Last Updated: 3/2/21 (Jump down to New/Additional Information)
Fighting Within The Ranks Of Patriots Who Are Trying To Save America
Whether it's the Lin Wood & General Flynn fight, or the attacks on Clay Clark, or other notable people fighting, I want you to think about something and to put things into perspective.
In high school and through life I've always found that those who try to force their beliefs on you, who are loud and outspoken and in your face are generally the ones who are wrong. They use intimidation strategies, controlled confidence and forcefulness to push THEIR message forward to try and create believability in their message.
A highly experienced trial lawyer would know how to do this. I'm not trying to pick on someone with this comment, but instead to make a point.
In communication and creating believability the words are only 7%. It's HOW you say it and your body language that makes up the rest. There are some professions that require the person to project creditability and believability. Professional sales people is another group.
Then there's the "Do you remember" strategy. You ask "Do you remember" followed by something that supports your argument. Most people don't want to sound stupid so they will say (or think to themselves), 'oh sure, I remember that'. This is a very effective strategy to "close" someone on what you want them to believe.
In print the the writer will list 5-10 "Do you remember" questions with each designed to build their case. It's an effective strategy.
My point is, there are many tactics to use words to control human behavior, to create believability, to make insinuations without saying something, to lead people to your conclusion and more.
If we're going to have this pissing match within the ranks, which I completely disagree with, then I'm going to at least level out the playing field so people understand the tactics people use to create believability so they can look past this and get to the root of the issue and the core facts. And please, pray for discernment!
Along with this, whoever you are closest to and relate to the most, you'll automatically put what they say above the other person. The key here is to not put your loyalty in ANY person, but instead put it on the mission. The goal here is to save America and help wake people up.
Using God & Scriptures To Push Your Argument
I'm just going to say it. It really irritates me when people start throwing scriptures around to make their case! Listen, I was raised in the church and have been part of many Bible studies over the years, along with doing my own Bible studies. It's really hard to blow smoke and scriptures used out of context up my behind. Many wouldn't know the scripture is used out of context, and I don't catch them all but I catch enough to call people on it.
What I find so often, but not always, is people who throw scriptures around do it because their argument isn't strong enough on their own merits so they believe they can build more creditability by throwing scriptures around.
Or they'll play the 'better than thou' game. "Look, I'm a Christian, you can trust me," line of BS to try and put themselves on a pedestal for people to look up to.
These acts really irritate people, especially Christians who know the word.
What we need to remember is, like the song goes, "They will know we are Christians by our love, by our love". Love is an action word. In other words, they will know we are Christians by our actions, not because we told you we were! This is a very important point too many Christians over look or ignore.
On the other hand, I've watched many new Christians who are so excited about their new life and having been reborn talk non stop about God. These people are actually pretty awesome to other Christians, while also being very irritating to non-Christians. They're just so excited about their new life and the amazing relationship they now have with God.
New Christians are learning while also embracing all that is good with their new relationship with God. They're also learning just how important and powerful the word of God is in their life and in their battle against Satan and evil. Scriptures are very important to the Christian who's fight the spiritual forces of evil. It's best explained in one of my favorite scriptures, "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." (Ephesians 6:12, NIV)
There's so much I could discuss on this topic, but this isn't the theme of this article.
The last thing I'm going to say is that the battle we're in to save America is a spiritual war so it is very important to know the scriptures so I appreciate those who share scriptures to help us know how to fight this battle.
But there's a big difference between sharing scriptures so we know how to use them to fight this battle versus using them to push your agenda forward or to try and manipulate people to believe your position on something. We need to separate these people.
There are a lot of faith leaders out there who can help you maneuver through this battle. There are also a lot of Pastors, Ministers, etc. who need to hang up their robe and walk away because they're misleading people by skewing God's word and have given into the evils we're fighting against. Through all of this we're learning not only who the enemy is, but who the faith leaders are that we need to follow and who we need to walk away from.
I believe God needed this to happen because there are a lot of weak faith leaders who aren't standing firm with God and His word, but instead are trying to be "woke" or "politically correct" to please people so they continue to tithe. There are sadly a lot of faith leaders like this.
I'm going to leave the spiritual leading and teaching to the faith leaders who know this battle way better than I do!
I Personally Am Taking No Sides Except One... God and America! Here's How I Approach This...
I'm NOT taking a side. I'm loyal to the MISSION and Objective, I'm loyal to AMERICA! As long as the people in question are loyal to the same thing I'm on their side and I will help support them.
I'm pointing this out because people always ask if I support one side or the other. I don't because to me people are just tools God uses to move things forward or to help support a cause.
God is consistent for using people to carry the ball, say, for the first 10 yards, and they've served their purpose. If we're loyal to the person we interfere in the process by hanging on to the person who's only purpose was to carry the ball 10 yards and not allowing the next ball carrier to carry the ball the next 10 yards. By putting our loyalty and focus on a person we lose focus of the big picture and we absolutely cannot lose focus of the big picture!
Not only that, when we put our loyalty with a person and not the mission we're more easily thrown off track or manipulated to take us off track. Take a General Miley who's been compromised by the enemy, would you want to follow him into war or follow his orders? You need to be clear eyed because you can be assured that the enemy will have spies in our ranks which is why I have a topic covering this below.
This is why I don't put my loyalty with a person, but instead provide my support to the people God provide us as they're carrying the ball however long it's theirs to carry like what teammates would do in a football game.
I keep my eye on the objective, the end goal. In Football it's to win the game by getting touchdowns while stopping the other team from getting touchdowns. It takes both parts... playing offensively and defensively. It's winning little battles along the way so in the end you have the most points and win the game.
With what we're facing in America it's ultimately about saving America (need to define what this means so we're all on the same page fighting for the same objective), but like in the football game there are a lot of little (or sometimes big) battles we need to win so in the end we win the war which is saving America.
Our Enemy, The Globalist, Are Strategically Years Ahead Of Us And In A Much More Strategic Position...
The problem is, the Globalist have been planning their attack out for the past 60+ years. Some say 100 years. During this time frame they've been:
- Working with the brightest and smartest people in the world to strategize how to achieve their objective. I wrote an ebook on this which covers this in far more detail.
- Putting in place the team (deep state operatives).
- They knew that who ever controlled the narrative controlled the people so they bought up the media outlets globally. They own 100% of the mainstream media and 90% of all media outlets.
- This is how they're able to have the same narrative pushed globally.
- If this is new information to you, you have no idea how significant this is and how they strategically use their media outlets to brainwash and control the citizens.
- Learning how they can effectively bribe, blackmail or threaten key people like Judges, AG's/DA's, Secretary Of States, Governors, etc so they get the outcome they're after.
- Buying off politicians to push through policies to support their agenda.
- Strategizing their plan of attack and implementing these things along the way, and much more.
Meanwhile not enough of us citizens started waking up and realizing what they were doing until around 2016, just 5 years ago. While they have been strategizing, building their army, slanting the deck against us by having our elected politicians pass laws to support their agenda we citizens as a whole have been completely blind and ignorant to what the Globalist have been doing and why they've been doing all of this.
It going to take many people to win the war with each having their role. One group of people may be standing up to fight one battle while another group of people are working together to handle another battle. There are many battles going on at the same time all of which play a role in winning the war to save America.
For example...
- The Globalist have taken over our educational system so they can indoctrinate our children. There is one group of people who are working together to take back our schools and protect our children.
- The Globalist have been financially supporting candidates for key positions like AG's and Secretary Of State so there's another group combatting against this.
- COVID was a PLANdemic they have used to push many of their agenda's forward, so we have teams of people fighting against this.
This is just three of many examples of the many battles we're fighting against.
If you get one group handling one battle getting into fights with people handling another battle, this serves no purpose except to create fractures in the team. We need to be supportive of our teams. Don't get hung up on petty things that just don't matter.
Spies And Those Who Will Try To Divide Us And/Or Send Us Down The Wrong Roads...
The Globalist know very well how to play out their part. They've been planning and preparing for this day for many years.
I'm also very certain that they have planned for an uprising of the citizens. Remember, the Globalist have unlimited resources and have access to the most talented and brightest and smartest people in the world! They also have their Deep State Operatives which are planted in the governments around the world and in strategic positions to help them push their agenda forward and stop people who would try to stop them.
Take the 2020 election as an example. As I mentioned at the end of this article in more detail the globalist have been controlling our elections for the past 20 years. They were caught in 2020, but they were able to protect themselves and keep a lot of what they have in place still in place because of:
- their operatives who blocked and stopped the patriots from being able to do a full blown forensic audit,
- by judges refusing to take on the cases (#1 reason was "lack of standing" which is just BS) and
- to basically use their operatives to cover up the fraud and stop people from finding the fraud.
Then when patriots did reveal the fraud they had their operatives and Liberal Media discredit what they revealed and presenting it as a 'nothing burger'.
They have so many pieces in place to implement their strategies and protect them.
They really do have the advantage, but that doesn't mean we can't win as long as we unite together, get on the same page and stay focused on the task at hand! There is NO ROOM for us to make mistakes, get hung up on petty issues or allow anyone to divide us.
Remember, there are over 300 MILLION of us (minus 30% who are the Left's "useful idiots" like I address in our previous article)... we dramatically out number them, and we must use this one strength to its maximum! It's the same with the citizens in the other countries.
The Globalist will try to divide us. They'll send in a false prophet who will win our trust, and then this person will start doing one of a number of things to derail us and create fractures in the team. Watch out for those who:
- Start trying to divide us. Don't jump the gun, but be very observant to what they're doing. Or
- who loudly start attacking others on our team for petty things that just don't matter. Or
- they'll send people down the wrong road to take them off track. Or
- they'll try to distract us to put our focus on things that just don't matter. Or
- who will then go into politics themselves who will once elected will show their true face and support the Globalist agenda. Or
- they'll try to pit us against the true leaders to try and take them out. Or
- they'll try to bring up different narratives. Or
- they'll try to take the focus off the real enemies (Globalist and their deep state operatives) and try to blame someone else.
- Do keep in mind, depending on the research they've done and who they've listened to they may not actually know who the real enemy is. Ask questions like, "why do you believe _____ is the enemy?" Fact is, this person or organization could be an enemy and are part of the Globalist deep state team. Most of the people named as an enemy is an enemy because they're a deep state operative. But the top of the pyramid is the Globalist who want to be hidden and don't want a spotlight on them.
- And look out for the provocateur's who will try to divide us on social media or other places, or to pit us against someone. Just look at how the Government used provocateur's on Jan 6th to start the riots in DC. Need to blow these people off and call them out!
As you can see, there's a lot of ways a false prophet could derail our mission of saving America.
If a friend of yours starts bad mouthing someone remind them...
- We're all on the same team and we need to stay focused on the main objective at hand.
- Ask them if what is being shared is significant to our movement or if it's petty.
- Remind them that the enemy wants to divide us and encourage them not to continue to pass these negatives about the other person. It's not going to help the movement, but instead fracture it. We can't allow that to happen.
- Are ego's getting bruised or out of whack? We need to put our ego's and pride away!
If we're all on the SAME page focused on the same outcome we'll weather these spies who will try to derail us.
Just remember, every leader has people following them who are loyal to the person and therefore will stand behind the person no matter what people say. Look at all of the Communist leaders and evil tyrants throughout our history (generally it's the 30% considered the useful idiots)... they would never have been able to come to power if they didn't have supporters who believed (albeit, brainwashed) in what they were trying to do. We have to be careful of these people!
If the other 70% would've just taken a stand against these communist tyrants they would not have succeeded! The citizens failed to act, to stand up against it.
Be very careful in following a person!
This is also why the Globalist waged a war against patronage in America. They knew that by our being loyal and devoted to America we'd be far harder to beat or take over. They want you loyal to a person and not loyal to the country because you're easier to manipulate and control. All they need to do is create and build up a false prophet for people to follow which they have a lot of experience in doing!
It's far harder for them to stop us if we're all loyal and focused on "SAVING America"! NEVER forget this!
STOP Supporting People Who Bash Other Patriots On Social Media!
I'm watching a few well respected people who I admire bash, cut down and attack other well respected patriots on social media. The devil and our enemies want us divided and they're really excited with the fighting amongst us.
Patriots, you do NOT attack fellow patriots on social media, period! All this does is put patriots in a bad position feeling like they need to choose sides, and then they start bashing them also in the chat.
This divides us.
This is BAD!
This does NOTHING to help the movement to save America.
It could even discourage people from wanting to be part of this movement or making them want to walk away from it and all of the unnecessary drama!
I'm just going to be blunt. If someone you know, and I don't care how much you respect him/her, is bashing other patriots on social media you need to walk away from this person.
I don't care what the beef is between them, you don't put it on social media which will do NOTHING but divide people! They should've done the professional thing and talked it out amongst themselves and left it private between them.
Anyone who isn't willing to PROTECT the movement, support UNITY and keep the patriots focused on the mission, isn't a good person to follow. It's like I keep saying, support America and the movement, and not a person!
We All Make Mistakes...
We're human, we're going to make mistakes.
But we also want to watch out for those who would point the finger at someone with the intent to discredit them.
If they make mistakes along the way, as we all do, or they have different values like wanting to charge for something where somebody else thinks that's wrong it's the citizens who ultimately get to decide if they want to pay or not. These are very petty issues.
Why do we get hung up or care about these petty issues? Why is someone aggressively pointing out these petty issues?
Personally, I'm more inclined to be against someone who's trying to discredit another person for something petty that just doesn't matter! What goes through my head is, "is this person doing the discrediting trying to take down a warrior who's trying to save America?"
And then I sit back and very closely observe both people. The truth always comes out, even when someone knows how to build creditability. God has blessed me with discernment, a gut feeling, and as long as I stay true to God and his word God leads me in the right direction.
So you know, I'm not always right or get it right because sometimes I allow myself to over think something and bring in human experiences to influence me. I'm human, I make mistakes!
I could go on and on.
Integrity Is Very Important, Greed Is A Tough Emotion To Work Through...
On the other hand if someone says, (just an example) "All donations will go to ______" and then only 50% go there they have some explaining to do. With all of the corruption we're seeing/experiencing by the Globalist & their deep state operatives, INTEGRITY and STRONG MORALS are very important to our movement.
Greed is a very hard emotion to work through. If you're already a millionaire, it's easier (although not everyone does) to have integrity here because you already have money in the bank. If you're hurting financially you're more likely to want to make some money from your expertise's and the effort/time you put into this. Is that wrong?
No because the consumer gets to determine if they think you're worth the money. But you do need to have integrity, and you cannot make statements that you don't follow like saying 100% of the money will go to ____ and then not putting 100% toward that item.
As for charging for weekend seminars, do you have any idea of the amount of time and money it takes to put these things together?
A lot of both! And why shouldn’t the people putting it together be paid for their time, and recoup the cost of putting it together? Not everyone is rich and can work for free! But again, it’s ultimately up to the consumer to determine if they want to pay to see and meet the people they love and respect talk… that’s THEIR decision!
Again, I could go on and on.
Stand Strong, Stay United And Stay Focused On The Big Picture
Do NOT let anyone try to divide us. Those that are DOING the dividing need to be walked away from! Just saying. There’s a much bigger picture here… America, and we MUST be united and on the same page if we’re going to save her from the Communist take over the Globalist are trying to make happen.
People, I absolutely LOVE America, my fellow Americans and the American culture the Globalist & their useful idiots are trying to destroy.
I LOVE my Heavenly Father and the Judeo Christian values America was founded on.
We need to pick our battles carefully, and we need to all be on the same page of what the mission is and we need to put America at the highest priority here after God and not idolize any “person”. As a human we’re going to make mistakes. Accept that fact, and keep your eye on the prize… America and saving America!
The Globalist have bought out, blackmailed and/or threatened many good people. We need to be aware of this too. I’m not blind to these things.
On top of this the Globalist will put a false flag person in our ranks to divide us. The globalist have unlimited resources and they are VERY COMMITTED to their plan. We must also be VERY COMMITTED to our plan.
