Additional Information - 2021 January

Here we're going to provide additional information that doesn't fit on other pages. We're also offering an index to help you jump to the topics you want to review

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1/30/21. We're in trouble... Schumer: We Have to Address Issues Like D.C. Statehood, Automatic Voter Registration, We’ll Get ‘Big, Bold Change’ ‘No Matter What’

Article: Schumer: We Have to Address Issues Like D.C. Statehood, Automatic Voter Registration, We’ll Get ‘Big, Bold Change’ ‘No Matter What’. Just read it. There's also a video.

1/30/21. This was a good video... Biden can't save us from this divisiveness | Joe Pinion

1/28/21. What Is The Swamp, And HOW Do You Drain The Swamp

This is a great history lesson of how the swamp was created and how the progressive Left got so powerful...

1/28/21. The Five Goals of the [Progressive] Left. A MUST WATCH!

1) Silence opposition with cooperation from social media companies and corporate media organizations

Already seeing this.

2) Control American economy through regulation and taxation... The pentagon (military) has classified Climate Change as a National Security Threat which now gives the government additional options (more power) and things they can do which they couldn't do before.

The Progressives want the government to run the private businesses (this is Communism). It's ran now by companies and corporations. 

3) Distribute federal tax dollars to marginalized groups in the form of benefits. This is Equity.

To anyone BUT whites... blacks, latino's, women. This is a form of reparation!

4) Punish opposition by using federal agencies like the FBI to enforce bias laws.

If you say you oppose equity plans, not only could big tech censor you but the FBI would arrest you as a white supremacist (Communism).

5) Control public educating by mandating progressive indoctrination in the classroom

This is well underway, being forced to teach the 1619 project. This is to brain-wash the kids... whites are bad, we're a racist nation, etc.

1/28/21. Difference between an Executive Order & Executive Action. Good explanation...

1/28/21. Kerry To Coal Workers- Make 'Better Choices,' Your Jobs Are Going Away

Article: Kerry To Coal Workers- Make 'Better Choices,' Your Jobs Are Going Away

1/26/21. China is testing Biden. Biden's response? "Strategic patience", other wise meaning, we're kissing China's ass!

1/26/21. Hunter Biden Is A Consultant To His Dad. Consultant For What? How To Do Drugs And Chase Women? What A Joke!

1/25/21. This is a good explanation of EO's, what they are and how they're used

1/25/21. Republicans press constitutional amendment term-limiting members of Congress. I don't see it happening, though, even though 80% of American's support this.

The article: Republicans press constitutional amendment term-limiting members of Congress. The article states...

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, joined five other Republicans on Monday in moving to restrict the number of times members of Congress can be reelected. The legislation revives Cruz's earlier idea for a constitutional amendment on term limits. If ratified, the measure would prevent senators from serving more than two six-year terms and House members from serving more than three two-year terms.

"Every year, Congress spends billions of dollars on giveaways for the well-connected: Washington insiders get taxpayer money and members of Congress get re-elected, all while the system fails the American people," Cruz said in a press release.

A 1995 Supreme Court Case, U.S. Term Limits v. Thornton, held that the only way to impose term limits on Congress would be through a rare constitutional amendment -- there have only been 27 in American history.

Read the article, it has a lot more information in it.

1/25/21. Trump has setup office in FL to continue his work of making America great

The article: Trump unveils new office in Florida, vows to continue his agenda. The article states...

"The Office will be responsible for managing President Trump's correspondence, public statements, appearances, and official activities to advance the interests of the United States and to carry on the agenda of the Trump Administration through advocacy, organizing, and public activism," according to a statement.

"President Trump will always and forever be a champion for the American People," the statement also said.

1/25/21. Under Trump America cared about human rights across the globe. Sounds like those days are over under Biden!

The article: Nikki Haley on Biden's Plan for the UN Human Rights Council. The article states...

With reports that President Biden is considering reentering the U.S. into the UN Human Rights Council, it's time to remind ourselves why we left the council in the first place. Here's what former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said about the exit in 2018.

"For too long the human rights council has been a protector of human rights abusers and a cesspool of political bias," Haley said at the time. "The world’s most inhumane regimes continue to escape scrutiny, and the council continues politicizing and scapegoating of countries with positive human rights records in an attempt to distract from the abusers in their ranks.

"Therefore, as we said we would do a year ago if we did not see any progress, the United States is officially withdrawing from the UN Human Rights Council," she continued. "In doing so, I want to make it crystal clear that this step is not a retreat from human rights commitments; on the contrary, we take this step because our commitment does not allow us to remain a part of a hypocritical and self-serving organization that makes a mockery of human rights."

1/24/21. World Health Organization revises PCR tests after current method yielded too many “false positives”

Just another political maneuver here. During the Trump Admin where they weaponized COVID to help in the election of Biden the WHO used a standard to show an overly exaggerated number of COVID cases which the Left then used to push lockdowns and attack Trump. But now that Biden's in they are changing their testing process so the number of cases will be reduced. Can I just say, I hate politics and the games they play!

1/24/21. Sen. Marshall: President Trump was on track for 100M vaccines in 100 days, but then Biden took over and screwed it all up!

The reporting coming out regarding Biden and COVID is he has no plan and no idea what to do! We're watching the constant mishaps and dropping of the ball with the Biden Admin regarding COVID.

1/24/21. Sanders says Senate Democrats will use reconciliation to pass items through the chamber

We're not surprised by this. This is a legal maneuver the party in the majority uses to pass certain things to bypass Congress and the 60 vote threshold.

1/24/21. Washington Post "Fact Checker" Won't Count Biden's False Claims... They will NOT be holding Biden accountable to his lies!

The Washington Post will NOT be tracking Biden's lies and false claims like they did on Trump. Does anyone really believe their count of the number of lies by Trump? We certainly don't because we've watched them call Trump a liar on numerous issues when Trump was actually right. What they were saying when they said he lied is that Trump wasn't speaking against the narrative they were pushing. It's not that Trump was lying, it was that Trump was disputing the Left's narrative. Remember, narratives are not based upon facts.

*1/23/21. HR1 - Democrats Have Released a Roadmap to One-Party Rule

Article: Democrats Have Released a Roadmap to One-Party Rule. Here's a few things it says...

They’re trying to use the U.S. Capitol riots as an excuse to criminalize dissent and banish conservative voices from the public sphere, and at the same time they’re hoping to use their temporary, razor-thin majority in Congress to rewrite the rules governing our elections in a way designed to keep the Democratic Party entrenched in power for decades to come. 

In the House, Democrats have revived sweeping election reform legislation that died in the Senate during the previous session, perhaps hoping they can browbeat enough Republicans into going along with them. If that happens, the “Grand Old Party” of Abraham Lincoln might as well disband, because Republicans would never have any hope of regaining a congressional majority or controlling the White House under the rules that HR 1 (Click to read the bill) would put in place. 

Here's a summary of what's included in this Communist bill...

  1. Internet-only registration with electronic signature submission. In other words, no voter ID.
  2. Nationwide ‘Motor Voter’ registration. If you get a driver’s license, you are automatically registered to vote.
    1. CA, IL and other states are providing drivers licenses to illegal aliens. This would allow them to vote giving Democrats a huge voter block.
  3. 16-year-olds required to be registered to vote. Children voting is a big plus for Democrats.
    1. Most 16 year olds who have never had a job and who have never had to pay taxes support the idea of socialism where they can just sit home and play video games while the government supports them. This will give Democrats a huge voter block in all 50 states!
  4. Nationwide same-day registration.
  5. Grants ($25M) for using minors in election activities. [brainwashing]
  6. Prohibiting attempts to clean voter rolls of non-residents.
    1. To make it easier for ineligible voters in a state to vote in that state!
  7. Murderers and rapists can vote.
    1. Allowing people with a felony to have their voter rights back. 
  8. Mandatory early voting.
  9. Banning voter ID
    1. No verification of who is voting. This allows one person to vote hundreds of times, as just one example, with no accountability. We'll never have a fair election again!
  10. Roadwork for DC statehood and territory statehood.
    1. First, this is unconstitutional. This gives the Democrats 2 more Senators... DC is 90% Democrat.
  11. It gives federal workers [union people, mostly Democrats] SIX DAYS of paid vacation to work the polls.
    1. They do not want Republicans to observe the polls or reviewing the envelopes. This allows only Democrats to be poll watchers so they can more easily get away with voter fraud with no accountability.

With this bill we'll never have another fair and honest election again!

