How Conservatives & Patriots Need To Fight Back

First, before I get into how we're need to fight back, let's again take a look at why we need to take a stand and why now is the time to do it.

Also, to help you jump to the information you want to review we're offering an index...

Before you read the following it would probably be a good idea to read the section "Why We Need To Take A Stand And Fight Back..." on the Taking A Stand Against The Radical Left page. At this section we discuss why it's so important to fight back and why now is the time.

Patriots and Conservatives need an organized voice backed by millions of us. Whoever puts this organization together should also coordinate with other patriotic groups. It's time to build up a national community, a statewide community and communities in key cities all working in sync together to fight back.

The Left Does Not Want To Have A Conversation

People, it's time to stand up and fight! But not with our fists, because that's not who we are, unless of course they push us in a corner and give us no choice. The fact is, we'd all prefer to handle this in a socially correct way.

The problem is, the left does not even want to have a discussion. They don't! They just simply expect us to put our tails between our legs and give into them. 

That's not who we as American's are! We will not surrender to their abuse, attacks and childish antics.

I'm done! I am seriously done, because I know that if we America loving people don't take a stand for our country then we're going to lose our country. Look at how many statues have already been defaced and destroyed. Look at how many businesses our fellow brothers and sisters built that got burned down to the ground and destroyed. Look at how they've pushed the Democrat party to be the most anti-American party we've ever experienced in our history.

It's time to take a stand and we need all America loving people to get involved.

If We Don't Put A Stop To The Left NOW, We'll NEVER Have Another "America First" President!

This vicious attack from the left is all because of Trump's America First policy. The globalist just simply will not allow another 4 years of America First and will do whatever they have to do to stop it! Not only that, they want to stop there ever being another America First movement!

This is why you're seeing Democrat politicians and the left wing media attacking anything that has to do with an America First policy.

Yet, we learned what an America First policy would do for us American's and we liked it. Besides, we elect an American President who's number one focus should be on America and American's, not the President of the world.

If we're ever going to have an America First President again who puts America and Americans FIRSTwe need to stop the left's attack on us right now dead in their tracks. It's honestly mind-blowing that anyone would have a problem with and attack people for supporting an America First policy, but they are.

It's going to take millions of us standing up against it to stop it making what we're promoting here that much more important. Somebody needs to create this organization, but who?

Now let's take a look at how we can fight back...

Here's A Few Ways How We'll Fight Back


We've watched the left organize protests across the country. Where they're a protest is the most effective is when it's organize a protest on a specific topic on the same day in cities across the country. This is one of the reasons why I keep saying the Right/Conservatives needs to get organized!

Protests work. It shows our political class we mean business and are serious enough about the topic that we've come out to protest. But often it takes ongoing protests on the topic at hand to create the movement needed.

Here's 1/5/21 in Washington DC of Trump supporters coming out to protest the election. It's the day before the actual protest and already the crowd is huge...

We need to see more of these, and have them much more frequently! If we add other strategies to the protest it'll help increase our odds of being heard and getting those who have the power to make changes to make the changes we want, not what the left is pushing.

Never forget, the squeaky wheel gets the grease so let's make sure we're the squeaky wheel.

Pressure Campaigns.

Keep the idea of a "Pressure Campaign" in mind. What do you suppose would happen if we all collectively targeted them? What if 72,000,000 million people boycotted supporters of those who would try to destroy anyone who supported an America First policy?

The problem is, until now, there hasn't been one coordinated, organized voice for Conservatives and us patriots and this has been the missing link! This has been the piece that's been missing to be able to coordinate and orchestrate a retaliation against the left to put a stop to all of their nonsense. Like the article from The American Conservative titled, "How The Right Can Organize Like The Left" also said...

If You’re An Elected Official

The words every conservative elected official needs to have emblazoned on his or her wall, in letters four feet high and on fire, are: “Actual Material Loss.”

Hard lefties understand that if you want someone to change his behavioryou have to be able to inflict actual material loss on them. Not devastating bon mots, not status hits, not embarrassment. Actual material loss. For politicians, this means votes. For other people, usually, it means money.

In other words, hit them in the pocket book! 

Pressure campaigns are designed to get businesses and organizations attention. The left does this all the time! Why aren't we?

Picture this...

  • 72,000,000 people all on the same page with a common agenda standing up and saying, "I'm done".
  • 72,000,000 people not watching CNN or MSNBC for a whole week. Let their advertisers experience nobody seeing their commercial and their wasting their money advertising on CNN & MSNBC.
  • What if 72,000,000 people did what the left does to force their voice to be heard and boycotted advertisers of those who push an agenda we don't support? "Attention [Advertiser], we patriotic American's are boycotting you for 1 week starting on [date] through [date] to let you know we do not support CNN's [or whoever we're attacking] globalization agenda and their attacks on patriotic American's. If CNN continues this behavior, us patriotic American's, 72,000,000 strong, will take our business else where and not do business with you any longer. Tell CNN we're not playing games, that we're serious about our position. You may want to stop advertising with CNN who we consider an enemy of We The People." We could do this with any business on any topic where a pressure campaign is needed. BUT, for this to work we'd need to literally not do business with this Advertiser for that 1 week.
  • 72,000,000 people not buying a specific product for a week.
  • 72,000,000 people standing together and saying, "we're not putting up with these anti-American behaviors any longer, we're putting up with these attacks on American citizens just because they don't agree with your policies or did what we're suppose to be able to do in America, they shared their views and opinions which were opposing views to the lefts".
  • If a business openly hires and supports ANTIFA and BLM (95% of all riots in America this past year have been tied to BLM) we boycott them! 72,000,000 united voices saying, "no more rioting, no more looting, no more destroying businesses and if you're business hires members of ANTIFA or BLM or supports these organizations we'll boycott you." This is fighting fire with fire which is the only way the left will listen.

What if 72,000,000 people turning off and stopped using Facebook or Twitter for 1 week just to show how powerful and how serious we all are?

I understand this may not be easy with so many people addicted to social media. I'm just talking about 1 week of a coordinated effort to say, "STOP censoring! STOP hiding information. STOP shutting down and censoring conservatives."  (Since writing this, we now recommend everyone to leave any social media company who would use communist tactics to control information and speech. The Left is using Big Tech to do what they themselves can't do because of the Constitution and there is NO PLACE for this in America. Learn more.)

Maybe the left and their cancel culture, which this Trump Accountability Project is all about, decides to dox someone to have them fired. What if everyone in that city or in that states ends all financial relationships with that business if they fire anyone because of pressure from the left... "Either stand up and do what's right because if you get pressured by the left to fire people we'll stop doing any business with you!"

How many times will this have to happen where we literally put businesses out of business to make a point before other businesses learn, "We're done"?

While I'll feel bad for that business, if this is what it's going to take to stop these attacks then I'm all for it.

To make all of this work it will require people to take different kinds of actions. You can't just support the organization putting this together to stand up to the Left and do nothing. That would defeat the purpose of millions of us standing together with one collective voice. 

Let me give you an idea of some of the things you may be asked to do to support a "One United Voice" approach...

  • Boycott a business. Generally we'll start out with a 1 week boycott just to get their attention. Please understand, it's not our desire to financially devastate American businesses. Unfortunately sometimes there's casualties, but we hope to avoid that. Could you boycott a business for just 1 week, even if it's your favorite place in the world to help stop the lefts terror on America?
  • If 1 week doesn't get a response then we may have to kick it up to longer. In each case we'll evaluate it individually based upon what we're doing.
  • We may ask people to go post on a businesses or schools Facebook page or send them a Tweet about how we do not support what they're doing. Could you imagine a business getting 100,000 Facebook posts or tweets, let alone 10 million? We can bombard them with our displeasure at what they're doing. We can shame them for what they did. It's what the left is doing to the right.
  • We'll protest. Not riot, just protest. We'll get thousands even millions to walk for a cause. In part this is about showing numbers and our strength.
  • We'll educate the advantages of an America First policy versus Globalization. I'm sure there will be educators who will be part of this one united voice movement.

There needs to be "pressure campaigns" to stop behaviors. Who is targeted should be strategic. What we do when retaliating is to be result oriented meaning we'll expect a result. If we don't get that result we'll have to kick things up like a longer boycott.

These are just a few that should be done. The rest I'll hold close to the chest until this organization is created by us or someone else and then we can discuss what else can be done with the members how we'll put pressure on businesses, institutions, schools and other places; will discuss how we'll organize and strategize as a unified organization; how we'll get people involved; and much more.

One more key thing to share on this page...

Strategically Having Satellite Offices In States and Key Cities

America is a very large country. In addition, many problems facing America is not a national problem, but instead more of a state problem, or some states will face a national problem worse.

By having satellite offices in all 50 states there will be people on the ground in those states who can report the unique problems people in that state face along with sharing orchestrated attacks from the Left on businesses and people in that state.

What will make the whole organization so effective is by having the satellite offices in each state and offices in key cities. But they all need to be working in sync together. They all need to be one voice, a focused mission with millions of members who all love America and don't want it tore apart or destroyed. If something is happening in a specific city within minutes we can be acting on it.

Get Involved At The City Level and State Level To Take Back The Power

We patriots need to take back our cities and states. We do this by just getting involved. 

Here's a video of Robert Beadles discussing how we can get involved and take back our country...

The video should've given you a number of good ideas and ways to get involved.

The most important thing is to get involved.

Schools To Stop The Indoctrination Of Our Children:

The Left is trying to indoctrinate our children. They are trying to bring in divisive curriculums like Critical Race Theory, the 1619 project and BLM's curriculum to the schools to be taught. They all push racism, teach a false narrative using Marxist tactics to divide the citizens of America.

The 1619 project teaches a fabricated history of America with a basis of slavery and racism and presents that America was founded and based upon slavery and racism.

Critical Race Theory takes it to another level by again teaching a fabricated view of America with the objective of teaching our children to hate America. Patronage (love of America) unites people. The Left/Democrats are focused on teaching hate, push racism, to divide people, to bring racial issues into the discussion so blacks feel like victims and whites are to feel guilty for the "white privilege". It's all bull crap which is only going to create citizens who hate each other!