If you lose trust or faith in someone just walk away from them. You do not need to make a big stink about it, just walk away and trust that people are smart. Besides, what if you're wrong and you're walking away from a patriot and warrior truly committed to saving America?
You also need to understand that a lot of people are loyal to the person over the plan. You can't easily overcome "human nature".
In the end, we hope people will be smart. You should always be praying for discernment! It might take someone longer to come to your conclusion but eventually they will if it's the right move.
People follow groups of people, and they want to be part of something like a movement. Again, this is human nature.
We're humans and we're going to make mistakes. Plus, the average "Joe" doesn't have the experience to see when they're being "controlled" or manipulated. The problem with all of this is the Globalist have been planning this out for many, many years and we're just starting to wake up since 2016 and putting in place counter-maneuvers. We don't have the luxury of time, and when you're in a "reactive" role you're bound to make mistakes.
The problem is it's our freedom and America on the line here. The price is massive! And there's nothing the Globalist won't do to take-over America so they can create their One World Gov't. Even if that means using their puppets in our Government to move us to war knowing we wouldn't win. They MUST end our Constitution so the power goes from "We The People" to a handful of people who the Globalist can control.
You see, now that we're aware that they've taken over our elections (they've controlled them the past 20 years) which allowed the Globalist to place in their people into our government to continue pushing their agenda, they need a new plan to stay in control of America.
First they'll help support the Democrats in pushing their "So We Can Continue Cheating" election bill using their media arm they control so the Globalist can continue to stay in control, but if this fails they'll have to do something else to stay in control. They absolutely must take-over America because America is the key to their One World Government.
Do NOT under estimate the Globalist. They're strategic, they've planned out their strategy to include their counter-attacks to what we do, they have unlimited resources, they've built their arsenal of people to help them (Deep State Operatives), etc.
We CAN win because we have God on our side and 300 million people on the side of FREEDOM, but we have got to be on the same page, we have got to be united and we have got to be aware of how the Globalist will try to divide us and not let them.
There is so much more I could say and share. I'm also aware some people will nit-pick how I wrote this article, the words I used and the points I made. Focus on the big picture, don't get hung up on my not saying something exactly the way you would've wanted me to or nit-pick this. America is on the line.
I pray and hope what I shared here is enough to get us or keep us on the right path, united together, aware of those who would try to divide us and focused on the ultimate objective of saving American and our Rights & Freedoms.
God bless you and God bless America!

New/Additional Information:
3/4/22 - Who Is This Person That Appears To Be Byrne's Body Guard?
First, here's the video. This video makes my mind flow and thickens the plot...
If you jump down to 2/26 to the video of Clements being confronted you'll notice the person aggressively confronting Clements is the same person in this video trying to be identified. It looks like I was spot on when I made the comment, "The reporter was clearly out to piss him off. He is not a real reporter, but instead had an agenda and wanted to piss Clements off! This alone discredits the reporter. (He came across more like a bouncer for Byrnes.)" under the 2/26 video below. Clearly he works for Byrne!
The more of this I see and learn, the more I'm starting to believe Clements may be right about Byrne being a Deep State operative. Re-watching the interview of Byrne with McCallen reinforced my original thoughts when I watched that a few years ago that Byrne didn't come across credible, that there was something underlining he wasn't saying.
I was very skeptical of Byrne back then too but gave him the benefit of the doubt since he was saying and doing things good for America, so it all appeared. This also reinforces the importance of being loyal to the mission and not to a person. You must be able to take a step backwards and have an open mind (not a biased mind) to take analyze people and their commitment to America and the mission.
You also need to understand that the Deep State is very large, very deep, very connected and very effective in convincing people to put their allegiance with the dark side (Globalist and THEIR agenda) be it bribes, threats to the person or their family, blackmail or promises of great status.
One thing at this point I would NEVER accept is Byrne in a political office!
Unfortunately I also believe you are who you associate with so I'm also keeping a close eye on those who are close to Byrne to continue working on putting the pieces together.
