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We All Have The Right To Defend Ourselves But Democrats Continue To Make That Much Harder To Do

There is no law that says we can't defend ourselves. Even the Constitution gives us the right to defend ourselves and our property. But Democrats are doing more to help the bad guys hurt us and rape our women than supporting our rights to protect ourselves! 

We're going to pull up our sleeves and dig into the 2nd Amendment and our rights to protect ourselves, our family, those around us and our property. We're going to reveal the dirty little tricks Democrats play to push through unnecessary gun laws, and why they're doing it.

This is an informational article focused on our 2nd Amendment rights and our rights to protect ourselves and our property.


It's October 2024 and we American's are far less safe today than we've ever been. Between the mass invasion fully supported by the Democrats which has allowed millions of very bad people to flood into America to include the very evil MS-13 gang & the even more evil Venezuelan gang. Add to this the liberal policies being put in place in Democrat ran cities which supports and even encourages bad people to do bad things to us citizens. We've never been more unsafe than we are now. 

There's going to be a lot of information in this article because I'm just sick and tired of the Democrats skewing the facts and straight out lying as they continuously move forward at trying to disarm us for no good reason. As you'll clearly see, it's tyrants trying to disarm the citizens.

Because there's so much information in this article and is so long, here's a Table Of Contents so you can jump to specific topics...

Table Of Contents (Click to Open/Close)

Before we get started let's first look at what we're up against and why our 2nd Amendment rights are more important today than they've ever been...

*** Part 1: What We're Up Against ***

The Biden-Harris Admin With Their Open Borders Has Let Into America An Evil We Have Never Experienced Before...

Have you ever looked into someone's eyes and all you saw was evil? No soul, just pure hatred who would kill you without thinking twice?

Whether it's the MS-13 gang, the gangs from Venezuela which are considered “MS-13 on steroids”, or Islamic extremist, to name a few, they're all monsters! They'll kill you for looking at them wrong, and won't lose a second of sleep over it!

Torturing people for days, gang raping the same girl over and over again, murders, and laughing through it all. If they capture you, your daughter or wife and all they do is murder you or you family, you got off easy.

It's already happening, but you're not hearing about it because the Liberal State Media like MSNBC & CNN is protecting the Democrats (the hell with us citizens) who brought this evil to our cities and won't report on all of the murders, crime and rapes by the illegals who should never have been allowed into America! In fact, the bulk are minimizing it to suggest there are no problems.

Venezuela literally opened up their jails and sent their murderers, criminals, rapist, mental cases and gangs to America. They were told that if they ever come back to Venezuela they'll be executed!

On December 28, 2023, Bloomberg reported: “Venezuela’s rate of violent deaths dropped to its lowest level in more than two decades following years of massive migration as both criminals and victims fled the nation’s economic crisis.” 

Venezuela went from being one of the most crime ridden countries with lots of murders to significant drop in their murder rate because they sent all of their really bad people to America. True story!

“DHS confirms that Venezuela empties prisons and sends violent criminals to our southern border,” Rep. Troy Nehls, R-Texas, tweeted on Sept. 18, 2022. For more information you can also read this article from Sept 18, 2022, "EXCLUSIVE: Venezuela Empties Prisons, Sends Violent Criminals to U.S. Border, Says DHS Report"

Two of the most evil gangs in the world is the Venezuelan gangs and MS-13 and they're spread out throughout America. They're not just evil, they're smart and they're organized. They know how to use fear to take over cities and communities. How many people do they need to torture and murder with a smile on their face before you just give in to whatever they want? How long will you put up with them gang raping many of the women and little girls?

Just look at them wrong and they'll torture you for days. You'll wish you were dead! If they just kill you, you got off easy.

In addition to these two very evil gangs is Islamic Extremist. They're well known for their terrorist attacks and torturing their enemies. They're just as evil, just as brutal and just as organized as the gangs! 

Like the gangs, the Islamic Terrorist are well organized. They strategize their plan of attack, don't care if they die in the process (these are the most dangerous people) and are out to invoke as much pain and deaths as they can.

Numerous Muslim countries hates us (not to suggest all Muslims are bad). Iran chants, "death to America". We can expect terrorist attacks from this group, attacks on our infrastructure, all kinds of attacks! 

It's estimated there are between 1.5 - 5 million terrorist, evil gang members & other very bad people from other countries now in America who are robbing us, will murder us without giving it a second thought, who are raping our women to include little girls. We have a very serious problem on our hands, and we American's need to be able to protect ourselves from it.

Regardless to which group it is, when they act it'll be from a pre-planned plan of attack. They will have done their homework and will want to kill as many as possible (like those who go into schools and do mass murders). The faster someone acts to stop them the less deaths there will be. In a terrorist attack and mass shooting event, the faster they're stopped the more lives that are saved!

The Biden-Harris Admin will only admit to the following which doesn't include the got-away's and those who came in without anyone being aware of their entry into America...

  • 13,099 Convicted Of Homicide
  • 15,811 Convicted Of Sexual Assault
  • 425,431 Total Convicted Criminals let into America
States Who Have Banned Semi-Automatic Rifles Like WA Has, And Who Have Limited The Magazine To A Maximum Of 10 Bullets Have Made Us Citizens Far Less Safe

You can be guaranteed all of these gangs and groups have AK-47's and AR-15's with magazines that will hold at least 30 bullets. If they're in a state that has banned all semi-automatic rifles, I absolutely guarantee you they will not be turning in their guns, let alone follow any of the states gun laws! 

Chicago with some of the strictest gun laws is one of the top cities for murders. Venezuelan gangs are taking over parts of Chicago and are armed with semi-automatic rifles that they brought into the state and then into city... will law enforcement enforce the gun laws and take them away from these gangs?

We all know the answer to that... NO, they won't. But they will prosecute law abiding citizens for breaking gun laws.

Anyone besides me see a problem with this? But this is consistently what happens in deep blue cities... ignore the gangs and really bad people who shouldn't have guns but do, and go after law abiding citizens!

Politicians talk about murders but refuse to enforce gun laws where they're truly needed and actually make a difference... taking the guns away from illegals in America and from gang members! 

Instead what our politicians have done is give these evil people a huge advantage over us citizens who just want to protect ourselves! A bolt action rifle with less than 10 rounds up against a semi-automatic rifle with over 30 rounds won't have a chance! We'll be sitting ducks for these gangs & terrorist.

Consider this huge difference between a semi-automatic rifle and bolt-action rifle...

  • Semi-Automatic: When faced with more than one bad guy, you aim and shoot, and you continue to aim with your finger on the trigger.  Your stance and staying aimed on the bad guys doesn't change. If needed, you just pull the trigger to fire more shots. 
  • Bolt-Action: After taking a shot, with a bolt-action rifle you have remove your hand from the trigger, grab the bolt and manually load in another bullet by pulling the bolt back all the way and then pushing it forward and down to lock the bolt back in. It's only after all of this that you can take another shot. But more than likely, after your first shot, before you're able to load another bullet into the chamber, you've been shot dead by the bad guy with the semi-automatic rifle! Seconds matter!!!!

Like I said, a bolt-action Vs any semi-automatic rifle is an unfair gun fight with the law abiding citizen being forced to use the bolt-action rifle while the bad person has the semi-automatic rifle. We have no chance of being able to protect ourselves and our family!!!

This is what our politicians are doing to us... bringing in evil unlike anyone of us has ever experienced and then making it extremely hard for us to protect ourselves! Who's side are the politicians on?????

Based upon these politicians actions you can't help but wonder if these politicians who support gun controls and banning key guns we need for our protection aren't working for the gangs! Working for the murderers! Working for the rapists! Because they sure as hell aren't working for us American citizens when they are making it easier for evil people to rob us, rape our women and murder us, and harder for us to protect ourselves!

More about this further on. Plus, further on we're also going to be discussing how the liberal policies so many of the Democrat ran cities are pushing in are making us far less safe and make it easier for the bad people to attack us citizens. This will be an eye-opener!

The Biden-Harris Admin Have Also Let Into America Military Age Men From Countries Who Hate America And Want Us Dead!

The gangs & terrorists aren't the only really bad people the Biden-Harris Admin have allowed into America through their open borders. They've also allowed a lot, like millions of military age men from countries into America who want to destroy America, take America over and/or wipe America off the face of the earth.

It's estimated there are well over 100,000 military age Chinese men now in America.

I have no idea how many Muslim extremist from Muslim countries who want us dead are in America but I'm betting it's a crap load, millions!

How about Russian military people?

Have you ever watched the show, "Red Dawn"

That's a real possibility. With so many military aged people from other countries in America, one thing for sure, something is going to happen! It's just a question of when, where and by who?

At minimum there will be terrorist attacks. Or even attacks on our infrastructure to cripple us and create chaos throughout America. Imagine what would happen if cities had no power, no water flowing, no food deliveries for 30 days... the citizens would go crazy, and the crime and murders would skyrocket as people search out food and water to feed their family. How will you protect your family?

There's Also BLM, ANTIFA and Other Violent Groups Already In America

Up to this point we've only discussed the evil that has come into America from our open borders and haven't even addressed groups like BLM and ANTIFA who riot, loot & destroy cities with the blessing of the Democrat Mayors & Governors.

Those of us paying attention consider these groups the Democrats Militia because they help push forward the Democrats agenda. They riot to push forward the Left's agenda and make sure people don't stand in its way. They create chaos which helps the Left. They create fear.

They have destroyed local businesses including Black owned businesses with the Mayors blessing who told the police to stand down and not stop it. This is just mind-blowing! Who does the Mayor serve, the citizens of his city or BLM/ANTIFA??? 

Just look at the actions. clearly the Mayor serves BLM/ANTIFA. 

In other cities where BLM was marching the citizens took matters in their own hands. I know of 3 cities where the citizens armed with AR-15's lined the streets in front of the businesses with every intent to take out anyone who would try to destroy their city.

Good for them... this is the America I know and love! You stand up to the evil and you stop it. You do NOT allow it to destroy your community. And when the Mayor, an elected person, won't protect the city then it's up to the citizens to protect it. These elected people work for us!

In the 3 cities where the citizens lined the streets, there was no problems from BLM. However, in all 3 of those cities, at the outskirt of the city someone had dropped off bricks and other items for BLM to create serious problems in the city, a common occurrence at the cities BLM/ANTIFA destroyed.

In 2020 it is estimated that BLM caused $2 billion in damages. How many were arrested? How many were held accountable to the destruction and the damage they did?

Those who were arrested had their charges dropped by Liberal DA's & AG's. We even had Kamala Harris promoting a fund to pay the bail of these evil people who were destroying the city. Shameful! But that shows you it goes to the top, the Vice-President of America supported these riots and even pushed for donations to pay the bail for these criminal thugs who destroyed the city!

More about these liberal policies further on. Here I just wanted to present BLM & ANTIFA and the chaos and damage they've created over the years.

Finally, for this first part of the article where I present the problem and what we're up against I'm going to address the biggest problem...

Liberal Policies Are Absolutely Disastrous And Make Us Far Less Safe!

A Consistent Playbook...

Do you want to increase the crime and murders in a city? Shockingly, there's a consistent playbook Democrat cities follow which increases the crime and murders in the city...

* No bail... Arrested and then back on the streets.

* Reduced sentences, move felonies to misdemeanors so criminals aren't deterred, they only get a slap on the wrist.

* Strict gun laws... emboldens criminals and causes more murders since they know very few people will have a gun to protect themselves.

* Looking the other way.... when classes of people like Blacks or illegals are breaking the law, looking the other way and doing nothing about it, but being quick to arrest others who aren't part of the "protected class" for doing the same thing.

* Minimal sentences... if a protected class like a Liberal, Black, illegal, Trans, LGBTQ+, etc. breaks the law just giving them a slap on the wrist like a very small fine or probation when they should've gotten a prison sentence!

* Handicapping the police from being able to do their job, and attack them when they do do their job. It's not surprising they look the other way when it's people from the "protected class" breaking the law.

* Defund the police movement... Causing a huge reduction of police in the city so it's taking longer for them to respond to 911 calls if they even come at all. It's also causing the police to avoid situations with people from the "protected class" because the police know there's a good chance the city legislature or DA will go after the policeman. This whole movement has police hesitant to do their job, and has cause a huge exodus of police leaving or retiring early.

* Arrest & prosecute law-abiding citizens when using a gun to protect themselves to send a message, "you may be allowed to own a gun, but if you use it we're coming after YOU, and at minimum, we'll bankrupt you!" This is just infuriating! Along with this, if someone tries to steal your vehicle in many states, especially Democrat states & cities, you can't use a gun to "protect your property" even though the Constitution says we're able to defend our property. How much more emboldened do you think this will make criminals? It's no wonder these cities and states have the highest crime rates!

When criminals & thugs aren't worried about the consequences to their illegal actions, they'll increase their illegal activities & become emboldened for more riskier illegal actions. Plus, more people will become criminals! That's because, especially in Democrat ran cities & states, it pays to be a criminal, and you have very little chance of any serious charges being filed against you, and you don't have to worry about being shot at.

Why would Democrats support all of this and push these policies into their city, you're wonder?

It's always about the agenda they're trying to push forward. Increased crime create chaos to take away more of our freedoms, and increased murders help push their agendas forward like disarming us by blaming guns for the murders, not their policies or the person doing the murdering! This is just two of the agenda's they are pushing forward.

You'll find...

3 Common Denominators In Democrat Ran Cities With High Murders & Crime...

1) Progressive policies like I listed above which handicaps police from being able to do their job, and they don't punish the law breakers which creates an environment that supports the crime & murders;
2) Strict gun control laws which only punish the law abiding citizens (the bad guys don't follow gun laws) but also lets the bad people know that far less people have guns to shoot back or protect themselves, and even if they do they're attacked by the DA for using their gun; and
3) As the murders grow because of #1 (their policies) the Democrat's scream for more gun control! They USE the murders THEY caused from THEIR policies to push for more gun control.

All of this because the Democrat's are laser focused on disarming American's. Because of our Constitution, it's being done one city at a time, one state at a time.

Here's the hypocrisy of this...

Democrat's support letting out of jail murderers, rapist & criminals; they support allowing other countries murderers, rapist & evil gang members into America; they are very soft on crime in their cities; they handicap the police from being able to do there job... And then they blame all of the crime and murders on guns and push for more gun control, to include banning all semi-automatic rifles which includes the AR-15.

It's not about stopping the murders, it's about disarming us!

The point here is Liberal policies is the foundation to so many problems American's face in their cities. It's not guns, yet they want you to believe it's because of guns. It's their policies!

What's really sad and infuriating is Democrats absolutely do not care how many American's are murdered because they look at us as "pawns in their agenda". The only thing they care about is disarming us! That's one of the top objectives in creating an environment ripe for crime, rapes and murders!

They could easily dramatically reduce the crime, rapes and murders in their city, but they won't because they need us disarmed, and they need the chaos to push their other agenda's forward.

Want proof we're just pawns in the Democrats evil strategies to disarm us? Check this out...

Gun-Free Zones Are A Magnet To Sick Murderers... It's Their #1 Place To Murder Lots Of People! Why?

Simply because predators seek prey and as many as possible, but they don't want people shooting back at them! They intentionally seek out Gun-Free Zones to do the killing at!

The man who shot up the Jewish daycare center in CA in the 1990's was captured alive. He said, at first he was going to shoot up a synagogue but then realized they may have armed guards, but figured there wouldn't be guards at the daycare center, and he was right, there wasn't!

With the CO movie theater massacre in 2012, there were other movie theaters closer to his home that would've logistically been easier to get to and that held far more people... he was after a "kill count", per his journal. From his scouting, he chose a theater that was a gun-free zone. He murdered many, but at the first sight of good guy with a gun he surrendered!

Also in 2012 a sick murderer went to a church to rack up as many murders as he could since Churches have become gun-free zones. He got off 1 shot killing 1 person before a person in the church with a legally concealed gun took him out.

Same thing at another church where Jean heard the shots in the parking lot & when the murderer came into the church to continue his killing spree she shot him taking him out! You never hear about good guys saving lives, just about mass murders.

So we have to ask, knowing gun-free zones is where sick people go to murder lots of people (94% of mass murders are at gun-free zones), "Why Are Our Politicians Pushing For More Killing Zones (Gun-Free Zones)?? Why are they pushing to remove resource officers who carry a gun out of the schools? Why don't they want the teachers who are comfortable with a gun to have a gun in their classroom only the teacher has access to?"

They are doing all of these things, and then when another mass murder happens, without skipping a beat, they scream for more gun controls!

They know the problem will never be fixed with the approach they've taken, but instead will create more mass murders.

I'll say it again because their actions consistently prove this to be true...

"Democrats do NOT care how many American's are murdered! All they care about is disarming us!"

States like OH who have armed their teachers also make it clear to the community they're armed... They've NEVER had anyone come to the schools trying to murder their children. Again, murderers do NOT want people shooting back at them!

Not only do bad people not follow any gun laws, they also do NOT want to get shot back at. That's why since 1950 94% of mass murders are at gun free zones!

Yes, they've kept stats on this.

The Police Are Being Vilified At Every Turn By The Left (Media, Liberal Citizens, Politicians)

Reference: Heather Mac Donald: ‘Savage’ Crimes No Longer Have Consequences — Civilization ‘Breaking Down’ in ‘Slow-Motion’

Another thing which plays a factor in all of this is how liberal policies and their attacking the police including their defund the police movement has affected policing in especially Democrat ran cities.

The bad guys have all gotten the message... “Whether it’s attacks on officers or attacks on property, criminals have gotten the message that there is no consequence for the most appalling savage behavior when they’re going after cops,” Heather Mac Donald, an expert in crimes & murders, said.

Citing how cops “can’t take it any longer” as they are “gunned down and ambushed,” she claimed cops are “leaving the profession in droves” in what she called the “Ferguson effect.”

Officers are backing off under this phony narrative of racism and criminals are emboldened and they are controlling the streets,” she added. “Civilization is breaking down in this country.” [Further confirms why law abiding citizens need to be able to properly arm themselves... we can't rely on the police to protect us, and Democrat policies are causing the breakdown of society.]

According to the National Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), 314 officers have been shot so far this year [2021], with 58 officers killed by gunfire.

Blasting the “false” narrative repeated by the Biden administration and mainstream media that black people “are under threat from the police in this country,” Mac Donald sought to portray the numbers in perspective.

“When you compare the 58 dead officers to the number of officers in the country — which is about 675,000 — and then let’s look at how many unarmed blacks have been fatally shot by a police officer this year: 4… of about 40 million blacks,” she said. “That makes a police officer in the United States at least 375 times [more] likely to be killed by a black person in America as an unarmed black is to be killed by a cop.” [Blacks are a protected class with Democrats so police are not to arrest them or do their job with black people or it's the policeman who faces the consequences.] 

Mac Donald blamed the left for depicting crime as fictional.

“The left thinks that crime is a racist fiction,” she said, “[and] that it’s just a creation of the deranged Trumpian imagination.”

Claiming the criminal justice system today is “all about disparate impact,” she warned that safety would not return “unless we confront this conceit head on and completely dismiss it.”

“The reason that prosecutors are not setting bail… that they’re refusing to prosecute theft, shoplifting, resisting arrest, assaults on officers, disorderly conduct, drug dealing… [that] you have police chiefs… telling their officers to back off from ‘stop, question and frisk’ — is because every law enforcement practice has a disparate impact on blacks,” she said.

“That’s not because law enforcement is racist,” she added. “It’s because there is a much, much higher rate of criminal offending among blacks than among whites.”

 The reason for the lack of enforcement of the law, according to Mac Donald, is because prosecutors “have decided they don’t want to put more blacks in prison.”

“They don’t want to hold blacks pre-trial even though they’re a clear threat,” she said, calling to “stop doing that and say that ‘no, our criminal justice system is not racist, yes there are more blacks in prison but that is because their homicide rates are like 13 times the rate of whites.’”

“You cannot enforce the law in a colorblind fashion without having a disparate impact on blacks,” she added.

She also slammed the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, which “doesn’t give a damn about the fact that there were over four dozen black children fatally gunned down in drive-by shootings last year.”

According to Mac Donald, due to “racial equity,” liberal DAs in major cities “don’t want to put more blacks in prison — even if they have assaulted their girlfriend, run over their girlfriend, use guns.”

As a result, she claimed, crime has skyrocketed.

“We’re seeing these hordes looting stores; we’re seeing real domestic terrorism…. not the phony white nationalist kind that is a fiction of… the Biden White House, the Attorney General and the mainstream media,” she said.

Crime Surge

Blasting current policies for producing such spikes in crime, Mac Donald, who is known for her research on the effects of criminal justice reform, argued that law enforcement was the key.

“We [must] say we are going to enforce the law, and the consequences are what they are, and the solution for black crime is to reknit the family, it is not to let criminals out on the streets where they’re going to prey first of all on law-abiding blacks,” she said.

“The solution right now is law enforcement,” she continued. “It’s all we’ve got and the government has its primary responsibility to protect not just life but property.”

“When stores cannot operate and entrepreneurs cannot put their goods into commerce, there is no civilization left,” she added.

Blasting “one excuse after another” for minority crimes, Mac Donald said the “refusal to hold minorities to standards of personal responsibility and respect for the law” is what “breeds” more of it.

“It’s double standards in our society and we are paying the price in our lives,” she said. 

“Carjacking’s are out of control — they’re coming to a suburb near you,” she added. “People are being dragged to death as a result of a carjacking.” 

She also warned “the thefts are coming” as well. 

“These flash mobs are stripping these stores blind but [now] they’re carrying guns,” she said. “And you know who’s going to go to a store — a Best Buy — at this point with the risk of these sorts of mass assaults?” 

“And who knows if they will start using their guns?” she concluded.

Mac Donald’s remarks come as the U.S. witnesses a continuing rise in violent crime nationwide.

In October, “Squad” member and Defund the Police sympathizer Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) blamed Minnesota’s crime surge on the “dysfunctional police department” that has “chosen to not fulfill their oath of office.” [The liberal policies and constant attacks on the police caused the dysfunctional police.]

There are hundreds of articles discussing how the Left's attack on the police and liberal policies have created many problems in the police being able to do their job. Here's another key area that's affect policing...

The Left's Defund The Police Movement

The basis for their Defund The Police movement is their "Racism" narrative by blaming police for unfair policing on Blacks! This movement actually killed three birds with one narrative...

1) It's destroying the local police with recruitment way down because people don't wants to be a policeman, especially in very liberal cities, with the constant attacks on police, even by Democrat politicians. This is setting the stage for a Federal Police force;
2) It's making cities far less safe creating fear. People afraid are easier to control allowing Democrat's to push more laws taking away more of our freedoms & do more monitoring of us; and
3) To push their most effective "divide & conquer" strategy forward, their racism narrative!

In WA they lost 500 police officers in 2021 followed by another 77 in 2022. For 2024 Seattle WA is on track to lose more police than they hired.

Now, I can tell you, all of this is a destabilization strategy the Democrats are doing with their Liberal policies which make us far less safe, gun laws to make sure we can't properly defend ourselves and attacking the police so we can't rely on them to protect us and to reduce the crime and bad people in our cities. All of this plays into the agenda the Democrats are pushing forward. The problem is, it's us innocent law abiding citizens who are paying the price.

So let's summarize all of this...

Democrats Want To Disarm Us So Let's Have Some Straight Talk About Guns & The Murders...

In the high majority of gun murders it's 

  • gangs & thugs (good luck trying to take their guns away),
  • criminals who are robbing us,
  • people with mental health issues and
  • people on drugs!
  • Illegals murdering American's is increasing weekly!

The high majority (94% since 1950) of mass shootings is at gun-free zones. 

And they will not discuss the millions of lives saved by good guys with a gun!

Why aren't they addressing these issues? Want to know the #1 cause of gun deaths in America?

Ultimately, it's Democrat policies which have set in motion the most gun deaths! This was by design...

  • Soft on crime with no or reduced punishments,
  • no bail,
  • illegals immune from prosecution,
  • defunding the police,
  • minimal policing (no frisking, ultimately handicapping police),
  • not enforcing existing gun laws,
  • mass immigration, etc.

By changing these policies they could dramatically reduce murders, if they wanted to, but they don't want to! Democrat's do NOT care how many American's are murdered because that all plays into their narrative & objective to disarm us!

Let's be blunt...

This Whole Gun Conversation Is Solely About Tyrants Trying To Disarm Us So They Have Total Control Over Us & So We Can't Stop Them From Pushing Evil Upon Us. You Watch How Fast Things Get Really Bad For Us If We're Disarmed!

Democrat's Push The Narrative, "To Reduce Murders There Needs To Be More, What They Call, 'Sensible' Gun Laws And They Must Ban Certain Types of Guns" Which Has Gone From Being Those Scary Military Looking Guns To Now Being ALL Semi-Automatic Rifles! CO Is Also Trying To Ban Semi-Automatic Pistols.

The mantra of the Democrats is, "Guns are the reasons for so many murders so we need to create more gun laws and we need to ban certain types of guns." Democrats are laser focused on disarming us!

Gun Laws Being Passed In Different States

Just remember, as pointed out throughout this article, the evil people who want to rob us, rape our women, murder us, and take over communities do not follow any of the gun laws. NOT ONE! Remember this as I point out the different gun laws and gun bans being pushed by our politicians.

In other words, these gun control laws and the guns they're banning only effect law abiding citizens, not the evil people who want to hurt us.

Here are the 4 main gun control laws that are becoming the norm in Democrat ran states that help the bad guys and hinder us law abiding citizens from being able to defend ourselves (1-4), and the states who are building lists of gun owners (#5):

Banning Semi-Automatic Rifles & Shotguns – That leaves bolt-action rifles when we'll be up against bad people with semi-automatic rifles. We law abiding citizens won't have a chance! 

Remember, it was the Democrats who allowed millions of unvetted illegal aliens into America. It's estimated there are between 1.5 to 5 million very bad people from murderers to criminals to rapists to terrorist who came in. On top of this is all of the military age men who came in from countries who hate America.

We MUST be able to defend ourselves. Banning semi-automatic rifles simply shows that our government doesn't care about our ability to protect ourselves. Especially when you consider the high majority of murders are with handguns and not rifles.

Magazines Can't Hold More Than 10 Bullets – Only 10, seriously? The bad people we'll be up against will have at least 30 in their AR-15's and 15-20 in their handguns. Why is our government trying to handicap our ability to protect ourselves?

In 1994 Bill Clinton did a 10 year ban on "assault weapons" which expired in 2004. Since the ban expired 

Most Of The Gun-Free Zones Shouldn't Be Gun-Free – Since 1950 94% of mass shootings have been at gun-free zones because bad guys don't want people shooting back at them. When the shooting begins you hope & pray someone there has a conceal carry permit and is carrying a gun because the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. With the Defund The Police movement it has cause a mass reduction in police so it takes the police a lot longer to get there. The longer it takes the more people who will be dead! 

If a person passes all of the requirements to have a conceal permit (or the "Enhanced" license in Constitutional Carry states), then they should be able to carry that gun just about anywhere they'd go.

Here's an example of gun-free zones in IL:

  • Schools and school-related activity transportation
  • Elementary schools, secondary schools, preschools, child-care facilities, colleges, and universities
  • Hospitals, mental health facilities, nursing homes
  • Adult or juvenile detention or correctional institutions, prisons, jails
  • Public transportation facilities
  • Establishments where more than 50% of sales are from alcohol
  • Gaming facilities
  • Public libraries
  • Airports (including both commercial and charter aircraft)
  • Amusement parks, zoos, museums
  • Nuclear energy, storage, weapons, or development sites regulated by the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission
  • Private property that is clearly and conspicuously posted

In CA:

  • Grades K-12 school grounds (except unloaded handguns in locked containers or trunk of vehicle)
  • Colleges and universities (unless permission granted)
  • Courtrooms (unless party to an action pending before the court)
  • Gun shows or events (if displaying firearms with ammunition)
  • Child Care Centers
  • State Capitol, legislative offices, governor’s mansion, and other constitutional officer residences (unless permission granted)
  • Wildlife Management Areas and Refuges
  • Polling stations
  • Places with primary purpose of dispensing alcohol for on-site consumption
  • Cal Expo center in Sacramento
  • Fresno City Hall
  • Any place restricted on an individual’s CCWL
  • Gun Free Zones (federal law)

Waiting Periods – WA state is 10 business days which means you'll have to wait around 14 before you can get your gun. In ID you get your gun almost immediately. Numerous Democrat states have waiting periods.

If a person is just buying a gun with no immediate need for it or have other guns, a waiting period is just simply an inconvenient nuance. But if the person is getting his/her first gun because of a stalker, or an abusive ex who's threatened her (just 2 examples of many) a waiting period could be what causes the person to be murdered. 

State Gun Lists – States that build a list of gun owners...

Total Registration:

  • California
  • DC
  • Hawaii
  • Oregon


  • New York
  • New Jersey (new residents only)

Assault Weapons:

  • Maryland
  • Connecticut

If you're not in one of these states you're not on a state registration list. When police run your gun it's to make sure it's not lost or stolen. The Federal Gun Form is suppose to stay at the gun store. FFL's are required to keep these forms forever. It's looking like today the Federal Gov't does have a gun list.

Best way to not be on a list is not buying from a FFL and buy from a private party IF your state allows you to do this. In WA, for example, you cannot buy or sell to a private party.

If the police come to your home demanding your guns, they can only take the "registered" guns, guns you bought from an FFL. They have no knowledge of any other guns.

Learn more here:

These are just 5 of many gun laws that need to go away! There are other gun laws, and I didn't do an analysis of gun laws in every state. There may be laws in other states that are just as bad and need to be removed.

To give you an even clearer picture of how two states can be significantly different in their gun laws, here's a video which shows the difference in gun laws and what you can buy in both WA and ID. These states border each other. WA is deep blue and ID is deep red. Check this out, you'll seriously be shocked... (oh, and the murder rate in WA is 5.0 per 100k and growing, where ID is 2.2 per 100k which is half of WA's murder rate... remember, bad guys don't like being shot back at.)

We've covered a lot in Part 1, What We're Up Against. Fact is, we're at one of the most unsafe times in America's history.

Who let's in millions of murderers, criminals, rapist, the most evil gangs in the world and terrorist to run free throughout America??? Who does this? And then continues trying to disarm us American's, or at minimum make it far harder for us to defend and protect ourselves?? Who does all of this???

People who hate America, us American's and are helping our enemies, that's who! If you have another explanation that isn't just stupid or based upon the Left's talking points, an explanation that actually makes sense based upon the actions of those doing all of this, I'd love to hear it.

With the EVIL that's come into America, our politicians should be doing what Switzerland does and REQUIRE all households to own a gun. They should mandate all American's to specifically own AR-15's with 30 round magazines (minimum of 3 magazines). And there should be gun safety classes and gun self-defense classes across America paid for by the Government!

This is a time when I believe we should "not comply" with their unconstitutional gun laws, that we need to do whatever it takes to protect ourselves, our family and our communities. Shits going to hit the fan, it's just a question of when, and where it will be the worse.

Whether you choose to comply to these laws or not, that's an individual choice. I'm just thankful I had an AR-15 with 30 round magazines prior to the laws being passed and it being grandfathered in. Others won't be as fortunate and they are going to need a weapon equal to what these bad people are using to protect themselves. NO government should deny our ability to protect ourselves or in our having at minimum equal fire-power that those who want to capture us or kill us have!!!

The problem is, in addition to gun laws that hinder our ability to effectively protect ourselves...

Citizens Who Defend Themselves In Blue Cities Are Being Prosecuted By Their Liberal AG/DA

It's pretty consistent, if a citizen, especially if it's a Conservative, Patriot or a Christian is protects himself in Democrat ran cities, they will still come after you to at minimum bankrupt you. It's amazing how one can go from defending themselves to being criminally charged.

If you protect yourself against a Black person, illegal alien, LGBTQ person (all of which are "protected classes" of the Democrats), or if you're a patriot, or a Trump supporter they will use lawfare against you to try and convict you of murder no matter what the circumstances is!

At minimum they'll financially devastate you as you try to defend yourself against the city or state who's prosecuting you.

Democrats are going after patriots/conservatives exercising their 2nd Amendment rights to protect themselves to make people afraid to use a gun to protect themselves, while doing very little to stop and prosecute the gangs, BLM and ANTIFA who kill people, terrorize people, riot, burn down businesses, etc. They'd prefer you were murdered (they HATE patriots) and their Brown Shirt operatives (BLM & ANTIFA) or illegal alien lives to kill another patriot another day! It's pure Communism driven by ideology!

Democrats not only HATE people who love America, they want us dead, or at minimum, financially devastated! Just look at their actions. I don't care what they say, anyone can say the words. What I care about is their actions starting with the policies and bills they support, who they're prosecuting and who they're not. 

Democrats are constantly saying they support the 2nd Amendment, but they are also constantly trying to make it harder for us to exercise our 2nd Amendment rights so we can defend ourselves. Then when we do defend ourselves they prosecute us to bankrupt us, or worse, try to convince a jury or judge we didn't need to use deadly force to put us in jail.

We may have 2nd Amendment rights, but if we exercise them it's going to cost us dearly. This is yet another tactic of Democrats to create fear to even owning a gun. 

All of this is what we're up against, and it shouldn't be this way! 

Let's take a look at the Constitution which is the law of the land, not a recommendation, on what it says about guns and our right to protect ourselves...

*** Part 2: What The Constitution Says About Our Being Able To Protect Ourselves ***

How Democrats Look At The Constitution...

Before I jump into Part 2, I first need to address how Democrats look at the Constitution.

The Constitution was written to be the law of the land, it's our governing document. But the Constitution ties the hands of those who are power hungry and want to be a tyrant. The Constitution is to protect the citizens.

The Constitution is a legal binding "contract" establishing the laws for America. The idea that it can be changed simply because a judge or anyone thinks it could be changed is totally wrong. It's a contract which means it's legal and binding and cannot be changed. But Liberal Judges & the Democrats are constantly trying to change it's meaning.

The Constitution provides a mechanism for "amending" it. Amending it is fine if it's done in accordance to the requirements under the Constitution, but changing it because you don't think the laws, rights and freedoms within it applies anymore is wrong and not possible.

To get around it being a legal binding contract, Democrats decided the Constitution is a living document, meaning, it could be updated and changed over time to reflect changes to America. This belief allows them to "justify" a liberal leaning Supreme Court changing the Constitution to reflect what they want like ending the 2nd Amendment to take away our guns and ending free speech (1st Amendment) so we can't reveal their lies (they fear the truth coming out more than anything). It's purely a power grab, one that has been in play and strategized for over 60 years!

To take-over America and bring in Communism the Democrats knew they had to disarm us and end free speech, both of which are part of our Constitutional rights which is why they're attacking the Constitution as a whole and consider it a living document. It's all part of their long term strategy! They've even got their media writing articles suggesting we need to end the Constitution.

Republicans believe the Constitution should stand as written, that it's a legal binding contract! It doesn't change and is there to protect American citizens. Republicans believe we will always have freedom of speech, religious freedom's and the right to own guns per the Constitution regardless to changes in America.

Where Democrats believe they can change the Constitution to fit their wishes and desires, Republicans believe it can't be changed. Republicans provide you with security and protections of your rights, Democrats don't.

This is also the reason why the Supreme Court is so important to Democrats... because they want liberal Judges on it to rule on Constitutional issues based upon the Constitution being a living document and can be changed to fit the desires of the Left. This is why they want to "pack the court" by changing it from 9 Justices to enough to where it would be left leaning.

Today it's right leaning thanks to Trump appointing 3 "originalist" judges to the Supreme Court during his term ending 2020. This means when part of the Constitution is on trial the Supreme Court will rule based upon the original writing of the Constitution acknowledging it's a legal binding contract. 

If Democrats pack the courts which even the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg said is a very bad idea, Constitutional issues will be ruled based upon how the Left wants it to be since it's a living document and needs to reflect today's America, per Democrats. 

With Conservative Judges on the Supreme Court you're guaranteed your freedoms and Constitutional rights.

If the Democrats pack the court so it's liberal leaning, you have no guarantees at all. In fact, there's a strong chance they'll bastardize the Constitution so badly it won't be recognizable and they'll move America to Communism which is what they really want.

Considering it a "living document" is why Biden has said numerous times, "There's nothing in the Constitution that's absolute." This is what Tyrants do... remove the safety mechanism that keeps them in check and protects the citizens. Tyrants do not want to be governed by the Constitution, they want total control to force their demands upon the citizens. But they know they can't do that while we're armed and have free speech to reveal what they're doing.

If Democrats ever get control of all 3 branches of the Government (House, Senate & President) you can absolutely count on them packing the Supreme Court so they can change the Constitution to create the America they want where citizens have less rights, freedom's and protections and the Government becomes more powerful.

Article: Sen. Roger Marshall: Democrats Need ‘Liberal Supreme Court’ to Pass ‘Unconstitutional’ Bills

Constitution's Position On Defending Ourselves

Our founding fathers recognized that the most important element of our United States of America was the people, not the politicians or the military. At the time our Constitution was established, along with the Bill of Rights, the people could not protect themselves from tyrants. With the Second Amendment to the Constitution we were given the power and right to own arms to protect ourselves.

The Second Amendment was ratified on December 15, 1791, as one of the first ten amendments to the Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights expanded upon the Constitution by establishing clear individual rights, limiting the government’s power, and further laying the foundation of American freedom. The power hungry Democrats hate this!

Today, the Second Amendment remains fundamental to protecting the rights of law-abiding gun owners.

Since the 1800's power hungry politicians (wanna be tyrants) have been bastardizing the Amendments which are in place to protect us citizens. Like many have said, it's only a matter of time before corrupt, greedy, power hungry people try to end our Constitution so they can steal the rights and power given to We The People for themselves.

Corrupt, greedy, power-hungry tyrants HATE the Constitution. They hate that it protects the people from a tyrant government, stopping evil people from forcing an evil agenda on the citizens to include treating us like slaves.

The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution protects the right to keep and bear arms. The amendment states:

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Key Interpretations

  • Individual Right: The Supreme Court has established that the Second Amendment protects an individual’s right to possess a firearm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home, regardless of militia service (District of Columbia v. Heller, 2008).
  • Collective Rights Theory: A minority view asserts that the Second Amendment only protects a collective right of the states or the federal government to maintain a militia, rather than an individual right (not supported by Supreme Court decisions).
  • Scope of Protection: The Court has also clarified that the Second Amendment extends to “all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding” (District of Columbia v. Heller, 2008).

Historical Context

  • The Second Amendment was ratified on December 15, 1791, as part of the Bill of Rights, expanding upon the Constitution and establishing clear individual rights, limiting government power, and laying the foundation of American freedom.
  • During the Constitutional Convention, the Framers understood the necessity of a citizen militia to resist a potentially oppressive military if constitutional order broke down. The Second Amendment codified the individual right to firearm possession to combat this fear.

What is the Second Amendment? 

(Pulled from: What Is The Second Amendment And How Is It Defined. This is the rest of Part 2)

In short, the Second Amendment states that as an American citizen, you have the individual right to arm yourself. The amendment also firmly establishes that the government cannot infringe on that right. Yet, they consistently do.

The Second Amendment was ratified on December 15, 1791, as one of the first ten amendments to the Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights expanded upon the Constitution by establishing clear individual rights, limiting the government’s power, and further laying the foundation of American freedom.

Today, the Second Amendment remains fundamental to protecting the rights of law-abiding gun owners.

What the Second Amendment Means

It was no small task for the Founding Fathers to put the building blocks of American freedom into writing. There was much debate amongst them about the amendments' proposed contents. However, they did widely agree on the Second Amendment’s intended meaning. [1]

Let’s take a look at the meaning a bit more in-depth by breaking down all twenty-seven words line by line.

“A well regulated Militia, …”

The term “militia” mentioned in the Second Amendment's opening line refers to the American people. As George Mason described it:

“I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people, except for few public officials.” [2]

The Supreme Court has established that the right to keep and bear arms is an individual right unrelated to one’s status in a militia. [3]

“…being necessary to the security of a free State…

The Founding Fathers felt that citizens should be able to protect themselves against the government and any other threat to their wellbeing or personal freedom. The Second Amendment granted citizens that right — giving them the ability to defend themselves and their property. 

Side note:

In some states like WA, generally Democrat states, you can't use a gun to protect your property, which as you can see here is unconstitutional. In WA the only time you can use deadly force is when you absolutely have no other options and truly believe your life is in danger. Even a home invasion, if you could've ran out the backdoor you'll be charged with murder if you use deadly force. WA and other Democrat ran states have made it very easy for criminals to steal everything we own giving criminals all of the power and the homeowner very little power. And you wonder why the crime rate is so high!

According to Washington state law, deadly force is only justified in self-defense situations where a person reasonably believes they are imminently threatened with death or great personal injury. Property protection is not a sufficient reason to use deadly force.

  • RCW 9A.16.020(3) authorizes the use of “non-deadly force” to prevent an offense against a person or property, but does not extend to deadly force.
  • Washington law does not permit using deadly force solely to defend property, even if the property has significant value or sentimental importance.
  • Deadly force can only be used in self-defense if a person reasonably believes they are in imminent danger of death or great personal injury.
  • Courts have consistently applied this principle, as outlined in Washington Pattern Instructions (WPIC) and case law.

Picture it... a criminal calmly walks into your home with 3 other guys and says, "I'm not here to hurt you and won't hurt you. I'm solely here to steal absolutely everything you own, the U-Haul truck is parked outside and we're going to start loading it with all of your stuff." You cannot shoot them. You can try to stop them by fighting them (ya, like that's going to happen and isn't going to get your killed), but if they fight back and NOW you worry about them killing you their argument will be that you started the fight... you can't win no matter what you do!

WA and other states like it are so screwed up giving the power to the criminal and taking our right to defend our property away from us. But this is what you get in a liberal state and why people are far less safe in liberal states.

Though times have changed dramatically, the need for defenses afforded by the Second Amendment has remained much the same. [Since Biden-Harris opened the border it's gotten far more dangerous.]

“…the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” 

The final line states that citizens have the individual right to own firearms for lawful purposes and that the government may not interfere with that right. [The infringe on these rights all of the time.]

The Fourth Amendment, which protects another fundamental individual right, uses similar language. The Fourth Amendment states: 

“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated…” [How can a person be secure in their home if I can't stop criminals from stealing everything I own?]

This similarity is notable because it affirms that the Founding Fathers intended the Second Amendment to protect an individual right. District of Columbia v. Hellera landmark Supreme Court case for the Second Amendment, references this comparison.

The core to the 2nd Amendment and primary reason it was put into the Constitution was to protect the citizens and stop the government from becoming tyrannical.

Here an 8.45" video that could be one of the most important videos you watch regarding our 2nd Amendment rights discussing the foundational purpose for our having a 2nd Amendment and the history behind the 2nd Amendment, and how the Democrats are trying to end our 2nd Amendment rights including prosecuting people for using a gun to protect themselves or their family...

There you go, that's why we ultimately have the 2nd Amendment!

Second Amendment Court Cases

Several court cases have legally set precedent for how the Second Amendment is interpreted since it was ratified in 1791. The following two are the most relevant to gun owners today.

District of Columbia v. Heller (2008)

On June 26, 2008, the Supreme Court affirmed that the Second Amendment guarantees the individual right to keep and bear arms for lawful uses. 

The court decision was a breakthrough for Second Amendment rights. It meant that the Founding Fathers’ intention to grant that individual right could not be misinterpreted by those seeking to pass unconstitutional gun control legislation.

