Last Updated: 2/1/21 (Jump down to New/Additional Information)

The Mueller Investigation - The Truth Behind It

A lot has been learned about the facts behind the Russia collusion and the Mueller investigation.


The key thing according to this article is everyone knew Trump was innocent, that there was no Russia collusion, even before the Mueller investigation started. So why did we have a Mueller investigation?

Easy. Like I said all along, the whole purpose of the Mueller investigation was to find and get rid of all of the evidence from the bad actors in the government, FBI, CIA, intelligence departments and anyone else who played a part in the coup to take Trump out via the Russia collusion hoax.

They succeeded in their mission.

New/Additional Information:

2/1/21. Rush addressed this in his podcast...

Rush Limbaugh addressed this very point on his Feb 1, 2021 show also. You can listen to it here: