The New York Times Goes Far-Left Propaganda Sheet

I read another article today about another media company go full far-left propagandist for the left.


The NY Post wrote an article yesterday, "The fast-falling New York Times has gone mad". This is the same story from left wing media company to left wing media company... they're just propagandist for the left

As such, they aren't interested in the news or the facts. They are narrative driven to push an agenda, first and foremost. 

Beyond that:

  • They write articles to protect someone or a narrative.
  • They write misinformation pieces for multiple reasons.
  • They write smear/hit pieces to try and destroy someone and/or their creditability.
  • They write redirection pieces to take your eyes off of something and put it somewhere else as part of their "nothing to see here" strategy.
  • They selectively choose not to write articles on hot topics they don't want their viewers to know anything about like what they did with the Hunter Biden laptop story which revealed a lot of corruption from the Biden family. This allows them to control what stories their viewers hear. Along with this, they chose not to write any articles on the amazing accomplishments of Trump because, again, they didn't want their viewers to know about these accomplishments. The position is, if they don't report or write stories on a specific topic then the topic at hand must not exist or be true. 

There you have it, from their perspective.

What they don't do is report the news. 

What they do instead is push the lefts agenda.

If you've watched the left wing media over the last few days you've listened to them tell you from commentator to commentator over and over again that there is no voter fraud. 

Really? Huhm. That's because they are providing protection and cover for Democrats. They're not reporting the news or the facts, they're simply protecting Democrats because they absolutely cannot allow Trump's America First policy to continue and they want Biden and his Globalization agenda to take over as President.

The truth is, there's a lot of evidence on voter fraud (click on the link for more information about voter fraud). 

But I'm getting off the point of this article.

In the NY Post article they stated...

Make no mistake: The Times is engaging in self-censorship, which extends to outright censorship. The paper has been steadily morphing from a news organization into a far-left propaganda sheet that can please no one but the truest believers. Think about “All the President’s Men” or “Spotlight,” cinematic depictions of buzzy newsrooms, journalists hot to expose corruption at the highest levels, grizzled editors interested in only one thing: Does the story stand up? Is it bulletproof?

Over at the Times, the No. 1 concern is hurt feelings. No. 2 is what Twitter thinks.

Learn more on what this journalist has to say at the article, "The fast-falling New York Times has gone mad".