Here's another article about HR1: Dems introduced HR1 nationalizing elections, a bill to destroy the USA

Tucker Carlson addresses this terrible HR 1 bill...

*1/23/21. Democrats Have Released a Roadmap to One-Party Rule (Re: HR-1)

Article: Democrats Have Released a Roadmap to One-Party Rule. Some of what the article says...

The Democrats appear intent on instituting one-party rule in the United States. 

They’re trying to use the U.S. Capitol riots as an excuse to criminalize dissent and banish conservative voices from the public sphere, and at the same time they’re hoping to use their temporary, razor-thin majority in Congress to rewrite the rules governing our elections in a way designed to keep the Democratic Party entrenched in power for decades to come. 

In the House, Democrats have revived sweeping election reform legislation that died in the Senate during the previous session, perhaps hoping they can browbeat enough Republicans into going along with them. If that happens, the “Grand Old Party” of Abraham Lincoln might as well disband, because Republicans would never have any hope of regaining a congressional majority or controlling the White House under the rules that HR 1 would put in place. 

Although the Constitution explicitly places state legislatures in charge of managing federal elections, HR 1 seeks to use the power of the purse to bludgeon the states into conforming to a centralized system pioneered in California and other deep-blue states. Congress can’t technically compel the states to change their voting laws, but seasoned politicians know that the states have become dependent on federal money to run their elections, and can’t afford to pick up the tab themselves. 

To make matters worse, HR 1 declares that Congress possesses “ultimate supervisory power over Federal elections” — an extraordinary usurpation of governmental authority that the Founders specifically assigned to the states. 

Read the article for the rest of what it says. This is scary stuff!

1/23/21. Buyer's Remorse Sets in Over Joe Biden, But It's Much too Late for the Crying

What, people aren't happy with having voted in a far-left communist socialist? Huhm. Interesting.

Article:  Buyer's Remorse Sets in Over Joe Biden, But It's Much too Late for the Crying. Here's a few things it says...

Elections have consequences. That’s not a new adage, but it’s certainly one that’s extremely relevant right now. Joe Biden has been in office for all of four days, and he’s already destroyed tens of thousands of jobs while putting hundreds of thousands of other jobs in jeopardy. His moves in the energy sector alone promise to kill industry and raise the cost of living for everyone. He even managed to destroy women’s sports in between his moves to blow up our immigration enforcement. The myth of Biden being a moderate took all of a few days to get blown to bits.

With the reality of a Biden presidency setting in much quicker than most expected, we are starting to see our first signs of buyers remorse, and it’s coming from some corners you might not expect. Here are a few examples (read article).

I’m gonna blow some minds here, but I have a suggestion. If you don’t want your jobs destroyed, maybe don’t vote for the guy who is openly saying he’s going to destroy your jobs? Just a thought. New Mexico voted overwhelmingly for Biden despite many of his policies being known to threaten the state’s economy. Those voters now have to own the results of that. No one made them value beltway sensibilities over their own well-being, but politics is a shallow games.

1/23/21. Energy Advocates: Biden’s plan feeds elites, starves America

What could possibly happen doing away with our trusty, reliable fossil fuel and moving to the Green Deal? 

Do you realize it takes more fossil fuel to create wind mills, solar panel farms and the other green deals than what these green energy plants create. I'll have to find the link to the informational piece that shows how much fossil fuel is used and needed to build these green energy sources and keep them running. Makes you wonder if we have idiots making these decisions. To answer that, yes!

Also notice how these green energy deals will make the elites rich(er) and starve Americans...

1/23/21. Ben Carson to Newsmax TV: Americans Need to Pay Attention to Biden's Actions

Good, but short article. Call it a warning! You can read it here: Ben Carson to Newsmax TV: Americans Need to Pay Attention to Biden's Actions 

Here's what I thought was the key things he said:

"When this country was created, it was created as a place where there would be individual freedoms. Where you could live your life the way you wanted, you could believe what you wanted, you had religious freedom, as long as your rights didn't impinge upon the next person's rights."

"There's always been a group who's felt that the government should be in charge," Carson said. "That true Utopia is a place where you give government full power from cradle to grave and they take care of you."

"But that has never been the thing that worked to make America into a great nation."

It's being said that the Democrats are first trying to push Socialism. There are very specific reasons for this (will be covered in another article). They want Socialism because it's a stepping stone to Communism which is the complete and total government control of literally everything, and I do mean everything.

