing!

If you're like me and a person who loves America, you've likely been frustrated frequently because of all of this, and more. 

But what do we do? How do we get our voice heard? How do we push forward with common-sense and America driven changes and to stop the craziness going on?

For example, how does it feel to watch the BLM movement and their riots, which are destroying American cities and businesses our fellow American's invested everything they had into it to build, and watch their success at pushing asinine policies like "Defunding The Police" in cities across America?

It's not that BLM has a larger voice, it's that they're the one's being heard because people like you and I don't know how to have our voice heard. Who wants to have the police defunded to make us all less safe?

But to stop this asinine movement (and many others) we need a large collective voice to push our weight against these policies.

There are at least 72,000,000 people who could be part of this movement right now today.

I'm sure there are another 50,000,000 who could also be part of this movement once they see the truth of what's going on, how the media is lying to us and how they use techniques to control people to push their agenda.

The truth will set them free, although for many it will be after kicking and screaming as they realize the media they were trusting and believing has been describing a completely different country than what's really going on in order to push a globalist agenda!

Most people hate being manipulated.

Most people hate it when others use techniques to control them.

Our objective is very clear and transparent... putting America and Americans first! This is the foundation to what we're doing, and then from there it's standing behind and protecting our Constitution which was written to protect us! Yes, protect us!

Unfortunately there are a lot of Corrupt politicians who want to destroy the Constitution and start over again with a new America in their image, which of course would give them ultimate say and control over all of us peasants and our businesses while they get rich beyond anyone's imagination. Not on my watch!

Okay, I'm about to go down a bunny trail which means I'm going to go off topic of the purpose and point of this page. But for whatever reason I feel I need to say this next part...

We stand for equality for ALL. There will be no racism here. This is all of our America. We're all brothers and sisters of this great nation. It's time to start acting like it and it's time to put a stop to those who would try to pit one against the other... yes, I'm talking about the media yet again.

This also means calling out the media and those who are trying to divide us and shove racism down our throats and force us to believe America is a racist nation. 


While there will be plenty of time to have this discussion, and I know we will, American's are generally very good people of which the very high majority believe in equality for all and would not consider themselves a racist.

Sadly there are still a few people across this country who are racist, but that does not mean a city is racist, a state is racist or this country is racist. It just simply means there are some people who are racist, and I feel bad for them because they are lonely sad people.

Again, I know we'll discuss this topic further because the left wing media has been aggressively try to shove racism down our throats to try and convince us that America is a racist nation, which it's not. (In other articles I will dig into this topic to discuss it.)

We The People need to take back our nation, our values and who we are as American's. We need do a full stop of allowing the media to control us and tell us how we should feel by creating narratives that push their agenda at our expense! I'm done with it, how about you?

They Are Dividing Us To Conquer Us...

Have you ever heard the saying, "Divide and conquer"?

That's what politicians and the media are doing to us... dividing us to conquer and destroy our great nation! 

Only we collectively can stop it! And believe me, the last thing they want us to do is to come together to have the conversation to fix this problem. They want to stroke those things that divide us, or create new problems that would divide us. Divide and conquer, it needs to stop NOW!

So why should you be part of this movement?

To be part of a large collective voice so we have a voice, a very loud voice. By ourselves nobody is going to listen to us. Collectively with millions of voices behind us, they will have no choice but to listen to us!

So join now. Here's what you need to do...

  • Join us by getting on our mailing list. Don't worry, we won't spam you. We're way to busy putting all of the pieces in place to be sending emails all day, let alone every day. Maybe every 3-7 days, if you're lucky (a little humor). Fact is, we are super busy so it may be 1 email every 2-3 weeks as a far more realistic possibility. Jump to either the home page and fill out the form or jump over to the Join Us page and fill out the form. We'll email you an information packet with key information in it, once we finish it.
  • "Like" all of our Social Media pages so you see our articles on your timeline and to keep in touch with what we're doing and what's going on. We'll have links to them all on the Home Page.
  • Financially support us with a donation. With what we're going to be doing it's going to take a lot of money to support the staff we'll need. You can learn more about why we need the financial support and how we'll use the money at our Donation page.
  • We added a Store to our site to offer products around patriotism and America. Learn more about our store to include why we're doing a store and see the products we have available at our Store page
  • If you're a spiritual person, pray for us and what we're doing. We could use all of the blessings we can get.
  • Now, share the heck out of us with all of your friends and family. Spread our website and key pages to everyone you know. Get the word out!

I truly believe you're really going to be impressed with what we're putting together and how we'll operate. 

I love America. I love the people. I love our freedom's. I love the opportunities that are available. 

But I'm just done with politicians and the media playing us like fools. I'm furious with what globalist want to do to America. 

We all have a single voice that doesn't amount to much by itself so if we want to really be heard we need to take all of our voices collectively and let the powers-to-be know what we want and expect from our government and politicians. 

