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This Is A War... America Vs. The Globalist And Their Deep State Operatives To Enslave Us All

The globalist have a plan they've been working toward for many years. We're now at the tail end of their plan with an end results which will give the Globalist ultimate power and will enslave the citizens of America and citizens of other countries. 


The Globalist Have Been Putting In Place The Pieces For A Very Long Time To Implement Their Plan

With CIA taught tactics the Globalist used their media arm to prepare people by controlling what they know and their beliefs on things, to push things that divide us because a divided country is easier to control, to pit one group against another (blacks vs whites, different groups vs Christians, etc.) and numerous other things.

It's all been a long term plan going all the way back to the 1930's and updated and adjusted as the years have passed.

The media has played a key and instrumental role in this. Utilizing marxist tactics and mind-control CIA trained strategies to condition people and prepare the country for what was coming, everything has been by design as part of their strategy.

In 2008 under Obama they created a 16 year plan to finish what they were trying to accomplish. This is why we experienced the most anti-America President ever up to that point. During the Obama years we watched the racism narrative skyrocket, BLM grew world-wide to help push the Left's narrative and agenda, the media went full narrative driven and blew off the facts and numerous other things.

Trump Was A Shock To The Deep State, They Needed Him Removed...

In 2016 Hillary Clinton was suppose to win to finish off the last 8 years of the Globalist 16 year plan. But she lost which created massive anger from the Globalist, thus, the constant attack pieces on Trump and the constant attempts to impeach him. The Globalist and their Democrat operatives needed Trump out of the way.

We watched this battle for 4 years. It was hoax after hoax, lie after lie, hit piece after hit piece, two bogus impeachments all to do one of two things... 1) Get Trump out, or 2) Make absolutely sure he wouldn't be re-elected.

The 2020 Election

For the Presidential campaign season they didn't need Biden doing rallies or out talking to people. They spent the last 4 years strategizing and putting a plan in place. Then came COVID which gave them the perfect cover to change election laws (illegally) and put other pieces in place.

They needed a dementia puppet they could control and Biden was the perfect stool.  

The globalist with their Deep State operatives, which include many Democrats & Republicans, STOLE the 2020 election so they would be in control. 

They've been doing the same thing world wide in other countries. This isn't just an America corruption problem, this corruption plagues many governments world wide. Like I've said before, the Deep State is wide and deep with many tentacles.

The World Is Watching The AZ Forensic Audit...

This is why the world is watching the full forensic audits starting in AZ. It's also why the Democrats sent over 70 attorney's to AZ to try and stop it, and have even gotten the DOJ involved to stop it.

Remember, for years the Deep State has been doing a "slight of hand" audit which wasn't a true audit at all. They knew how to hide the fraud while at the same time claiming they did an audit!

But now we know what they're doing and how they hide it. I address this in the article, "How Voting Machines Work & Why Standard Audits Do NOTHING!".

We now know the only way to do a true audit is by counting the actual ballots (not the ballot images) and doing a forensic audit of the ballots & voting machine.

The Deep State has been caught. We now know how they've been able to STEAL elections in America and across the world. We now know how they've been able to hide the fraud.

We even just learned today that weeks and months after the election they can use the machines to cover up the fraud by running ballots through the machine which then back-dates the ballots to Nov. 3rd. The people who designed these machines to help rig the elections thought of everything. Watch this video...

At this point you'd think their game is over!

BUT, it's not over yet because now they'll have their media arm do disinformation pieces to discredit what was found, to try and convince their sheep viewers it's something different than what it is and to completely change the facts to try and sell their viewers on a manufactured narrative.

Remember what I've consistently said, "the Left must protect their narrative no matter what". Their media arm will be pushing dis/misinformation pieces to their brain-dead viewers who still believe them that there was no voter fraud in 2020. They will have their "stories" of what's happening with the different states and their full forensic audits.

What Patriots Need To Do Right Now...

There's actually quite a few things patriots need to do, but I'm only going to address one of them. This is a very important thing we must do.

Patriots in AZ need to continue supporting their full audit in AZ and be a shield between the people pushing for this audit and those who are trying to stop it. Your voices must be heard and it must be loud. Absolutely make sure this audit is properly completed! Democrats are still fully committed and determined to stop this audit.

