Tracking Biden Policies & Actions BAD For America - 2021 January

Home Page of Tracking Biden's Policies BAD For America

The Democrats have gone full Marxist with the push for a Communism type government. This is all part of the Globalist agenda.

Keep in mind, the media is owned by globalist. Like during the Obama years, the media is not going to report on how Biden's policies are bad for America and/or American's. Instead they are going to protect him and provide misinformation pieces to "sell" their viewers on how Biden's policies are good for America (they're going to lie and mislead you).

Because you're not going to hear how Biden's Globalist agenda policies are bad for America we're going to tracking the policies that are bad for America. These will be policies that will hurt Americans or that will move America toward Communism.

The Globalist have a plan for our economy to take it back to where it was pre-Trump. Remember when Obama stated regarding our economy, "this is the best it's ever going to be?" The Globalist wanted to stunt the economy and incomes of Americans. Then Trump came in and showed everyone how much better it can be.

We're going to be going back to the Obama economy and they need us to get their fast which is why you're seeing Biden sign so many job killing EO's and EO's that are going to dramatically hurt our economy. This will be addressed in another article.

This page will be a "living" document which will be updated as the left introduces or passes policies that fit this page. We'll tell you what changes they'd like to make and why they're not in your best interest.

Because there's so many topics we're providing you with a menu to jump to a specific topic...

Table Of Contents (Click to Open/Close)

Summary Of Biden's Policies & How They've Affected America & American's


  • 11,000 lost - Ending Keystone Pipeline
  • 5,000 lost - Ending the building of the wall

Policies Expected To Cost America Jobs:


In Biden's first week he introduced $4 Trillion in new spending - $2 Trillion for COVID & $2 Trillion in Climate Change policies



  • National gas tax increase, everyone pays this. Will affect all gas you buy-Car, Home.
  • Increase corporate tax rate: Will cost jobs and businesses to move out of America.
  • Raise social security tax: Definitely on high earners, maybe everyone.
  • Increase capital gains tax: Will depress the stock market
  • Create an internet tax: Don't know how, but trying to figure out how.
  • Increased to support the billions Biden's giving to other countries, to support Paris Agreement ($1 Trillion/yr)
  • Discussions are already happening about also increasing the middle classes taxes

Take Home Pay & Monthly Expenses:

  • Stopped lower prices on Insulin Trump put in place to keep the cost high!


  • Cost of gas for cars, and cost for electricity and gas for homes going up
    • Ending Keystone pipeline
    • Ending fracking
    • Becoming dependent upon other countries for oil
  • Prices of all products & goods if $15/hr min wage is passed. Prices will increased at a higher % than our income increases.

1/31/21. Delingpole: Biden’s Green New Deal Is an ‘Impossible Cluster****’... It's Impossible To Achieve The Biden Admin Objective.

Article: Delingpole: Biden’s Green New Deal Is an ‘Impossible Cluster****’. It discusses what it would take to pull off Zero CO2 by 2050... In a nutshell, the nuclear plants alone will cost on the order of US$170 trillion at current prices. And wind or solar plus 75 per cent nuclear will be on the order of US275 trillion, plus decommissioning and disposal costs for wind turbines and solar panels.

And guess which country is going to be the biggest beneficiary of all this green boondoggling… "China controls 50-70% of lithium, cobalt and polysilicon and is aggressively acquiring other materials to make batteries and solar panels. As we move to electric vehicles, we are essentially shifting control of transportation fuels from OPEC to China." 

Read the article for the details.

This article reference another article: Bright Green Impossibilities. This article basically shares how it's literally impossible to achieve what the Biden Admin wants to achieve... Zero CO2 by 2050! It explains why it's impossible.

1/30/21. Joe Biden trying to ‘destroy America’ as fast as possible: Rowan Dean. You think? ...

1/30/21. A Summary Of What Biden's First Week In Office Has Done To HURT American's! It's Hard To Believe ANYONE Would've Voted For This...

1/29/21. A lesson on economics you need to know. Plus, No way Biden won't increase all of our taxes

You NEED to watch this...

1/28/21. The Left's Globalization Agenda Is a Priority Over Working American's and Jobs

Article: Ending Keystone pipeline was 'proof' the left prioritizes their agenda over working Americans: Rubio. It states...

The ending of the Keystone pipeline project was "proof" that the left prioritizes their agenda over American jobs, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., said on Wednesday.

"Getting rid of the Keystone pipeline will do nothing for the environment," Rubio told "Fox & Friends."

Ending the Keystone pipeline project will "upset" the United States’ Canadian allies and put 11,000 families on the "unemployment line" at a time when it's hard to find work, he added.