I'm also so done with movements with thousands of people burning down our cities to make a political statement, and that political statement is to destroy our constitution and start over again with a new constitution like I already addressed above. 

Did you know that the co-creator of BLM stated they are "trained marxist"? Did you know that BLM is funded by the left? Did you know 98% of their over $1 Billions dollars they've raised has gone back to Democrats? Did you know 95% of the riots and looting are because of BLM?

BLM is a left wing funded group who's objective is to destroy the Constitution and completely change who America is. This is the lefts doing.

In order for the globalist to move America to where they want it to be they must destroy the Constitution because as long as we have it and it's the law of the land we American citizens are protected and the globalist don't win, at least on that battle.

Again, not on my watch!

Yes, I'm sure we'll have many conversations about this too. I'm good with that because we need to discuss the importance of protecting our Constitution and we need to discuss the lengths the left will go to in order to get the power and riches they so desperately want.

I'm smart enough and have been around long enough to know what it's going to take to create change, and that does not include burning down our American brother and sisters businesses so we'll be heard. Nope, that's not who I am or any of the people I associate with are.

What I think we all realize is by ourselves we have no voice, especially in the big areas. But, collectively, 10 million voices, 20 million voices, 50 million voices or more has a tremendous amount of say and can accomplish a lot.

But until now, there's been no way of harnessing all of these voices together.

The key is that these voices are based off of solid and sound principles that unite us and makes each and every one of us a better person because we have a better country supporting us and helping us to achieve the joy and happiness we all deserve.

But, you have smart about how you do it. For example, I absolutely 100% do not agree with socialism! It hasn't worked yet in any country. Instead it's put more people into poverty and created a ruling class that's very rich. We can talk more about this for those who disagree or have questions about it.

There is a solution and we can discuss what it's going to take to solve important problems. I'm just telling you, socialism isn't the solution because it will create far more problems than anything.

Here Are A Few Things You Should Know To Give You Peace Of Mind...

Some things you should know:

  • We're not going to publicly list our members, donors or anyone else involved in this. Especially in our infancy stage, we do not want to give the hateful left a hit list to go after. The left and their cancel culture are out to hurt anyone who would go against them. We will always do our best to protect our members.
  • We do not and will not riot and create any kind of damage and harm to American's. This movement is to help and build up our fellow American's, not tear them down or create financial hardships for them.
  • We understand the majority of people involved in this have jobs and therefore don't have a lot of free time. There will be numerous ways our members can help move this movement forward with many of the ways only taking a few minutes. 
  • However, we will retaliate but we'll do it in a socially acceptable way. We will, for example, collectively as a group boycott businesses. Could you image the impact we'd have if 30 million + people stopped doing business with a business for 1 week to get their attention? The fastest way to get the attention of a business is to cut off their revenue source.
  • In addition to the previous point, we will have numerous ways to make our voices heard to stop this cancel culture and attacks on people who disagree with the radical left, to get the attention of people in Congress and much more. The objective is to make sure our voice is heard. But the key is to have a very large collective voice which is why your involvement and everyone else's who support what we're doing needs to be part of this.

The Left Wants To PUNISH Anyone Who Supported Trump & His America First Agenda

The left doesn't just want to push their globalization strategy, they want to try and squash anyone who support Trump who pushed an America First policy. The left wants to absolutely make sure that nobody ever again tries to put America first! That's just not acceptable to them.

If we as a nation don't do something to stop this it's just going to get worse. We may even lose the America we all love because we didn't come together collectively to put a stop to it.

Here's a video of Tammy Bruce discussing what the left is doing with their "Trump Accountability Project" to hurt anyone who supported Trump and his America First agenda...

This is just wrong!

This also makes what we're doing that much more important! We as a country cannot put up with this, and just to think this is being done at the highest level by Democrats in the House Of Representatives.

This is why we MUST all come together with one collective voice backed by 10's of millions of us to put a stop to this... people in our own government is pushing this!

The left doesn't just want to win, they want to destroy anyone who doesn't support their agenda of destroying America and pushing their radical left socialism agenda. This socialism agenda is important because it plays right into what the Globalist are after.

By ourselves individually or one business at a time we don't have the voice and power we need to stop things like this.

But when we all come together in one huge collective voice with all of us on the same page it creates a collective safety net for all of us. If they try to take action on any of us to "cancel" us we retaliate collectively in a socially acceptable way that makes it very clear that we will NOT be controlled or cancelled.

If businesses fire employees because of their anti-left views like not supporting the divisive BLM and supporting the uniting All Lives Matter we'll list these businesses and collectively boycott them.

No longer will we tolerate and put up with the left cancel culture and hurting American's or America businesses who don't support a radical left agenda!

I'm done, what about you?

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