Additional Information - Home Page

Unfortunately, with only one person keep this site updated I'm not able to keep up with all of the news. I will add information here as I have time. In addition to this site I'm also a mentor to others and a partner in a business which at times needs my time. I'd bring another person on to help but my feelings is that if people wanted that and wanted me to keep these pages updated they'd donate money to support the hiring of someone to help. Until then all I can say is I'll update these pages as I have time.

The good news is articles and video's I'd normally post here I will generally repost at our social media accounts. I strongly encourage you to follow us at any of these platforms...

Here we're going to provide additional information that doesn't fit on other pages. We'll be creating a new page for each month. Following is the index...


January - For only 10 days, wow, there's a lot of information on this page. This is why we decided to do one page per month versus putting everything on one page.



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