The ruling read, in part:

“The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.”

McDonald v. Chicago (2010)

The plaintiff in McDonald challenged the constitutionality of the Chicago handgun ban, which prohibited handgun possession by almost all private citizens.

Despite the Supreme Court’s ruling in Heller, some states still tried to pass laws that infringed upon an individual right to keep and bear arms. In McDonald, the Supreme Court affirmed that through the Fourteenth Amendment, Americans have the individual right to keep and bear arms regardless of city or state. [4]

The ruling reads, in part: 

“… the Fourteenth Amendment incorporates the Second Amendment right, recognized in Heller, to keep and bear arms for the purpose of self-defense.”

Additional Info on this case from another site (

In a 5-4 decision, the Court, citing the intentions of the framers and ratifiers of the Fourteenth Amendment, held that the Second Amendment applies to the states through the incorporation doctrine. The Court lacked a majority on which specific clause of the Fourteenth Amendment incorporates the fundamental right to keep and bear arms for the purpose of self-defense. While Justice Alito and his supporters looked to the Due Process Clause, Justice Thomas in his concurrence stated that the Privileges and Immunities Clause should justify incorporation.

Heller v. Bruen

In 2022, the Supreme Court further expanded upon the precedent set by Heller in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen. In Bruen, the Court struck down a New York law requiring parties interested in purchasing a handgun for the use of self-defense outside of the home to obtain a license because the law issued licenses on a “may-issue” rather than a “shall issue” basis. This “may issue” licensing method allowed state authorities to deny interested parties public use licenses for firearms if the interested party was unable to show “proper cause” as to why they have a heightened need for self-protection over the general population. 

Furthermore, the Court disavowed the use of “means-end tests” many jurisdictions had adopted for the purposes of interpreting the Second Amendment, instead ruling that a Second Amendment analysis is limited to evaluating the historical nature of the right and whether a given use of a firearm or other weapon is deeply rooted in the history of the United States. Post-Bruen, courts can no longer use a standard scrutiny analysis like the one seen in Kachalsky v. County of Westchester to determine if a gun regulation is constitutional. Instead, a government wishing to place restrictions on firearm ownership must “affirmatively prove that its firearms regulation is part of the historical tradition that delimits the outer bounds of the right to keep and bear arms.”

In a concurrence, Justice Kavanaugh joined by Justice Roberts emphasizes that Bruen is not intended to invalidate “shall-issue” licensing structures or other restrictions on firearm ownership including fingerprinting, background checks, mental health evaluations, mandatory training requirements, and potential other requirements. Additionally, this concurrence draws a line between objective gun control measures, where an individual must pass a set of predetermined requirements, which are constitutional, and subjective gun control measures, such as licensing at a state official’s discretion, which are not. 

It remains to be seen how the ruling in Bruen and the sentiments espoused in this concurrence will influence cases going forward.

Second Amendment Rights – Protections for All Law-Abiding American 

While the Second Amendment is short in length, it is broad in the scope of its protections.

Gun laws vary by state, and some, such as California, have stricter regulations than others. That means the place you call home may impact exactly how and when you can exercise your Second Amendment rights.

I question all of the time how some states can have very strict gun laws and other states consider themselves Constitutional 2A states and have very few gun laws. I mean, shouldn't the 2nd Amendment be consistent state to state? Take WA which banned semi-automatic rifles and magazines that hold more than 10 bullets... isn't this an infringement on our 2nd Amendment rights? When a Federal Judge in CA ruled limiting the size of magazines for guns is unconstitutional, shouldn't that have applied to WA also?

Anyway, if you can legally purchase and own a gun, the Second Amendment guarantees your right to keep and bear arms regardless of city or state. It's suppose to anyway.

In simple terms, you have the right to …

Use Firearms for Lawful Purposes

The Heller decision ruled that self-defense is the core of the Second Amendment. The ruling specifically describes having a firearm “in case of confrontation” as the core lawful purpose for having a firearm. [I don't agree this is the core of the 2nd Amendment that the framers put in place, but it's definitely an important part of the 2nd Amendment.]

Own Lawful Firearms

The Second Amendment protects your right to own firearms subject to regulations meant to keep guns out of the hands of certain prohibited individuals. [5]

Additional Resources

The Second Amendment isn’t hard to grasp once you understand it, but many state laws make buying and owning a firearm a bit more complicated. Knowing your Second Amendment rights and how those rights are affected by laws in your state is essential.


[1] Don B. Kates Jr., Handgun Prohibition and the Original Meaning of the Second Amendment, 82 Mich. L. Rev. 204 (1983).

[2] George Mason, 3 Elliot, Debates at 425-426

[3] District of Columbia v. Heller

[4] McDonald v. Chicago

[5] The Gun Control Act (1968), 18 U.S. Code § 922

My Summary

The 2nd Amendment gives us the right to protect ourselves & our property, period. The problem is, states that have banned semi-automatic rifles and magazine size have hindered that right by giving evil people in America more fire power than we have. Along with this, some states do not allow you to protect property like I shared above... isn't this unconstitutional?

In addition, above I shared a very clear understanding of the difference between a semi-automatic and bolt-action rifle. We cannot defend ourselves when citizen hating politicians take away our right to own a semi-automatic rifle forcing us to only own a bolt-action rifle knowing evil people who want to hurt us are using semi-automatic rifles, either the AR-15 or AK-47.

But, it's our Constitutional right to defend ourselves!

At this point, since we have states who don't fully support our Constitution and are acting like Tyrants taking away our rights, your best bet is to move to a state which fully supports your 2nd Amendment rights like the state of Idaho does, unless you're a hard core Democrat.

If you're a hard core Democrat who only votes for Democrats, well, you brought these problems on yourself so deal with them and stay in the restrictive state you've helped create by electing in the liberals who pushed these unconstitutional laws in. Forgive me, but I don't like liberal policies which make us less safe and liberal politicians who look at the Constitution as a "living" document that can be changed to fit what the tyrannical Democrats want.

This first Informational Meme we created addresses the gun conversation showing that it's really not about reducing murders, but in fact about disarming us. The second Informational Meme shares numerous gun facts the Left does not want to talk about or admit which I dig into in Part 3 following...

Let's now move on to facts & stats on guns & murders...

*** Part 3: Facts & Stats On Guns & Murders ***

Trying To Get The "Real" Numbers Has Been Challenging

But it shouldn't be challenging. Numbers don't lie, and just about every city keeps track of these key numbers. 

The problem is when trying to get to the real facts behind murders and guns the Left has intentionally skewed the information in order to support their agenda to ultimately disarm us. 

For example, Biden stopped the FBI from collecting crime & murder information from many of the cities in the U.S. especially the main cities where the most murders happen so we can't trust the FBI's numbers (see video below to back this point up). This is to intentionally skew the reports on the number of murders, crime and rapes during his term. He wasn't after the facts (Democrats hate facts because they destroy their narratives), but instead to make himself look better and minimize the crime, murders and rapes during his term knowing that the mass immigration would increase these numbers.

Therefore, digging in to get the real numbers has proven to be quite the challenge. Fact is, Democrats don't want us to know the truth and want us to trust them and what they conclude as the truth around all of this.

The problem is, they have a specific agenda they're trying to push forward so they've intentionally had the numbers manipulated and the reports skewed so they create the outcome they're after to push forward the agenda they're after. It's been like this for years!

Democrats just do not want us to know the facts & truth behind many key topics.

In Part 1 I discussed how liberal policies have created an environment which doesn't deter people from committing crimes, raping women or murdering people, but encourages it.

Let me now share some videos addressing this point of how the stats are skewed and how the Left & media discard important facts around guns...

How The Media Manipulates Gun Statistics...

The FBI Is Not Being Honest About Crimes & Murders And Got Caught Cooking The Books...

This is a really informative video...

Here are the articles providing the details of the FBI updating their crime & murder stats:

As I've shared other places, Biden-Harris knew the mass invasion of illegals into America would massively increase the crimes, murders & rapes so they told the FBI not to get crime stats from the biggest cities so they could skew the numbers to not reflect the increase in the numbers because of their open borders.

When the FBI originally released the “final” crime data for 2022 in September 2023, it reported that the nation’s violent crime rate fell by 2.1%. This quickly became, and remains, a Democratic Party talking point to counter Donald Trump’s claims of soaring crime. But the FBI has quietly revised those numbers, releasing new data that shows violent crime increased in 2022, by 4.5%. The new data includes thousands more murders, rapes, robberies and aggravated assaults.

Here are some key points shared from this video...

  • The actual changes in crimes are extensive. The updated data for 2022 report that there were 80,029 more violent crimes than in 2021 broke down like this...
    • 1,699 more murders
    • 7,780 more rapes
    • 33,459 more robberies and
    • 37,091 more aggravated assaults

Have said it for years, the FBI has become political. Rather than putting out the facts, they're purposely hiding information to skew the reports to make Biden-Harris look better.

Per one of the articles... Another problem with FBI crime data is its reliance on reported crimes. Most crimes go unreported, with only about 45% of violent crimes and 30% of property crimes brought to the police’s attention, according to the National Crime Victimization Survey. Since the FBI only tracks reported incidents and this gap is so large, researchers argue that when the media discusses crime rates based on FBI data, they should clarify that it reflects “reported” crime, not give the impression that total crime is changing.

Article continued to say... Nonreporting of crime doesn’t affect all crimes equally. Nonreporting of murder and motor vehicle theft is relatively rare. In murder cases, victims can’t be overlooked, and for auto theft, insurance claims require police reports. However, it’s difficult to fully trust even these numbers because the FBI underreported 1,699 murders and 54,216 motor vehicle thefts in 2022, casting doubt on the reliability of the data.

Reality is, ultimately it's Democrat policies creating the bulk of these problems, creating the increase in violent crimes in America! But Democrats refuse to have this conversation because it would destroy their narratives which would destroy the agendas these narratives are pushing forward. This is why the top rule of the Left is to "always protect the narrative".

Let's have some straight talk about murders...

In Addition To Being Difficult Finding The Information, Democrats Hide Information & Skew Their Reports...

It's sad but true, Democrat hide facts to push their agenda forward. Let me give you an example with a report on the "TOP 10 MURDER RATES IN THE UNITED STATES - 2020". I'm just going to show the top 5 because this informational page is already pretty long and what I'm showing with 5 states is consistent with all 10 states...

Democrats tell you, "The states with the highest murder rate are Republican states (Governor is Republican)". What they don't tell you is the murder rate in those states are high because of the Democrat ran cities in the state with most of the large cities being Democrat ran. It's these large cities what a high murder rate that have caused the state as a whole to have a high murder rate, but they don't reveal this information.

What's in Bold came from the report. The rest we added to explain it.

State . . . . . . . . . . Per Capita Murder Rate

Mississippi (R) . . . . . . . 20.50 (656 Murders, 131 Homicides)
Jackson: Democrat Mayor
The city’s homicide rate stood at 97.6 murders per 100,000 residents, a staggering 15 times higher than the national average of 6.5.

Louisiana (R) . . . . . . . . 15.79 (408 Homicides)
New Orleans: Democrat Mayor
New Orleans has consistently been the city in Louisiana with the highest murder rate. In 2020, the city reported 383 murders, with a rate of 30.7 murders per 100,000 residents, ranking it fourth in the top homicide city rates in the United States. 

Kentucky (R) . . . . . . . . 14.32 (291 Homicides)
Louisville: Democrat Mayor
Louisville is ranked as the most dangerous city in Kentucky, with a violent crime rate of 981 per 100,000 and 192 murders. The murder rate is 17.5.

Alabama (R) . . . . . . . . 14.20 (478 Homicides)
Birmingham: Democrat Mayor
Birmingham had 95 of the 478 homicides in 2020

Missouri (R) . . . . . . . . 14.00 (623 Homicides)
St. Louis: Democrat Mayor
St. Louis had a murder rate of 59.8 per 100,000 residents in 2016. From 2023 and 2024 report that St. Louis has set homicide records several times in recent years, with a total of 52 homicides in 2023, and a murder rate of 69.4 per 100,000 people, making it the city with the highest murder rate in the US.

I just want you to understand how Democrats skew the facts to support their narratives. But once you dig into it and reveal the rest of the factors and information you find it's not what the Democrats are telling you at all.

This is consistent with Democrat narratives... just dig in, get the rest of the factors that play a role in the topic at hand and all of the facts behind it and you'll quickly see it's not what they are pushing. But what's even worse, is the government will pay people to skew the facts for them. They do this a lot with a lot of different agencies, companies and people.

We see this consistently with their climate change narratives. It's primarily only those scientists who require government grants and funding to stay in business that support the climate change narrative the Democrats are pushing. Independent scientist reveal the real facts and truth behind climate change and it's nothing like the Left is pushing.

But this is also why the Democrats are pushing so hard on censorship... to hide the truth to their narratives by stopping people from presenting facts which oppose their narrative. Democrats are more afraid of the truth than misinformation.

There should be laws against the government purposely and intentionally skewing the facts, hiding information and not telling us citizens the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth!!!

Let's move on...

Facts Behind The Murders In America...

First, in Part 1 we addressed "Gun-Free Zones" so we won't be redundant here. That topic should've been both an eye-opener and it should piss you off what they're doing to make our children sitting ducks and using our children to push their agenda forward! There's no excuse for what they're doing.

In Part 1 we also addressed and showed you how Democrat liberal policies is the #1 reason for the murders in America. It's not a surprise that of the 10 most dangerous cities in America, 9 have been ran by Democrats for many years!

Also, please be smart enough to realize guns don't kill, that it's the person holding the gun who pulls the trigger who is doing the killing! It's no different than someone driving a car that kills someone... do you blame the car or the driver? The driver, obviously. Democrats blame the gun as if it's a living breathing item that took it upon itself to kill someone... give me a break! But then again, Democrats are pushing some of the craziest things.

A Synopsis Of Murders In America From 2016 (But Statistically Consistent Year After Year)... (I'll show 2022 numbers where I can)

There are 30,000 gun related deaths per year by firearms, and this number is not disputed. (48,000 people died from gunshot wounds in 2022.)

The U.S. population is 324,059,091 as of Wednesday, June 22, 2016. Do the math: 0.00925% of the population dies from gun related actions each year. (341,534,046 in 2022, 0.00014% of population dies from gun in 2022 which is a decrease in percentage from 2016.)

Statistically speaking, percentage of deaths to the population is insignificant! What is never told, however, is a breakdown of those 30,000 deaths, to put them in perspective as compared to other causes of death:

  • 65% of those deaths are by suicide which would never be prevented by gun laws (there's a whole section on suicides below)
  • 15% are by law enforcement in the line of duty and justified
  • 17% are through criminal activity, gang and drug related or mentally ill persons – gun violence
  • 3% are accidental discharge deaths

So technically, "gun violence" is not 30,000 annually, but drops to 5,100 [in 2016]. Still too many?

