Additional Information - 2021 February

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2/11/21. 'The Five' react to Democrat's final impeachment argument against Trump

Good discussion and spot on from Gutfield and Watters analysis to what the Democrats are doing here...

2/7/21. Secular Democrats of America, The Largest Democrat Voting Block, Has Sent Their Demands To Biden/Harris and they are very scary!

Article 1: Democratic memo declares 'rise of white Christian nationalism is a national security threat'

Document Referenced: Secular Democrats of America - Restoring Constitutional Secularism and Patriotic Pluralism in the White House

Our thoughts:

  • Democrats do not like Christians. This is consistent with the Globalist and Communist position about Christianity and religions.
  • They want to destroy the Christian faith.

Watch the video! It will blow your mind. We must NEVER vote for Democrats ever again! This is scary, crazy stuff!

2/7/21. Sen. Ron Johnson: DC Fencing A Warning To Trump Voters

2/7/21. Rand Paul Criticizes Democratic Double Standard On Inciting Violence. Rand Paul: IMPEACH Chuck Schumer

He's totally right!

Here's the whole segment of the discussion...

2/6/21. Trey Gowdy: Biden abandons uniting America

Did anyone really think he would unite us, or even try? It's all political mumbo-jumbo to get elected, and then the far-left wing of the party took over.

***2/5/21. MUST READ. Progressives: Going After Guns is a Terrible Idea and the Final Straw for Many Americans

Spot on! There is absolutely no way American's will give up their guns, and for good reason. Gregg makes a lot of very good and accurate points here.

We are at the end of our rope with the Left's cancel culture and attacks on Conservatives and there is absolutely no way we'll give up our guns. Bluntly, it would be absolutely foolish and stupid to give them up. Some even say it would be suicidal to give them up making us sitting ducks. We're not willing to do that!

Article: Progressives: Going After Guns is a Terrible Idea and the Final Straw for Many Americans. It states...

However, most conservatives don’t want a war and are trying to avoid it at all costs, but many of us believe a civil or revolutionary war is inevitable because of the divide in this country.

My plea to the radical left and the progressive movement is to stop your attacks on America and Americans, immediately.

My warning to progressives is that if you don’t stop attacking our freedoms, and the 2nd Amendment, in particular, you will start something no one wants.

You have to understand that what many Americans on the right feel right now is that we have no right to exist under your ideology.

If we can’t speak our minds, donate to who we want to politically, send our kids to school without them being indoctrinated, work as we please, enjoy our country’s incredible Founding, and defend ourselves, then what are we supposed to do?

What happens when you back an animal into a corner with nowhere to go? That animal feels like they don’t have a choice but to lash out and attack in order to defend themselves and escape. 

That is what the progressive movement has done to America, especially in the last five years. You have very rapidly backed Americans into a corner with nowhere else to go.

We are quickly approaching a point where the only way these Americans will feel like freedom will be restored and protected is through an armed conflict to settle differences between the two sides. 

I have seen and heard a lot of Americans say that their families and their right to defend themselves are the “last straw.”

Read the article. This is just a few things it stated.

2/5/21. Joe Biden is a ‘weak President’

Wow, she didn't hold back at all. But she's got a few really good points especially where Russia and China are concerned.

2/5/21. Per Biden, Unemployment Won't Be At Trump's Pre-Pandemic Level For 10 Years!

If Trump was President he'd have it back down to those levels in a year! But America's economy is not Biden's priority. Plus, a bad economy and more people dependent upon the Government helps Biden push Socialism. Keeping our economy mediocre, unemployment higher and people dependent upon the Government helps Biden move America in the direction he and the Globalist need it to go.

2/4/21. Dr. Swain: Trump's impeachment counter-brief strong, GOP needs to seize moment

We agree with this other point she made...

2/4/21. The 3 Pillars of Progressivism. How The Left Is Taking Over Massive Control & Power!