3/2/22 - Comments by Joe Oltmann
This was posted on Lin Wood Telegram, Forwarded from Joe Oltmann...
This is the last thing I will say about it. I’m not David. I’m not Lin. I’m not General Flynn and I’m not Patrick. They can fire at each other all they want. I equate it to a fight after school where the ones standing in the circle punching each other get egged on by those circling it. A gladiatorial contest for others to enjoy. I don’t participate. But when you attack the work being done, and you attack a man’s wife… nah. I’m out. Jovan is a coward. I have more on Jovan that if I shared would make him jump off a bridge. I have not gone scorched earth because I only do that, when provoked. I want him to stop being an asshole and building some bully pulpit against David. Let David, Erin and Shiva dive into the machines in NM without the distraction. We need the data for the well being of the country. They build innuendos that are not true and are unimportant to the reality of the situation.
With that said, I wish the shootings at each other would subside and I wish the bullshit would stop. But it can’t when you have controlled opposition doing real damage to Lin and his family and keeping the fighting alive. People like Jovan and his thug crew acting like they actually care, but the reality it is ego. But hey, what do I know… I’ve been working quietly on gathering data to support the great work being done by many groups of great people across the nation, while getting doxxed, attacked and threatened daily… I don’t complain about it, I just do what I do and keep focused on the prize.
Here is my advice. Support all of those who don’t blame others for their shit work. I have been ridiculously consistent, while being informed last night by Jovan that “the Flynn’s think you are a flake”… LMAO… I’ve been called many things, that’s a new one, yet I could really care less. If it’s true that’s how they feel, it does not surprise me, if it’s not true, it does not surprise me. We had our election stolen and have all the receipts and proof yet the establishment acts like it’s not there… are we really supposed to be surprised anymore by the bullshit?
Stay focused. Jovan is an “entertainer”… yet most of you would agree, you are not entertained. I’m done… I have work to get back to. Remember this… you are the key to accountability. The information is there… now as we step in the gap together, the walls will shake and our voice will become impossible to ignore.
I saw the video of the attacks on Professor Clements. What horseshit! Jovan gets his entourage to bully David and make shit up about him while literally shaking while doing it… Then attacks the audit being done in NM as somehow being bad and says that Clements tanked the AZ audit?
Bullshit. Purposeful sabotage made to look like Incompetence caused the issues in AZ. I have stayed away from the issue until now giving Jovan the room to breath to redeem himself with something of value in AZ, but nothing. Nothing except rewrapping Draza, Jeff and other white hat work as his own.
Professor Clements is working right now on an audit with zero outside help as to not have any more clownery or purposeful deception. The only reason to attack David and his wife is because you are afraid of the lack of control you have in and around it. Patrick has plenty to answer for, as does Jovan. I don’t get in the fight as I am deep in the fight for truth but these attacks are bullshit.
Stay in your lane, or don’t. But make no mistake, David Clements (and his wife Erin) is working his ass off to get to the bottom of yet another proof point for election fraud. Whether you like it or not…
2/26/22 - Video of Clements Being Confronted
Before I get into this let me again tell you how disgusting all of this fighting is. I've watched videos Clements put out about Byrne claiming he's deep state and that he's giving up on fixing 2020. I have a problem with anyone who's given up on fixing 2020 when we still have 6 months to fix them and the Deep State would LOVE for us to give up on fixing 2020. My points are facts.
Regardless, Clements has been a real mouth piece in attacking Byrne & Flynn. He may be right, but how he's going about it makes him look like an idiot!
Anyway, here's the video of Clements being totally harassed by someone trying to ask him some specific questions. Below the video I'll make a few more points.
My comments:
- The reporter was clearly out to piss him off. He is not a real reporter, but instead had an agenda and wanted to piss Clements off! This alone discredits the reporter. (He came across more like a bouncer for Byrnes.)
- Byrne is very rich. He has the money to buy loyalty and favors much like the Globalist can and do. People tend to support the rich people not because they're right but because they have money and can help them financially, so they hope.
- I'm not surprised this happened. Clement's has been a real jerk to Byrne & Flynn. In fact, I believe Clements & Wood started the battle.