Well, first, how are those deaths spanned across the nation?

  • 480 homicides (9.4%) were in Chicago
  • 344 homicides (6.7%) were in Baltimore
  • 333 homicides (6.5%) were in Detroit
  • 119 homicides (2.3%) were in Washington D.C. (a 54% increase over prior years)

So basically, 25% of all gun crime happens in just 4 cities. All 4 of those cities have strict gun laws, so it is not the lack of gun laws that is the root cause.

This basically leaves 3,825 for the entire rest of the nation, or about 75 deaths per state. That is an average because some States have much higher rates than others. For example, California had 1,169 and Alabama had 1.

Are 5,100 deaths per year horrific? How about in comparison to other deaths? All death is sad and especially so when it is in the commission of a crime but that is the nature of crime. Robbery, death, rape, assault all is done by criminals and thinking that criminals will obey laws or gun laws is ludicrous. That's why they are criminals.

But what about other deaths each year?

  • 40,000+ die from a drug overdose–THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR THAT! (This jumped to 107,543 drug overdose deaths in 2022.)
  • 36,000 people die per year from the flu, far exceeding the criminal gun deaths (Still in 2022 many flu deaths got marked as covid deaths. In 2019 there were 52,000 flu deaths.)
  • 34,000 people die per year in traffic fatalities (exceeding gun deaths even if you include suicide) (42,514 deaths in 2022)
    • Are Democrats going to start blaming vehicles for these deaths and ban them like Democrats want to ban all guns because they blame guns for the murders? It's the same comparison!

But those deaths are nothing compared to the number deaths from these things:

  • 200,000+ people die each year (and growing) from preventable medical errors. You are safer in Chicago than when you are in a hospital! (Over 250,000 in 2022.)
  • 710,000 people die per year from heart disease. It’s time to outlaw the double cheeseburgers! (874,613 in 2019, 21% of all deaths in 2022.)

So what is the point?

If Obama, Biden, Harris and the anti-gun movement focused their attention on heart disease, even a 10% decrease in cardiac deaths would saved twice the number of lives annually of all gun-related deaths (including suicide, law enforcement, etc.). A 10% reduction in medical errors would be 66% of the total gun deaths or 4 times the number of criminal homicides. 

So you have to ask yourself, in the grand scheme of things, why the focus on guns? It's pretty simple... Taking away guns gives control to governments.

The founders of this nation knew that regardless of the form of government, those in power may become corrupt and seek to rule as the British did by trying to disarm the populace of the colonies. It is not difficult to understand that a disarmed populace is a controlled populace.

Thus, the second amendment was proudly and boldly included in the U.S. Constitution. It must be preserved at all costs.

Remember, when it comes to "gun control," the important word is “control," not “gun."

We Must Address Blacks and Crime & Murders...

First, this is not an attack on my Black American brothers & sisters. It's to share how the Democrats created a narrative and a movement to push an agenda forward by putting a spotlight on a real problem we faced in America but then they blew this problem completely out of proportion, even pushed lies & ignored key facts, in order to push their agenda forward. We've all been played like fools.

One of the first set of statistics I want to share is who's doing most of the murdering in America... Blacks! 

Blacks are responsible for 53% of murders and 60% of the crime while only being 13.5% of the population.

FYI, FBI Crime Stats of Homicide Offenders in 2019:

  • Blacks: 55.9%
  • Whites: 41.1%
  • Other: 3%

All of a sudden, the amount of crime & murders by blacks wasn't a factor. The sole factor became that Blacks are only 13.5% of the population and police are unproportionately arresting them.

Like duh... They're behind 53% of murders and 60% of the crime! It would be expected that police would be arresting more blacks than any other group because they're behind the majority of murders & crime. This was no longer allowed!

In the beginning BLM was a grass-roots organization addressing racism and police brutality against Blacks. BLM wasn't going anywhere until Soros got involved.

Democrats push identity politics (which is pure Marxism). With the help of Soros, who took over BLM in 2016 and gave it national recognition and then global recognition, they used the BLM movement to attack police to destabilize the country, and force the police to literally look the other way when it's a Black person doing the crime or murders. Blacks became a "protected class".

The media who serve the Left was key in pushing the BLM narratives forward to create the global movement.

How strategic. Blacks (and white liberals) through the BLM movement attack the police for unproportionately going after Blacks by completely ignoring that Blacks are 53% of murders and 60% of the crime to stop the police from doing their job and allow Blacks to continue murdering and robbing people without consequences. Well played!

Unfortunately, this was just the beginning of the war on police which morphed to "defund the police" which caused a major exodus of police in Democrat cities that pushed it. We addressed the Defund The Police movement in Part 1.

Obviously the Democrats have an agenda here. Actually, this narrative supports multiple agendas, but that's not what we're here to discuss.

Democrats skew the numbers intentionally, and discard key factors so they can push their agenda forward. What I've shown in this article is typical of how Democrats skew the numbers and discard facts which go against their narrative to support their agenda and narratives. They've got it all down to an art.

So we start Part 4 out by showing you how the Democrats lie, skew the facts, ignore key factors all to push their agendas forward. For Democrats, facts aren't important because it's all about their narratives (also why they want mass censorship... to stop people from revealing the facts which then destroys their narratives).

With the media behind the Democrats, they used the media to change people's beliefs... to not trust the police, that police are racist, that blacks are innocent and are unfairly being attacked by police, etc, etc, etc. which unjustly created support for Blacks and dislike of the police. The Left could never achieve what they do if it wasn't for their media arm helping them push their narratives, the lies and skewed facts forward!

More Gun Stats Using 2022...

As to be expected and as I'll be showing you, the Democrats are lying about the gun stats, are skewing the facts, and are completely ignoring key facts!

The latest year we can review is 2022. We're in 2024 so we can't use it, and for 2023 people are still trying to collect the "real" numbers city by city and that simply takes time. So we'll have to fall back to 2022.

In 2022...


This comes out to 17,830 murders (this report doesn't break out the murder like we showed above (Suicides, police in the line of duty, accidental and homicides). But we can still make some important points from this information.

From the information we learned here we can see that murders by a rifle is minimal yet it's those scary military looking guns they want to ban. A few states have already gone beyond banning military looking guns and banning all semi-automatic rifles & shotguns!

Why? Why the attack on semi-automatic rifles when they're such a small number of the deaths?

Worried about mass shootings? Stop creating gun-free zones so good guys with a gun can put the shooter down quickly! (Part 4 addresses good guys with a gun)

It's very clear the banning of semi-automatic rifles is about control, not reducing murders. It's a tyrannical state government taking the citizens ability to defend themselves away from them!

It’s worth noting that unintentional injuries resulting from drug overdoses, car accidents, and falls accounted for 7.2% of U.S. deaths in 2023, although the exact number of deaths in 2022 is not specified.

Additionally, the search results highlight regional disparities, with California reporting the largest number of homicides (2,197) and Texas recording the second-highest number (2,020) in 2022.

It’s also important to note that the majority of murder victims were male, with over half being African American, and the majority of victims were between the ages of 20-34 years old.

Here's more stats that are very enlightening:

  • Police killing Blacks: 1%.
    • 225 Blacks killed by police in 2022
    • 378 cops killed in 2023 in the line of duty
  • Whites killing Blacks: 11%. 
  • Police killed Whites: 3%
  • Whites killed Whites: 67%
  • Blacks killed Whites: 18%
  • Blacks killed Blacks: 84%

Countries With The Most Homicides Per 100k Residents In 2019

What's interesting here is America isn't on the list...

While America may be #2 in most gun related deaths, when you remove suicides (65%), Police in the line of duty (15%) and accidental discharges (3%), homicides in America is bit over 5,000. America's homicide rate is 3.96 per 100k people which in this report is 0.44% of deaths in the country.

America as a whole is actually pretty safe, or has been pretty safe until Biden-Harris let in between 1.5 to 5 million really bad people (murderers, rapist, criminals, terrorist). Over the next few years I expect to see the murder rate in America increase because of who Biden-Harris have allowed to enter America with virtually no vetting! Weekly the murders, rapes & crime increases by the illegals in America.

Special Report On Firearms

Reference: Gun Ownership by State (2024 Statistics)

Here are some facts...

  • Montana has the highest amount of gun owners (66.3%).
  • Wyoming has the most guns per capita, with 245.8 firearms for every 1,000 residents.
  • New Jersey has the lowest rate of gun ownership at only 8.9% of the population and the least amount per capita (1.1 for every 1,000 people). 
  • The top 5 states for gun ownership comprise only 0.8% of the nation’s firearm-related homicides (185 homicides between all 5 states). Proof that a lot of gun owners in a state doesn't mean increased murders. To back this up, look at this next bullet...
  • The bottom 5 states for gun ownership comprise 4% of the nation’s firearm-related homicides (1,038 firearm-related homicides).
  • According to surveys, 36% of gun owners are white, 24% are black, and 15% are Hispanic. The remaining civilians do not personally own a firearm but do live in a home with someone who does.
  • Recent polls show that 32% of adults in the U.S. own at least one firearm.
  • 72% of gun owners say the main reason for owning a firearm is for protection.

Gun ownership by political affiliation

This is also an interesting comparison, gun ownership by political affiliation...


It's not surprising Democrats are the lowest in gun ownership since they predominately listen to the Liberal Media which is against guns and pushes narratives telling their viewers they don't need guns and that guns are bad.

Many non-gun owners are open to owning a gun in the future

However, in this report they also addressed that, "Many non-gun owners are open to owning a gun in the future". Here's what they said...

In addition to the three-in-ten adults who currently own a gun, another 10% say they have owned one in the past; 58% say they have never owned a gun.

Many adults who don’t currently own a gun say they could see themselves owning one at some point. In fact, 52% of all non-gun owners – and 71% of those who have owned a gun in the past – say they could see themselves owning a gun in the future.

Consistent with patterns in gun ownership, a higher share of men than women who don’t currently own guns say they could see themselves doing so at some point; 62% of men who don’t own guns say this is the case, compared with 45% of women. And while 62% of non-gun owners who live in rural areas say they could see themselves owning a gun at some point, smaller shares of those who live in a suburban (49%) or urban (50%) areas say the same.

Over the past few years the #1 buyer of guns has been Democrats/Liberals. As America has become less safe and the police aren't protecting us like they should (thanks to liberal policies), Democrats are now seeing the value and need of having a gun for protection.

Women are also buying guns at a much higher rate. With so many rapist in America (thanks to Biden-Harris open borders) guns are a woman's equalizer to protect themselves.

I just hope these new gun buyers are taking gun safety classes, are going to the range to shoot their new guns so they're familiar with it and are taking self-defense classes for gun owners. If the states are so concerned about people having guns, they should pay for people to take these classes. But they should NOT require them! Just pay for them and people will go to them.

As far as that goes, include them in schools.

Main reasons why people own a gun

Most gun owners cite more than one reason for owning a gun, but protection tops the list, with 67% of gun owners saying this is a major reason they personally own a gun. About four-in-ten (38%) say hunting is a major reason they own a gun, while three-in-ten cite sport shooting, including target, trap and skeet shooting. Fewer gun owners cite a gun collection (13%) or their job (8%) as major reasons.

Men and women are about equally likely to say protection is a major reason they own a gun: 65% and 71%, respectively, say this is the case. But higher shares of male than female gun owners say hunting (43% of men vs. 31% of women) and sport shooting (34% vs. 23%) are major reasons they personally own a gun.

For the most part, gun owners in urban, suburban and rural areas offer similar reasons for owning guns. For example, about seven-in-ten of those who live in urban or suburban areas say protection is a major reason they own a gun (71% each), as do most gun owners in rural parts of the country (62%). And across community types, about three-in-ten cite sport shooting as a major reason.

When it comes to hunting, however, rural gun owners are far more likely than their urban or suburban counterparts to say it is as an important reason they own a gun; 48% of gun owners in rural areas say this, compared with 34% in the suburbs and 27% in urban parts of the country.

Interestingly, gun owners who see their local community as unsafe are not significantly more likely than those who say they live in a safe community to say protection is central to why they own a gun. About three-quarters of gun owners who say the community where they live is not too safe or not at all safe (74%) – and 66% of those who say they live in a community that is very or somewhat safe – cite protection as a major reason they own gun. There is a significant link, however, between owning a gun for protection and perceptions of whether the world, broadly speaking, has become more dangerous. While about seven-in-ten gun owners who say the world has become more dangerous cite protection as a major reason they own a gun (72%), half of those who don’t see the world that way say protection is central to why they own a gun. Overall, 69% of all U.S. adults – and 75% of those who own a gun – say the world has become a more dangerous place.

Firearm Ownership & Firearm-Related Deaths

Texas, California, Georgia, Illinois, and Florida had more homicides and suicide deaths (all methods) than any other state in 2021. On average, however, these five states have a firearm-ownership rate of only 15.4/1,000.

There is no direct correlation between gun ownership and firearm-related death. In fact, the five states with the highest firearm-related deaths have relatively low firearm ownership rates.

Firearm Ownership & Firearm-Related Homicides

The deadliest states in the U.S. in 2021 regarding firearms were Texas, California, Illinois, Florida, and Georgia. These states are not in the top fifteen for gun ownership.


Knives Used In Murders

In the countries where they've disarmed their citizens or have greatly restricted their ownership and usage of guns like not allowing them to take them into public, knives is the top way people are being murdered. Evil people will always find a way to threaten people and murder people.

In Mexico just south of America in 2021 there were 4,820 deaths by knives. In Brazil there were 8,912 deaths by knives. Like I said, if people want to kill someone they'll find a way. Muggings don't always happen with a gun. Knives are commonly used too.



It is true that guns is a top way people take their own lives, but it's far from the only way. Fact is, if someone wants to kill themselves they'll find a way.

For example, in Australia where they've disarmed their citizens the #1 way of committing suicide is by hanging (44%). People who want to die will find a way.

But if politicians were truly concerned about suicides they wouldn't be pushing & supporting assisted suicides. It's a complete contradiction!

Assisted suicide, also known as physician-assisted death or medical aid in dying, is legal in 10 states in the United States: California, Colorado, Maine, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Vermont, Washington, Washington D.C., and Hawaii. Montana has a disputed status, with a court ruling allowing assisted suicide, but no explicit legislation.

Whether someone takes their own life with a gun or they have an assisted suicide, how can you separate the two? How can you make a big stink about suicide with a gun and not "assisted suicides"? The end results is still the same... someone dies, and in both cases they wanted to die!