BLM's curriculum is again racist driven along with pushing being gay and transgenderism, and the breaking up of the nuclear family so children don't pursue a spouse and having children. When you look at the statistics of children not raised by both a dad and mom in the same home (the nuclear family) their odds of failure and ending up in the criminal justice system skyrockets. 

We cannot allow any of these curriculums in our schools. This is why we must get involved with our schools:

  • School PTO's
  • School unions
  • Any roles where you have a say on curriculum and medical issues with the kiddo's. 

Parents are coming together to stop forced vaccinations of children at school, stopping the wearing of masks which don't actually help and in fact do more harm than good. For more information on these two topics go to: America's Frontline Doctors.

They have both a medical side and legal side fighting against COVID issues of all kinds. Here are a few links you may be interested in:

City Level Involvement:

Mayor is the main position. It's also the most competitive position.

There are many lower level positions which have important roles.

State Level Involvement:

Governor is the main position. It's also the most competitive position. Other important roles are:

  • Lt. Governor
  • Secretary Of State (controls the elections)

Here's a page with a list of State Level Elected offices: State executive offices

After Stopping The Radical Left, Next...

A time will come when our united voice will shut down and end the wrath from the left. When that time comes, whoever is running this organization, we'd recommend they change their primary objective to supporting and helping American's. It will be invaluable having the information coming in from our satellite offices letting us know what problems American's are facing in these states.

The focus of the organization should be 100% on creating a better America for those who love America and want to be part of the American family. Unfortunately, there will always be those who will play the victim card and who wants to tear down America and not take advantage of the many opportunities America offers. We want to help, where possible, those who love America create an even better life.

There are so many things an organization like this, backed by tens of millions of America loving people, could do to unite and build an even better America for all.

Having said this, there will always be those who fight having a united America, and who will continue to try and destroy our traditions and culture. One of two things will happen with these people if we build a strong wall of patriotic American's protecting the America we all love...

  1. They'll assimilate. 
  2. They'll fight it.

If they fight it like they are now, as long as we're a united force their fighting it won't go anywhere. Just remember, "the squeaky wheel gets the grease"

Never forget this because this is how people with less than 5% support of their mission are able to create policy change in America. With no counter-groups to argue against what the small group of people want they're able to push through their agenda.

There NEEDS To Be Someone Or An Organization Who Will Organize and Manage All Of This, and There's A Lot To Manage!

I'm doing this website because I love America, what America stands for, our culture, our traditions and our freedom's enough to drop everything to take this on if nobody else will!

I'm also the first to admit that I'm trying to show everyone and convince everyone of the importance of getting organized and having a structured approach to strategically stand our ground and fight back against the Left.

It's like I've said numerous times throughout this website, "the left is kicking our asses because they're organized, and they're focused on what they're doing and why they are doing it."

We need to get organized too!

Somebody needs to create the organization who will manage the many millions of patriots who want to be part of this mission. Up to this point nobody else has raised their hand to do this. Nobody! 

That has just frustrated me as I watch the left pull their little tricks and watch American's getting hurt by the left and watch them implement their cancel culture to get people fired or businesses attacked. Somebody needed to put together an organization like this.

To pull this off it's going to take having a lot of organizational skills and knowledge to put together the technology to manage it all. For example, there are not very many database programs that can manage 10 million+ records.

This needs to happen! We all must get involved and on the same page. 

It would be far more effective to have one organization managing the whole thing versus 100's of micro organizations like we currently have across America who are all pushing a different objective... everyone needs to be on the same page, focused and structured. To get everyone on the same page and all working together it will only happen by having one central organization. It would look something like this...

Under the main organization will be the state chapters and under them will be a satellite office of a Micro Group. The state satellite micro groups will be part of the main Micro Group under the main organization.

This structure makes sure everyone is on the same page and that there's consistent messaging throughout the organization between the state chapters and micro groups. One of the biggest reasons organizations like this fail is because of everyone trying to do their own thing and not being in sync together. 

The ultimate objective here is:

  • One united collective voice
  • Being able react fast to attacks from the left
  • Consistent messaging organization wide
  • Everyone being on the same page

In addition to working closely with other independent micro groups of like minded individuals we'll also be setting up branches in every state. America is a large country and the only way we're going to be able to be highly effective is by having representation in every state and people to report back to us what the uniqueness's and issues are state by state, even city by city.

Is an organization focused on protecting the America we love something you'd be interested in? Tell us...

If you own a business and would like to list it.

Additional/New Information

2/7/21. The GOP MUST Start Playing Offense, Not Just Defense 24/7

Dinesh makes a good point here.

2/1/21. Republicans Are Waking Up | It’s Time to Break Up Big Tech Monopolies

2/1/21. Fighting Back Against CORRUPT Teacher's Unions. Do you have kids not going to school because the teachers union won't open up the schools? Great video with great ideas...

1/21/21. Bill O'Reilly's Idea To Stopping The Cancel Culture

Sounds like a good idea to us, thus, why we're sharing it...

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