"And the kind of work that we need in this country, and they had no problem at the stroke of a pen putting eleven thousand people out of work."

Read the article for more information.

1/28/21. Putting Transgenders Above Straight People Is In Full Swing. Another Marxist tactic to divide us.

This is yet another Marxist strategy of pitting a small minority group (only 4%) against the majority of American's. It's another way of creating chaos and division. Here are a number of articles on this topic:

People, this isn't about supporting Transgenders, it's about dividing us.

Here's how this new policy absolutely destroys women's sports...

1/28/21. On the Democrats constant "racial divide" strategy, they've now added "Equity" to their strategy which is not only racist but will do far more damage to America

Here's a video to better explain what their equity strategy is...

Article: How Equity Will Destroy America

1/28/21. Biden Starting Commission to Examine Supreme Court Reform... They Want To PACK The Courts!

The Democrats want to PACK the Supreme Court to make it Liberal Leaning. This is typical of the Democrats, cheat to win. This article discusses how the Biden Admin is going to "examine" reform for the Supreme Court, which basically means, look at how they can pack the court. This is just down ugly and very bad for America because Liberal judges look at our Constitution as a "living" document and that it should be updated and changed as America evolves, where Constitutional Justices interpret it as it was written. 

The Liberal approach allows the Justices to change the Constitution to meet the needs of the Left which in our opinion is not how the law should be handled. 

Article: Biden Starting Commission to Examine Supreme Court Reform

1/28/21. Kerry To Coal Workers- Make 'Better Choices,' Your Jobs Are Going Away

Article: Kerry To Coal Workers- Make 'Better Choices,' Your Jobs Are Going Away

1/27/21. Biden halts wall construction with just a half-mile left in NM

Walls work. DC put a 12' wall around the Whitehouse for Biden's inauguration, celebrities use walls, politicians use walls but Biden doesn't feel it's important to protect us Americans...

1/27/21. We Must REJECT Socialist Supremacy!

1/27/21. Video of new Rep. Cawthorn discussing the Left's Cancel Culture, moving America into Socialism and other things that are destroying America

1/26/21. Biden Tax Plan Truth - It Will CRUSH Middle America AND Target Amendment 2!

1/26/21. Biden LIED. Made Campaign Promises that Within 4 Days Of Being Elected It's Clear He LIED!

Not mentioned, remember all of the discussions of Fracking including at the debates? Biden said he wouldn't end them.

He ended them on Federal lands day 3! We'll now once again be dependent upon other countries for our oil which will cause our gas costs and the products we buy to be more expensive (going to cost semi-trucks more money to transport products to the stores).

1/25/21. America Is Growing WEAKER Under Biden!

  • 70,000 lost jobs from Keystone Pipeline
  • Gas prices are now rising...
    • Gas for cars
    • Cost to take products to the market (semi-trucks) increasing which is also increasing the price of the products we buy in stores
    • Home utility prices going up
  • Climate Change
    • China benefits at the expense of America
  • Immigration policies
    • Making us less safe
    • Letting illegal immigrants into America increases costs in states

1/28/21. Here we go, taking NO responsibility for THEIR actions. Kerry says the lost jobs because of Biden's new policies isn't Biden's fault. Let that sink in!

1/25/21. Rep. Gohmert Addresses numerous things the Biden Admin is doing harmful to America

  • Ending power grid update leaving us open to attack
  • Going after "Conservatives" as Domestic Terrorist, but doing absolutely nothing to go after ANTIFA!

1/25/21. Democrats Push Three Amnesty Plans

Article: Democrats Push Three Amnesty Plans. Read the article for the details

1/23/21. Energy Advocates: Biden’s plan feeds elites, starves America

What could possibly happen doing away with our trusty, reliable fossil fuel and moving to the Green Deal? 

Do you realize it takes more fossil fuel to create wind mills, solar panel farms and the other green deals than what these green energy plants create. I'll have to find the link to the informational piece that shows how much fossil fuel is used and needed to build these green energy sources and keep them running. Makes you wonder if we have idiots making these decisions. To answer that, yes!

Also notice how these green energy deals will make the elites rich(er) and starve Americans...

1/22/21. Biden admin freezes Trump HHS rule meant to lower insulin prices

Trump was the first President to ever go up against the pharmaceutical companies to get drug prices lowered for Americans. For doing what Trump did they hate him. They even held the COVID vaccine back from being released a few weeks so it wouldn't be released prior to the election afraid that if it was released prior to the election it would give Trump an advantage.

My gosh, there would never have been a vaccine in 10 months if it hadn't been for Trump, but regardless, they weren't about to let him benefit from it.