This is the kind of stuff that just infuriates me... politicians screaming bloody murder with the suicide rate and the suicides by gun in America, but then supporting and pushing for "assisted suicides". It's a total contradiction!!!!

The truth is, it has nothing to do with suicides at all. Democrats simply use suicides by gun as part of their BS narrative to push for more gun control so they can ultimately disarm us. That's all this is about! Nothing more! It's the same with all of their other narratives they've fabricated to push more gun controls.

How Do Criminals Feel About Citizens Being Armed?

US Department of Justice Sponsored Study:

  • 1 in 3 Criminals Has Been Deterred Because of an Armed Citizen

Over 1,800 incarcerated felons were interviewed, asking how they felt about civilians and gun ownership...

  • 33% of these criminals admitted to being scared off, shot at, wounded, or captured by a gun-owning victim.
  • 69% of them knew at least one other criminal who had similar experiences.
  • 80% of felons also claimed that they intentionally avoid victims and homes that they believe may be armed.
  • 1 in 3 criminals has been deterred because of an armed citizen
  • 4 out of 5 felons avoid victimizing people that have guns.

Guns make us safer!

*** Part 4: The Reasons Democrats Are Pushing For More Gun Laws All Of The Time ***

To really make this informational article complete, we need to look at the reasons Democrats want Gun Controls and to ban specific types of rifles. So let's look at their reasons and address them.

However, I still need to just say, "what part of SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED do they not understand?"

Gun control laws consistently go against our Constitutional 2nd Amendment rights with each new law like banning semi-automatic rifles, limiting the magazine size to no more than 10 chip away at our 2nd Amendment rights, make us less safe, and help Democrats move closer to their ultimate goal of totally disarming us!

And let me say it yet again, "Bad guys (criminals, rapist, murderers, terrorist) do NOT follow any gun laws so gun laws are ONLY being applied to us law abiding citizens!"

Gun control in the United States is a contentious issue, with proponents arguing that stricter regulations are necessary to reduce gun violence and protect public safety, while opponents claim that such measures infringe upon the Second Amendment right to bear arms and that guns make us safer. Here are some key reasons why gun control advocates are pushing for more gun control laws:

Protection of public health and safety:

Proponents of gun control argue that limiting access to guns would reduce gun-related deaths and injuries, particularly among children, teenagers, and young adults. This is supported by the fact that the majority of gun owners (72%) cite personal protection as a major reason for owning a gun.


Throughout this informational article I've shared a lot of information about the true facts around guns, facts the Left refuse to discuss or even accept as being true because it goes against their narratives to ultimately disarm us.

Think about it, if the government is laser focused on disarming us don't you think they would do everything possible to hide facts or dispute facts that go against their agenda? 

Absolutely, and that's exactly what they're doing!

I was raised with guns. They were easily accessible to me as I was growing up. When I started driving, I carried my hunting rifle and shotgun on a gun rack in my truck. Daily I drove my truck to school with my guns on the gun rack. This was normal in the 70's and 80's.

We had no school shootings & guns weren't stolen out of our trucks. After school I'd go pheasant hunting during the season, and during deer season I'd go deer hunting for a few hours after school.

Guns were everywhere, yet we had no problems. Bad guys knew that if they broke into a house there was a good possibility they'd be looking down the barrel of a double barrel shotgun. Or if someone tried to shoot up a school, with the amount of fire power in the trucks at the school the mass murderer would be dead very fast! Talk about a deterrent at doing a mass shooting at a school.

This was back in a time when men were men! If a mass murder came into our school there wasn't a hunter in the school who wouldn't have ran to his truck and got his gun and tracked that mass murderer down and taken him out! These were our friends in that school and we were not about to let a mass murderer kill them.

Now, I understand this isn't the case in big cities with large schools.

Fact is, the longer it takes for a good guy with a gun to arrive to stop the mass murderer the more deaths there will be... you want immediate responds, and that means good guys with guns there immediately to take the shooter out. But the only way that will happen is by having people on campus with guns on them. 

Or have armed people in the restaurant a shooter would come to. Or at the movie theater. A fact we must accept and act on is gun-free zones, including schools, workplaces, and public areas, are disproportionately affected by mass shootings where up to 94% of mass shooting occur.

Fast forward to today and we have all kinds of gun laws. What we don't have is people putting as much effort into solving the real problems as they are at trying to disarm us.

We know where the high majority of mass shootings occur, but instead of ending them being a gun-free zone we have stupid politicians who want to create more killing zones we call gun-free zones. Come on, people, get smart about this. Gun control isn't going to stop mass shootings, but instead will increase it because the root of the problem isn't being addressed!

For example, the massive amount of predictive programming happening which invokes mentally unstable people's emotions to act on what they're being told is a growing problem.

Now, I'm aware that the Left calls the "predictive programming discussion" a conspiracy theory but they do that because they're the main instigators of doing the predictive programming and don't want to be held to account for it. So rather than fixing the problem, they deny it's a problem at all.

I've been studying personal development and marketing/copywriting for 40 years. I will tell you straight up, if you hear the same thing from multiple sources over and over again you'll believe it. The Liberal media, Biden, Harris and Democrats are all constantly telling their viewers that patriots and MAGA are an extreme danger to our democracy. They're saying things about Trump like "he'll be a dictator" to get their supporters all worked up. (I could go on and on with the examples).

The point is, it's not surprising to see so many politically motivated murders.

But when these politically motivated murders happen the Liberal media and Democrats deny it and quickly sweep it under the carpet. That's not fixing the problem, but instead denying the root to the murders... predictive programming to mentally sick people.

Let's be blunt, we are a very divided country right now because of the Democrats "Identity politics" (which is pure Marxism to divide us) and the liberal media. You can deny it all you want, but that means we will not get to the root of the problem to fix the problem, which is another reason why Democrats just scream for more gun control.

I learned a long time ago that when faced with a problem you clearly define the problem with all of the facts surrounding it you can possibly find and you always dig down to get to the root of the problem.

In so many cases, the root of the problem is Democrat policies and their identity politics, but there's absolutely no way they'll admit this so we can fix the problems. Thus, the push for more gun control so their viewers think they're doing something to fix the problem, but they aren't really.

So when it comes to public health and safety, until we get honest about everything and put all of the facts on the table so we can address the root of the problem, the problem is never going to get fixed. And as you've learned in this informational article, gun control laws just simply make us less safe and increase the crime and murders.

Prevention of gun violence:

Gun control advocates believe that stricter regulations would reduce the number of mass shootings, homicides, and suicides involving firearms. They argue that the ease with which individuals can access guns contributes to these tragic events.


There's a number of parts to this...

Mass Shootings - 94% are at gun-free zones. Stop creating the ideal killing area for mentally sick people who want to kill people. The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.

But we can't count on the police because they've been greatly reduced because of the Left's attack on the police and it takes them too long to get to the place with the mass shooter. 

I wrote a complete section on mass shootings in Part 1 under, "Gun-Free Zones Are A Magnet To Sick Murderers... It's Their #1 Place To Murder Lots Of People! Why?" Read it.

Homicides - In Part 1 I broke down the gun deaths. Out of 30,000 gun deaths in 2016, homicides is only 5,100. I'm not suggesting we should be excited about 5,100 homicide deaths, I'm just pointing out it's not the 30,000 Democrats say it is.

It's important to be clear and understand the facts behind the topic, something the Democrats don't want to do because facts blow holes in their narratives they're pushing to push more gun laws.

When you look at only homicides and nothing else and compare this to the numerous other ways people are being killed it shows gun homicides is pretty small in comparison. But you don't see any politicians screaming about the other ways people are killed with significantly more deaths than gun homicides! Why? 

Because it's not about the homicides, it's about disarming us.

Suicides - When you've got the same people pushing for "Assisted Suicides" yelling about gun suicides, I honestly don't want to hear them get upset with how people commit suicide! Whether by Assisted Suicide or a gun (which is just one of many, albeit the #1 way, people commit suicide), in the end they're still dead. 

I'm a sane rational person who would never commit suicide. NEVER. If I ever did it would never be by Assisted Suicide! I'd find the fastest way to do it, just like everyone else does.

In Part 3 I have a whole section on suicides. Fact is, if a person wants to die they're going to find a way. The real question is, how many people would not have committed suicide if they didn't have access to a gun? 

My bet is not very many. A very depressed person, the #1 reason people commit suicide, isn't thinking, they just want to end their life and they're going to find a way. Removing their having access to a gun isn't going to stop suicides... it'll just change how people commit suicide!

Summary To The "Prevent Gun Violence" Topic - The Democrats & gun control advocates consistently blame guns and won't dig into each of these areas to understand them better. To solve a problem you need to know everything you possibly can about the problem. But rather than digging into the problem, gun control advocates (Democrats by a high margin), just blame guns thinking this will solve the problem. It won't.

For mass shootings and homicides, the factor Democrats refuse to discuss is how many lives were saved because of owning a gun or a good guy with a gun stopping the mass shooter. In Part 5 I discuss the advantages to owning a gun and the importance of good guys having guns when a bad guy with gun comes after you, your family or people around you.

The CDC says gun owners saved between 500,000 to 3,000,000 lives a year. Compare that to the 5,100 homicides. How many more homicides would there be if we didn't have guns? Significantly more! Guns save lives!

Here's another way to look at it. When you only look at gun deaths which includes everything including suicides which is 65% of gun deaths we see this comparison of gun deaths with other countries...

As you can see, the United States is #2. This is the number and the comparison the Democrats use to push gun laws saying America is #2 in gun deaths. But when we only look at just homicides this is what we see...

The United States isn't even on the list.

In 2019 the United States murder rate was 4.99, no where close to the countries with the most homicides. The global average homicide rate is 6.9, which we're below.

By the way, the bulk of these countries with a high homicide rate are countries who have either disarmed their citizens or have extremely strict laws which denies their ability to protect themselves outside of their home. 

Let's look at these countries and see what the laws are for private citizens to own guns:

  • Venezuela - Disarmed their citizens in 2012.
  • El Salvador - Citizens can own guns but they have extremely strict rules and limits. Hardly any are allowed to have a gun outside of the home. Have a serious gang problem in the country.
  • Guatemala - Citizens can own guns, but requires a lot of paperwork and approvals from different agencies to own one.
  • United States Virgin Islands - Citizens can own guns with certain restrictions and requirements. No semi-automatic weapons, extremely difficult to get conceal carry permit, no open carry. In other words, very few people have guns, and even less can carry outside of their home.
  • Colombia - Very difficult for a citizen to own a gun. No semi-automatic guns, no high caliber guns.
  • Brazil - Citizens can own guns, but they can't take them outside of the home. Silva has however cramped down even more on guns moving toward disarming the citizens.
  • Puerto Rico - Citizens can own guns. Since a 2020 law it's now easier and cheaper to own a gun which increased the number of people buying guns. However, their laws are still far more restrictive than America.
  • Bahamas - Citizens can own guns, but with strict regulations.
  • Belize - Citizens can own guns, but very strict laws. Waiting period that could be 6 mo's long, maximum caliber is 9mm, must have a reason to own a gun (owning a gun is considered a privilege), very limited conceal carry, 
  • Honduras - Citizens can own guns. All guns must be registered, maximum of 5 guns. Until 1985 there were no real laws around guns, but since then they've greatly increased the gun laws. In 2007 restrictions were imposed on the possession of firearms, including a ban on openly carrying weapons in public. There are limits to types of guns can own.

Remember, Biden-Harris opened up our borders and have let just about anyone who wanted to come into America come in. There was very little vetting. We now have some of the most dangerous gangs in the world in America who will never give up their guns

Now, I will tell you, the murder rate has had a significant increase under Biden-Harris who are pushing those liberal policies that promote crime, murders and rapes and having an open border to a 6.81/100k nationwide. Why would they do this?

I can't say it enough, Democrats do NOT care how many American's die just so long as they can disarm us, and they always blame guns for the reason for the murders. With every murder (that fits in their narrative), ever mass shooting they immediately start screaming for more 'sensible' gun control laws, as if the gun laws they're pushing would solve the problem. They won't.

But people being murdered, especially children, invokes our emotions so people agree with more gun control laws because no other options are provided. IF Democrats provided actual solutions to these problems American's would jump on them over more gun control laws, especially if the citizens had all of the facts!

For now, we're just pawns in their agenda to try and disarm us. The more deaths the more success they have at moving closer to disarming us.

Finally, let's be blunt. It's tyrants running a country who don't want their citizens armed. An armed populous could end the tyranny and take back their county which is the very reason they're disarmed.

This is also a key reason why we have the 2nd Amendment... to stop a tyrant government and make sure the government serves the citizens!

Reduction of crime:

Some proponents of gun control suggest that limiting access to guns would decrease crime rates, as criminals would have fewer opportunities to obtain firearms. However, opponents argue that this would actually have the opposite effect, as law-abiding citizens would be unable to defend themselves against armed criminals.


This one is just pure BS! Criminals will always have access to guns on the black market. Plus, with open borders they'll just bring them into America through our open borders.

Consider the governments war on drugs... it failed miserably because people would just buy their drugs from drug dealers who specialized in drug distributions. In the same way, there is no way they will ever get guns out of criminals hands!

Disarm the populous and you just simply make it easier for criminals to rob us which will increase the crime.

Plus, studies also show that citizens with a gun have far less of a chance of being murdered than victims who are not armed.

Throughout this informational article you will read numerous gun facts showing that by disarming the populous crime, murders and rapes will skyrocket!

Historical context:

The colonial history and revolutionary roots of America’s gun culture are also cited as factors in the ongoing debate. The Second Amendment’s guarantee of the right to bear arms is seen by some as a fundamental right, while others argue that it is outdated and should be reinterpreted in light of modern society.


I addressed this one in Part 2, "How Democrats Look At The Constitution" which I encourage you to jump back up and read.

As discussed, Democrats consider the Constitution a "living" document that can change over time. If that's the case, then the Constitution is not a legal binding contract and is just a recommendation. Consider how asinine that is to consider that the law of the land, a legal binding contract which protects the citizens as just a "living" document that can and should be changed over time.

Remember, a key part of the Constitution is to stop a tyrant government from taking over which is exactly what the Democrat party has become. But I won't be redundant here when I've already addressed all of this in Part 2, "How Democrats Look At The Constitution" and below that with the subject, "What is the Second Amendment?" where I address the foundational purpose of the 2nd Amendment.

Balancing individual rights with public safety:

The gun control debate ultimately revolves around finding a balance between individual rights (as protected by the Second Amendment) and the need to protect public health and safety. Proponents of gun control seek to regulate firearms to prevent harm, while opponents argue that such regulations would infringe upon their constitutional rights.