- Clements would not answer any of the questions. He instead tried to take control of the conversation and flip it on him, but failed at this in my opinion. Overall, the whole thing was really stupid!
- I do believe the Mariposa, AZ audit was sabotaged, but I don't have a clue by who or how. Karen Fann the Senate President started real gung-ho about the audit but somewhere along the way it was like she had been bought out and lost all of her gung-ho and became a roadblock to key steps in the audit and getting the facts out to the public.
1/26/22 - Additional Comments On All Of This
(2/7/22. I updated this section. Wanting this division and feud to end I removed the links and some information about the feud so not to add fuel to it.)
First, let me state that I absolutely HATE having to have this discussion here. Unfortunately, based upon the progression of this and the continuous attacking and bashing of other patriots and how this is dividing people causing people to feel like they need to take sides I feel the need to just lay it all out here.
Understand something, I'm a neutral person. I have tremendous respect and appreciation to all of the people involved in this feud. That's what makes this so hard to write! But this feud needs to end and we patriots need to learn how to handle it when there's a feud like this within the ranks.
I've read a lot of bashing and attacking of other patriots on numerous Telegram channels. In the original version of this I shared the pages so you could see for yourself the bashing and attacking that was taking place. But after re-reading this again I concluded that wasn't appropriate! If this feud is going to end then I need to not add fuel to it.
I do want to help people to maneuver through a disagreement or difference of opinion when they air their issues on social media which can be very divisive.
Yes, Mr Clements bashed a few people who spoke out against his friend Lin Wood. Lin Wood also bashed a few people. For the most part these are the two main people doing the bashing and attacking with most of it directed at General Flynn.
Unfortunately it's not just Mr Clements who's trying to support his friend and attack the people Mr Wood is attacking. It's a lot of Mr Wood's followers who will then post negative comments on their social media platforms to create fractures and division in the movement. This is why our leaders need to be thoughtful of how they can influence large numbers of people, who will then push this negativity out to their followers and pretty soon there's a deep fracture in the movement that should never have happened.
Meanwhile the Deep State, our enemies and satan are smiling. They want us divided! Mr Wood of all people should know this. He says he supports the movement, but then he creates divisions and fractures within the movement.
Lin Wood, Professor Clements & General Flynn are all just people and tools God can and has used in this mission of Saving America. I appreciate all of their efforts up to this point.
Most of us have dealt with people playing these games and most of us would agree they need to stop.
And private phone calls should stay private, not sharing cherry picked parts of it with people on social media platforms which will obviously slant things to your direction.
Now, you may be wondering, do I have a problem with Lin Wood questioning General Flynn's words and/or actions?
Hell no! We should ALL be questioning things that don't look right or information we find about something or someone that doesn't look right. In fact, this is one of the biggest mistakes Conservatives make... Not thoroughly vetting candidates. It's the same with those we put in a leadership role, they should be thoroughly vetted too. This is an important piece to make sure we elect and follow true patriots who are committed to an America FIRST agenda and not the Globalists One World Government!
My complaint is HOW this is being handled and how it's involving innocent patriots and getting them all worked up and putting them on the spot to choose sides, how this is creating division and fractures in the movement.
This should be the end of this story, but it's not.
Doug Billings & Simon Parkes had a conversation on Doug's podcast and discussed this feud between Lin Wood and General Flynn, which as far as I can tell it's only one direction... Wood attacking Flynn.
In the discussion between Doug & Simon they tried to be politically correct and not attack Wood, but instead discuss the accusations Wood is making and discuss the importance of unity and to be careful of those who try to divide us. It's the same message we're pushing here. Both Doug & Simon have great respect for General Flynn so of course they spoke highly of him without cutting down Mr Wood.
As a neutral by stander who's not loyal to any person, I didn't see anything wrong with their discussion except this should've been a private conversation between them and not aired which again causes people to choose sides. I do, however, understand why they did it publicly... to try and put an end to the feud.