Pharmaceutical companies a mega donors and they donated millions to Biden. So to help them out Globalist Biden is putting a freeze on lower insulin prices. He says it's for 60 days, but what the means is he wants to see if his media arm can provide him with the cover needed to make this permanent. Now we'll see the misinformation pieces and spinning of this narrative to "sell" it to the American people. I can't wait to see how they do that.

Yup, you are reading this right. Biden is putting big business above American's. Considering how many big businesses donated to him, we're not surprised. But we're certainly disappointed.

Read more here: Biden admin freezes Trump HHS rule meant to lower insulin prices

1/21/21- Biden issues executive order expanding LGBTQ nondiscrimination protections

Yup, this is definitely Obama 2.0. 

Here's an article by the Left Wing Media about it: Biden issues executive order expanding LGBTQ nondiscrimination protections. Notice how they don't share how this affects Americans. They ONLY focus on how they believe this will benefit LGBTQ. Notice how they push how positive this is. The media's purpose is to make sure they "sell" their viewers on this being a positive thing and we should all support it and get behind it!

Once the Conservative side writes an article about this we'll share it here.

Here's how we see this being a problem:

  • Supporting Transgender women (biologically men) in women's sports. This will destroy women's sports!
  • We'll be back to men going into women's bathrooms and locker rooms because they recognize themselves as a woman.

There are so many things wrong with this EO! Here's a video discussing some of them...

1/20/21- Immediate Executive Orders Day 1

Rejoin Paris Agreement (Treaty)

I already wrote an article about this and how devastating it is for America: Some Paris Treaty Truths. This benefits other countries and serves no advantage to America, but it definitely will cause a lot of problems for America and Americans.

It will cost at least $1 trillion per year. It will make everyone poorer—except for politicians and environmentalists. It will cost jobs. It will cause households and businesses to pay higher utility bills. It won't, however, change the climate

Here's a video explaining it...

Repeal Trump Travel Ban

First, this was travel ban on countries that are hot beds of terrorist to keep terrorist out of America. It was part of Trump's "protect America" policy. Those days are gone!

Obama had a love affair with Muslim's putting them on a pedestal while throwing American's and Christians under the bus. It looks like we'll be going back to this priority under a Biden admin.

Biden reversed the travel ban for what they're calling "Muslim" countries. The former acting DHS secretary argues 'it's going to make the American people less safe'. Per the article:

"I had hoped that his team would come in and really take a look at what the department has done," Wolf said, noting that there was "never any Muslim ban" as the travel restrictions were "not based on religion."

"Instead, what the department has done over the course of four years is spell out very specific criteria that these countries need to meet," he said. "We're very up front with them about how to meet that and in the process, we are getting more information today… known and suspected terrorist travel patterns today because of this process than we ever have."

"And to come in and to reverse that without a thoughtful process is very concerning," Wolf continued.

The Biden Admin also told Trump NOT to lift the travel ban from European countries because of COVID.

Due to this choice it's clear their lifting the ban to the "Muslim" countries has nothing to do with COVID. This has to do with putting Muslim's above the health and well-being of American's. Here we go again!

Stop Border Wall Construction

Immigrants win, American's lose! The wall is to control who comes into America so they come in right and so terrorist, drug dealers and other bad people don't come in.

Remember, Democrats create problems to pass legislation and policies they couldn't normally pass. Mass immigration will (top 3):

  • Increase the crime: This is to help Democrats push more gun control
  • Take jobs away from Americans: This and the next bullet puts more people in poverty and creates more financial stresses. Being financially stressed helps put socialism. Democrats need a lot of American's financially stressed.
  • Lower the wages to America

The new DHS officer under Biden is even contemplating completely tearing down Trump's 450 miles of wall. One thing they have decided is they will not be continuing it even though another 350 miles has already been funded. Instead they'll take the funding for the 350 additional miles and apply it somewhere else. Democrats just don't want American's to be safe!

Overhaul Immigration Plans

Immigrants win, American's lose! See above under "Stop Border Wall Construction".

Here's a video discussing Biden's Day 1 immigration EO...

Revoke Permit for Keystone XL Pipeline

Trump made America energy independent. No longer did we need to buy oil from Russia or the middle east. Biden wants to undo this and once again make us dependent on foreign countries for our oil which will:

  • Enrich other countries
  • Severely hurt our oil industry and businesses who are dependent upon our oil industry... we'll see hundreds of thousands lost jobs.
  • Our energy prices will go up costing Americans more money each month: Auto gas, house utility costs

Here's a video discussing why this is a bad decision...