Patriots in NH, MI, WI, GA, PA and NV need to force a full forensic audit in their main counties. You know which ones... the ones who stopped counting to steal the election. Do not take no for an answer, force it because the corrupt politicians will do and say anything to stop it. Don't let them!

Once enough states are done and show Trump actually won, Trump must immediately be put in office.

The fact is, just from what Mike Lindell has presented there's enough evidence showing Trump won. We should already be putting Trump in. We already know Biden was "installed" and didn't actually win.

But by doing the audits in all of these states:

  • It will show the fraud, 
  • It will verify without question that Biden was "installed" and isn't the true President and 
  • It will provide the undisputed facts needed for American's to see this election was stolen and get Trump back in if he isn't already.

These audits will also show that our elections have been hijacked by corrupt people so their "selected" person is installed in key positions including the Presidency to push their agenda and not the citizens agenda.

These corrupt people stole our democracy and stole the will of American citizens, and the citizens of other countries where they stole elections.

In addition, it will show the rest of the world the face of evil and for the citizens of the other countries to demand recounts of the the actual ballots from their elections. It will let the world know to never use voting machines again!

These things are the absolute minimum we patriots must do.

After These Highly Important Audits Are Done, Then...

Then we patriots must demand criminal investigations. We must demand those who were involved in stealing the election or fought to stop the audits are prosecuted with the appropriate consequences. If they were just obstructionist but didn't break the law, then we need a way of removing them from their position.

We should watch Governors, Secretary Of States, Judges including at the Supreme Court, people in Congress, people in the FBI and other 3 letter agencies all being arrested and prosecuted. This is the only way we can take back our country!

We MUST root out the corruption so it never happens again and put the fear of God in people so nobody ever tries something like this again! I would expect to see firing squads of people for treason against America for those who played a role in the 2020 COUP who had a role in either the fraud itself or were part of the cover up.

Watch this video where Mel K discusses the corruption in America...

Obviously we must end all usage of all voting machines! Never again can we use voting machines, especially ones which have already been proven they can be programmed to rig an election!

Personally, I think once the proof of this election being rigged in the states who do a full forensic audit is completed that ALL states should do a full forensic audit. I believe that once this is done we'll find that a lot of Democrats who won the election in 2020 didn't actually win. One example is Governor Inslee in WA state... I do not see how he could've won with everything he did to WA. Plus, Dr. Frank showed that all of the counties in WA followed a consistent algorithm proving WA was also controlled by the voting machine. 

Then I hope we see the other countries around the world follow in America's footsteps to do full forensic audits also.

Finally, I hope to see the Globalist propagandist arms called the Media is all shut down. The Globalist could never have accomplished what they have if it wasn't for their media arm lying and brain-washing citizens around the world with their narrative based reporting. We must get back to "fact-based" reporting and a media which holds our governments honest.

For Big Tech a new set of laws... no more selective censoring. Free speech will be demanded, or they are shut down and face monstrous fines! History teaches us that the first and most important way to bring in Communism is information and speech control... never again!

We Need Safety Nets In Place To Absolutely Make Sure This Never Happens Again...

We must put in place safety nets so this crap never happens again! But this isn't going to happen until we get the corrupt people out of Congress who will fight against these safety nets because they don't want to be held accountable to their corrupt ways or have their gravy train stopped.

For example, did you know there's no laws to hold a politician accountable to tell the truth? Remember how Adam Schiff, a real sleaze ball, completely lied creating his own fabricated story of the phone call between Trump and Ukraine? And he did this in Congress while in session and on national TV for everyone to hear.

Nothing illegal or wrong with people in Congress to lie. This needs to change! Congress should NEVER be allowed to blatantly lie to the American people.

A few of those safety nets needs to be:

  • Term Limits for Congress. The longer people are in the more corrupt they become. This needs to end!
  • There needs to be a safety nets for Judges who are corrupted either with blackmail information or from bribes. This includes the Supreme Court Justices.
  • Remove from the Military those who are not loyal to the Constitution, our flag and America. We have corruption here too. You either support and stand behind America, or you're out of the Military.

We American's can NEVER allow this corruption to happen again! We need a complete cleansing of our government, military and judicial system. We The People are taking back our country!

This needs to be true for all countries around the world where the corruption in their governments are also rooted out. We need to terminate all of the Deep State operatives. If it's not them, it'll be us. Just look at how they've been planning to depopulate the world.

Another article you should read is, "The Anon Movement – Waking People Up, Revealing Corruption"