Ben Carson is point out that there are those in Government who believe the Government should have complete control of everything.

1/23/21. Instagram Is Forcing Users to Follow Biden White House Account So That It’s Not So Pathetic Even When Users Repeatedly Un-Follow the Page

OMG, I'm laughing my head off. This is just hilarious! But remember, Biden got 80 million votes and is the most popular President ever by virtual of the number of votes he got.

BUT, because maybe he's not even kind of as popular as the media would like to suggest we have Instagram FORCING users to follow Biden's White House account. Kind of says a lot of how popular he is, don't you think?

Let's take a look at the article... (there's a lot of images showing threads of conversations so you need to jump into the article read them. They are hilarious, unless you love Biden, then they'd be infuriating. Enjoy.)

Article: Instagram Is Forcing Users to Follow Biden White House Account So That It’s Not So Pathetic Even When Users Repeatedly Un-Follow the Page. Here's a few things it says...

From a Gateway Pundit reader:  Hoping you pick up this story. If you unfollow or block the White House Instagram account, hours later you are forced to follow it again.  More than half of the followers are being forced to follow the page.  Seems like Instagram is trying to avoid the mainstream media picking up on Biden having less than a million followers.

The comments on the page are brutal!

1/22/21. Biden White House Silencing Free Speech with Dr. Ron Martinelli

This is a must watch to get a clearer picture of what Democrats under Biden are doing...

1/22/21. Biden Already Killing Jobs with Phelim McAleer

Biden is signing EO's that will kill jobs. Keystone pipeline will be tens of thousands of jobs, $15/hr will kill 2 million jobs and more. With all of these job killing new policies how are they going to get us back to Trump's killer economy pre-COVID?

They aren't! But they don't care. They want to push socialism, period. The increase in food stamps, if people don't feel safe going back to work because of COVID they can get paid to sit home and so on. The more people they can make dependent upon the Government the easier it'll be to get socialism passed in America, and that's what they really want because the next logical step is Communism which is the ultimate goal they're after. Socialism is just a stepping stone to Communism!

1/21/21. Views Of Biden & His Inauguration, And How Marxism Is Being Pushed In America From Schools To Corporations! It's Too Late!

Video Name: The Biden Agenda with Mark Rudov

1/21/21. Michael Flynn Leak Investigation Closed with Andrea Kaye (Included Because Of The Other Story In This Video... Going After Every Day Americans For Supporting Trump.)

This should scare everyone. It's a standard Communist approach to governing... take out everyone and anyone who opposes you! It's the same thing that happened in Venezuela. Everyone in the opposing party where put in jail or executed. We have Democrats now openly going after Republicans and American citizens solely for our love of America! That's not allowed anymore. We NEED to unite!

1/21/21. Articles Of Impeachment Filed Against Biden...

1/19/21.  6 Stories The Left Wing Media Is Hiding And Not Reporting On That You Should Know!  (Watch the video below)

#1 - Joe Biden Advocated About Systematic Racism, And Then Putting Out A Very Racist Policy

#2 - Cosmopolitans Stories About Being Fat Is Being Healthy, but it's actually not.

#3 - CA Govern Newsome Says California is  Businesses Friendly because Billionaires Are Doing Just Fine

#4 - After Twitter Banned President Trump, Were You Told About All Of The Other People Inciting Violence Who Weren't Banned?

#5 - On 1/7/21 ANTIFA tried to break into a Police department in Portland, OR, but was unsuccessful, so they targeted small businesses in the area smashing their windows. Were you told about this political violence?

#6 - A new study shows transgender women (men who identify as a woman), retain their athletic advantage over women even after a year of hormone therapy.


1/19/20. President Trump delivers recorded farewell address

The Left Wing Media's 6 Biggest Lies Of 2020

Here they are...

Democrats Have Unbridled Power

Democrats Are Using The Recent Capitol Riot To Consolidate Power

10/18/20. Yelp To Label Businesses Racist, What Could Possibly Go Wrong?!

It's absolutely shocking to see Yelp go woke like this. With an extensive background in marketing I see nothing but negatives with this. In fact, this is so bad I would recommend consumers and businesses to end their relationship with Yelp and never use it again! Here's what someone else has to say about this absolutely terrible decision on Yelp's side and some of the things that could go wrong with it...

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