This is an informative video everyone should watch...

2/4/21. BLM Frees Criminals, Want to Exile GOP

And keep in mind, there's a BLM Marxist in Congress, Cori Bush. BLM national is behind this! This is yet another reason BLM needs to be dismantled.

2/3/21. More About The Disastrous HR-1 Election Law Democrats Want To Pass So They Can Cheat Easier... After Hours - OANN HB-1 Agenda with Phill Kline

2/3/21. AOC Was Not In The Capitol Building During Her "Near-Death Experience" January 6th, Reports Indicate

AOC's a drama queen and LIAR! The building where her office is didn't have any rioters in it. 

In addition to the following video, here's an article about this also: AOC Was Not In the Capitol Dome Building – Embellished Her “Near Death Experience” Where Protesters Stormed Her Office (VIDEO)

2/3/21. Democrats Are Going to Use And Run With "Insurrection" As The Basis To All Republicans. Why Democrats Will Never Stop Talking About ‘Insurrection’

This is a fascinating article. We're going to observe how the Democrats with their media arm can take a false narrative and convince half a country that it's true. My experience has been that when call me names like racist or white supremacist, I just blow them off and do the, "Ya, ya, whatever, you call EVERYONE a __________", whatever word of the day is they're calling people. I don't buy into it, and when I don't buy into it, it takes all of the wind out of the sail of the person saying it. Just blow it off.

Already the Left has destroyed the word Racist. It has absolutely no meaning or strength to it because EVERYONE's a racist who doesn't agree with the Left. White supremacist is right behind Racist. No meaning to it.

The new word to describe all Conservatives is "insurrection". Just like with Racist, they've diluted this word to by calling EVERYONE they disagree as guilty of it. Yawn. 

Article: Why Democrats Will Never Stop Talking About ‘Insurrection’. States...

What Trump’s opponents have done is to launch a campaign that seeks to treat the “insurrection” as not just the fitting culmination of the Trump administration but the prism through which to view the Republican Party as disloyal, authoritarian, and violent. By this means, all those members of the House and the Senate who voted to challenge the Electoral College results can be labeled as accessories to insurrection. By painting with such a broad brush, the same can also be retroactively applied to those who raised questions about the election results even if they opposed the Jan. 6 challenge in Congress.

The conservative focus on Big Tech censorship and mainstream media bias in the wake of Jan. 6 is at least in part a recognition of the stakes involved in the current debate. The silencing of Trump and others on the right by Twitter, the deplatforming of Parler, and the increasing calls for “deprogramming” of Republicans as well as for driving Fox News off the air are all ominous. So too are Democratic attempts to use the riot to justify a vast expansion of efforts to spy on American citizens, which seems aimed at discrediting dissent with a broad brush of domestic terrorism.

Inflating the events of Jan. 6 into an insurrection involves transforming the few hundred rioters into a full-fledged domestic terrorism conspiracy even if there’s little evidence to back up that charge. Hence, the effort to claim, as The New York Times recently asserted, that Trump and the Republicans wrongly focused attention on the threat from Antifa and the violence committed in the name of the Black Lives Matter movement rather than on the supposedly more serious white supremacist threat.

Read the article for the rest of the story, it's a fascinating article of how the Democrats are spinning all of this to weaponize it and use it down the road.

2/2/21. Sharing this with you to show another trick the media plays... Newsweek Tactic Backfires, Promptly Deletes Tweet And Updates Article With "Further Context"

2/1/21. Joe Weber discusses bait and switch by Biden after promising Georgia voters $2,000 in COVID relief

Posting this so we never forget. The GOP lost GA because McConnell wouldn't agree to the $2,000. The Democrats PROMISED it. The Democrats won both Senate seats, and now we find out there won't be a $2,000 stimulus check.

The Democrats Attacks Against Conservatives & Republicans In Congress

Also see:

2/3/21. Endless hate towards Republicans

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