If you're in a restaurant (or any other public place) and a man comes in with guns and starts shooting it up and killing people, at that moment you will be praying that someone in that restaurant has a gun to stop that murderer before you're killed! Tell me I'm wrong.

We also know the longer it takes for a good guy (like the police or a citizen who's conceal carrying) arrive on the scene to stop the shooter, the more people will be murdered. How long it takes for a good guy to arrive matters!

Above I already addressed that there are 5,100 homicides in America each year and that good guys with a gun save 500,000 - 3,000,000 lives each year. It's a no brainer to realize guns save lives.

Plus, like I'm consistently sharing, gun controls only apply to law abiding citizens since criminals and bad people do not follow any of the gun laws.

Let's compare Washington (WA) and Idaho (ID) which are bordering states. 

Washington: WA has far stricter gun laws than ID, but they all came after far left liberal Inslee became Governor and far left liberal Ferguson became AG in 2012.

  • In 2010 the murder rate in WA was 2.28/100k
  • In 2012 Inslee (Gov) and Ferguson (AG) where installed (both still in their positions in 2024)
  • In 2015 the murder rate in WA was 3.04/100k
  • In 2018 the murder rate in WA was 3.13/100k
  • In 2020 the murder rate in WA was 4.89/100k (Record breaking murders)
  • In 2022 the murder rate in WA was 5.0/100k (New record breaking murders)

As you can see, prior to Inslee and Ferguson WA had minimal gun laws and had a much lower murder rate of just 2.28/100k. Once Inslee and Ferguson got in they started pushing the typical progressive liberal policies which make us less safe while also passing numerous gun laws. You can see the results of it... the murder rate just continues to increase.

In WA all semi-automatic rifles are banned, no gun can have a magazine that holds more than 10 bullets, there's a 10 "business" day wait period (works out to 14-15 days), guns must be stored in a locked safe (hope you don't need your gun immediately like because of a home invasion when you're sound asleep), you must take a course, etc. The restrictions and what you can purchase is just absolutely ridiculous!

As the murders increased, Democrats scream for more gun laws while taking absolutely no consideration in the real reason why the murder rate was increasing. Let's be blunt, there is no way Democrats are going to blame THEIR policies for the massive increase in crime, murders and rapes in WA! Instead, they blame guns. 

As you can see, in WA they're following the typical Democrat strategy... Create the problem (policies to increase crime, murders & rapes), and then push the agenda forward you're after which is to disarm us. With this approach the problem will NEVER be solved, but instead will just continue to get worse!

Idaho: Is a Constitutional Carry state and a "2nd Amendment Sanctuary" state. Idaho is a real American state who fully supports the actual writing of the Constitution and our 2nd Amendment rights.

The murder rate in ID is only 2.2/100k. It's half of WA's murder rate and ID has hardly any gun laws. Equally important, ID is a Republican ran state and they're not pushing in the liberal policies which make the citizens far less safe!

Remember, bad guys do not want to get shot at so they avoid people, homes and businesses where people are armed. 

Let's look at a few more key facts...

Ohio: When OH went to "constitutional carry" (can conceal carry a gun without a permit) in 2022, crime went down in 6 of the 8 largest cities in the state.

Again, bad guys do not like being shot at, and now in OH criminals and bad people have no idea who may be carrying a gun, but they know the number of people carrying a gun has dramatically increased!

Other Key Gun Facts:

  • For Conceal Carry, 8 states are "may" issue, 17 states are "shall" issue and 25 states are Constitutional Carry (now 28)
  • In the "right-to-carry" states violent crime is 24% lower, murder rates are 28% lower and robbery rates are 50% lower than the "may" issue states.
  • May Issue: CA, CT, DE, HI, MD, MA, NJ, NY
  • 1 in 3 criminals has been deterred because of an armed citizen 
  • 4 out of 5 felons avoid victimizing people that have guns
  • 25% of all gun crimes happens in just 4 cities. All 4 of those cities have strict gun laws, proving strict gun laws increase murders! 

Mass Shootings and Gun Violence

The US experiences a high rate of gun violence, with an average of 114,994 people shot annually, including murders, assaults, accidents, police intervention, suicide attempts, and suicides (Source: Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence). Mass shootings, defined as incidents with four or more victims, have become increasingly frequent and deadly.


I pulled these top reasons why Democrats want more "gun control" from a Google search. Notice how they stated that there's an average of 114,994 people shot annually. They're not talking about murders here, they're just saying "shot". Many who are shot don't die, they're just wounded.

The homicide rate is significantly less... 5,100! 

I have a complete section on Mass Shootings in Part 1... "Gun-Free Zones Are A Magnet To Sick Murderers... It's Their #1 Place To Murder Lots Of People! Why?" I encourage you to jump back up there and read it since I already address mass shootings there.

Loopholes and Unregulated Sales:

The “gunshow loophole” allows private sellers to bypass background checks, and the “Charleston loophole” permits gun purchases without background checks if the FBI takes too long to complete the check. Additionally, some states have no permit requirements for purchasing firearms.


Gun-show loophole: 

In 1998 they started the background checks. In the United States, anybody who wants to buy a gun from a federally licensed firearms dealer (FFL) is subject to a background check. Since 1998, when the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS, went online, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has processed more than 320 million of them.

They're saying the overwhelming majority of gun background checks take just minutes to clear the would-be buyer. Only 2 percent result in a rejection because of a disqualifying record in the shopper’s personal history. (You can learn more about these background checks here: Everything You Need to Know About Federal Background Checks)

You should know, one of the things the background looks at is to make sure you're an American citizen. But we have Democrats giving millions of the illegals who have come into America the past 3 1/2 years under the Biden-Harris Admin social security numbers and drivers licenses, and the Biden-Harris Admin refuses to give a list of illegals to the states or anyone, so how do we know if they're an American citizen? We don't!

Even the government is breaking the law by not making sure non-citizens can't buy guns! And frankly, it's the illegals coming into America that we need to worry about the most, especially since there are between 1.5-5 million very bad people who the Biden-Harris Admin have let into America not to mention their letting in millions of military age men from countries who hate America. 

Consistently we're watching the Biden-Harris Admin enforce laws on American citizens, but not illegal aliens. It's like the illegal aliens have more rights & freedoms than citizens do!

On top of this, remember, the bad guys don't do background checks. They don't follow ANY of the gun laws. They buy their guns on the street, or they steal guns from home invasions and other ways. But they absolutely do NOT follow any gun laws. That means it's only the law abiding citizens who are being required to do background checks.

So why would the government want universal background checks? Because they want to build a list of gun owners like the tyrants they are. It's been well documented that the first thing a tyrant government does is disarm their citizens, but they need a list of gun owners to do this quickly! Be very clear about this, this is the first thing you need to understand.

But let's play along.

Requiring citizens to do a background check isn't necessarily a bad thing because ultimately we want to keep guns out of the hands of truly bad people. The problem is, we are watching a massive over reach of government like stopping veterans from owning a gun because they have someone else handling their finances. For obvious reasons (obvious to those who are paying attention), the government is constantly trying to remove guns out of veterans hands who are people who were taught how to use guns.

Us private citizens use to be able to privately sell our guns. Growing up I remember looking in the classified ads in the newspaper to find a gun to buy. But as time has moved on, the Government has passed more laws to control what we can do.

Private gun sales don’t require a background check, whereas purchases from a licensed dealer or a gun show do. This is what’s known as the “gun show loophole” (terrible name for it). Therefore the government wants to end all "private sales" of guns and force all gun sales through FFL. This would also make it easier to regulate FFL's and gun sales giving the government a double benefit to this move.

There are a lot of people who do not trust the government, for good reason, and are watching specifically the Democrats skew the gun facts to try and ultimately disarm us. People are watching the government over reach on gun laws. For example, for years they've been saying American's should not own "assault" weapons or "guns of war", but couldn't explain what an assault weapon was. In the end they turned this around to meaning we can't own any semi-automatic rifles at all, which are now banned in a few states like WA! That's a massive over reach, and is unconstitutional!

First, does the Constitution say we can't own assault weapons or guns of war? No! In fact the Constitution says the contrary, that we citizens need to have the "arms" to stop a tyrant government which would clearly mean we should be able to have weapons of war! This is the foundation of the 2nd Amendment! I discussed this above in Part 2 under "What is the Second Amendment?".

Moving forward, nobody wants to be on a gun list because when the government does make their move to disarm us, which they are clearly moving toward, by their being a list of gun owners the government can covertly go house to house to take people's guns. By the way, it's against the Constitution for the government to build a list of gun owners, but they're using "background checks" to get around this! See how they create a narrative to create the outcome they're ultimately after? This is a good example of that.

But let's continue to play along.

If this was so important that a background check happens, why doesn't the government create a citizens website portal for gun background checks? Why do they have to go through FFL?

Again, it's about "control".

Plus, by going through a FFL citizens now lose some of the money from the purchase of the gun. FFL's don't do background checks for free.

You see, there are solutions but again we are watching the government want "control" over creating sensible solutions more people would be open to. And like mentioned, by everything going through a FFL it allows the government to put more restrictions, regulations and control mechanisms on the FFL to make it harder to sell our privately owned guns to other people!

Also be aware, under Biden-Harris they are shutting down FFL's left and right and creating regulations for FFL's to make it impossible for them to stay in business. This is just another of many ways the Government is trying to end our ability to buy guns!

Moving on, the Government has gotten away with passing unnecessary gun laws with the majority of these laws being based upon skewed information and not putting all of the facts on the table so a good decision can be made.

Most gun laws get passed after a mass murder when the citizens emotions are high and are pissed about American's being murdered by a sick person. But consistently, the laws they pass would do nothing to have stopped the mass murderer from getting a gun.

They don't care because that was never the objective with the new gun laws passed while emotions are high. All they care about is move forward at making it harder to get guns and to ultimately disarm us all.

Charleston loophole: The Charleston Loophole refers to a provision in federal law that allows licensed gun dealers to transfer firearms to buyers after three business days, even if the FBI background check has not been completed.

When researching background checks everyone was saying it takes just a few minutes for the background check to come back. If it takes longer, that's at the fault of the government and we citizens should not be penalized for it. By the way, this is another reason why states will do a mandatory wait period which is a way of making sure the background check comes back. I do NOT support "wait periods" and find them very dangerous!

First, why would it even take 3 days to get a response by the FBI? Here's the simple fact... A Democrat President would want to disarm us so I could easily see if a law was put in place that a citizen cannot get a gun until the FBI background check comes in, their delaying FBI reports for 1-2 weeks to create a national mandatory 1-2 week wait period. Democrats love waiting periods, but they're also very dangerous for citizens.

It's really hard to trust a government who's trying to end our Constitution and bring in Communism. Just saying, and I'm aware liberals will laugh at me for even saying that. But you have to remember, the liberal media isn't doing real journalism and telling people what's "really going on" so all citizens are on the same page. The Liberal media is simple helping the Democrats push their narratives forward which includes hiding key realities from their viewers.

I do not like waiting periods at all. I think they're dangerous.

Picture an estranged wife who has an abusive husband who's threatened to kill her. When she goes in to buy a gun she needs it now, not 3 days later, not 10 days later, she needs it now.

Same with a woman who has a stalker. Or what if a gang with guns comes to your community or neighborhood and you need protection from them?

There are so many possibilities! Will a few bad people slip through?

Yes! But remember, only 5,100 homicides a year compared to between 500,000 to 3 million lives saved each year by good guys with a gun. With these stats we're smarter to get guns into good law abiding peoples hands as quickly and easily as possible!

I don't disagree that we want to keep guns out of bad peoples hands. Then why aren't they enforcing our current gun laws? By the way, this is another Democrat policy... not enforcing current gun laws which has increased the number of murders.

Take the Tren de Aragua gang in Aurora, CO which are illegals aliens taking over apartment complexes and carrying guns... why haven't law enforcement disarmed them? As far as that goes, why haven't they all been arrested and deported?

The point is, Democrats consistently only enforce laws which support their agenda like trying to disarm us, and ignore laws that hinder their agenda. Democrats are pretty consistently "agenda driven". If the Tren de Aragua gangs start killing people you'll listen to Democrats start screaming we need more gun laws, which again, bad people don't follow, and does NOTHING to actually fix the problem like arresting these gangs and deporting them!

There's one more part to this gun discussion we need to look at. We have to look at both sides so let's also address how many lives have been saved because of guns and talk about "good guys with guns".

*** Part 5: Guns In The Hands Of A Good Guy ***

The one part of the gun discussion Democrats and gun control advocates absolutely do not want to talk about is how guns protect us, how a gun in a good guy's hand has saved millions of lives and how guns make us far safer! This is what we'll be discussing here.

Democrats want to demonize guns to disarm us and then completely blow off their importance and value to Americans. Let's dig into the other side of this gun discussion...

Lives Saved By A Good Guy With A Gun

Let's start this discussion with the CDC's own numbers where they state between 500,000 - 3,000,000 lives are saved a year by people exercising their 2nd Amendment rights or from a good guy with a gun stopping a terrorist or mass murderer.

CDC Quietly Removed Defensive Gun Use Studies

Now, I would love to show you these statistics at the CDC website but they quietly removed defensive gun use studies in September 2021 under the Biden-Harris Admin which is discussed in this article: CDC Quietly Removes Defensive Gun Use Studies.

This is just more proof they are purposely and intentionally skewing gun/murder facts and are not including all factors because their objective is to blow smoke up the asses of judges to get the rulings they want to make it harder to buy and own guns and to eventually totally disarm us. 

Here's a few things shared in this article about the CDC removing this information:

Not too far in the distant past, you could jump on the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website and see statistics and studies showing uses of a gun in defense of oneself or others far exceeded the number of violent gun crimes in the United States. However, a series of emails leaked in an article by The Reload indicates the CDC quietly removed the studies from its website upon the request of activists hoping to pass more gun-control policies.

Emails obtained by The Reload present a clear picture of gun-control activists lobbying the CDC for the removal of the report. Initial introductions to top officials at the CDC on behest of the activists were orchestrated by the White House and Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) in a completely different set of emails. In one email, one of the activists, Mark Bryant, wrote “[T]hat 2.5 million number needs to be killed, buried, dug up, killed again and buried again,” and that “Kleck’s estimate has been damaging to the political prospects of passing new gun restrictions and should be eliminated from the CDC’s website.”

The CDC initially resisted the removal of the study. But after a meeting in September of 2021, decided to go forward with the requests. Beth Reimels, Associate Director for Policy, Partnerships, and Strategic Communication at the CDC’s Division of Violence Prevention, wrote “we will also make some edits to the content we discussed that I think will address the concerns you and other partners have raised.” Never having been consulted on the removal of the statistics, Kleck stated that the “CDC is just aligning itself with the gun-control advocacy groups,” and “it’s just saying: ‘We are their tool, and we will do their bidding.’ And that’s not what a government agency should do.”