For this Mr Wood blew a gasket and went on an attack rampage on his Telegram channel to get his followers all worked up who then joined in on attacking Doug and Simon to include going to the Rumble page and making comments and down voting comments that had anything negative about Wood or positive about Flynn. It's okay to question Flynn, but don't you dare question Lin Wood and there lies the problem. Just saying.
Do you see how destructive it is to attack other patriots on social media?
NOTHING good comes from it!
Plus, because Doug & Simon tried to defend General Flynn, now all of a sudden Doug and Simon are enemies too. They're NOT. Do you see what's happening here?
Mr Wood is masterfully setting the stage that if you don't stand with him and if you question him or side with Flynn then you're the enemy which will do nothing but create an even greater divide in this movement. The enemy couldn't have done a better job of dividing us and creating fractures in the movement than what Lin Wood is creating by how he's handling this.
Again, I have great respect for Mr Wood which makes it very hard to share my views on this.
This is why you do NOT air your grievances on Social Media. It's like I discussed above, it causes your followers to take sides which divides us.
Here's what really sucks about all of this... I really like Lin Wood, Professor Clements & General Flynn. To me they're all amazing patriots who have played a significant role in moving the ball forward in their specific battles. I hope they either figure it out, or Wood & Clements stop bashing and attacking people on social media (I haven't seen anything about this or any bashing on Flynn's Telegram channel).
I'm wonder if this is why Lin Wood is attacking General Flynn... the Deep State has been attacked Wood from many sides so I'm wondering if he made a deal with them to create division with the Patriots and attack Flynn because Flynn knows too much and they want to remove him as a respected Patriot and turn patriots against Flynn. Then for doing this they'll lay off him and drop the lawsuits. Just a guess/assumption from what we've observed.
To me it's an easy decision on who to walk away from with my focus on the mission as a whole and my loyalty to America and not on a person. You need to draw your own conclusion.
Now, fair is fair so I have to also present this question... Do I think the Deep State could take control of or be in control of General Flynn or any person of influence in our mission to save America?
Yes because anything is possible especially when you have the resources and connections the Deep State has. Just threaten the lives of their family members, get blackmail materials on them (a big part of what Epstein's Island was about), bribe them with many millions of dollars or numerous other ways.
There are others presenting information to suggest General Flynn may be a deep state operative or under the control of the deep state.
Be clear, I am NOT saying he is any more than I'm saying Lin Wood is. I just pointing out that there are people saying we should keep a watchful eye on him as we should for all of the leaders in this movement.
The Deep State have been controlling very powerful people for years in many different ways. Do I think the Deep State has taken control over Mr Wood or General Flynn?
I have absolutely no idea nor have I seen anything concrete to suggest either are.
Regardless, once again, this is why we cannot be loyal to a person and must stay loyal to the mission, which is the core point I needed to make in all of this and in naming names. People come and go, people can get bought out, bribed or threatened and then use their influence to create division in the mission or derail the mission and numerous other things like what I listed above in the article.
Nothing can be above the mission of saving America! By being focused on the mission of saving America, once people start acting out of their character, start attacking other patriots for petty things, start dividing people, etc. then we know it's time to walk away from that person and carry on with the mission with the next leader who God has presented to us.
Enough said about all of this.
I hope I never again have to name names of people we consider a patriot for being a divider and a person who's hurting the mission at hand. The thing is, this battle we're in, like I shared above in the article, is way bigger than any person and their grievances. We're already at a disadvantage to the Globalist and their Deep State operatives, we do NOT need fractures and divisions within the movement to save America which will do nothing but hurt our mission to save America!
Will I be the next target to be attacked?
Do I care?
And since I've already stated my position on all of this in this article there's really no need for me to respond to anyone who would attack me even when if scriptures are thrown at me. I'm very secure in my relationship with God spanning 60 years and in my loyalty to America.
I just hope if I'm attacked the person attacking me shares my position by sharing the link to this article when attacking me so people can see both sides.
Our Loyalty Needs To Be To America And The Battle Of Saving America and Not On People Who Can Make Mistakes, Who Allows Egos & Pride To Cloud Their Judgement, Who Can Be Bought Out By The Deep State, Who Are Imperfect!