[My Comment: Shouldn't it be the objective of the Government to provide all of the facts so good decisions can be made? What you're reading here is how the government wants to hide information that goes against their "agenda" of disarming American's by chipping away at our 2nd Amendment rights until we just can't own a gun or afford to own a gun.]

It should go without saying, the government disputes the number of lives saved from the use of guns, especially now that a government agency, the CDC, has removed this information from their website. It's the typical, 'if we aren't saying it then it can't be true', as if the government is the arbiters of facts and the truth. Fact is, nobody puts out more mis/disinformation than the government, and they do this because they're agenda driven and facts get in their way!

That's not surprising because they're laser focused on ultimately disarming us so they can't allow any kind of positive reasons to own a gun or facts which dispute their narratives get in their way of achieving that objective. Unfortunately, it comes down to their bold face lying to the courts to make these positive reasons for owning a gun go away and be discarded.

Yes, I'm calling a spade a spade. They know the truth, but they can't allow the truth to get in the way of their objective so they have to discredit it in any way they can! 

We now have even more clear proof our government is intentionally skewing the numbers and hiding facts which dispute their arguments to push unnecessary gun laws on us by trying to stop a government agency showing information which opposes their narratives and clearly shows guns save far more lives than they take.

The Media & Democrats Are Hiding Defensive Uses Of Guns...

In the article posted above, CDC Quietly Removes Defensive Gun Use Studies, it shared some information about using guns defensively. I'll share a little bit of that information here...

Oftentimes, you will hear reports of gun violence plaguing the United States; yet, hardly ever hear of any reports of the defensive use of guns. A record 22.1 million Americans now hold a concealed carry permit. Women and minorities have increasingly been the demographics of individuals obtaining their concealed carry permits in the past few years as crime has risen in major cities. 

Dr. John Lott, president of the Crime Prevention Research Center said that “women in particular” are “about 2.4 times more likely to end up being seriously injured than a woman who has a gun to protect herself.” Furthermore, Maj Toure, the founder of Black Guns Matter, stated“I believe that more Black people would be alive if they were armed.”

Unfortunately, as crime skyrockets across the United States, the defensive use of guns will be drastically underreported while gun crimes remains at the top of the political news cycle.

The Left absolutely does not want us citizens to realize just how many lives are saved by good people with a gun, or how guns in law abiding citizens hands keep us safer!

Examples Of Good Guys With A Gun Saving Lives...

In the article, "Good Guys with Guns", it shared numerous examples of good guys with a gun saving lives. Here are a few examples and some other information shared in this article...

"A couple million times a year, people use guns defensively," John Lott says. "When a civilian tries to stop one of these instances, they're overwhelmingly successful."

The FBI lists the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando...49 people were killed. [Just think of how many lives would've been saved if there had been people with a conceal carry gun there to stop it!]

"One week later," says Lott, "there was a similar attack at a nightclub in South Carolina." But there, a civilian shot the attacker. "Still had 125 rounds of ammunition on him when he was stopped!" [And this is the results of a good guy with a gun at the place a mass murderer shows up at.]

Somehow, the FBI missed that case, along with so many others. It's like this case after case... completely ignored!

When 17 people were killed at Parkland, Florida, that got lots of news coverage. Few people know that "just a few months later in Titusville, Florida, (at) an elementary school," says Lott, "a man came up, started firing his gun. Fortunately, a hot dog vendor (with a) concealed handgun was able to wound the attacker and stop him before he was able to kill."

There are many stories like this, but they are all completely ignored by the FBI, Democrats and the Liberal State Media! They do not want you to know about all of the instances when a good guy saved many lives because he was armed and stopped a shooting or dramatically reduced the number of people killed!

There are hundreds if not thousands of instances when a good guy saved many lives including his own families lives because he was armed and educated on how to use a gun. The courts including the supreme court and American citizens need to know how significant good guys with a gun is to the safety of American's!

Let me share more examples of good guys with a gun saving lives...

Armed Doctor Saved Lives...

Ref: Armed doctor saved lives

On Thursday afternoon, Dr. Lee Silverman undoubtedly saved many lives. Using a handgun, the Delaware County psychiatrist stopped what both police and the district attorney described as a certain mass killing at Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital.

The attacker, Richard Plotts, is a convicted felon, which bans him from legally owning a gun. But Pennsylvania’s universal background check law did not stop him. Neither did the hospital’s signs banning guns [thank goodness the doctor ignored the sign and that the hospital was a "gun-free zone"].

The proposed federal law on expanded background checks that President Obama continually pushes is similar to Pennsylvania’s and would not have stopped Plotts either. Indeed, it is hard to see how it would have stopped any of the other mass shootings during his presidency.

At Mercy Fitzgerald, caseworker Theresa Hunt was killed when Plotts opened fire during a regularly scheduled appointment with Dr. Lee Silverman. Fortunately, the doctor had his own gun and returned fire, hitting Plotts three times and critically wounding him.

After firing all the bullets in his gun, Plotts still had 39 bullets on him, bullets that he could have used to shoot many other people. Silverman’s three hits, however, made it possible for two other hospital employees to tackle the wounded attacker and secure his .32-caliber revolver. Plotts has since been charged with murder and attempted murder.

Yeadon Police Chief Donald Molineux was clear: “Without a doubt, I believe the doctor saved lives. … Without that firearm, this guy [Plotts] could have went out in the hallway and just walked down the offices until he ran out of ammunition.” . . .

The rest of the piece is available here.

A Good Guy With A Gun Has Saved Many Lives In Florida – Something The Media Rarely Report

Thankfully, a heroic citizen with a permit to legally carry a concealed handgun was able to save countless lives in Florida Saturday when he shot a gunman who opened fire on a back-to-school event attended by over 150 students at a park in Titusville, Florida.

The media rarely give national news coverage to incidents like this, but responsible gun owners have stepped forward in this way many times before to save lives. In fact, concealed handgun permit holders have prevented dozens of mass public shootings just in recent years, while receiving only brief mentions in local news coverage.

Fortunately, only the attacker was injured in Titusville. The gun permit holder shot him in the head to keep the attacker from shooting any children and adults in the park. Neither the permit holder nor the attacker have been identified so far by police. The attacker suffered life-threatening injuries and remains hospitalized.

The presence of an armed “good guy” prevented the Titusville shooting from turning into a tragedy like school shooting in Parkland, Florida in February.

“Based on the information that we’ve gathered,” said Titusville Police Sgt. William Amos, “this person stepped in and saved a lot of people’s lives.”

The police responded within minutes, but the gun permit holder was right there the moment the attack started, enabling him to stop the attacker almost immediately. Law enforcement officers cannot be everywhere, so the presence of armed citizens is vital to provide an instant response to attackers.

With over 1.7 million concealed handgun permit holders, Florida sees more than its share of defensive gun uses.

Late last November, an employee with a concealed handgun permit stopped a mass public shooting at an auto repair shop in Rockledge, Florida.

The attacker, armed with a .45-caliber handgun and multiple magazines, killed one person and severely wounded another in the repair shop’s parking lot. The local television station quoted the police saying that the attack “could have been even worse” if not for the “good Samaritan.”

“This business was packed today with customers and employees,” noted Karen Parks, a reporter at the scene.

In one interesting case in June, police say 36-year-old Christopher Raymond Hill robbed a Jacksonville Walmart and then tried to carjack someone’s car at knifepoint, slashing the man on his arms and legs.

Fortunately, the driver had his permitted concealed handgun with him, and Hill tried carjack another vehicle, according to police. But that driver also had her gun. Hill then gave up, and hid in the restroom of a nearby store until police arrived, authorities said.

Similarly, in another state in late May, two gun permit holders stopped an attack at a restaurant in Oklahoma City. Juan Carolos Nazario fired the fatal shots at the shooter.

“I just did what I had to do. I’m very glad no innocent lives were taken but ultimately, there was a life taken,” Nazario said. USA Today credited him with “a restaurant full of innocent lives potentially saved.”

PoliceOne sometimes surveys its 450,000 members – 380,000 active-duty and 70,000 retired law enforcement officers. A March 2013 survey by the group found 86 percent of members believing that casualties from mass public school shootings (such as the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School attack in Connecticut) could be reduced or “avoided altogether” if citizens had carried permitted concealed handguns in those places. [Knowing what we do about gun-free zones and mass shootings, it absolutely baffles me why we're allowing this to happen when all we need to do is arm staff in the school, even end gun-free zones. This is addressed in the report...]

Also in the survey, 77 percent of the law enforcement officers supported “arming teachers and/or school administrators who volunteer to carry at their school.” No other policy to protect children and school staff had such widespread support.

Schools in 21 states allow teachers and staff to carry permitted concealed handguns, and there haven't been any noticeable problems. With good Samaritans stopping so many mass public shootings around the country, allowing permitted teachers to carry should be a no-brainer.

Police know how incredibly law-abiding permit holders are, and they realize the limitations of uniformed guards.

In any attack, uniformed guards and law enforcement officers are the first target. Killers will try to take out them out in the hopes of then having free rein to kill others. In places where concealed carry is prohibited, the absence of police means a soft target.

Other surveys of police show similar overwhelming support for allowing Americans to carry concealed handguns.

Police know how important their own work is to stopping crime, but they also understand that they almost always arrive at crime scenes after a crime has occurred. Seconds matter when someone fires into a crowd, such as the one that gathered at the back-to-school rally in Titusville on Saturday.

Many children were saved Saturday. Let’s hope that permit holders will soon be protecting more children.

I could go on and on with stories of good guys with a gun saving themselves, their family, and other people at the event they're also at out in public. Instead let me just provide a list of more articles you can read, especially since the Liberal State Media refuses to share this information...

I could go on and on and on listing hundreds of these articles. Just do an internet search (avoid using Google) and you'll find hundreds more.

Numerous Stories Of People With A Conceal Carry Permit Saving The life Of Police Officers:

You can read these articles here:

There are many stories like this.

All of this boils down to this...

We American Citizens Have The Legal Right To Defend Ourselves Against Harm & Death... The Constitution Guarantees This!

However, Politicians Are Passing Laws Hindering Our Ability To Defend Ourselves!

I can't say this enough, people who want to hurt us do not follow gun laws. Gun laws HELP evil people & hurt law abiding citizens... Why are politicians helping people who want to hurt us???

Fact, evil people use semi-automatic rifles and pistols to do the most damage, and it's common for them to be with a group of people like fellow gang members who are well armed.

American citizens cannot defend themselves with low capacity magazines only holding 10 bullets when they're up against groups of people with 30 bullet magazines; nor can we defend ourselves with bolt action rifles when the bad people are using semi-automatic rifles!

The gun laws like in WA, IL, MA, CA and other Democrat ran states has seriously hurting our ability to defend ourselves from the millions of gang members & very evil people Harris has allowed into America through her open border! 

Our 2nd Amendment Is In Part So We Can Defend Ourselves. But We Have Politicians & AG's Hindering Our Ability To Defend Ourselves While Making It Easier For Evil People To Murder Us!

Here's what's so sickening...

  • Democrats have created the environment to entice criminals, rapists & murders!
    • But, Democrats discard this fact when crime increases, rapes increase, murders increase and mass shootings occur.
    • Instead, Democrats start screaming for more gun controls.
    • Plus, Democrat Policies give bad people more rights to continue robbing us, raping women and murdering people while at the same time taking our rights away from being able to defend ourselves.
  • Bad guys do NOT follow any gun laws. They're criminals, evil people, bad people so why would you think for a second they would follow gun laws? 
  • Gun laws ONLY affect law abiding citizens...
    • We're being PUNISHED for what bad people do which has increased because of Democrat policies!
  • Then, if law abiding citizens use a gun to protect themselves Liberal AG/DA's prosecute them to send the message, "You may be able to own a gun because we can't stop it, yet, but if you do use a gun we're coming after you and will at minimum bankrupt you or put you in jail even if that means stopping you from being able to provide key evidence that would show you had a good reason to use a gun."
  • And finally, the 2nd Amendments core purpose is to stop a tyrant government from taking root into America, and we now have a tyrant government doing what tyrants do upfront... trying to disarm the populous so they can push their evil upon us! Tyrants know they MUST disarm the populous in order to push agenda's that are bad for the citizens, even harmful to the citizens, that the citizens would not approve of.
    • The Constitution was written to protect the citizens from this with safety nets in place which includes the 2nd Amendment.

It's all very clear that Democrats have an agenda... to ultimately disarm us, but until then to make it very hard to get a gun, not be able to get the kinds of guns we need to provide the most protection, and to prosecute people for using their gun to protect themselves and property from bad people who are trying to hurt us or steal our property.

But remember, some states don't allow you to use a gun to protect your property even though the Constitution says we can. In Constitution following states if someone tries to carjack you and steal your car you can use your gun, while in Democrat cities and states you cannot and need to let them steal your car, or suffer the consequences of a far left liberal DA/AG arresting you and destroying your life for trying to protect YOUR PROPERTY you worked hard for. But what if you have a child in the car when they're trying to carjack your car? At this point I would assume you'd be allowed to use a gun but you need to talk to an attorney for clarification.

Anyway, it's because of Democrat Policies which includes an open border that America is far less safe today than it was when Biden-Harris took over. The open borders with millions of very bad people coming into America that has taken already very unsafe Democrat ran cities and made them far more dangerous.

Because of all of this, in my opinion from a ton of research and focusing on the actions of people, policies being pushed and what's going on in America I would honestly say...

We must NEVER give up our 2nd Amendment Rights and we must fight the Democrats in court when they pass unconstitutional gun laws which hinder our ability to protect ourselves, or to stop a tyrant government from taking root.

Now that you have heard the rest of the story around guns and have been provided a whole lot of information the Left/Democrats will not discuss or share because they don't want you to know what I've shared with you in this informational article, I hope you too will stand up for our ability to protect ourselves from the evil that's in America.

We citizens are the only one's who can save our Constitution and our Freedoms!

God Bless YOU & God Bless America!

New/Additional Information:

[2021] Joe Penaz, Firearms Expert Who's Very Involved In Politics, Discusses The New Gun Laws The Biden-Harris Admin Want To Push Through

This is an informative video about wait periods and why they're bad, red flag laws and how they'll be abused and numerous other topics to include just how ignorant politicians are about the effects of their gun laws which will make us less safe...

From Our Website, The Page On The 2nd Amendment...

Right To Bear Arms-Guns (2nd Amendment) - Team Pro-America